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      • KCI등재후보

        프량스의 외국어 교육 정책 - 초 · 중등교육을 중섬으로

        박우성 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2005 외국어교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to review the policy of foreign language education in France and to analyze its effects in primary and secondary schools, including the changes that have recent1y taken place. Under the assumption that languages ref1ect their culture, the administrative of France has tried to co、rer a variety of languages in Europe and to improve the quality of foreign language education. These efforts, however, appear to be unsuccessful due to the financial problems and the heavy emphasis on particular languages based on the social and economical reasons. Nevertheless, these efforts are valued highly, and provide some insights to the cωurre Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        제2외국어 교육의 문제점과 발전 방안

        이근님 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2001 외국어교육연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The study examines the current problems with which the nation’s second foreign languages(SFL) education today faces and suggests the recommendations for SFL policy. Assumíng that SFL is at risk, the study warns that SFL policy has failed to recognize the importance of SFL and so gives less attention to factors that are required for improving the quality of SFL. The maín reasons for the crisís of SFL, the study says. seem to be the lack of giving efforts to improvement for SFL and the policy. makers' failure to provide the SFL improvement plans (e.g., focusing on expanding the aspect of quantity with respect to the SFL without considering that of quality or making the SFL electives for the ColIege Scholastic Ability Test). Based on the problems identified in the study. a couple of recommendations are suggested as follow. The SFL shou1d be offered as common courses for a11 and thus high schoo1 graduates take SFL subjects as the compu[sory in the College Scholastic Ability Tests. Teaching methods and materials for the SFL should be improved and developed. Particularly for the effective SFL, it should be free from the textbooks only classroom teaching-learning situation and lots of up-to-date curricular materials and laboratory apparatus should be developed .

      • KCI등재후보

        고등학교 제2외국어 교육 상황

        배의숙 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2001 외국어교육연구 Vol.4 No.-

        When the importance of various cu1tures is emphasized more and more, 1earning various languages can a1so keep off the cultural standardization. But today the second foreign 1anguage education is facíng a serious crisis. The balance of foreign 1anguage learners is not proper. The environment for learning the second foreign languages is getting worse. In the seventh curricu1um the credit hour will be reduced. Moreover, students staπ to 1eam the second foreign language only when they are in the e1eventh grade. Many German- or French teachers have to change their own subjects into another subject. The quality of education wiU go down. Changes should be taken place gradually in order t。 prevent side effects.

      • 딥러닝 알고리즘 기반 탄산화 진행 예측에서 활성화 함수 적용에 관한 기초적 연구

        정도현 ( Jung Do-hyun ),이한승 ( Lee Han-seung ) 한국건축시공학회 2019 한국건축시공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        Concrete carbonation is one of the factors that reduce the durability of concrete. In modern times, due to industrialization, the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is increasing, and the impact of carbonation is increasing. So, it is important to understand the carbonation resistance according to the concrete compounding to secure the concrete durability life. In this study, we want to predict the concrete carbonation velocity coefficient, which is an indicator of the carbonation resistance of concrete, through the deep learning algorithm, and to find the activation function suitable for the prediction of carbonation rate coefficient as a process to determine the learning accuracy through the deep learning algorithm. In the scope of this study, using the ReLU function showed better accuracy than using other activation functions.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국의 중국어 교육 현황과 과제

        이종진 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 1999 외국어교육연구 Vol.2 No.-

        This study is designed to suggest a new direction of Chinese language education in Korea. With this go머, this study analyzes the results of questionnaires provided for high school teachers and college professors of Chinese. Results show that it is much needed to develop teaching methods of pronunciation, practical teaching materials, multimedia, small group activities, and team teaching with native speakers. The study also provides some implications for Chinese language education.

      • KCI등재후보

        외국어교육에서 멀티리터러시 모델 적용에 관한 제안

        김영우 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2018 외국어교육연구 Vol.23 No.-

        In this study, a multiliteracy model is proposed that can be applied to foreign language education in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), in which language-related technologies are rapidly developing. Artificial intelligence-based translation and interpretation technologies are lowering the threshold of foreign language use, and speech recognition (SR) technology and text-to-speech (TTS) technology break down the boundary between spoken language and written language. With such Information Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, therefore, foreign language literacy along with first language literacy tends to be integrated into multiliteracy. Besides, as our society has become specialized, the importance of content literacy of each specialized field is emphasized more and more. As a result, in foreign language education, a multiliteracy model is needed with Content-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology. With introducing a multiliteracy model, in this study, a translation course between first and foreign languages and a content course of book publishing are introduced as samples of the application of the multiliteracy model.

