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        한국전통식품 김치로부터 분리한 유산균주의 항산화 활성

        김다영 ( Da-young Kim ),김홍석 ( Hong Seok Kim ),유정식 ( Jung Sik Yoo ),조윤아 ( Yoon Ah Cho ),김철현 ( Cheol-hyun Kim ) 한국낙농식품응용생물학회(구 한국유가공학회) 2020 Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology (JMSB) Vol.38 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 한국 전통 음식 김치에서 분리한 유산균의 특성을 연구하기 위해 형태학적, 생화학적 특성을 조사하였다. 한국의 전통 발효 식품에서 젖산균을 확인하기 위해 분리된 균주의 그람염색을 수행한 후 Macrogen에서 16S rRNA 분석 결과, DKGF9(Lactobacillus plantarum), DKGF1(Lactobacillus paracasei ), DKGF8(Lactobacillus casei ), DK207(Lactobacillus casei ), DK211(Lactobacillus casei )이 확인되었다. 우리는 한국의 전통 발효 식품인 김치에서 분리된 5가지 LAB의 기본 생물학적 활성에 대한 실험을 수행했다. 37℃, 55℃, 65℃, 75℃에서 각각 5분, 15분 5균주의 내열성 확인 결과, 상업 균주인 Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5의 내열성과 유사하거나 더 높음을 보여주었다. 장내부착능에서는 선발균주 모두 상용균주와 비교했을 때 10<sup>7</sup> CFU/mL 이상으로 우수한 결합능을 보여주었고, KCTC(한국생명공학연구원 생물자원센터)에서 분양받은 Escherichia coli KCTC1682, Salmonella enterica KCTC2054, Bacillus cereus KCTC3624 3종을 활용한 항균활성 결과, 모든 균주는 상업용 균주인 L. acidophilus LA-5와 비교하여 유사하거나 더 높은 항균 활성을 나타냈다. 단백질분해능력 실험에서, 5개의 균주는 clear-zone의 직경이 24시간에서 72시간으로 갈수록 점차 증가하고, L. paracasei DKGF1이 가장 큰 직경을 갖고 있어 단백질분해능력이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 5개의 균주로부터 선택된 3개의 균주는 ABTS, DPPH, FRAP, Hydroxyl radical scanenging 활성을 포함하여 다양한 항산화활성 효과를 나타냈다. 결과적으로, 5가지 균주 중에서 우수한 기능성을 갖는 L. paracasei DKGF1이 잠재적인 프로바이오틱스 활성을 나타내며, 건강 관련 제품의 개발에 유용한 균주라고 판단된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from a Korean traditional food kimchi. Gram staining was performed by Macrogen (Macrogen, Inc.) for identification of the LAB. Five strains of LAB were identified, including DKGF9 (Lactobacillus plantarum), DKGF1 (L. paracasei ), DKGF8 (L. casei ), DK207 (L. casei ), and DK211 (L. casei ). The biological activities of the isolated strains were assessed. The results showed that heat resistance of the strains was similar to or higher than the commercial strain L. acidophilus LA-5. Indirect testing of the ability of the strains to attach to the mucin layer revealed that DKGF9, DKGF1, and DKGF8 have high binding affinities for the mucous layer. All strains showed antimicrobial activity similar to or higher than the commercial strain LA-5. In proteolysis experiments, the diameters of proteolysis zones of the five strains increased in the period of 24-72 h, with DKGF1 exhibiting the largest zone diameter. Three strains were selected based on their antioxidant activities. Among the five isolated strains, L. paracasei DKGF1 showed potential probiotic activity, and thus, it may be useful for the development of health-promoting products.

