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      • KCI등재

        시판되는 생수 내 무기물 함량에 관한 연구

        소유려,백병주,김재곤,양연미,김하나 大韓小兒齒科學會 2009 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.36 No.3

        생수 내에는 많은 미네랄이 포함하고 있으며, 이 중 칼슘, 나트륨, 칼륨, 마그네슘, 불소는 생수통에 반드시 표기해야 할 무기물이다. 칼슘, 마그네슘, 불소와 같은 무기물은 치아형성에 관여하며, 적절하게 섭취시 치아우식증을 예방할 수 있다. 현행 먹는 샘물 수질기준에 따르면 무해무기물질인 칼슘과 마그네슘에 대한 기준치는 없으며, 유해무기물질인 불소와 같은 무기물은 2 mgF/L 이하로 규정하고 있다. 본 연구는 국내에서 판매되고 있는 생수 15종을 대상으로 칼슘, 마그네슘, 불소의 농도를 측정하였고, 생수 내 무기물 함량의 표기 여부 및 무기물 농도를 비교, 검토하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 15개의 생수 중 1개의 생수를 제외하고 모두 칼슘함량을 표기하였다. 평균 칼슘농도는 34.68±31.84 mg/L, 최대 12.891±1.85 mg/L, 최소 2.0±0.02 mg/L이었다. 2. 15개의 생수 중 2개의 생수를 제외하고 모두 마그네슘 함량을 표기하였다. 평균 마그네슘 농도는 9.22±11.06 mg/L, 최대 30.43±0.75 mg/L, 최소 0.0 mg/L이었다. 3. 15개의 생수 중 4개의 생수를 제외하고 모두 불소 함량을 표기하였다. 평균 불소 농도는 0.25±0.33 mg/L, 최대 1.13±0.04 mg/L, 최소 0.01±0.03 mg/L이었다. 모두 생수는 현행 먹는 샘물 기준치인 2 mgF/L 이하에는 만족시켰다. Drinking water has lots of minerals, especially calcium, sodium, kalium, magnesium, and fluoride must be labelled on the bottle about their contents. Minerals like calcium, magnesium, and fluoride have influence to the tooth development. Appropriately taking some minerals, dental caries can be prevented somewhat degree. There is no guide line about innoxious minerals like calcium and magnesium, however, noxious mineral like fluoride, should be contained less than 2 mgF/L according to the current drinking water standard. Hereupon, it is necessary to recognize the concentration of fluoride in drinking water, so I studied 15 samples of domestic drinking water on sale about the concentration of calcium and magnesium, fluoride. The results obtained were as follows ; 1. 14 drinking waters in 15 samples showed various Ca concentration. The average Ca concentration is 34.68±31.84 mg/L. the highest is 128.91±1.85 mg/L and the lowest is 2.0±0.02 mg/L. 2. 13 drinking waters in 15 samples indicate the Mg concentration. The average concentration is 9.22±11.06 mg/L. the highest is 30.43±0.75 mg/L and the lowest is 0.0 mg/L. 3. 11 drinking waters in 15 samples indicate the F concentration. The average concentration is 0.25±0.33 mg/L, the highest is 1.13±0.04 mg/L and the lowest is 0.01±0.03 mg/L. All samples are satisfied the current drinking water standard, 2 mg F/L.

