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      • 골격성 III급 부정교합자의 편악(하악)수술후 연조직 변화의 평가

        박광수,이희경,진병로,Park, Kwang-Soo,Lee, Hee-Kyung,Chin, Byung-Rho 영남의대학술지편집위원회 1997 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the amount and interrelationship of the soft and hard tissue change after mandibular setback surgery in skeletal Class III malocclusion. The sample consisted of 25 adult patient (12 male and 13 female) who had severe anteropostrior skeletal discepancy. These patient had received presurgical orthodontic treatment and surgical treatment which is bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy. The presurgical and postsurgical lateral cephalograms were evaluated. The computerized statistical analysis was carried out with SPSS/PC program. The result were as follows: 1. After mandibular bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy, lower facial soft. tissue horizontal posterior changes were high significance value. but vertical soft tissue changes were low significance value. 2. After mandibular bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy, relative upper lip protrusion increased(p<0.01) and relative lower lip protrusion decreased(p<0.01) and lower facial soft tissue thickness increased(p<0.01). 본 연구는 골격성 III 급 부정교합 환자에서 하악골 후방이동수술을 시행하였을 때 경, 연조직 변화를 관찰하고 수술전후의 경, 연조직 변화의 상관성을 산출하여 교정-악교정 수술 복합 치료 계획의 수립과 결과의 예측에 이용하고자 하였다. 영남의료원 치과에 내원하여 상하악골의 수직적인 부조화는 경미하고 전후방적인 부조화가 심한 골격성 III급 부정교합으로 진단되어 수술전 교정치료를 받고 1989년 10월부터 1997년 1월 중에 하악골 시상분할 골절단술로 하악골의 후방이동을 시행한 성인 환자 25명(남자 12명, 여자 13명)을 대상으로 수술전후 측모두부방사선사진을 계측, 분석하여 다음의 결과를 얻었다. 1. 하악골의 시상분할 골절단술로 하악골의 후방이동에 따른 하안면부의 연조직의 수평적인 후방 이동은 상당한 유의성을 가지고 나타났으나 수직적인 변화는 거의 없었다. 2. 하악골의 시상분할 골절단술로 하악골의 후방이동을 시행한 경우 상순의 상대적인 돌출도는 증가하고 (p<0.01) 하순의 상대적인 돌출도는 감소하였으며(p<0.01) 하악골 전방부의 연조직의 두께는 증가하였다(99% 유의수준).

      • 골반경수술의 부인과적 응용

        고석봉,이재열,이영기,박윤기,이두진,이태형,이승호,Koh, Seok-Bong,Lee, Jae-Yeoul,Lee, Young-Gi,Park, Yoon-Kee,Lee, Doo-Jin,Lee, Tae-Hyung,Lee, Sung-Ho 영남의대학술지편집위원회 1994 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.11 No.1

        1991년 5월 1일부터 1993년 7월 31일까지 영남대학교 의과대학 부속병원 산부인과에서 시행한 136례의 골반경수술에서 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 환자의 나이 분포는 19세에서 55세였고 평균 나이는 31.2세였다. 평균 분만력은 0.96이었으며 거의 대부분의 환자는 2회 이하의 분만력을 보였다. 골반경수술의 가장 많은 적응증은 난관 임신이었고 그 다음으로는 난소낭종이었다. 시술 방법은 주로 난관절제술(58.8%)과 난소난관절제술(16.3%)이었고 입원기간은 평균 2.1일이었고 모든 경우에는 특별한 합병증이 없었다. 이러한 연구결과로 보아 골반경수술은 경제적으로나 사회적으로 또 미용학적으로도 좋은 결과를 보였으며 앞으로 다른 많은 부인과 환자에게 안전하게 적용할 수 있으리라 사료된다. The aim of this study was to identify the usefulness of pelviscopy in treatment besides its diagnostic value. The advantages of pelviscopic surgery are low cost, rapid recovery, good cosmetic effect, low incidence of complication and postoperative adhesion. So most of the pelvic exploration in gynecologic patients are replaced by the pelviscopic surgery these days. Pelviscopic surgery was performed on 136 patients at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University from May 1991 to July 1993. The results obtained were as follows : The age distribution of the patients was from 19 to 55 with age of 31.2 years, and the mean parity was 0.96, the most common indication of pelviscopic surgery was tubal pregnancy(66.9%), the second most common indications was ovarian cyst(10.3%) and the other indications were endometriosis, corpus luteum cyst rupture, parovarian cyst, foreign body, tubal ligation, hydrosalpinx, uterine myoma and diagnostic procedure. The main types of surgery were salpingectomy in 58.8% and salpingoophorectomy in 16.3%. The mean duration of hospitalization was 2.1 days without specific complications. According to these results, it was postulated that the pelviscopic surgery was a useful operative tool in gynecologic treatment and its application could be extended to many other areas of gynecology with safety by the development of surgical techniques and instruments.