      • 제주지역의 유우사육과 낙농경영에 관한 조사연구 : II. 제주도 낙농농가 및 목장의 실태조사 II. The Actual Feeding and Managerial Condition of the Dairy Farmhouseholds and Ranches

        양창범,양승주,오성환,조덕준 한국낙농학회 1990 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        濟州地域의 酪農産業은 草地와 氣候 等이 自然的 條件과 牛乳의 需要에 比하여 절대적으로 供給이 不足한 狀態에 있는 與件 및 地域産業의 均衡的 發展과 住民所得 增大 等을 考慮할때 必須的으로 育成 發展시켜야 할 必要性이 있으나 이에 對한 調査硏究는 매우 低調한 實情에 있는 點을 堪案하여 1987年 7月부터 1988年 7月까지 1年동안 濟州道의 酪農現況을 調査하고 115個 搾乳牛 飼育農家를 對象으로 地城別 規模別로 酪農農家의 實態를 調査分析하므로서 濟州地域 乳牛飼育과 酪農經營에 關한 基礎資料를 마련코져 本 硏究를 遂行하였는바, 그 第2報로서 道內 酪農農家 및 牧場의 一般分析과 飼育現況 및 施設設備 現況에 對한 調査分析結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 一般槪況 經營主의 人的事項을 보면, 女性經營者가 擡頭되고 있고, 陸地部에서는 젊은 新規酪農가들의 增加가 顯著하나 濟州地域의 境遇 41∼51歲로 長年層이 많고, 學歷은 高卒이상이 75%로서 높은 水準이나 過去보다는 低下되고 있었다. 酪農前職業은 一般農業이 67.1%로 제일 높았으며, 가장 큰 規漠(D:31頭以上)에서 公務員 等 比農業前職이 많았다. 酪農經歷은 新規比率이 높아져가고 있는 陸地部와는 달리 6∼9年의 經歷이 가장 높았으며, 調査農家의 67.1%가 兼業酪農形態였고, 經營主가 牧場에 常住하는 農家는 87.7%였다. 平均家族數는 4.75人이고 牧夫는 農家當 In Cheju island, it is positively neccessary that we have to bring up and develope the dairy industry in order to increase the resident's income and develope the local industry. But the study and investigation for this subject are very rare and inactive. In this study, we surveyed and analyzed the actual feeding and managerial condition of the 73 dairy farm households kept milking cows for one year, from 1987, 7 to 1988, 8. We carried out these study in order to get the fundamental data and information about feeding and management of dairy cattle raised in Cheju area. The results are summarized as follows: The average ages of dairy farm owners were 41 to 50 years old. This is higher level than that of mainland's farmers. 75% of the dairy farmers graduated from high school or college. The former occupations of the dairy farm owners were agriculture(67.1%) and so on. Dairy Farming career of the farmers was 6-9 years and this is longer than that of mainland's farmers. 67.1% of investigated farmers have a subsidiary business and 87.7% of dairy farm owners worked for 24 hours at their dairy farm. These two kinds of levels are higher than those of mainland's dairy farm owners. The average feeding size per farmer was 9.48 heads. The management records of their dairy farms were rarely kept. The total numbers of dairy cattle raised in Cheju area were 2,163 heads in 1987, 11 and 2,753 heads in 1988, 5. The dairy cattle herds were composed of 11-27.6% calf, 40.9-50.2% multipara cow and 31.2-33.9% milking cow. The component ratio of multipara and milking cow was very low. The number of dairy cows per feeding farm as 19-24 heads(8.7-9.8 head in multipara). This is more than that of the mainland. But this ratio is also low and is not proper. The yearly increasing ratio of dairy cattle was 19.3% and was much higher level than that of mainland. 81.5% of cows had an easy labor but 13.8% of cows were dystocia. The cause of death and culling was mainly reproductive disorder and desease. The average area for dairy farm was 30,290 pyong per farm and 1,844 pyong per mature cattle. The ratio of rent area was high level(24.7%). The farm land was composed of 32.4% forage crop field, 36.1% improved grassland, 23.5% wild grassland and 1.6% stock yard and building site. The farm building, facilities and equipments were more unreasonable and lower than those of mainland except silo. The actual condition of large and small instruments(tractor, milker, cooler etc.) was better than those of mainland and was much improved, compared with the condition of 10 years ago.