      • KCI등재후보

        제 2 외국어 교육에서 읽기의 비중 문제

        장한업 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2003 외국어교육연구 Vol.6 No.-

        According to the statistical data by the Ministry of Statistics, human trade affairs have been minimally increasing at most. At present, foreign languages (except for ]apanese and Chinese) are at stake. In order to avoid these risky situations, it is urgent to understand and examine the requirement of the current Korean society. It would be more desirable and effective to cultivate written communication skills rather than oral communication skills in case of the context in which there are rare chances to encounter native speakers of the target language. In this regard, this study suggests that instruction of written language (reading-writing) should be weighed more in foreign language classrooms.

      • KCI등재후보

        메타언어적 '대조성'을 고려한 프랑스어 문법교육

        이경수 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2007 외국어교육연구 Vol.10 No.-

        Quand on apprend une languε 하rangère , il est reconnu que le système de la languε matεmεIIε constitue toujours pour l'apprεnant de langue étrangère un P이ot de repère fondamental. Cela signifie que 10rs de 1’εnsεignement d’une languε étrangère, iI faut tenir compte de cε qui existe déjà chez 1’ appren때t, à savoir la langue matemelle, et y 5Upεrposer une nouvεIIε pratique et connaissances. Aussi, compte tεnu dε l’importance de la langue maκmelle , cette étudε consiste à proposer l'enseignεmεot de la grammaire française pour des apprenants coréens portant sur la contrastivité métalinguistiquε entre le français εt Iε coréen. Pour ce faire, notrε intérêt est centré sur les tεrmεs grammaticaux qUi ne constituent qu’une partie du rnétalangagε gramrnatical. En particulier, nous prεnons ici pour exernplε le complémζnt d’objet indirect qui est trζs révélateur de cεttε différence ζntre la terrninologiε grammaticale coréenne et cε11ε française. Ce qui va montrer la nécessité de tenir compte des différences métalinguistiques commençant par la terminologie grammaticale pour renouveler les descriptions grammaticales d헤 à existantes.

      • KCI등재후보

        Current Research Trends of English Education in Domestic and International Journals

        Jee Hyun Ma,Youngsu Kim 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2014 외국어교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Articles in one domestic journal, English Teaching (ET), and one international journal, TESOL Quarterly (TQ) from 2011 to 2013 were surveyed in order to analyze current research trends and to suggest better orientation toward future research focusing on participants, research methods, target language skills, and research topics. The results show that university students have participated most in both of the journal articles, indicating that they are practically available to the researchers in higher educational settings. The proportion of quantitative and qualitative research methods was well balanced in TQ, while, in ET, more than 50 percent of the articles relied on quantitative research methodology along with a relatively larger proportion of mixed method research in ET. In terms of target language skills, writing has been studied most in ET and speaking in TQ, showing growing interest in productive language skills nowadays. As for research topics, articles based on socio-cultural factors have been published most in TQ and articles based on classrooms pedagogy in ET, which reflects that English learning is performed mostly in classroom settings in Korea. Pedagogical implications and suggestions are made based on the findings

      • KCI등재후보

        Die Rolle des Intellektuellen in der Gesellschaft - Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Solidarität und Freiheit bei Alfred Andersch

        Sinae Lee 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2014 외국어교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Rolle des Intellektuellen in der Gesellschaft in Bezug auf Alfred Anderschs literarische und mediale Aktivitäten in den späten 50er Jahren. Gut 10 Jahre nach Kriegsende 1945 hat sich Alfred Andersch mit den Themen von Verfolgung, Flucht und Freiheit des Menschen auseinandergesetzt, wobei das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Solidarität und Freiheit der Menschheit hervorgehoben wird. Andersch war ein überzeugender Befürworter für die engagierte Literatur. Sein geistiger Vater war der französische Romancier, Philosoph und Publizist Jean-Paul Sartre, der als Paradefigur der französischen Intellektuellen des 20. Jahrhunderts gilt. Andersch wurde von Sartres Philosophie und Literatur stark beeinflusst. Als engagierter Künstler hat er die Zeitschrift Texte und Zeichen herausgegeben und beim Süddeuschen Rundfunk das gesellschaftskritische Programm Radio-Essay geleitet. 1957 wurde sein erfolgreichster Roman Sansibar oder der letzte Grund erschienen.

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