      • 소화성 궤양 환자에서 위식도 역류

        서중산,김종혁,정문관,Suh, Joong-San,Kim, Jong-Hyeok,Chung, Moon-Kwan 영남의대학술지편집위원회 1999 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.16 No.2

        1998년 5월부터 1999년 4월까지 상부소화기내시경 검사상 위궤양 또는 십이지장 궤양으로 진단된 환자 중 24시간 보행성 식도산도검사를 완료한 57명을 대상으로 하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 전체 57명 중 31명(54.2%)에서 병적 산역류가 관찰되었다. 반면 대조군에서는 22명 중 5명으로 22.7%였다. 2) 소화성 궤양에서 역류의 양상은 대조군과 다른 경향이 있으며 3) 소화정 궤양 환자에서 증상만으로 위식도 역류의 유무를 평가하기는 어렵다. 4) 십이지장 궤양, 남자, H. pylori가 위식도 역류의 의미 있는 변수로 생각된다. 이상의 결과로 소화정 궤양의 진단시와 치료 후 역류성 식도염 외에 위식도 역류의 유무를 확인하는 것이 H. pylori 제균치료 후 소화기 증상이 남아 있는 환자들의 치료에 도움이 될 것으로 생각되며, 이 경우 24시간 보행성 식도산도검사가 유용할 것이다. Background: It is well known fact to the patients of duodenal ulcer that their condition is frequently accompanied with reflux esophagitis. Therefore this condition is called an "acid-related disorder" because it is commonly associated with increased acidity. But there has been disputes on the effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication in these two conditions and whether H. pylori infection may have a protective role in reflux esophagitis. Only few reports have dealt with the prevalence of reflux esophagitis and gastroesophageal reflux in patients with peptic ulcer The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux and to analyze the pattern of the pathologic reflux in peptic ulcer patients. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 57 patients with endoscopically confirmed duodenal and/or gastric ulcer who all underwent 24hr ambulatory esophageal pH monitoring. Results: The prevalance of gastroesophageal reflux in peptic ulcer patients was 54.2% and 54,5% in gastric ulcer, and 62.5% in duodenal ulcer, 50% in combined ulcer, respectively. The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux in the control group was 22.7% Conclusion: We discovered significantly higher prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with peptic ulcer disease than in those without it. In conclusion, the presence or absence of gastroesophageal reflux must be considered in the setting of peptic ulcer disease management.

      • KCI등재

        일개 대학병원에서 출생 초기 경미한 호흡곤란을 주소로 전원된 신생아의 임상경과 및 진단

        서지혜,이규호,이은실,Seo, Jee Hyue,Lee, Kyo Ho,Lee, Eun Sil 영남의대학술지편집위원회 2014 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.34 No.1

        Background: This study was conducted to investigate the epidemiological features, clinical courses, and diagnoses of neonates who are transferred to neonatal intensive care unit of Yeungnam University Hospital due to tachypnea soon after birth. Methods: Based on medical records, we performed a retrospective study of neonatal intensive care unit admissions due to tachypnea from January 2010 to December 2013. Results: A total of 311 neonates were included in this study. The patient characteristics showed male predominance at 2.65:1. Among the 311 neonates with tachypnea, 127 (40.8%) neonates needed oxygen supply, and 54 (17.4%) neonates needed assisted mechanical ventilation. Transient tachypnea of the newborns (TTN) (158, 50.8%) showed the highest incidence, followed by pneumonia (63, 20.3%), extrapulmonary infection (37, 11.9%), respiratory distress syndrome (21, 6.8%), air leak (16, 5.1%), meconium aspiration syndrome (12, 3.9%), congenital heart disease (5, 1.6%), metabolic acidosis (3, 1%), primary pulmonary hypertension of newborns (2, 0.6%) and anemia (2, 0.6%). Conclusion: Although the neonates with tachypnea showed no other respiratory distress symptom, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of other pulmonary diseases as well as TTN and their extra-pulmonary causes. If tachypnea does not improve within a few hours, the clinician should consider further evaluation and management as soon as possible.

      • 신불안.우울척도에 의한 대학 신입생의 정신건강 평가

        박형배,김진성,김창수,박병탁,이종범,이중훈,정성덕,Park, Hyeong-Bae,Kim, Jin-Sung,Kim, Chang-Su,Park, Byung-Tak,Lee, Jong-Bum,Lee, Jung-Hoon,Cheung, Seung-Douk 영남의대학술지편집위원회 1987 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.4 No.1