      • 전문대학 낙농과 교육과정 수정개발에 관한 연구

        조규석 한국낙농학회 1990 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.12 No.3

        전문대학 낙농과 교육과제 수정 개발을 위해 1989년 6월부터 1990년 6월까지 전국 낙농과 교수, 졸업생, 재학생, 낙농산업체등 총 470명에 설문한 결과와 각 전문대학 교육과정을 중심으로 연구한 결과를 종합하면 다음과 같다. 1. 전문대학 낙농과의 총개설 학점은 109학점 (졸업이수 학점의 136%)으로 하고 교양과목: (전공과목의 비는 22:78(24:85학점)로 하였다. 2. 전공필수 : 전공선택의 비는 38:62%(32:53학점)로 조정하여 선택의 폭을 넓게 하였다. 3. 교양 선택과목을 선택과 교직 선택으로 전공 선택과목을 과의 특성에 따라 선택과 일반선택으로 구분하였다. 4. 기사 자격의 경우 낙농과는 생산분야 위주인 축산기사(68%)보다는 우유가공기사(84%)의 희망이 아주 높았다. 5. 실험실습의 주방법은 분단별 실습이 47% 개별실습이 41%였고 실험실습 교과목의 78%가 필요함을 강조하였다. 6. 교양과목에는 생활영어, 일본어, 직업윤리, 일반화학, 전공과목에는 특수가축, 낙농유통 과목을 신설하여 국제사회 변화에 대응할 수 있게 하였다. 7. 전문대학 낙농과 교육과정 시안은 단기 완성 교육으로 역점을 두었고 기초 이론과 응용기술면을 강화하여 교육과정 운영의 효율화를 극대화 할 수 있게 하였다. This experiment has made a survey on 470 subjects (17 of prosessors, 83 of gradnates, 317 of undergraduates and 53 of those who engaged in dairy farming industry) form June 1989 to June 1990 in order to develop the curriculum of department of Dairy Farming. The results of the survey with reference to the present curriculum of each Junior College are as followed; 1. A total of credits available for students majority in Dairy Farming of Junior college was set 109 credits (which is 136% of credits required for graduation), and subjects of liberal arts and those of major are set in the ratio of 22:78% (24:85 credits). 2. A required subject and a optional subject for special study are set in the ratio of 38:62% ( 32:53 credits). 3. A optional subjects for liberal arts were devided into options and teaching options, and optional subject for special study were devided in to options and general options. 4. Preference for technician qualification in Dept. of Dairy Farming was higher in the field of milk processing 84% than in that of liverstock (68%). 5. As the main experimental practices, 47% of total practice was conducted by parts and 42% by individuals Development of subjects for experimental practice was keenly required by 76% of professors. 6. Subjects of English conversation, Japaneses, and Vocational Ethics should by newly establishin the field of liberal arts, and subjects of special livestocks and Dairy Farming distribution in the field of obligatory study so that the student way cope with the change of international society efficiently. 7. This paper aimed principally at training skilled Technicians the basis of a short-term program and emphasizing the importance of grounding knowledge and applied techniques so as to work the curriculum efficiently.

      • 국산 Cheddar Cheese 의 숙성중 풍미변화(風味變化)에 관한 연구 : I. 일반성분, 숙성도 및 유리(遊離) 아미노산의 변화 I. The Changes of Free Amino Acids , Ripening Degree and Gross Composition

        유제현,황주환,허정원 한국낙농학회 1987 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.9 No.2

