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      • KCI등재

        Artificial Intelligence and the Virtual Multi-Door ODR Platform for Small Value Cross-Border e-Commerce Disputes

        Yongkyun Chung 한국중재학회 2019 중재연구 Vol.29 No.3

        In recent times, the volume of cross-border e-commerce has witnessed an upward trend and has been accompanied by increased disputes, with cross-border e-commerce being characterized mainly by low value and large volume issues. For this reason, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) was formed to carry out dispute resolutions in cross-border e-commerce. A virtual multi-door ODR platform for small value, cross-border disputes in e-commerce is then proposed in this paper. For a couple of decades, researchers have tried to employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Law. However, it turns out that they were faced with a couple of obstacles to integrate AI to Law since it is highly difficult to program AI to process the common sense of a human being. For example, AI cannot assimilate the affective side of a human being, and it is problematic to integrate a human being s common sense into the AI system. Considering this situation, this study puts forward an ODR model for cross-border e-commerce in the evolutionary perspective.

      • KCI등재

        Is Artificial Intelligence(AI) Lecturer Acceptable for Adult Learners in Distance Education?: An Exploratory Study on a Cyber University, South Korea

        Yongkyun Chung,Joong-Ryul Kim 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2020 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.20 No.2

        Nowadays, artificial intelligence emerges as one of the powerful tools to deliver personalized educational services to college students in distance education. The purpose of this study is to examine adult learner"s user acceptance of artificial intelligence lecturer in distance education. For this purpose, we utilize in-depth interview method as well as questionnaire method for data collection from a distance education university in South Korea. Our findings show that adult learners are reluctant to accept artificial intelligence(AI) as a lecturer in distance education. For example, a respondent expresses her opinion that human being must play the role of managing director of her course, if is inevitable to deploy artificial intelligence as a lecturer in distance education. For the choice among robot-type avatar and human-type avatar as the form of AI lecturer, most of students chose human-type avatar, instead of robot-type avatar as lecturer. Furthermore, adult learners do not agree to a view that AI lecturer may lessen the loneliness. Because they thought that loneliness is originated from the innate structure of distance education. On the other hand, however, non-negligible number of respondents participated in interview show that it is possible for them to build empathic relationship with AI lecturer.

      • KCI등재

        Trade Facilitation through Strategic Alliance on the basis of SCM in East Asian Region

        Yongkyun Chung,Hongyoul Kim 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2006 International Area Studies Review Vol.9 No.1

        The establishment of e-Trade Network is imperative to facilitate trade in the East Asian Region, since most of trade liberalization efforts have turned out to be ineffective in multilateral basis during last decades. The East Asian Region, market is divided into two sub-markets: Southeast Asian market and Northeast Asian market. For the trade facilitation in East Asian region, it seems to be effective to utilize electronic trade for the establishment of a e-Trade Network incorporating the whole area of the East Asian Region. On the recognition that SCM is an effective tool to strengthen e-Trade Network, this paper suggests a conceptual model of global trade SCM model.

      • KCI등재

        Combining Arbitration with Mediation: Two Cultures of China and Malaysia

        Chung, Yongkyun The Korean Association of Arbitration Studies 2016 중재연구 Vol.26 No.3

        This study vindicates similarities and differences of hybrid process of arbitration and mediation between China and Malaysia. Both countries develop hybrid processes combining arbitration with mediation in their own cultural soils. The Chinese dispute resolver plays the dual role of arbitrator and mediator during the proceedings of hybrid process of arbitration and mediation. On the other hand, a different arbitrator plays the role of mediator, if conciliation fails in Malaysia. On the other hand, judges are allowed to act as mediator during the proceeding in China and Malaysia.

      • KCI등재

        Combining Arbitration with Mediation: Two Cultures of China and Malaysia

        Yongkyun Chung 한국중재학회 2016 중재연구 Vol.26 No.3

        This study vindicates similarities and differences of hybrid process of arbitration and mediation between China and Malaysia. Both countries develop hybrid processes combining arbitration with mediation in their own cultural soils. The Chinese dispute resolver plays the dual role of arbitrator and mediator during the proceedings of hybrid process of arbitration and mediation. On the other hand, a different arbitrator plays the role of mediator, if conciliation fails in Malaysia. On the other hand, judges are allowed to act as mediator during the proceeding in China and Malaysia.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Moderating Effects of Fairness of Arbitration and Speed of Arbitration on Korean Traders Attitudes toward Arbitration

        Yongkyun Chung,Hong-Youl Ha,Kwang-Soo Kim 한국무역학회 2014 Journal of Korea trade Vol.18 No.2

        Arbitration plays a relatively important role in the resolution of disputes as the volume of exports and imports increases in the cases of Korea. The number of cases filed to the ICC Court of Arbitration in connection with Korea outweighs hose of Japan and China during last decade. For the understanding of Korean commercial arbitration, authors construct the conceptual model of arbitration, where two types of intentions, the intention of dispute resolution and resolution intention by arbitration, are closely related to sustainable transactions in the context of Korean trade. The conceptual model of arbitration also includes the speed of arbitration and the fairness of the arbitral award as moderating variables, since both variables are expected to have a non-negligible effect on the trader’s intentions of dispute resolution and the intention related with the choice of arbitration. Our findings show that two types of intentions have an impact on the intention of sustainable transactions. Furthermore, the fairness of the arbitral award has moderating effects on the relationship between the two types of intentions of dispute resolution and the intention of sustainable transaction decreases as the fairness of the arbitral award increases. On the other hand, the speed of arbitration does not influence the relationship between the two types of intentions of dispute resolution and the intention of sustainable transactions. These results have important implications for Korean traders. First, Korean traders perceive that arbitration is an effective resolution device. Second, unlike the usual argument of the rapidity of arbitration, Korean traders do not perceive that the arbitration is speedy.

