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        북미자유무역협정(NAFTA)의 출범과 미국노사관계의 변화

        임현진,최종철,홍성태 서울대학교 국제지역원 1996 국제지역연구 Vol.5 No.4

        탈냉전 시기 미국의 새로운 국제전략은 세계 각국의 불균등한 발전상황을 적절히 이끌어 새로운 팍스 아메리카나의 시대를 열겠다는 명확한 목표를 가지고 있다. 기술 및 산업의 차원에서 이 목표는 정보통신분야의 주도권 장악으로 추진되고 있으며, 세계무역질서의 차원에서는 WTO와 NAFTA의 구축으로 젼개되고 있다. 여기서 NAFTA는 두가지 함을 갖는다. 첫째, 궁극적으로 지구적 지배력을 재구축하기 위한 지역적 발판을 마련하는 것이다. 둘째, 발전도상국과 선진국의 전면적 자유무역이 개신된다는 것이다. 미국 노사관계의 변화와 관련해서는 특히 두 번째 측면에 주목할 필요가 있을 것이다. 그러나 현재 진행되고 있는 미국 노사관계의 변화는 NAFTA 자체보다는 포드주의의 위기와 다른 선진자본주의국과의 경쟁에서 더 큰 영향을 받고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 즉 미국적 노사관계를 대표해 온 뉴딜형 노사관계와 실리적 조합주의의 한계에 대한 인식은 바로 이것들이 기반하고 있는 포드주의에 대한 비판과 대체의 과정에서 필연적으로 나타나고 있는 것이다. 이와 관련하여 NAFTA는 미국의 노동조합이 종래의 보호주의적 외투를 벗어버리고 개발도상국 노동자들과의 연대를 적극적으로 추구해야 할 필요성을 강화한다. 포스트 포드주의를 배경으로 미국의 자본과 정부가 주도하고 있는 실리적 조합주의에서 참여적 조합주의로의 변화에 대해 미국의 조동조합이 얼마나 적극적으로 대처할 수 있느냐의 문제는 새로운 국제적 연대에 얼마나 적극적으로 대처할 수 있느냐의 문제와 깊은 상관관계를 가질 것이다. The international strategies of America in the post cold-war period have the apparent objective that America will open a new pax-Americana age, by leading the unequal developmental situations among every countries in the world. This objective is propelled through holding the initiative in the field of information and communication in terms of technology and industry, and is developed by the establishment of the WTO and NAFTA in terms of the world trade order. Here, NAFTA has two implications; first, preparing for a regional platform so that America will be able to re-establish its global power; secon, the overall free-trade between advanced countries and developingcountries is beginning. With regardto the change of America's capital-labour relations, we need to call our attention to the second aspect. But it seems that the change of America's capital-labour relations in progress is more affected by the competition with other advanced countries than by NAFTA. That is, the recognition of the limits of the New-Deal capital-labour relations up to the present is necessarily emerging in the process of cirticizing and replacing Fordism which is regarded as a basis for both. Accordingly, NAFTA is strengthening its position on the necessity for labour in the US to actively pursue solidarity with unions in developing countries, taking off its old protectionist cloat. As for unions in America, how to cope with the transition from business unionism to participatory unionism which America's capital and government are leading in the back-ground of post-Fordism will be closely related with how actively to pursue a new international solidarity.