        國産 Cheddar cheese의 國味變化를 究明하기 위하여 10±2℃, RH 90±5%인 熟成室과 4±2℃, RH 70±5%인 冷藏室에서 6個月동안 熟成시키면서 1個月 間隔으로 一般成分, 熟成度, 遊離아미노산의 變化를 比較分析하여 얻은 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 熟成期間이 經過됨에 따라 國産Cheddar cheese의 蛋白質, 脂肪, 灰分은 熟成室과 冷藏室 모두 增加하였으나, 水分은 減少하였다. 各 成分間의 相關關孫는 正의 相關이었으나, 水分과는 負의 相關이었다. 2. 熟成度는 製造直後에 8.25%였으나 熟成 6個月後에 熟成室은 20.30%, 冷藏室은 17.08%까지 增加하였으며, 熟成室이 冷藏室보다 높았으나 이러한 差異는 t-test 結果 有意性이 認定되지 않았다. 3. 熟成期間中 遊離아미노산은 16種이 檢出되었으며, 熟成期間이 經過됨에 따라 全體 아미노산은 熟成 1個月에 200.16㎎/100g이었으나, 6個月에는 609.13㎎/100g(p<0.01)이었으며, 冷藏室은 같은 期間에 123.83㎎/100g이었으나 274.97㎎/100g까지 增加하였다(p<0.01). 16種의 아미노산중에서 熟成室은 glutamic acid 가 熟成 6個月에 152.21㎎/100g으로 가장 높았으며, 冷藏室은 같은 期間에 leucine이 55.74㎎/100g으로 가장 높았다. 特히, tryptophan, arginine은 特異하게 冷藏室이 熟成室보다 더 높았다. In order to study the changes of flavor in Domestic Cheddar, samples were analyzed monthly to compare the changes of gross composition, reipening degrees, free amino acids. These samples were ripened for 6 months either in reipening room(10±2℃, RH 90±5%) or in cold room (4±2℃, RH 70±5%). The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Contents of protein, fat and ash in the Cheddar cheese were increased with ripening period in ripening room and cold room but water contents was decreased. Correlations among the components were positive, while that between water and other components was negative. 2. Total nitrogen compounds in the cheese were raised from 3.76% immediately after being manufactured to 4.04%, and 4.01% after 6 months in ripening room and cold room, respectively, and water soluble nitrogen compounds from 0.31% to 0.82% and 0.69% on the corresponding periods. Ripening degree of cheese was enhanced from 8.25% right after manufactured to 20.30% and 17.08% after 6 months in ripening room and cold room, respectively. These differences were of no significance in the result of t-test. 3. Sixteen free amino acids were detected and their amounts were increased progressively from 200.61mh/100g to 609.13㎎/100g during 6 months of ripening periods in ripening room (p<0.01) and also from 123.83㎎/100g to 274.37㎎/100g during the same period in cold room (p<0.01). Among sixteen amino acids, glutamic acid was the highest (152.21㎎/100g) on 6 months of ripening periods in ripening room, and leucine was the highest (55.74㎎/100g) on the corresponding periods in cold room. Unusually, tryptophan and arginine were heightened more in cold room than in ripening room.

      • 국산 가공치이즈와 외국산 가공치이즈의 지질에 관한 연구

        유제현,노상호,이강익 한국낙농학회 1987 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.9 No.4

