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        Very long life fatigue behaviors of 16Mn steel and welded joint

        Yongjie Liu,Chao He,Chongxiang Huang,Muhammad K. Khan,Qingyuan Wang 국제구조공학회 2014 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.52 No.5

        Very long life fatigue tests were carried out on 16Mn steel base metal and its welded joint byusing the ultrasonic fatigue testing technique. Specimen shapes (round and plate) were considered for both the base metal and welded joint. The results show that the specimens present different S-N curve characteristics in the region of 105-109 cycles. The round specimens showed continuously decreasingtendency while plate specimens showed a steep decreasing step and an asymptotic horizontal one. The fatigue strength of round specimen was found higher than plate specimen. The fatigue strength of as-welded joint was 45.0% of the base material for butt joint and 40% for cruciform as-welded joint. It was found that fracture can still occur in butt joint beyond 5×106 cycles. The cruciform joint has a fatigue limit in the very long life fatigue regime (107-109 cycles). Fatigue strength of butt as-welded joint was much higher as compared to cruciform as-welded joint. Improvement in fatigue strength of welded joint was found due to UPT. The observation of fracture surface showed crack mainly initiated from welded toe at fusion areas or geometric discontinuity sites at the surface in butt joint and from welded toe in cruciform joint.


        Very long life fatigue behaviors of 16Mn steel and welded joint

        Liu, Yongjie,He, Chao,Huang, Chongxiang,Khan, Muhammad K.,Wang, Qingyuan Techno-Press 2014 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.52 No.5

        Very long life fatigue tests were carried out on 16Mn steel base metal and its welded joint by using the ultrasonic fatigue testing technique. Specimen shapes (round and plate) were considered for both the base metal and welded joint. The results show that the specimens present different S-N curve characteristics in the region of $10^5-10^9$ cycles. The round specimens showed continuously decreasing tendency while plate specimens showed a steep decreasing step and an asymptotic horizontal one. The fatigue strength of round specimen was found higher than plate specimen. The fatigue strength of as-welded joint was 45.0% of the base material for butt joint and 40% for cruciform as-welded joint. It was found that fracture can still occur in butt joint beyond $5{\times}10^6$ cycles. The cruciform joint has a fatigue limit in the very long life fatigue regime ($10^7-10^9$ cycles). Fatigue strength of butt as-welded joint was much higher as compared to cruciform as-welded joint. Improvement in fatigue strength of welded joint was found due to UPT. The observation of fracture surface showed crack mainly initiated from welded toe at fusion areas or geometric discontinuity sites at the surface in butt joint and from welded toe in cruciform joint.

      • KCI등재

        Transcription factor Sp1 is necessary and functional in regulating expression of oncogene ZNF703

        Xiaolin Liao,Yongjie Lu,Junbao Yang,Tao Kuang,Lilin Jiang,Yanjun Wang,Huiqun Kang,Bo Jiang,Xiaoli Zhou,Sheng He 한국유전학회 2017 Genes & Genomics Vol.39 No.10

        Zinc finger protein 703 (ZNF703) is a putative oncogene in patients with the luminal B molecular subtype of breast cancer. Although the exact function of ZNF703 protein remains largely unknown, its expression and regulation have been implicated in several physiological and pathological processes. In the current study, for the first time, we identified and characterized the human ZNF703 gene promoter region. As a means of characterizing the transcription elements required for expression of ZNF703 protein at different stages, we cloned the promoter region of ZNF703 then created chimeric reporter plasmids for use in luciferase assays. A progressive deletion analysis of the ZNF703 gene’s 5′ and 3′ -flanking regions revealed that the core promoter is located in a 256-bp region ranging from nt-539 to nt-283. Next, we examined the effects of sitespecific mutations and treatment with mithramycin A to identify the functional Sp1 binding site, which was found to be located in a 447 bp region that ranged from nt-509 to nt-76, displayed the characteristics of a CpG island, and overlapped with the promoter region. In conclusion, our data suggest that ZNF703 transcription is regulated by transcription factor Sp1. This finding should facilitate future studies of the mechanism which regulates expression of this important gene.