      • KCI등재

        전북대학교병원 소아치과에 내원한 교정환자 보호자들의 의삭에 관한 설문조사

        소유려,백병주,김재곤,양연미,이용훈 大韓小兒齒科學會 2008 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        최근 치의학의 눈부신 발전과 소득의 증가에 따른 일반인의 의식 변화로 외모에 대한 관심도가 높아지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대학병원에 내원한 동기와 교정치료를 시작하게 된 동기,치료방법 및 치료기간을 파악하여,이를 토대로 보호자와 보다 적절한 의사소통을 위한 정보를 파악하고,보호자들의 교정치료에 대한 기대를 파악하고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 이를 위해 전북대학교 치과병원 소아치과에 내원한 교정환자의 보호자 150명을 대상으로 조사 연구한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 본 병원의 소아치과를 찾게 된 이유 중 대학병원이 좋을 것 같아서가 52.1%. 친지나 아는 사람의 권유가 25%. 다른 치과병원의 소개가 16.7%로 나타났다. 2. 내원 전 예상하였던 치료기간 중 2년 이상이 37.5%. 12∼18개월이 12.5%로 나타났다. 3. 교정치료를 받으려는 이유 중 부모가 부정교합을 발견하고 걱정스러워서가 58.3%, 주위사람들의 지적이 12.5%로 나타났다. 4. 소아치과 내원 환자의 치료방법은 구강 내 고정성장치가 41.7%, 가철성장치가 29.2% 구외 장치가 2.1%를 차지했다. 5. 예약 후 치료를 위해 기다리는 시간 중 5∼10분이 39.6%, 15∼30분이 4.1%로 나타났으며,기다리는 시간은 어느 정도까지 괜찮다고 생각하는가에 대해 5∼10분이 60.4%, 15∼30분이 2.1%로 나타났다. Recently, in proportion to the remarkable development of dentistry and income increases it is growing more and more a concern about changed awareness in appearance, In this study, it had a grasp of the purpose for university hospital visiting, the motive of the commencement for orthodontic treatment and a method of the treatment as well as term. Based on these, the aim of this study is to keep more of the information between parent and doctors for mutual understanding and to grasp the characteristics for the needs of orthodontic treatment. In order to conduct researches, there has made a survey of 150 persons among orthodontic patients' parents who visit CBNU hospital, the pediatric dentistry. The study has found the results like these. 1. There was a question about the reason to visit CBNU hospital in the department of pediatric dentistry for orthodontic treatment. 52.1% of respondents, the survey found, were more likely to receive a good medical service. 25% of them were counselled from a relative or an acquaintance. 16.7% of them were recommended by another dental clinic. 2. There was a question about the expected orthodontic treatment period, when at first hospital visiting. 37.5% of the respondents answered that it was a 'more than 2 years', 12.5% of them said 'from 12 months to 18 months'. 3. There was a question about the reason to receive orthodontic treatment. 58.3% of the respondents, the survey found, answered the reason was parents' concern about the malocclusion of their children, 12.5% of them said a the orthodontic problem pointed out by entourages. 4. There was a question about the method of orthodontic treatment for patients who visit the department in pediatric dentistry. 41.7% of the respondents said that it was used as 'an intra-oral fixed appliance', 29.2% of them said 'an intra-oral removable appliance', 2.1% of them said 'an extra-oral appliance'. 5. There was a question about the waiting time for treatment after a dental appointment. 60.4% of the respondents said 'from 5 minutes to 10 minutes', 4.1% of them said 'from 15 minutes to 30 minutes'. There was a question about the extent of an acceptable waiting time. It was answered to 'from 5 minutes to 10 minutes' by 60.4% of them, 2.1% of them said 'from 15 minutes to 30 minutes'.

      • KCI등재후보

        전자렌지 조립작업자에서 발생한 경견완증후군의 조사 연구(Ⅰ) : 설문증상을 중심으로 A Review on the Symptoms Investigated by the Questionnaire

        김양옥,박종,류소연 大韓産業醫學會 1995 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        모 전자렌지 조립작업장 근로자 313명 중 목과 어깨 등의 경견완부위에 자각증상을 호소하는 137명(43.8%)에 대하여 자각증상, 작업자세, 작업환경과 건강관리 여부를 조사하고 건강진단을 실시한 후 자각증상에 중점을 두어 분석하여 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 증상 호소자 중 경견완증후군 1등급에 해당하는 자는 6명(4.4%), 2등급은 48명(35.0%), 3-1등급은 47명(34.4%), 3-2등급은 11명(8.0%), 4등급은 25명(18.2%)이었다. 2. 증상 호소자의 3.6%가 건강진단 실시 약 36개월 전부터 증상이 있었고, 기간이 지남에 따라 점차 증가하였다. 약 13개월 전에 벨트컨베이어 작업대를 75.0cm에서 87.8cm로 높인 후 증상자의 75%가 발현하였다. 3. 여성 근로자가 남성 근로자에 비해 증상 호소율이 더 높았으며 특히 목과 어깨의 통증, 등의 불편감과 통증, 손목 또는 손의 불편감과 통증은 여자가 남자보다 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다.(p<0.05). 4. 주요 증상의 유병율 증가와 건강진단 실시 이전 24개월 동안 작업장내 실근로자수 감소 사이의 관련성을 조사한 결과 유의한 음의 상관관계가 있었다(r=0.508∼r=-0.665). 5. 작업환경(기온 : 13.3℃, 소음 : 78.8dB, 조도 : 241.4Lux)은 경견완증후군 예방을 위한 권장치(17℃ 이상, 75dB이하, 400Lux이상)에 훨씬 미치지 못하였다. 6. 근로자의 채용 건강진단과 정기 건강진단 중경견완증후군을 위한 검사항목은 없었으며, 초기 경견완증후군을 호소하는 근로자를 치료하는 프로그램이 이 공장에는 없었다. 결론적으로 작업자의 경견완증후군의 주원인은 좋지 못한 작업환경 하에서 장기간(2-3년) 목, 어깨, 팔과 손에 반복되는 단조로운 작업 때문이라고 생각하며, 2차예방을 위한 건강관리 프로그램의 결여가 경견완증후군을 악화시킨 요인이라고 생각된다. To find the characteristics of the subjective symptoms and its related factors among the patients with the cervicobrachial syndrome, an interview survey was made toward 137 patients complaining the symptoms in cervicobrachial area out of 313 workers occupied in a microwave-oven assembling factory form December 1993 to February 1994. Results were as follows: 1. The patients were classified by the severity of the syndrome as 6 persons(4.4%) at grade I (the mildest grade), 48 persons(35.0%) at grade II, 47 persons(34.4%) at grade Ⅲ-1, 11 persons(8.0%) at grade Ⅲ-2 and 25 persons(18.2%) at grade Ⅳ. 2. Only 3.6% of the total patients under the study felt the main symptoms of the cervicobrachial syndrome 36 months before this study, and then the number of patients increased gradually, but the incidence of the syndrome increased suddenly from 25.1% to 74.9% since the factory had elevated the height of the belt conveyer-worktables from 75.0cm to 87.7 cm 13 months before the study. 3. Although the higher percentage of the female workers felt the subjective symptoms including the pain at the neck and shoulder, the discomfort or pain at the back and the discomfort or pain at the wrist or the finger than male workers significantly (p<0.05). The male workers, however, showed more abnormal X-ray findings than the female workers significantly(p<0.05). 4. Between the prevalence of the cervicobrachial syndrome and the number of actual workers occupied at the factory during last 24 months, a negative correlation(r=0.508∼r=0.665) was observed. 5. The measured workplace environment of the studied factory (average temperature: 13.3℃, average noise: 78.8dB, average illumination: 241.4 Lux) was the poorer condition than the recommended level(17℃ or more, lower than 75dB and 400 Lux or more). 6. Neither items to check the cervicobrachial syndrome during the entrance and health maintenance examinations nor early treatment program for the syndrome were found at the factory. In conclusion, the primary cause of the cervicobrachial syndrome of the workers were considered due to their repeated monotonous motions on the neck, the shoulder, the arms and the hands for a long duration(2-3 years) with the uncomfortable working posture under the uncomfortable workplace environments, and the condition got aggravated due to the inappropriated health management program for its secondary prevention.