        1986년 영남대학교 신입생 4,834명 (남학생 ; 3,499명, 여학생 ; 1,335명)을 대상으로 1986년 1월부터 동년 2월에 걸쳐 신불안 우울척도를 사용하여 평가한 불안 우울성적의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 불안 우울성적의 평균총점은 남학생이 $31.49{\pm}6.57$이었고 여학생이 $33.37{\pm}6.84$로 양군간의 유의한 차이가 있었다(P<0.001). 2. 신불안 우울척도의 항목별 성적이 남녀학생 공히 높은 항목은 수면장애, 후회감, 성욕감퇴 및 피로감 등이었고 남녀학생 공히 낮은 항목은 두려움, 정신운동흥분과 지연, 졸도감 및 절망감 등이었다. 3. 신불안 우울척도의 총점이 50점 이상인 고득점자는 남학생이 99명(2.8%), 여학생이 40명(3.0%)이었다. 4. 사회정신의학적 요인들중 남녀학생의 불안 우울성적에 공히 유의한 영향을 끼친 것은 소속대학이나 소속학과에 대하여 불만인 경우, 가족분위기나 부모와의 친숙도에 대하여 불만인 경우, 과거, 현재, 미래의 자아상에 대한 태도가 비관적인 경우(이상 각각 P<0.0001) 등이며, 성장지가 시단위 이하인 경우(각각 P<0.05)등이었다. 5. 신불안 우울척도와 Zung의 자가평가 불안척도 및 우울척도간의 상관관계는 각각 0.64, 0.61의 다소 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 또 신불안 우울척도와 Leeds대학의 불안 우울척도간에는 상관계수 0.77의 높은 상관관계를 보였다. The authors studied anxiety-depression using New Anxiety-Depression Scale(NADS), in the subjects of 3,499male and 1,335 female college freshmen of Yeungnam University. The authors collected the reports of NADS during the periods from January to February, 1986, and applied ANOVA and t-test on anxiety-depression scores in order to compare them between various psychosocial factors, and sexs. The results are as follows : There was significant difference in the mean awerages of total scores between male and female students: male students scored $31.49{\pm}6.57$ female students scored $33.37{\pm}6.84$ (P<0.001) The anxiety-depression scores relating to the items of sleep disturbance, apprehension, decreased libido and fatigue were relatively higher in both groups. Ninety-nine male students(2.8%) showed seriously high degree anxiety-depression scores of 50 or higher, while forty female students(3.0%) showed the same scores. There was a strong tendency toward higher anxiety-depression scores in the students who were dissatisfied with their home atmosphere, colleges, departments and familiarity of parents, and those who had pessimistic views of self image in the past, present, or fartare in both groups (P<0.001) The students whose maturation locations were below city level, showed higher level of anxiety-depression scores in both groups (P<0.05) NADS and SAS, SDS, and Leeds scale were correlated significantly in 0.64, 0.61, and 0.77 of correlation coefficient.

      • KCI등재

        장내세균에서 ${\beta}$-lactam 항균제의 내성기전별 항균제 감수성검사의 해석

        이채훈,Lee, Chae-Hoon 영남의대학술지편집위원회 2010 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.27 No.1

        It is important to select appropriate antimicrobials for the treatment of infection according to the results of antimicrobial susceptibility tests (ASTs), yet the clinical isolates are sometimes susceptible to antibiotics that are clinically ineffective or this is due to technical error of the ASTs. So, interpretive reading of ASTs is needed and especially for the ${\beta}$-lactams for treating $Enterobacteriacae$. This review describes the interpretive reading of ASTs according to natural antimicrobial resistance and the mechanisms of mechanisms, with giving special attention to the antibiotics phenotypes for $Enterobacteriacae$. Further, as all the diffent tissues have a different antimicrobial concentration for identical antimicrobials, more information is needed on the antimicrobial tissue distribution for the appropriate treatment of infection. (ED note: I hope you send me the paper.)

      • KCI등재

        에스트로겐 수용체 ${\beta}$ 발현과 유방암 재발과의 관련성

        강수환,최정은,이수정,Kang, Su-Hwan,Choi, Jung-Eun,Lee, Soo-Jung 영남의대학술지편집위원회 2011 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.28 No.2

        Background: It has been reported that estrogen receptor beta ($ER{\beta}$) mRNA expression was down-regulated during carcinogenesis and was inversely related to estrogen receptor alpha ($ER{\alpha}$) expression in breast cancer. The association of $ER{\beta}$ mRNA expression to tamoxifen resistance has also been reported. In this study, the expression of $ER{\alpha}$ and $ER{\beta}$ via immunohistochemistry (IHC) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was prompted, and an attempt was made to find out the relationship between $ER{\beta}$ expression and recurrence in the hormonal therapy group, and between $ER{\beta}$ expression and known prognostic factors. Methods: Tumor specimens were obtained at surgery from 67 female breast cancer patients during the period of September 1995 to December 2000. All the specimens were frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at $-70^{\circ}C$ until they were used. The medical records were analyzed retrospectively. The expressions of ER were analyzed using IHC and RT-PCR methods. Results: The median follow-up was at 93.0 months (range: 14-157 months). The percentage of $ER{\alpha}+/ER{\beta}+$, $ER{\alpha}+/ER{\beta}-$, $ER{\alpha}-/ER{\beta}+$, and $ER{\alpha}-/ER{\beta}$ group were 35.9% 9.4%, 47.2%, and 7.5%, respectively, in 53 patients with hormonal therapy. $ER{\beta}$ was positive in 42 (82.3%) of 51 ER-positive patients. In the hormonal therapy group, the recurrence rates of each group was 15.8%, 0%, 40.0%, and 0%, respectively. In this group, the $ER{\beta}$ expression tended to recur, but there was no clinical significance (p=0.084). Conclusion: The $ER{\beta}$ expression may be a predictive marker of a poor response to endocrine therapy in breast cancer patients, although this needs to be confirmed in additional studies.

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