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      • KCI등재

        The Camouflaged but Detected Leitmotifs of Ruth: The Establishment of Poverty and Otherness as the Macrostructure through the Deconstruction of Gender and Ethnicity

        Yonghyun Cho(조용현) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2020 신학논단 Vol.102 No.-

        본 연구는 룻기 안에 성(性)과 민족성에 관한 이항 대립은 애매하며 결국에 그것은 해체된다고 주장한다. 특히 본 연구는 미시(微視) 구조로서의 성과 민족성의 붕괴된 경계가 거시(巨視) 구조로서의 경제와 도덕성에 어떻게 종속되는지 조명하는 데 관심을 둔다. 성과 민족성이 룻기의 주요 주제로 간주되면서 학자들은 룻을 비롯한 등장 인물들이 가부장제에 기초한 고대 이스라엘 공동체를 변화시켰는지에 관심을 가져 왔다. 일견 룻은 성과 민족성의 경계를 허물고 있는 것처럼 보이지만, 가부장적 사회와 모압 사람이라는 자신의 민족적 정체성을 변화시켰는지는 확실하지 않다. 룻기의 화자가 하나의 성을 우위에 두지 않고 남성과 여성 간의 관계를 지속적으로 비틀고 있다는 점을 감안할 때, 룻기에서 성에 관한 계층구조는 유동적이다. 더욱이 화자는 모압에 대한 부정적인 고정 관념에 맞서는 인물로 룻을 의도적으로 배치하여 민족성에 대한 대립을 능숙하게 해체한다. 그런데 룻기는 성과 민족성의 변화에 대한 명백한 증거를 제공하지 않고 끝난다. 그러나 독자는 이렇게 불일치로 가득한 룻기에서 위장된 중심 주제, 즉 빈곤과 타자성을 발견할 수 있다. 화자는 기근과 그에 따른 빈곤으로 두 번의 이주에 주목하면서 가난한 가족이 경제 위기에서 어떻게 생존하는지, 그리고 가족과 공동체가 도덕적 관심을 가지고 타자를 어떻게 대해야 하는지에 초점을 맞추어 이야기를 전개한다. 따라서 룻기에서 성과 민족성은 해결되어야 할 문제도, 이야기의 주제도 아니며 오히려 해체되는 부차적인 요소들이다. 성과 민족성은 룻기에서 미시 구조의 요소들인 반면, 경제와 도덕성은 이야기를 둘러싸고 있는 거시 구조의 요소들이다. 따라서 화자는 한 가족의 빈곤과 타자성이 공동체에서 어떻게 해결되는지를 밝히면서 이야기의 범위를 공동체의 생존으로까지 확장시킨다.


        Fabrication of a Screw-Shaped Long-Period Fiber Grating for Refractive Index Sensing

        Cho, Yonghyun,Ahmed, Farid,Joe, Hang-Eun,Yun, Huitaek,Min, Byung-Kwon,Jun, Martin B. G. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2017 IEEE photonics technology letters Vol.29 No.24

        <P>A process for femtosecond laser-based manufacturing was proposed to fabricate a long-period fiber grating (LPFG) with a screw shape. The screw-shaped LPFG was continuously inscribed by single laser scanning, which results in the improvement of fabrication time. For the single laser scanning, an optical fiber was traveled along fiber axis and rotated about the fiber axis. The 44.65-mm-long LPFG with a screw shape and the period of 450 <TEX>$\mu \text{m}$</TEX> was fabricated about 17 min, and its sensitivity was 48 ~ 51 nm/RIU for the glycerin solutions. The proposed process enables us to produce the screw-shaped LPFGs with fast manufacturing time and reliable performance compared with the process with multi-path scanning.</P>

      • KCI등재

        A Textual-Critical Analysis of Achsah’s Story With Focus on the Characterization

        Yonghyun Cho 대한성서공회 2020 성경원문연구 Vol.0 No.47

        In this paper, I argue that the textual variants of the Masoretic Text (MT), the Septuagint (LXX), and the Targum give rise to different characterizations in the story of Achsah. This textual-critical analysis of Achsah’s story focuses on the differences of the three texts and their subsequent characterizations rather than the demonstration of the variants’ existence. The story of Achsah has attracted the biblical interpreters’ attention because unlike other biblical females, she is described as an able strategist and a shrewd negotiator who pluckily requests her father for a field and gains it in contrast to her husband Othniel who appears as a passive figure in the MT. Yet the portrayal of Achsah’s incitement of Othniel in the MT Joshua 15:18 and Judges 1:14 is ambiguous and thus gives rise to a conundrum, ‘who incited whom?’ Concerning the ambiguous description, the LXX attempts to harmonize it by changing the object of the incitement to the feminine pronoun and adding Othniel in the place of the subject (ἐπἐσεισεν αὐτὴν Γοθονιηλ). Such a change of the subject solves the textual dilemma of the MT by providing the reason why Achsah asks her father for a field. However, the LXX ironically characterizes Othniel as the greedy son-in-law who is not satisfied with his bride’s dowry, unlike the previous depiction as the honorable hero who spearheaded the attack on the Canaanite city. The Targum reconciles the MT with the LXX by defining the action of Achsah as advice or counseling through the verb, ומלכתיה The Targum thus neutralizes the sexual connotation of the transaction between Achsah and Othniel in the MT, making her a more positive character. However, the Targum also does not furnish any reason for the sudden disappearance of Othniel. Therefore, the LXX and the Targum seek to resolve the textual tension of Achsah’s story in the MT where there are several ambiguities. While the LXX changes the subject of the action to incite, the Targum mitigates the effect of the incitement by using the neutral term. Consequently, the LXX emphasizes the subjectivity of Othniel, whereas the Targum gives rise to the highly positive description of Achsah. Such modifications are comparable to the equivocal statement of the MT.