      • KCI등재

        Artificial Intelligence and the Virtual Multi-Door ODR Platform for Small Value Cross-Border e-Commerce Disputes

        Chung, Yongkyun The Korean Association of Arbitration Studies 2019 중재연구 Vol.29 No.3

        In recent times, the volume of cross-border e-commerce has witnessed an upward trend and has been accompanied by increased disputes, with cross-border e-commerce being characterized mainly by low value and large volume issues. For this reason, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) was formed to carry out dispute resolutions in cross-border e-commerce. A virtual multi-door ODR platform for small value, cross-border disputes in e-commerce is then proposed in this paper. For a couple of decades, researchers have tried to employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Law. However, it turns out that they were faced with a couple of obstacles to integrate AI to Law since it is highly difficult to program AI to process the common sense of a human being. For example, AI cannot assimilate the affective side of a human being, and it is problematic to integrate a human being's common sense into the AI system. Considering this situation, this study puts forward an ODR model for cross-border e-commerce in the evolutionary perspective.

      • KCI등재

        Are College Students Really Digital Natives?

        Yongkyun Chung 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2019 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This study implements a case study in order to investigate the behavior of Korean college students as digital natives. Our finding is that most of Korean college students show the dependency to digital technologies in terms of affective dependence to digital technologies. In the area of game-preference behavior, a considerable portion of first and second interviewees indicates that they tend to play diverse kinds of video games. However, some of junior and senior interviewees do not show the equivalent fever in the digital entertainment. In case of multi-tasking behavior, responses are, broad-speakingly, categorized into three groups: first group where participants shows multi-tasking behavior; second group where participants do not show multi-tasking behavior; third group where participants show multi-tasking behavior depending on the nature of activities. In view of the fact that Korean students have been surrounded by digital technologies, there is a distinctive segment of college students who do not enjoy multi-tasking behavior. Our findings suggest that there are heterogenous pattern in multi-tasking behavior. On the choice between the monitor and book, all of students are known to choose the computer monitor instead of visiting the library and finding books containing the necessary information to write a report. In the realm of the side effect of the Internet, a couple of students reply that they recognize the side effect of the Internet such as security problem.

      • KCI등재

        메가 FTA에 대한 중소기업의 인식조사 연구 : 경기, 부산경남, 강원지역을 중심으로

        정용균(Yongkyun Chung),이계열(Gae-Yul Lee)김홍률(Hong-Youl Kim) 한국통상정보학회 2020 통상정보연구 Vol.22 No.1

        최근 중국을 위시한 15개국간의 FTA로 출범한 RCEP은 종래의 FTA 이해 범위를 넘어서는 메가 FTA라고 할 수 있다. 이처럼 새로운 유형의 FTA가 도래함에 따라 메가 FTA에 대한 정확한 이해가 필요한 시점이다. 본 연구는 경기, 부산경남, 강원지역 중소기업을 대상으로 메가 FTA에 대한 설문지 방식을 통해 메가 FTA에 대한 인식정도를 조사한 것이다. 연구결과 중소기업인들의 메가 FTA에 대한 인식이나 이해 정도가 상당히 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 우리나라가 RCEP 등 메가 FTA에 참여하고 있다는 사실에 대해서 절반 이상이 모르고 있었고, 메가 FTA가 누적원산지 규정을 적용한다는 사실에 대해서는 90% 가까이 모르고 있었다. 그러나 향후 메가 FTA에 대한 기대와 활용의지는 매우 높았다. 비록 메가 FTA의 원산지규정이 복잡해진다고 해도 기업들은 혜택을 누리기 위해서 더 많이 사용하려는 의지는 강한 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 중소기업인들은 정부기관이나 협회로부터 메가 FTA에 관해서 충분히 교육을 받고 있지 못하고 있고, 향후 메가 FTA에 대한 교육과정이 개설된다면 충분히 참여할 의사가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 곧 RCEP 등 메가 FTA가 발효될 것이다. 통상정책 당국은 이제 새로운 유형의 FTA 시대에 대비해야 하고, 협회 등 유관기관에서는 양자간 FTA와는 다른 메가 FTA만의 차별화된 교육이 필요한 시점이라고 하겠다. In recent times, the spectrum of FTA has widened, since FTA has evolved from bilateral FTA to Mega FTA. RCEP and CPTPP appears as an identity respectively. Furthermore, US and EU continue to negotiate to form an another Mega FTA including US and EU member countries. In Asia, ASEAN and SAARC has a possibility to form a Mega FTA among them. This paper investigate the present status quo of SMEs in understanding of Mega FTA in South Korea. For this purpose, we implement a case study consisting of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. We examine SMEs awareness of Mega FTA and question the extent of their information of Mega FTA in order to prepare the age of Mega FTA. In particular we ask SMEs information on cumulation rule of origin. Our findings are first, most of respondents do not know the full contents of Mega FTA. Second, the considerable portion of SMEs does not know the concept of cumulation rule of origin. Third, SMEs are willing to participate the training course of Mega FTAs.

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