      • 대전 3, 4 공단지역의 대기 중 PM 2.5내 미량금속의 특성

        임종명,이현석,이진홍 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 2003 環境硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        This study centered on the quantitative analysis of about 27 trace metals including toxic ones of airborne PM 2.5 in the 3rd and 4th industrial complex area of Daejeon city, Korea. For analytical quality control, the certified reference material (NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.A., SRM 2783, Air particulate on filter media) was used. The errors relative to SRM values of Sb, Mn, V, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Ti, Co, Zn, and Sm fell below 5%, while those of Cr, Fe, Ba, Th, Ce, Al, and Cu were less than 10%. From the results of the quantitative analysis using INAA, the concentxation of toxic metals such as As, Mn, Se, V, and Zn were 2.40±1.99ng/m^(3), 6.54k3.15 ng/m^(3), 1.17±0.66 ng/m^(3), 1.1150.58 ng/m^(3), 52.31±25.92 ng/m^(3), respectively. If compared in terms of enrichment factors, it was found that certain elements (e.g., In, Cu, Zn, As, C1, I, Br, Sb, and Se) are enriched in PM 2.5 samples of the study site. The results of factor analysis by SPSS shows that 70.0% of total variance is well explained.


        터키안와 및 상부 종양의 임상적 고찰

        임재현,하은주,이종수,이승재,박효일 대한신경외과학회 1993 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.22 No.2

        Tumorous lesion of intra- and suprasellar area showed unique clinical pictures and also was very hazardous and difficult to remove surgically because of the surrounding important anatomical structures. Here, authors analyzed 28 confirmed tumor of this area during last two and half years retrospctively. Histopathologically, 28 cases were classified in 14 pituitary adenoma cased6 cases of non-functioning adenoma, 1 GH-secreting adenoma and 7 cases of prolactinoma), 7 craniopharyngioma cases, 3 meninigioma cases and each one case of germinoma, Rathke's cleft cyst, pituitary abscess and hamartoma. Sexual incidence was 6 : 22 in male vs female ratio. Twenty two cases were measured its diameter over 2cm and they extended to suprasellar area in all cases. Five cases of microadenoma were analyzed and they were all enclosed in sella turcica. Visual impairment was the most frequent and prominent clinical symptom. of which incidence was 78.57% (22 cases). The next frequent symptoms were headache and generalized lethargy. Diabetes insipidus was a presenting symptom in 4 cases and hydrocephalus was noted in 4 cases preoperatively. Surgical intervention was carried out in 23 cases, by the way, the performed type of surgery in 21 cases was a conventional transcranial frontotemporal(pterional) microsurgical method. Post-operatively, diabetes insipidus was complicated in 78.26 % and pituitary hypofunction was noted 34.78%. Two cases of intracranial hemorrhage was developed after surgery and one was died. Through 6 to 28 months follow up. 82.1 % of cases were improved in its clinical status including 7 cured cases.

      • KCI등재

        심정지환자에서 epinephrine투여시 혈중 catecholamine의 변화

        임경수,황성오,이부수,이강현,이진웅,임종천,김영식,김선만,김 현 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Background : Cardiac arrest is a potent stimulus for the release of endogenous catecholamine and high plasma catecholamine concentration has been reported during cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR). Few data were present about the clinical effect of high plasma catecholamine and endogenous catecholamine response to exogenous epinephrine administration during CPR. Purpose : This study was designed to evaluate endogenous catecholamine response to cardiac arrest and exogenously administered epinephrine during CPR. Method : In 21 cardiac arrest victims, blood sample for epinephrine and norepinephrine was drawn before and 1 minute after each epinephrine administration during CPR. 1mg of epinephrine was administered immediately after intravenous access and 3 minute interval during CPR. Plasma catecholamines were quantitated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Result : Baseline plasma epinephrine concentraqtion was higher in patients with cardiac arrest than normal controls (985±1627 vs 194±173 pg/ml, p<0.05). Baseline plasma norepinephrine concentration was also elevated in patients with cardiac arrest than normal controls, although statistically insignificnat(1965±4915 vs 360±250 pg/ml). Plasma epinephrine concentration in cardiac arrest patients was significantly elevated after exogenous administration of epinephrine, but its response was blunted after the third does of epinephrine. Plasma norepinephrine concentration in cardiac arrest patients was also elevated, but its response was observed only after the first epinephrine administration. Plasma epinephrine concentration was persistently higher in patients with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) than patients without ROSC. there was no significant difference of plasma norepinephrine concentration whether spontaneous circulation was restored or not. Endogenous epinephrine response to exogenous epinephrine was not observed in patients having prolonged arrest time over 20 minutes. Conclusion : Results of this study suggests that significant amount of catecholamine is released by exogenous epinephrine administration in spite of high plasma catecholamine concentration, and degree of endogenous catecholamine response influences resuscitation outcome.

