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      • Effect of Cooling Rate on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Cu-TiB<sub>2</sub> by Turbulent In-Situ Mixing Process

        Park, J.S.,Yun, J.H,Park, Young Do,Park, Yong Ho,Cho, Kyung Mok,Park, Ik Min Scitec Publications Ltd. 2007 Solid State Phenomena Vol.119 No.-

        <P>A copper matrix composite reinforced with in situ TiB2 nanoparticle was successfully fabricated by tubulent in-situ mixing process. The microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties of the in situ composite were investigated. The results showed that the in situ formed TiB2 particles, in which size varying from about 50nm to 200nm, exhibited a homogenous dispersion in the copper matrix. It is shown that the interface between the nanoscale particles and the matrix was clean without a transitional layer. Because of the reinforcement, the hardness and Young’s Modulus of the composite improved with increment of cooling rate. Moreover, the in situ Cu-TiB2 composite exhibited higher electrical conductivity with increasing of cooling rate.</P>

      • 作文活動 過程에서의 社會認知的 意味 協商

        朴泳穆 弘益大學校 敎育硏究所 2001 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.18

        Writing is a kind of social cognitive act. Writers construct meaning within the broader context of a social and cultural context of language and discourse conventions. And also writers construct meaning within the immediate context of general purposes, specific goals, and activated knowledge linked to the task at hand. Writers build socially shaped, individually formed meanings. In some circumstances, the processes of constructing meaning grow into an active negotiation among some of the multiple forces and conflicts that shape meaning, and writers are forced to turn conscious attention to dealing with the options, constraints, and conflicts that would shape meaning. At these points of conflict and decision, meaning can be actively negotiated. The process of constructing negotiated meaning comes into play for a writer when the process of meaning making is subject to converging constraints and conflict, and when a writer turns his/her attention at some level of awareness to negotiating the problematic cognitive and social situation. In the processes of constructing meaning, negotiation begins with acts of interpretation. After interpretation with the expectations of others, the meaning of key words in an assignment, and the recognition of his/her role as a writer, writers negotiate with some of the constraints on how they select, organize, and connect ideas. After negotiation, writers reflect not only on meaning they create, but also on their own goals, assumptions, strategies, and attitudes of making meaning. The negotiation strategies can be used as effective means for collaborative writing. The collaborative writing fits for the twenty-first century classroom because it alters the traditional teaching environment and places the student in the center. With a goal of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts, cooperation and negotiation replace working alone and competition between individuals. Throughout the collaborative writing, students would learn how to determine questions and find answers, how to share their understanding, and how to negotiate with complex problems and constraints. In the processes of collaborative writing, students need to use effective negotiation strategies to resolve conflicts and to reach their goals.

      • 개에서 직장탈의 수술적 치료 1례

        박정희,김영실,신영지,박창식,전무형,김명철,정성목 충남대학교 형질전환복제돼지연구센터 2007 논문집 Vol. No.10

        A 3-year old, male Jindo dog was referred with history of tenesmus, dyschezia and recurrent rectal prolapse. On the physical examination, the rectum was prolapsed about 10 em, congested and necrotized. Fecal incontinence and pain were observed. Complete blood count revealed a mild leukocytosis and there were no remarkable abnormalities in serum biochemistry profiles. It was diagnosed as a rectal prolapse. Rectal resection and anastomosis was performed for necrotic tissue removal. On postoperative fecal smear, protothecosis was observed. Amphotericin B was administered. There has been no evidence of recurrence of rectal prolapse for ten months.

      • Processabilities & Mechanical Properties of the Biodegradable LDPE / Modified Starch Blends

        Young Jin Kim,Yong Man Lee,Hyang Mok Lee,O Ok Park 한국화학공학회 1994 화학공업과 기술 Vol.12 No.5

        N/A An investigation of the biodegradable polymers based on starch has been accomplished. Starch needs to be modified before blending with low density polyethylene(LDPE) because of its hydrophilicity. Three kinds of modification methods were applied to obtain the compatibility to starch-LDPE blends. The first one was the esterification of the hydroxyl group of starch with acetic anhydride. The second was the copolymerization of actylonitrile and styrene onto starch. The last was the esterification reaction of the hydroxyl group of starch with three kinds of ionomers. The tensile strength, % elongation, Young`s modulus, and shear viscosities of blends of the modified starch and LDPE were examined. Ionomer-treated starch showed better compatibility with LDPE to give better performances than other blends.

      • 作文 能力 伸張 方案 硏究

        朴泳穆 弘益大學校 敎育硏究所 1994 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.10

        The Purpose of this study is to summarize the knowledge acquired from writing research and to draw implication for writing instruction. Recently, composition theorists are pointing out the need to consider the role of academic disciplines in writing. The use of writing in specific academic settings is usually a function of a teacher and the construct this teacher has of the writing purpose and context. the writing acroos the curriculum movement has come from a growing body of theory linking writing to learning. This theory argues that writing is ideally suited for the discovery, formulation, and expression of ideas. Academic discipline, whose instructional goals are to teach students a body of knowledge while also helping them to acquire the communication skills, thinking skills, and positive emotions of professionals in the field, emphasize on writing as a mode of learning. Composition theorists are pointing out the need to consider the role of the situation in writing. Writing does not occur in a vacum. It always occurs in some kind contexts. A piece of writing comes into existence as the result of a response to a situation that often demands immediate attention. A writing situation consists of the complex interrelations of persons, events, and objects which the writer must take into account in order to bring about a change in the sistuation. A writing situation must take into account the reader, the writer, the subject of writing, and the writer's purpose. Research on composing has exploded that the composing process has much in common with the problem solving processes people use every day. The experts in their fields are characterized by two things: a great deal of knowledge about their topics and a large repertory of powerful strategies for attacking their problems. Good Writers share these qualities. They are people who have developed better ways to entertain the problems of writing. The problem solving strategies of the experts writers can give them the enormous power of conscious choice - the power to guide, test, and alter their own problem solving process.

