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        누가 번역학을 연구하는가? - 국내 번역학 연구자 프로필 연구

        이향,최은실,조혜진 한국통역번역학회 2017 통역과 번역 Vol.19 No.3

        This study aims to determine professional backgrounds of Korean translation scholars. A survey of 80 Korean translation scholars shows that 38.8 percent of respondents are in their 40s and 37.2 percent of them were learning interpretation and translation in their mid-20s. Most of them are women (85 percent), and 57.6 percent have stayed in foreign countries for less than 3 years. 84 percent have translated or interpreted in various forms. 45 percent of them have a Masters Degree in translation or interpretation studies, and 78.2 percent of respondents have published less than 10 articles. And more than 50 percent (57.5 percent) think that the scholarly work and the translation activity have a major relationship.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        번역철학 — 그 계보학적 탐구

        윤성우 한국통역번역학회 2013 통역과 번역 Vol.15 No.1

        In the philosophy of translation, “language” means a natural language, and it deals with relations between at least two natural languages. At the heart of Plato’s philosophy of translation posited by Antoine Berman is that the formal aspect of language can be separated from the meaningful(i.e. conceptual/ideal) aspect. The metaphysical divisibility of language places Plate into the category of sense-oriented translation theorists. Insisting on the unity of the author’s thought and expression, Friedrich Schleiermacher cites the level of the author’s intervention as the dividing factor between translation and interpretation. He can be justifiably called the founder of the literal translation theory. While Walter Benjamin is known as the most difficult theorist, he mounts the most profound refutation and resistance to the subordinate and marginal status of translation. Known to have laid the groundwork for linguistics-based translation studies in France, Georges Mounin maintains that translation should be transparent(or unobtrusive) so that the reader doesn’t feel any involvement of the translator. Therefore he can be considered a sense-oriented translation theorist. As a theorist armed with practical experience, Berman has built his own realm in the field of Translation Studies and is regarded as the most serious thinker of translation, going beyond the sense-oriented translation to propose what he terms ‘translation-to-the-letter.’ While acknowledging his indebtedness to Berman and Deleuze, Lawrence Venuti takes the position of challenging and resisting the mainstream and standard tendency of the target language, and advocates foreignizing translation, following the footsteps of Schleiermacher, Benjamin and Berman.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 상에서의 번역에 관한 고찰: 누리꾼들의 정치참여로서의 번역을 중심으로

        강지혜 한국통역번역학회 2012 통역과 번역 Vol.14 No.2

        This paper explores the ways in which politically engaged internet users utilize translation to participate in resistant and interventionist forms of mediation in the cyberspace. By drawing on the concepts of “translation activism” and “narrative location” (Baker 2006), the present study analyzes how South Korean bloggers and internet community members engage in political participation by producing, sharing, and discussing Korean translations of a source text that resonates strongly with their own narrative location. The paper focuses on Korean translations of The Economist’s report on “Naneun Ggomsuda”, an immensely popular, but politically explosive, podcast in South Korea. Based on an analysis of 19 blogs and 9 internet cafes with posts containing translation of the original article, the paper argues that translations are produced and commented on by politically participative netizens whose personal narratives fail to align with public narratives. Engaging in translation activism in order to bring their personal narratives to bear on the public ones, the netizens translate the source text by explicitly framing and commenting on the content and positioning of the target text in terms of their own narrative location. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the extensive use of diverse translation methods, ranging from full translation to gist or partial translation, most of which are positively received by other netizens, reveals shifting criteria regarding what constitutes quality in netizen translation. Lastly, translation occurs in connectivity and interaction in that the actual initiation, completion, reception, and sharing of translation are requested, acknowledged or supported by other netizens in posts and threads. The findings suggest that activist translation on the internet occurs in a participative format based on dynamic narrative positioning of netizen translators and shows changing expectations concerning translation quality and practice.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습용 이중 언어화 사전의 편찬 방향과 실제 : 『국립국어원 한국어-외국어 학습사전』을 중심으로