      • 흰쥐 중격측좌핵의 아미노산 함량에 대한 복측 또는 배측 뇌 해마 제거 영향

        임종현,김종규 순천향의학연구소 1997 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.3 No.1

        A study was planned to analyze amino acid in accumbens septal tissue of dorsal hippocampectomized rats by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Male albino rats were used. Under chloral hydrate anesthesia (20 %, 2 ㎖/㎏ body weight), a hole was made in each parietal bone about 4 ㎜ lateral to the sagital suture, and 4 ㎜ rostral to the lambda suture. The cortical tissue on each side was removed and, through this opening, the hippocampal tissue anterodorsal to the hippocampal flexures on both sides was removed by aspiration. This preparation served as the dorsal hippocampal animal. The cortical tissue on each side was removed and, through this opening, the hippocampal tissue posteroventral to the hippocampal flexures on both sides was removed by aspiration. This preparation served as the ventral hippocampal animal. The cortical control animal received the same surgery short of hippocampectomy. The normal rats served as normal control animal. One week later, the animals were sacrificed by decapitation in the cold room. two to three milligrams of tissue was obtained from the accumbens septi in one side of the brain. The tissue samples were homogenized in 200 ㎕ of 0.5 M perchloric acid in 1 mM EDTA with ground-glass homogenizers. After centrifugation at 3,500 rpm for 15 min, an aliquot of 80 ㎕ supernatant was neutralized with 20 ㎕ of 2 M KHCO₃, and then centrifuged again at 3,500 rpm for 10 min. An aliquot of 20 ㎕ was taken and diluted with 350 ㎕ of β-mercaptopropionic acid in 10 ml of 100 mM sodium borate buffer (PH 9.1) and 350 ㎕ of OPA solved in ethanol which was diluted with 10 ml of 100 mM sodium borate buffer (PH 9.1). Then 200 ㎕ of the resulting sample was injected with auto injector. Peak areas were automatically integrated and calculated by chromatopac. 1) The contents of aspartate were increased significantly more in the dorsal hippocampal group (dorsal hippocampal group vs normal control group : P < 0.02, dorsal hippocampal group vs cortical control group : P < 0.025), and in the ventral hippocampal group (ventral hippocampal group vs normal control group : P < 0.02, ventral hippocampal group vs cortical control group : P < 0.005) than in the normal control and the cortical control group, while there were no significant differences between the 2 control groups. 2) The contents of glutamate were reduced significantly more in the dorsal hippocampal group (dorsal hippocampal group vs normal control group : P < 0.001, dorsal hippocampal group vs cortical control group : P < 0.001) than in the normal control group and the cortical control group, while there were no significant differences between the 2 control groups. The contents of glutamate were increased significantly more in the ventral hippocampal group (ventral hippocampal group vs normal control group : P < 0.001, ventral hippocampal group vs cortical control group : P < 0.001) than in the normal control group and the cortical control group, while there were no significant differences between the 2 control groups. The contents of glutamate were increased significantly in the ventral hippocampal group than in the dorsal hippocampal group. 3) The contents of alanine were reduced significantly more in the dorsal hippocampal group than in the normal control group (P < 0.001) and the cortical control group (P < 0.001), while there were no significant differences between the 2 control groups. 4) The differences in the contents of serine, glycine and threonine among the 3 group were nonsignificant. It is inferred from the above mentioned results that excitatory transmitter substances employ the glutamate and aspartate in accumbens septi, and that the dorsal hippocampus was facilitatory to the accumbens septi and that the ventral hippocampus was inhibitory to the accumbens septi, and that there was a functional differentiation within the hippocampus.