      • 쓰기 영역 교육과정 설계의 원리와 절차

        박영목 弘益大學校 敎育硏究所 1997 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.14

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the principle and procedure of systematic design of Korean writing program. Language is the most powerful tool we have for representing the world to ourselves to the world. Language is not only a mans of communication, it is basic instrument of thought, a defining feature of culture, and important mark of individual identity. Encouraging and enabling students to learn to use written language effectively is one of our society's most important tasks. The writing curriculum mainly contain purpose dimension, content dimension, and development dimension. The purpose dimension adresses the question of why students learn written communication skills. It considers the range of motives, reasons, and desired outcomes, or the ends to which direct our teaching writing. Students should use written language for a variety of purposes, such as to learn, to express ideas, to convey information, to pursuade others, to note things we observe, or to engage with others socially. The act of writing may involve several of these different purposes. The content dimension adresses what students should know and be able to do with writing curriculum. This includes knowledge of written texts and of the processes involved in creating such texts. The development dimension focuses on how learners develop competencies in the writing.

      • " The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering " 게재 논문 요약 : Processabilities & Mechanical Properties of the Biodegradable LDPE / Modified Starch Blends

        Young Jin Kim,Yong Man Lee,Hyang Mok Lee,O Ok Park 한국화학공학회 1994 NICE Vol.12 No.5

        N/A An investigation of the biodegradable polymers based on starch has been accomplished. Starch needs to be modified before blending with low density polyethylene(LDPE) because of its hydrophilicity. Three kinds of modification methods were applied to obtain the compatibility to starch-LDPE blends. The first one was the esterification of the hydroxyl group of starch with acetic anhydride. The second was the copolymerization of actylonitrile and styrene onto starch. The last was the esterification reaction of the hydroxyl group of starch with three kinds of ionomers. The tensile strength, % elongation, Young`s modulus, and shear viscosities of blends of the modified starch and LDPE were examined. Ionomer-treated starch showed better compatibility with LDPE to give better performances than other blends.

      • 개에서 피지선 과형성의 진단 및 치료 증례

        박희서,손화영,정성목,송근호,조종기,이영원,신상태,김명철,김덕환,박성준 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2004 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        An eleven year old castrated male Maltese was presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University. In physical examination, approximately 0.5 cm round mass was observed on tail base. This small elevated mass has also shown alopecic and firm configuration. It was differentially diagnosed as sebaceous adenoma and hyperplasia by fine needle aspiration. After surgical removal, the sample was diagnosed as sebaceous hyperplasia by histopathological examination. It has not yet shown any signs of recurrence and prognosis has teen good.

      • 골든 리트리버 종의 전지 원위부에서 발생한 지방종의 수술적 치료 1례

        박정희,신영지,김영실,조성환,정성목 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 動物醫科學硏究所 2005 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.13 No.-

        A 3-year-old intact female Golden retriever dog with a history of increasing mass on the cranial surface of the left distal forelimb was referred to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University. On the physical examination, the patient had normal gait and no pain associated with the mass. The mass was a little fluctuant and multilobulated on palpation. On fine needle aspiration cytology examination, it was revealed clear lipid droplets, few peripheral blood cells and large number of well-differentiated adipocytes. The mass was surgically removed beneath redial nerve and superficial cephalic vein. During surgical resection, there was no evidence of invasion into muscles or fascia. On the basis of histopathological examination, it was diagnosed as lipoma. There has no evidence of recurrence of lipoma for six months.


        자궁경부에 발생한 배아성 횡문근육종 2예

        박정열,조준식,김대연,이동헌,김종혁,김용만,김영탁,목정은,남주현 대한부인종양 콜포스코피학회 2002 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.13 No.3

        횡문근육종은 소아와 청소년기에 가장 흔한 연부조직 육종이다. 발생 부위는 일반적으로 두부 및 경부, 그 다음으로 비뇨생식계이다 조직학적으로 배아성 횡문근육종, 국화상 육종, 폐포성 횡문근육종, 다형성 횡문근육종으로 나누어진다. 횡문근육종의 약 20%가 비뇨생식기에서 발생하고, 50% 이상이 배아성 횡문근육종이다. 여성 생식기의 배아성 횡문근육종은 드문 악성 종양으로,주로 유소아의 질에서 발생하며, 자궁경부에서 발생하는 횡문근육종은 청소년기에 흔하고, 질에서 기원하는 횡문근육종이 자궁경부에 기원하는 경우보다 5배 정도 많다. 폐경기여성에서는 자궁체부에서 가장 흔히 발생한다. 비뇨생식기의 횡문근육종의 치료는 과거에는 골반장기 적출술만으로 치료를 시도하였으나. 서서히 다중 항암화학요법, 방사선요법, 근치적 절제술을 포함한 병합요법으로 바뀌어가고 있으며, 이에 따라 생존율이 현저하게 향상되었다. 이에 저자들은 최근 본원 산부인과에서 자궁경부에 발생한 배아성 횡문근육종 2예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 아울러 보고하는 바이다. Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in childhood and young adult. Genitourinary tract is the econd most common site of rhabdomyosarcoma. Rhabdomyosarcoma can be classified into one of four major types; embryonal, alveolar, pleomorphic and undifferentiated. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the female genital tract is rare malignant tumor and usually occurs during childhood in the vagina. In rare cases, rhabdomyosarcoma can originate in the uterine cervix, with a peak incidence in the second decade. Recently we have experienced two cases of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterine cervix. These cases are presented with a brief review of the literature.

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