      • KCI등재

        Block Shear Strength of Double-Lap Welded Connections in Mild Carbon Steel Plate

        YongHyun Cho,TaeSoo Kim,JunSu Kim,Dongkeun Lee 한국강구조학회 2021 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.21 No.5

        This paper presents experimental and numerical investigations related to the block shear mechanism of double-lap welded connections. The experiment investigation includes 36 specimens composed of 3.0 mm and 6.0 mm thick mild carbon steel SS275 plates with varying block lengths and widths. It is found that the tension fracture in block shear of welded connection tends to be curved along the critical plane. The numerical results shows that the stress triaxiality eff ect in increasing the tensile stress over the critical tension plane, and thus the tension resistance component increases. This paper also examines the accuracy of various block shear strength equations given in the design codes as well as the literature. Topkaya’s equation is found to be signifi cantly more accurate than other block shear strength equations for the tested specimens. Nonetheless, it is recommended to use the reduced tensile coeffi cient to ensure both safe margin and the accuracy.

      • A Lightweight, Uni-directional Routing Protocol for Event-Driven Sensor Networks

        YongHyun Cho,SangKeun Lee,Yon Dohn Chung 대한전자공학회 2007 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2007 No.7

        Nodes in event-driven sensor networks communicate with one another via network control packets on wireless link. Therefore, network control packets in routing protocols play an important role in sensor networks. There are, however, too many useless network control packets in conventional routing protocols. We propose simple routing protocol, could forward event for unidirctional. The proposed method does not maintain routing path. Consequently, there are no routing tables in networks. If a node send some message to the base station, any routing path are discovered and removed at that time. As a result, a large amount of network control packets are reduced except essential ones. We show the effective elimination of useless control packets by simulation.

      • Cold formed austenitic stainless steel SHS brace members under cyclic loading: Finite element modelling, design considerations

        YongHyun Cho,Fangying Wang,TaeSoo Kim 국제구조공학회 2023 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.47 No.1

        This study presents a numerical investigation into the hysteretic behavior of cold-formed austenitic stainless steel square hollow section (SHS) brace members using a commercial finite element (FE) analysis software ABAQUS/Standard. The initial/post buckling and fracture life of SHS brace members are comprehensively investigated through parametric studies with FE models incorporating ductile fracture model, which is validated against the existing laboratory test results collected from the literature. It is found that the current predictive models are applicable for the initial buckling strengths of SHS brace members under cyclic loading, while result in significant inaccuracy in predictions for the post-buckling strength and fracture life. The modified predictive model is therefore proposed and the applicability was then confirmed through excellent comparisons with test results for cold-formed austenitic stainless SHS brace members.

      • A New Type of Protective Surface Layer for High-Capacity Ni-Based Cathode Materials: Nanoscaled Surface Pillaring Layer

        Cho, Yonghyun,Oh, Pilgun,Cho, Jaephil American Chemical Society 2013 Nano letters Vol.13 No.3

        <P>A solid solution series of lithium nickel metal oxides, Li[Ni<SUB>1–<I>x</I></SUB>M<SUB><I>x</I></SUB>]O<SUB>2</SUB> (with M = Co, Mn, and Al) have been investigated intensively to enhance the inherent structural instability of LiNiO<SUB>2</SUB>. However, when a voltage range of Ni-based cathode materials was increased up to >4.5 V, phase transitions occurring above 4.3 V resulted in accelerated formation of the trigonal phase (<I>P</I>3̅<I>m</I>1) and NiO phases, leading to and pulverization of the cathode during cycling at 60 °C. In an attempt to overcome these problems, LiNi<SUB>0.62</SUB>Co<SUB>0.14</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.24</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> cathode material with pillar layers in which Ni<SUP>2+</SUP> ions were resided in Li slabs near the surface having a thickness of ∼10 nm was prepared using a polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) functionalized Mn precursor coating on Ni<SUB>0.7</SUB>Co<SUB>0.15</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.15</SUB>(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>. We confirmed the formation of a pillar layer via various analysis methods (XPS, HRTEM, and STEM). This material showed excellent structural stability due to a pillar layer, corresponding to 85% capacity retention between 3.0 and 4.5 V at 60 °C after 100 cycles. In addition, the amount of heat generation was decreased by 40%, compared to LiNi<SUB>0.70</SUB>Co<SUB>0.15</SUB>Mn<SUB>0.15</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/nalefd/2013/nalefd.2013.13.issue-3/nl304558t/production/images/medium/nl-2012-04558t_0009.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/nl304558t'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

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