      • KCI등재
      • 갈근(葛根)으로부터 분리된 puerarin의 항당뇨 효과

        임현애,임지선,김정상 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2006 慶北大農學誌 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구에서는 갈근 및 그의 주 이소플라본인 puerarin의 활성을 세포수준에서 분석하였다. 먼저 갈근에 함유된 이소플라본의 양을 분석한 결과, puerarin이 총 이소플라본의 90 % 차지하였다. 다음으로는 puerarin의 항당뇨 활성을 검정한 결과 먼저 탄수화물 및 지방소화효소저해활성에 대해서는 거의 미비한 것으로 나타났으나 인슐린 감수성 및 지방세포의 분화의 유도에 대해서는 농도의존적으로 작용하는 것으로 관찰되었다. 따라서 puerarin은 지방조직내로 포도당의흡수를 촉진함으로서 항당뇨 효능을 발휘하는 것으로 추정된다. In this study we evaluated the anti-diabetic potential of Puerariae Radix and its isoflavone (puerarin) by investigating their inhibitory activities against digestive enzymes, α-amylase, α-glucosidase and lipase and effect on glucose uptake and PPAR γ expression. The activities of carbohydrate digestive enzymes were not inhibited by puerarin. Glucose uptake in differentiated adipocytes was stimulated by puerarin. Furthermore, puerarin enhanced the differentiation of preadipocytes as evaluated by triacylglycerol (TG) accumulation, which is specific for differentiated adipocytes. The effect of puerarin on expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ) gene, which is associated with obesity and dyslipidemia, was examined by both real-time PCR and reverse transcriptase PCR. The study demonstrated that puerarin increased the expression of PPAR-γ. In conclusion, puerarin showed potential to exert anti-diabetic action by enhancing cellular glucose uptake and thereby TG accumulation in adipocyte tissue.

      • 관상동맥질환의 중증도와 혈중지질치 및 아포지단백과의 상관관계

        임현주,황종현,류재근,정병천,조용근,채성철,전재은,박의현 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1997 慶北醫大誌 Vol.38 No.1