        Glabridin Liposome Ameliorating UVB-Induced Erythema and Lethery Skin by Suppressing Inflammatory Cytokine Production

        ( Chijian Zhang ),( Yongjie Lu ),( Yong Ai ),( Xian Xu ),( Siyang Zhu ),( Bing Zhang ),( Minghui Tang ),( Lanyue Zhang ),( Tinggang He ) 한국미생물생명공학회(구 한국산업미생물학회) 2021 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.31 No.4

        Glabridin, a compound of the flavonoid, has shown outstanding skin-whitening and anti-aging properties, but its water insolubility limits its wide application. Therefore, glabridin liposome (GL) has been developed to improve its poor bioavailability, while there are few studies to evaluate its amelioration of UVB- induced photoaging. This study is performed to investigate the amelioration of GL against UVB- induced cutaneous photoaging. The prepared GL has a spheroidal morphology with an average diameter of 200 nm. The GL shows lower cytotoxicity than glabridin, but it has a more effective role in inhibition of melanin. Moreover, the application of GL can effectively relieve UV radiation induced erythema and leathery skin, associated with the down-regulated expression of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10). Taken together, these results demonstrate that GL has potentials as topical therapeutic agents against UVB radiation induced skin damage through inhibiting inflammation.

      • An Analysis of Indian Mentality towards China under the COVID-19 Pandemic

        Juan Hu,Yifan Zhang,Yongjie He 한국국회학회 2020 한국과 세계 Vol.2 No.2

        아시아에서 인구가 많고 영향력이 있는 두 국가인 중국과 인도의 관계는 지역 평화의 안정뿐만 아니라 세계적 국제정치차원에서도 중요한 역할을 한다. 2019년말 COVID-19 전염병 시작한 후 전 세계는 펜데믹의 영향을 크게 받았으며 이로 인해 인도의 경제도 역시 불안정해졌다. 인도의 국내 정치 및 경제도 크게 나빠졌으며, Narendra Modi 정부의 통치 기반도 크게 흔들고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 인도는 중국에 대한 태도를 바꿨다. 국내정치의 모순을 해결하기 위해 일부 인도정치 단체는 중국을 그 표적으로 삼았다. 2020년 5-6월에 중국군과 인도군이 Galavan Valley 경계 지역에서 충돌하면서 사상자가 발생하였고 이 사건으로 중국-인도 관계는 다시 악화되었다. 현재 중국과 인도는 잠시 Zero-Sum 게임에 빠졌지만, 전염병에 맞서기 위해 양국은 서로 협력이 필요한 파트너가 되어야 한다. 이 논문은 코로나 19 확산 이후 인도의 대중국 사고방식의 변화를 분석하고 중국-인도 관계 증진을 위해 몇 가지 의견을 제시하고자 한다. As two populous & influential countries in Asia, Sino-Indian relation plays an important part not only in regional peace and stability, but also at the global level. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic by the end of 2019, the global situation has been considerably affected by the Pandemic, the Indian economy has also been greatly de-stabilized. Domestic contradictions have accumulated and seriously shaken the ruling foundation of Narendra Modi s government. Under such circumstances. India s attitude towards China also fluctuated greatly. In order to transfer domestic contradictions, some political interest groups in India targeted on China. In May-June 2020, the Chinese and Indian armed forces clashed at the border area of the Galwan Valley, resulting in serious casualties, and the Sino-Indian relations have resurfaced. Apart from the inherent differences. India s attitude towards China was also a major inducement during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Under the COVID-19 epidemic, China and India were not two sides in the zero-sum game, but partners who needed further cooperation to combat the Pandemic. This paper analyzes the changes of India s mentality towards China after the outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and makes some thoughts on promoting Sino-Indian relations.

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