        박정아 한국통역번역학회 2016 통역과 번역 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to explore the direction and practice of compiling a bilingualised dictionary for Korean learners. For this, first, it reviews the short history of bilingual dictionary compilation for Korean learners from 『Gyerimyusa』 in Goryeo Dynasty. In addition, it extracts two main needs about Korean learners' dictionary from advance research. Finally, this paper explores how to compile and design a bilingualised dictionary for Korean learners at this station focusing on 『Korean Basic Dictionary』 and 『National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-Foreign language Learners' Dictionary』. This study can provide the direction and principles of Korean learners' dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        전문통역사와 일반통역사의 협력 : 설교통역분야를 중심으로

        신혜인 한국통역번역학회 2017 통역과 번역 Vol.19 No.2

        With growing importance of community interpreters in line with the increased cross-border migration around the globe and the development of sophisticated translation tools, the distinction between professional, or trained interpreters, and non-professional interpreters is becoming vague. While many call for the need to redefine the relationship, there is still a subtle yet widespread tension between the two groups of interpreters. Against this backdrop, this paper looks into sermon interpreting and argues that sermon interpreters and professional interpreters, though different in strength and approaches, can have a productive relationship. An actual case of collaboration between two sermon interpreters and six professionally trained interpreters took place at the Call2all Congress Korea 2016, which was held in Korea for five days from June 27 to July 1, 2016. The event which provided consecutive interpreting service confirmed that both groups can complement and learn from each other. For example, professional interpreters can learn the effective delivery skill of sermon interpreters, including verbal and non-verbal communication factors, while sermon interpreters can learn the code of conduct for professional interpreters.

      • KCI등재

        국내 공공번역 실태와 표준화 현주소

        김훈밀 한국통역번역학회 2015 통역과 번역 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to identify the current status of Korea’s public sector translation and to discuss the issues and the solutions pertaining to the topic. To this end, a wide array of previous studies related to the topic were analyzed longitudinally and cross-sectionally vis à vis one another. In addition, the latest English websites of 17 government ministries were reviewed. The analyses showed that the overall quality of public sector translation has improved significantly over the past fifteen years. Meaning and grammar related errors which characterized the public sector translation two decades ago were reduced sharply. However, other issues including inconsistencies and low acceptability in the target languages were identified as emerging issues in today’s public sector translation. A critical review of English websites of government ministries showed that the websites exhibited fairly high translation quality but also that they were not free from various types of errors. Analyses of the translation handling process of a number of public institutions showed lack of 1) common standards across institutions for selecting the translators, 2) evaluation and review process for the finished translation work, and 3) database for the translated work and terminologies. Implications of these issues and suggestions for the academia are discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        시사만화 그림번역의 서사성과 상호텍스트성 -한일 / 한영번역의 번역전략 비교분석 -

        박미정 한국통역번역학회 2008 통역과 번역 Vol.10 No.1

        Visual image is a kind of limit in translation of comic strips in which visual image and characters are combined.The purpose of this thesis is to know how a translator handles the visual image. In narrative theory, when we figure out and understand all things, they are recognized in sequential cause-effect relationship. In this context, we analyze the method how a translator recognizes picture image and transformg it into language channel in the narrative perspective. Especially, we understand and describe how much each translator participates in translation by comparing and analyzing comic strips translated into Japanese and into English.

      • KCI등재

        통역 사용자에 의한 통역품질평가 - 품질보증 관점의 통역 서비스 실패 사례 분석

        박지영 한국통역번역학회 2016 통역과 번역 Vol.18 No.S

        This study analyzed cases of interpreting service failures and identified types of claims filed at each stage of interpreting process. At the pre-process, a 35% of service failures had occurred mainly due to clients' confusion over interpreting dates or language pairs, or refusing to pay penalty for service cancellation. In the in-process, a 53% of claims had been filed for use of wrong terminologies, omissions or errors in interpreted contents, etc. The remaining 12% of service failures had taken place in the post-process. To prevent interpreting service failures, clients need to participate in service process by offering information in advance on interpreting to be performed and opinions on interpreter selection. Clients' participation could be more effectively induced, if it is specified in an interpreting service agreement as responsibilities of clients. At the same time, requesting such information from clients should be stated as interpreters’ responsibilities. When a service failure occurs despite such efforts, the claim should be handled in a manner that ensures fairness both for clients and interpreters. In addition, service failures possibly caused by clients' confusion could be prevented with the use of preparation poka yoke, a quality management tool.

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