        1. 總脂質은 國産 S₁ 加工치이즈 27.76%, 國産 S₂加工치이즈 32.90%, KRAFT 加工치이즈 26.11%가 抽出되었으며, 그중 中性脂質, 糖脂質 및 燐脂質의 比率은 各各 99.09%:0.43%:0.48%, 99.32%:0.30%:0.38%, 98.92%:0.44%:0.64%였다. 2. 中性脂質 構成은 triglyceride가 國産 S₁加工치이즈 91.49%, 國産 S₂加工치이즈 87.83%, KRAFT 加工치이즈 82.95%로 가장 많았으며, 1,3-diglyceride, free fatty acid, 1,2-diglyceride, monoglyceride 等이 共通的으로 檢出되었으며, 특히 國産 S₁加工치이즈는 他種에 비해 遊離脂肪酸의 含量이 많았다. 3. 糖脂質 構成은 3種의 加工치이즈 모두 ceramide monohexoside, ceramide dihexoside, ceramide trihexoside가 主成分이었다. 3種의 加工치이즈가 ceramide dihexoside와 ceramide trihexoside 組成比에 있어서 그 pattern이 相異했고, 특히 國産 S₂加工치이즈에 있어서 ceramide trihexoside 含有量이 ceramide dihexoside 含有量에 비해 월등히 높았다. 4. 燐脂質 構成은 주로 phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl choline, sphingomyelin으로 構成되었고 이외에도 lysophosphatidyl choline이 微量 檢出되었다. 5. 中性脂質의 脂肪酸組成은 3種의 加工치이즈 모두 palmitic acid 가 가장 많았고, 다음으로 oleic acid, myristic acid, stearic acid 順으로 含有되어 있었다. 6. 糖脂質의 脂肪酸組成은 國産 S₁加工치이즈와 KRAFT 加工치이즈는 palmitic acid가 各各 31.75%, 30.64%로 가장 많았고, 國産 S₂加工치이즈에서는 oleic acid가 33.76%로 가장 많았으며, 共通的으로 炭素數 10 以下의 揮發性 低級脂肪酸은 徵量 含有되어 있었다. 7. 燐脂質의 脂肪酸組成은 3種의 加工치이즈에 있어서 共通的으로 oleic acid가 가장 많았고, 다음으로 palmitic acid, stearic acid 順으로 含有되어 있었으며, 國産 S₂加工치이즈의 경우 炭素數 20 以上인 高級脂肪酸이 0.67% 含有되어 他種에 비해 많았다. This study was undertaken to get the fundermental data for the manufacture of domestic process cheese. The composition of lipids in domestic and foreign process cheese (KRAFT) was examined by Thin-layer chromatography (TLC), densitometry and gas liquid chromatography. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The total lipid content and the ratio of neutral lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid in domestic process cheese S₁, S₂brand and foreign process cheese (KRAFT) were 27.76, 32.90, 26.11% and 99.09: 0.43: 0.48%, 99.32: 0.30: 0.38%, 98.92: 0.44: 0.64%, respectively. 2. In domestic process cheese S₁, S₂brand and foreign process cheese (KRAFT), the neutral lipid mainly consisted of triglyceride (91.49, 87.83, 82.95%), 1.3-diglyceride, 1.2-diglyceride, free-fatty acid and monoglyceride especially, free-fatty acid being larger in domestic process cheese S₁brand than in domestic process cheese S₂brand and foreign process cheese (KRAFT). 3. The glycolipid mainly consisted of ceramide monohexoside, ceramide dihexoside and ceramide trihexoside in common. The contents of these ceramide dihexoside and ceramide trihexoside showed much difference among them. Especially, the content of ceramide trihexoside was much higher than that of ceramide dihexoside in domestic process cheese of S₂brand. 4. The phospholipid mainly consisted of phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl choline and sphingomyelin. Besides, a very small amount of lysophosphatidyl choline was detected. 5. As for fatty acid composition of neutral lipid, palmitic acid had the highest amount of the three kinds of process cheese and followed by oleic, myristic and stearic acid orderly. 6. In the fatty acid composition of glycolipid, palmitic acid was distinctively the most abundant, being 31.75% in domestic process cheese of S₁brand, and 30.64% of foreign process cheese (KRAFT). The oleic acid was distinctively the most abundant (33.76%) in domestic process cheese of S₂brand. In common, very small amounts of the low molecular weight fatty acids were detected. 7. As for the fatty acid composition of phospholipid, oleic acid was in common the most abundant followed by palmitic acid and Stearic acid etc. in order. In the case of domestic process cheese S₂brand, the content of the long chain fatty acids with carbon number 20 or upward was 0.67% which was higher than any other process cheese.

