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      • 교직과정 발전계획 및 추진과제 탐색 : 남서울대학교 교직과정을 중심으로

        허영주,장선영,박희석,이석열 남서울대학교 2011 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to search for plan and strategies that pre-teacher's educational process of Namseoul University is been professional and systematic process. For success of this purpose, we analyze the criteria for teacher's certificate, an appraisal standard of 3nd evaluation in teacher training institute, stages of development and present condition on Narnseoul University pre-teacher's educational process. According of this analysis, we establish plan and strategies that pre-teacher's educational process of Narnseoul University is been professional and systematic process. Plan is established eight domain about specialized strategies, internationalized strategies, professor, facilities and administration and finance, curriculum, lesson, work experience, outcome. Also, Plan is established in the middle of tasks and detailed tasks, pushing ahead with a tasks.

      • 대학 교육개발센터의 기능에 대한 요구 분석 : 남서울대학교를 중심으로

        이석열 남서울대학교 2004 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        Recently the establishment of Center for Teaching and Learning has been popular in Korean universities. But there is insufficient discussion of what the function of the CTL in Namseoul universtiy(NCTL) should be to do its accountaility. The Purpose of this study was to investigate and to suggest the function of NCTL to meet the nees of professor. CTL in university should be educational quality assurance system as follows; a) for professor, we have to prepare instructional support service as microteaching, mentoring, workship, teaching portfolio, b) for student, learning support service as study skill, college life style, testing services, c) for cyber education, cyber lecture development and management, d) for instruction material, introduce a better media production methods.

      • 기독교대학의 정체성, 기독대학인의 책임

        문시영 남서울대학교 2004 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        What is the Christian university? This paper studied on responsibility of the Christian in Christian university. They identified as man-the-answerer which has appeared in H. R. Niebuhr. The theological basis of this paper is the theory of God's calling and response of man. So, this paper proposed three responsibility of the Christian in Christian university as the responser for God. First, enhancement of Christian spirituality through Q.T, prayer, worship etc. Second, positive participation of all the Christian in Christian university. And third, embodiment of Christian world view in academic, administrative, and student activities. Now, the most important point in this paper is being responsible members of all the Christian in Christian university from the perspective of missio Dei. It is the most meaningful responsibility of them. And this study emphasis on conclusion as this: the identity of Christian university depend on enthusiasm for responsibility of the Christian in Christian university.

      • Multimedia 저작 도구에서 사용하는 데이터 종류 및 효과적인 데이터 관리 방법에 대한 연구

        나상엽 남서울대학교 1996 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        Nowadays, multimedia computing and communications are moving forward at a fast face. Especially, education needs more multimedia training and educational applications. Multimedia computing system needs large storage space and fast computing speed because multimedia data very large and non-formal in originally. The object of this research is to survey and analyze previous methods about storing and retrieval of multimedia data, and present the new view point for multimedia data retrieval and storing. Using multimedia Database system we get more advantage in storage space than file. Thus nowadays many researchers study for efficient multimedia Database system. This paper contains many kinds of data using in multimedia authoring tools and new aspect about multimedia data, it will be very helpful to develop new multimedia authoring tools and multimedia Database system.

      • 모델 링을 이용한 데이터 이동시스템의 성능 분석

        박성훈 남서울대학교 1996 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        One of the pressing issues in distributed computing is that the system provides the means to address data that are stored locally as well as remotely. The conventional method to deal with this problem is the remote execution model. But this method have some problems such as inability not to pass pointer parameter between nodes. Rather than compartmentalizing distributed data to different server process on different site, the data migration system integrates the data space into single entity. In this paper, I will describe a model for data migration system and analyze the factors which affect the performance.

      • 비쥬얼 모델링 시스템의 의미론적 지원 : PERT/CPM 모델에 적용 Application of PERT/CPM Model

        박동진 남서울대학교 1996 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        A highly Visual Interactive Modeling(VIM) environment allows model builders to incrementally describe their problems by using visual modeling language. In this environment, there should be two kinds of modeling supports from computer in the human-computer interaction. One is the syntactic supports that guide model builders not to violate modeling language grammers. The other is the semantic supports that provide them with the domain specific knowledge in the modeling process. This research is to investigate the method to offer semantic supports in a graph-baed VIM system. In this system, the model builders can change the content of the knowledge base to suit his/her own interested domain. Based on our proposed method, we designed the semantic modeling system called GBVIM(Graph-Based Visual Interactive Modeling) and tested it on PERT/CPM model for managing construction project.

      • 고객만족에 관한 연구

        안운석 남서울대학교 1998 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Consumer satisfaction is an important concept in marketing practice and theory. Because today's marketing base is consumer-oriented, as a realistic guide, consumer satisfaction is a useful concept. This concept emphasizes delivering satisfaction to consumers and obtaining profits in return, and as a result, the overall quality of life is expected to be enhanced.

      • 교사들의 여가교육욕구에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        성기덕 남서울대학교 1996 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        This purpose of the study is to find out factors affecting the teacher's need for leisure education. Two-stage cluster sampling method has been used in this study. The subjects of this study were elementary school teachers(n=220) teaching at schools located in Taejon. An ANOVA test was applied to find significant factors affecting dependent variables. The results of the study are as follows. 1. On the necessity of leisure education : the study shows a significant difference based upon the age[F(2, 185)=3.53, p=0.0314] and the accessibility to leisure education[F(l, 185)=17.16, p=0.0001]. 2. The test results also shows that there is a significant difference according to the faithful operation of extra curricular activities ; whether or not the opinion of the teacher has been reflected on the allotment of the teachers-in-charge ; and the teacher's recognition of the student's taste of leisure activity.

      • 광고의 심상적 단서 유형과 조형 요소 유형에 따른 크리에이티브 전략

        김재영 남서울대학교 2005 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to compare the CMU effects between the imagery cue ads and design cues ads in the magazine ads, and to examine the attitude about the ads, attitude about the brand, attitude about the sponsor, and effects of the purchasing intention. The result of the experiment showed that there is a difference on the ads effect according to the ads type. What the result of the experiment suggests is that the change of the consumers' attitude is more affected by the imagery ads rather than design cue ads. The imagery causes the features of the product to be shown more beautifully, and it also causes the trust for the ads and public confidence for the sponsor, and finally causes the friendly result on the attitude of the consumers in all the consequent fields.

      • 에너지절약형 고기밀단열창호 개발에 관한 연구

        김호근 남서울대학교 1996 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        The scarcity of petroleum resources has brought about vigorous researches into the development of alternative energy sources and the methods to save energy. As for as residence and office buildings are concerned, their structure and materials have been main topics of research. Particularly the the window has recently received a lot of attention. The window plays an important part for lighting, ventilation and insulation of a building. Developed countries have long researched on the material and structure of energy-saving windows and they produce standardized windows in mass. In Korea, however, few analyses and experiments have been done and the foreign products are imported or copied. Thus, it is very demanding to develop standardized windows appropriate for our circumstances. This study proposes the material and structure of the window, witch exhibits excellent insulatability and airtightness and is, therefore, the most appropriate for our circumstances. We also attempt to develop an energy-saving airtight insulating window composed of aluminum and vinyl. Aluminum windows have strength in their windproofing and fireproofing, while the vinyl ones show excellent insulation, airtightness, soundproofing and watertightness. We have made a compound window composed of aluminum and vinyl. This compound window makes the most of strong points of both materials and, thus, shows excellent insulation, airtightness and windproofing.

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