        목적 : 관상동맥질환의 위험인자로서 혈청지질 및 혈장 지단백에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있고 또 아포지단백이 관상동맥 질환을 일으키는데 다른 지질보다 더 중요하다는 연구가 많이 발표되고 있으나 우리나라에서는 아포지단백에 대한 연구가 그리 많지 않은 편이다. 이에 저자등은 혈중지질치와 새로운 위험인자로 알려지고 있는 아포지단백치를 측정하고 이들과 관상동맥질환 중증도와의 상관 관계를 알아보았다. 대상 및 방법 : 관상동맥질환이 의심되어 관상동맥조영술을 실시한 69명의 환자를 대상으로 하였으며 12시간 이상 공복후 혈청을 채취하여 총콜레스테롤, 중성지방, HDL-콜레스테롤, 아포지단백 AI (ape AI), 아포지단백 B (ape B)를 측정하였다. 관상동맥조영상 50%이상의 협착이 있는 혈관의 수 (lesion number), 최대협착을 합한 값 (lesion score), 각 분절의 최대협착을 합한 값 (total score), 가장 심한 협착 값 (peak stenosis) 등으로 관상동맥 중증도를 알아본 다음 이들과 혈청지질치, 아포지단백과의 상관 관계를 비교해 보았다. 상관 관계는 Spearman's correlation coefficient를 구하였다. 결과 : 관상동맥질환의 중증도와 각 지질치 간의 상관 관계를 비교해 보았을때 lesion number와 관계있는 것은 연령 (r=0.2789), 중성지방치 (r=0.2829)이며 lesion score와 관계있는 것은 연령(r=0.2911), 중성지방치0 (r=0.3316), 총콜레스테롤과 HDL-콜레스테롤의 비 (r=0.2361), apo B 치(r=0.2759), apo AI과 apo B의 비 (-0.3154)로 나타났다. Total score는 연령 (r=0.3100), 총콜레스테롤치 (r=0.2452), 중성지방치 (r=0.3022), 총콜레스테롤과 HDL-콜레스테롤의 비 (r=0.2770), apo B치 (r=0.2927), apo AI과 apo B의 비 (r=-0.3408)와 연관이 있었고 peak stenosis는 중성지방 치(r=0.3305), ape B 치 (r=0.2968), apo AI과 apo B의 비 (r=-0.3977)와 관계가 있었다. 연령으로 조정하여 partial correlation을 좌면, 관상동맥조영술상 중증도는 중성지방치 (r=0.3408), apo B 치(r=0.2877), apo AI과 apo B의 비 (r=-0.3460)와 유의한 상관 관계가 있었다. 이중 ape AI과 ape B의 비는 lesion score (r=-0.2640), total score (r=-0.3057), peak stenosis (r=-0.3460)와 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 결론 : 이상의 결과로 보아 apo B치 그리고 apo AI과 apo B의 비가 관상동맥 중증도의 예견인자로 다른 혈중 지질 치보다 더 유용하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. Objectives : Recently, it was reported that the measurements of apolipoprotein levels may be valuable in the clinical assessment of coronary artery disease severity. However there are a few reports regarding to the relationship between coronary artery disease severity and apolipoprotein levels in Korea. Thus, we measured serum lipid and apolipoprotein levels and studied the relationship between coronary artery disease severity and serum lipids and apolipoproteins levels. Subjects and Methods : The 69 patients who underwent coronary angiography to evaluate chest pain were subjected to this study. We measured the levels of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein AI(apo AI) and apolipoprotein B(Apo B) and measured the severity of coronary artery disease by lesion number, lesion score, total score and peak stenosis. Then, we studied the relationship between coronary artery disease severity and apolipoproteins and calculated the correlation coefficient. Results : The results were as follows. There are significant correlation(r=0.3) between age, triglycerides, apo B levels, apo AI/B ratio and coronary artery disease severity. In controlling for age, tyiglycerides, apo B levels and apo AI/B ratio shows significant correlation(r=0.3) with coronary artery disease severity. Especially, apo AI/B ratio shows significant correlation(r=0.3) with lesion number, total score and peak stenosis. Conclusion : These results suggest that the apo B levels and the ratio of apo AI/B can be used as significant independent predictor for coronary artery disease severity rather than other serum lipid levels.

      • ICP-AES를 이용한 대기분진 중 중금속 분석에 대한 정도관리

        임종명,이현석,이진홍 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 2003 環境硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        In this study, factors of quality control such as laboratory environment, capability of instrument/equipment, method of analysis, calibration, and standard solution were investigated to obtain quality assurance when analyzing airborne heavy metals (e.g., Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe) using ICP-AES. A procedure of quality assurance and evaluation method of uncertainty are also suggested by applying ISO Guide. The suggested process of quality assurance will be helpful for the national monitoring network to produce better data.

      • 21세기 한국사회 : 지식사회냐 정보사회냐

        임현진,서이종 한국사회문화학회 2000 사회와 문화 Vol.12 No.-

        This paper deals with the characteristics in the introduction of the concept of "knowledge society" and "information society" for Korean society at the 21st Century and with a usability of "knowledge-information society" as a conceptual synthesis. Chapter 2 shows that the concept of information society war introduced critically in the late 1980s and developed into an empirical research theme in the beginning of 1990s, with various conceptual variances, that the concept of knowledge society war introduced in the science of economy and business in the 1990s with various conceptual variances. Chapter 3/4 shows that information society concentrate on the information basis of knowlege transmission and storage, while knowledge society concentrate on the creation of knowledge as contents, that two concepts can be conceptually incorporated into "knowledge-based information society" or "information-based knowledge society", and finally into "knowledge-information society".

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