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      • 학교 환경교육의 실태에 관한 연구 : 대구광역시의 초·중등학교를 사례로 A Case Study of Elementary and Secondary School in Taegu City

        전영권,김정욱 대구효성가톨릭대학교 교육연구소 1997 교육연구논집 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis was to study the actual conditions of the school environmental education, which were strengthen by the governmental policy. First, to refer to the documentary records of the administrations environmental education policy and related curriculum. Second, to investigate the realities of the school environmental education program. The sampling data of the school management plan were chosen from Taegu area. Third, to make comparison between the environmental education policy and those school programs. The main results are as follows. 1) There was significant difference between environmental policy and school environmental education program. Further, the study which develops the systematic organization for solving this problem, is needed. 2) There was essential lack of the schools spontaneity especially for this plan to action. Further, the discretion would endow to the school authority is to be considered. 3) The school environmental education program wasn’t balanced through all grades. In elementary and secondary school cases, they had strong bias in higher classes and these are an undesirable thing. Further, It should be considered that the school environmental education program is keep balance with all classes. 4) The school environmental education was biased some subjects, for example, social subject or science subject. Further, the teaching of environmental education should be divide equally in every subject adjusted for its gravity and improving the quality of life.

      • 開放體制大學 敎育政策의 評價準據模型 探索

        趙鏞泰,嚴益命 대구효성가톨릭대학교 교육연구소 1993 교육연구논집 Vol.2 No.-

        This sutdy is designed to investigate for model of assessment standards, this is, assessment indications and methods in educational policy of open system university. For the purpose of, this study used the availible sundry records bibliography, the previous research articles, and the statistical report. This study fromed the assessment standard model by method of three-dimendsional structure shapes from Systematic Theory point of view. Assessment factors come within the subject of assessment maked disposition at the one-dimensional structure shape, phases of systematic approach maked disposition at the two-dimensional structure shape, and circumstance in every phases maked disposition at the three-dimensional structure shape. And with this model as the central figure, this study formed assessment standards and factors all phases. Divide into phases for assessment standards, there are appropriatness and lawfulness in the phase of in-put, efficiency, democracy, opening to the public, accountability in the phase of transaction, and effectiveness and responsiveness in the phase of out-put. Assessment indications breaks into parts on the basis of assessment factors. Assessment factors divided into educational goals, curriculums, instructors, students, equipment and facilities, organizations and public administration, and finances in the open system university and relation between the open system university and local community. Then this study gave an account of those assessment methods.

      • 교육행정체제의 개혁

        鄭日煥 대구효성가톨릭대학교 교육연구소 1995 교육연구논집 Vol.4 No.-

        This article was intended to provide some suggestions for administrative efforts in current educational reform movement. For this purpose, an attempt was made to delineate an effective management of supportive conditions which make possible and more efficient the educational reforms. To implement various reform tasks of educational administrative system effctively, following basic directions are needed. These directions are i) decentralization of power and responsibilities in educational administration structure, ii) professionality of educational personnel, iii) autonomous governing system in school management, and iv) rationalization in educational finance. Based upon these four directions, feasible reform tasks were suggested as follows. First, as for the reform of educational administrative structure, the moderation of educational administrative organizations and their functions, the activation of educational self-governance of local education system, and the establishment of school management as a site-based are required. Second, as for the teacher education reform, the change of teacher training system to current needs, the improvement of teacher certification and placement, the improvement of in-service teacher education, and the extension of teacher welfare system are requested. Finally, as for the reform of educational finance, the securement of stable sources for educational finance, the reasonable distribution or use of educational finance, and the improvement of environmental conditions and facilities in schools are in demand.

      • 교육위원회의 기능 및 활동 분석에 관한 연구

        정일환,정현숙 대구효성가톨릭대학교 교육연구소 1998 교육연구논집 Vol.6 No.-

        The subjects of the study were the meeting minutes of the Board of Education(BOE) and its sub-committee of audit and inspection regarding educational activities between 1991 and 1995. The analytical frameworks of the minute of Board of Education are ordinance making and revision, budget deliberation and account approval, interpellation and auditing, and resolution of petition on educational issues. Based on these criteria of analysis, functions and activities of Board of Education were described and analyzed in detail. The results of the study were as follows. First, major contents of ordiance making and revision were establishment of elementary and secondary school and various kinds of committee with relation to education. The number of ordiance making and revision by Board of Education between 1991 and 1995 were sixty-six items. Among these 66 ordiances, 44 ordiances were amended due to the amendment of their superior authorities such as central and local governments’ laws and administrative district changes. The BOE functioned only for the conventional approval rather than deliberate discussion on ordiances. Second, regarding on budget deliberation and account approval, due to their limitation of authority by educational law, BOE couldn’t do any reduction and elimination of certain items of local educational budget. However, BOE made an effort to deliberation of educational budget for improvement of school. BOE’s role on budgeting was lower than that of city local council. Third, petitions which submitted by residents in order to solve their problems or difficulties on education were only two for four years. Petition is an easy sytem for residents to access local government authorities. One of the petitions was accepted by BOE and took actions for resolution. The other petition was transferred from BOE to superintendent because of beyond their authority. Although most parents and residents have much intersts in their childrens and regionals educational issues, it is surprising that only two petitions were submitted into the BOE. Fourth, BOE and its sub-committe of auditing has resposibilties to find out irrational or unlawful activities of educational institutions. However, Tague city BOE, on interpellation and auditing, didn’t work what it should do. The main reason of formal auditing by BOE was limitation of its authority. To evaluate overall functions and activities of BOE in terms of self-governance system of educational administration, principles of independence and operation with special manageementi were used. It was revealed that Board of Education functioned very low in terms of these two principles. In conclusion, Taegu city Board of Education might have not performed well what were expected by residents and teachers for the development of local education during the first session of local systems. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen legal authorities and responsibilities of Board of education for the improvement of local education.

      • Durkheim의 기능주의 교육이론

        崔定雄,楊慶淑 대구효성가톨릭대학교 교육연구소 1998 교육연구논집 Vol.6 No.-

        Emile Durkheim was the first social scholar to attempt the establishment of a moral educational theory. In his theory of education, he attempted to describe education as a social fact. The purpose of this paper is to discover the elements which he attempts to communicate with us by analysis of moral educational theory, and by the reviewing of functionalistic educational theory. Emile Durkheim defined education as individual methodological socialization, and an activity involving the socialization of children. Additionary, he realized three essential elements which compose moral behavior; (1) the spirit of discipline, and (2) an attachment to social groups. After one understood the reason of their existence, if one acts (3) an autonomy, in which we witness the completion of one’s moral behavior. As the representative of functional theory, Durkheim thought anomie would occur as a result of conflicts when individual needs are limited by social restrictions in relation to a system of needs. In order to have a society without having anomie, the strict social order and integrity, and solidarity should be maintined. He is being criticized because of his support in maintaining presently existing circumstances, rather then those of change and innovation. However, Durkheim’s analysis pertaining to the level of social structure with objective social results apart from individual subjective motivation, and his research into the foundation of social order have given tremendous impact on the modern functional theory. Further, he analyzed the moral crises in relation to anomie. As a result of creating the new moral, he also made us better understand social order together with his attempt of solving the moral crises. He has contributed a suggestion towards the solution of our serious social problems of today.

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