      • 인삼 Saponin 이 Lactobacillus bulgaricus CH-2 의 생육에 미치는 영향

        유제현,허정원,김해철 한국낙농학회 1986 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.8 No.4

        高麗人蔘(Panax Ginseng C. A. Meyer)에서 抽出한 人蔘 사포닌이 Lactobacillus bulgaricus CH-2의 生育에 미치는 影響을 調査하기 위하여, 조사포닌을 Panaxadiol系 및 panaxatriol系 사포닌으로 分離하고, 이를 一定濃度(10^(-2)∼1%)가 되게 투여한 還元脫脂乳 培地에서 乳酸菌의 生育을 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 0.1% 조사포닌 含有 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% 還元脫脂乳 培地에 最初의 L. bulgaricus CH-2의 濃度 약 1.28 10³/㎖가 되게 接種하여, 8시간 培養해 본 結果, 各 實驗區共히 生育抑制 效果를 나타내었으며, 6% 培地에서의 抑制效果가 가장 컸다. 2. 조사포닌을 各各 0.01%, 0.1%, 1%를 含有하는 6% 還元脫脂乳 培地에 L. bulgaricus CH-2를 培養한 結果 0.01%에서는 약간의 生育促進效果가 觀察되었으며, 0.1%, 1% 培地에서는 生育抑制效果를 나타내었는데, 특히 1% 添加區의 抑制效果가 顯著하였다. 3. Panaxadiol系 및 Panxatriol系 사포닌을 各各 1% 添加한 6% 還元脫脂乳 培地에서는 Panaxtriol系 사포닌 添加區의 抑制效果가 panaxdiol系 사포닌 添加區의 抑制效果보다 顯著하였다. This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of ginseng saponins extracted from the roots of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) on the growth of lactic acid bacteria, Lactbacillus bulagaricus CH-2. In order to find out the optimum concentrations of the skim milk medium, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% skim milk mediums were made and inoculated with Lactobacillus bulgaricus CH-2 aseptically and incubated at 38℃. 6% skim milk containing 0.01%, 0.1% and 1% crude saponin was made to observe the relationship between concentrations of the crude saponin and effect on the growth of the lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus bulagricus CH-2. 1% panaxadiol and panazatriol saponin contained 6% skim milk medium were made to compare the degree of inhibitory effect. The results are summarized as follows; 1. When Lactobacillus bulgaricus CH-2 was cultivated on the 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% skim milk milk mediums containing 0.1% crude saponin, the inhibitory effect was observed on every medium. 2. With increasing saponin concentrations of the medium, the more inhibitory effect was observed. 3. Comparing the inhibitory effect between the panaxadiol saponin and panaxatriol saponin, that of the latter was more significant.

      • Salinomycin 사료첨가가 한국재래산양 제일위내(第一胃內) 미생물과 그 활성에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        이은,이학철 한국낙농학회 1983 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.5 No.3

        Salinomycin(s) 飼料添加가 反芻動物 Rumen內 微生物相에 미치는 影響과 그에 따르는 活性變化를 究明하기 위하여 平均體重이 19∼20㎏되는 在來牡山羊 8頭를 對照區(4頭)와 SL 30ppm區(4頭)로 나누어 42日間 經日的(0, 7, 14, 28, 42, 日), 經時的(0, 4, 8時)으로 Rumen內 原蟲 및 細菌의 構成과 分布, amylase 및 urease의 活性, 揮發性脂肪酸(VFA) 總量과 그 組成 그리고 Rumen의 pH에 미치는 影響에 對해서 調査했다. 1. 原蟲總蟲數에 있어서 SL區는 試驗開始後 14日째까지 減少하는 傾向을 보이다가, 그 以後 增加하는 傾向을 보였으나 試驗終了日인 42日째까지도 完全한 回復을 보여주지 않았으며 試驗全期間의 平均總蟲數는 對照區보다 낮은 傾向이었다(P<.05). 2. 試驗全期間을 通하여 兩試驗區에서 檢出된 原蟲種數는 Isotrichidae目에 屬하는 것이 3種, Ophryoscolacidae目에 屬하는 것이 11種이었으며 SL區가 對照區에 比하여 原蟲種構成에 있어서 單純化되는 傾向이었으며 屬別로 본 原史構成에서는 全毛蟲類(Holotricha)가 多少 增加하는 傾向을 나타내었다. 3. 細菌總數 있어서, SL區에서 多少 增加하는 傾向을 보였으나 試驗全期間의 平均細菌 總數는 兩區間에 有意한 差가 認定되지 않았으며 細菌類構成의 經日的變動에 있어서도 相互 類似한 傾向을 보여주었다. 4. 型態 및 Gram染色性으로 類別된 各 細菌類의 構成比 增減에 對한 變異程度는 細菌種類에 따라 다르고, SL區는 對照區에 比하여 Gram陰性菌이 增加하고 Gram濫性菌이 減少하는 傾向이었다. 5. 細菌의 酵素活性에 있어서 Amylase活性은 試驗全期間, SL處理區가 對照區에 比해서 多少 높은 活性値를 보이면서 顯著한 變動을 나타내었으며, urease活性値는 經日的 變動에 있어서 一定한 傾向을 볼 수 없었다. 그러나 上記 2個 酵素平均活性値는 ○區間 有意한 差를 나타내지 않았다(P>.05). 6. 試驗全期間을 通하여 Rumen內 pH變化는 ○區間에 類似한 傾向을 보여주었으며, 平均 pH 値間에도 有意한 差를 나타내지 않았다(P>.05). 7. 生成 VFA總量은 ○區間 有意한 差를 보여주지 않았다. 그러나 VFA 各組說酸別로는 試驗開始 7日째부터 SL區는 對照區에 比해 acetate가 減少하고 propionate가 增加하는 傾向이었으며, butyrate에 있어서는 SL區가 對照區에 比해 多少 낮은 數値로 變動되었으나 平均値에 있어서 兩區間 有意한 差가 認定되지 않았으며 나머지 徵量의 2種 VFA(Ci 5, Ci)도 ○區間 類似한 傾向으로 變動하고 平均値에 있어서 有意한 差가 認定되지 않았다. The present experiments were conducted to determine the effect of feeding salinomycin on rumen bacterial flora and protozcal fauna, on bacterial activity involving amylase and urease, on ruminal pH and volatile fatty acids. Eight Korean native goats averaging 19.3㎏ of body weight were randomly alloted to the diets supplmented with salinomycin at the level of 0 and 30 ppm. After 3 week adaptation period the animals were fed the experimental diet. Ruminal fluids were collected and examined just before feeding, and 4, 8 hrs after feeding on days 0, 7, 14, 28 and 42. 1. The total number of ruminal protozoa was markedly decreased with salinomycin diet from the 7th to 14th day, although it was gradually increased after that, it was not recovered at the end of experiment. A significant difference (P<0.05) among treatments could be noted in the total number of ruminal protozoa throughout the experimental period. 2. A total of 14 protozoal species were detected throughout the experimental period: 3 species in Isotrichidae, 11 species in Ophryoscolaciade. The number of protozoal species of salinomycin group was lower than that of control group and the number of Holotricha was increased in salinomycin group. 3. The total of ruminal bacteria tended to increase in salinomycin group but no significant difference (P<0.05) was observed among treatments and the changes in distribution of bacterial type were similiar among treatments. 4. The bacterial fluctuation pattern was varied with bacterial types and the total number of Gram-negative bacteria increased with salinomycin diet, while that of Gram positive bacteria decreased. 5. Amylase activity had tendency to increase in salinomycin group but no significant ditterence (P<0.05) was observed among treatments. 6. In the urease activity, no significant difference (P>0.05) was found among treatments throughout the experimental period. 7. In the ruminal pH values, no significant difference (P>0.05) was found among treatments throughout the experimental period. 8. The total ruminal VFA concentration was found not to be affected by the salinomycin treatment. The molar portion of acetate in ruminal fluid was reduced (P>.05) by salinomycin diet, but that of propionate increased (P>.05) from the 7th to the end of the experimental period. The molar portion of butyrate tended to decrease but no significant difference (P>.05) was noted among treatments, neither was in isovalerate nor in valerate.

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