      • KCI등재

        제 1대구치와 제2유구치의 교합면 양상에 관한 연구

        전소희,백병주,김재곤,양연미 大韓小兒齒科學會 2005 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.32 No.1

        형태학적으로 아주 유사한 상, 하악 제2유구치와 제1대구치의 교합면 형태를 분석하고자 정상교합의 유치열기 아동(Hellman dental age ⅡA) 100명(남자 50명, 여자 50명)과 영구치열기의 성인(Hellman dental age ⅣA) 86명(남자 43명, 여자 43명)을 대상으로 하였다. 상, 하악 제2유구치와 제1대구치의 상, 하악 석고모형의 3차원 형상 data로부터 각 교두정간 거리, 교두정을 최소한의 오차로 지나는 평면과 교합면사이의 체적, 평면에서 교두정간 까지의 방향별 Section curve를 구하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 형성된 표준평면과 각 교두정과의 거리에 관한 오차는 하악 제2유구치에서 남자 0.05-0.09mm, 여자 0.04-0.09mm로서 제일 작았다. 2. 각 교두정간의 거리는 하악 제2유구치와 제1대구치에서 남자가 크게 나타났다. 특히 제2 유구치에서는 유의성이 존재하였다(p<0.05). 3. 남녀 모두에서 사주 교두거리를 제외하고, 상악 제2유구치는 원심 협측교두와 설측교두 사이가, 하악 제2유구치는 원심교두와 원심 설측교두 사이가, 상악 제1대구치는 근심 설측교두와 협측교두 사이가, 하악 제1대구치는 원심 설측교두와 근심 설측교두 사이의 거리가 가장 크게 측정되었다. 4. 제2유구치와 제1대구치에 교합면 체적은 하악에서 크게 나타났고, 영구치가 1.40-1.75배 값을 보였으며(p<0.05), 남녀간에서는 남자가 큰 값을 보이긴 하였지만 통계적인 유의성이 없었다. 5. 대부분의 경우 유치열에서 보다 영구치열에서 section curve가 넓고 깊었으며 교두사이의 사선거리를 제외하고 상악의 경우 근심 협측과 설측교두 사이에서 유치열과 영구치열 모두에서 가장 깊은 section curve를 이루었으며 하악에서는 영구치열은 원심 협측과 원심교두사이 유치열은 원심 설측과 원심교두 사이에서 가장 깊은 section curve를 이루었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the morphometrics of primary second molar and permanent first molar. Samples were consisted of normal occlusion in the primary dentition(50 males and 50 females) and permanent dentition(43 males and 43 females). Their upper and lower plaster casts were used and their measuring points wore decided, through 3-dimensional laser scanning(3D Scanner, DS4060, LDI, U.S.A.), fitting standard horizontal plane were made for measuring the intercuspal distance, volume of intercuspal area and section curve. The results were as follows; 1. Average distance from the fit plane to the cusp tips of mandibular primary second molar was smaller than any other tooth. (0.05-0.09 mm in male and 0.04-0.09 mm in female). 2. Intercuspal distances of mandibular primary second molar and permanent first molar were larger in male than in female. Especially, there was statistical significance in primary second molar(p<0.05). 3. Intercuspal distance between distobuccal and distolingual cusp was larger in maxillary primary second molar, except cross intercuspal distances. And distances between distal and distolingual cusp, in mandibular primary second molar, between mesiolingual and mesiobuccal cusp, in maxillary first molar, and between distolingual and mesiolingual cusp, in mandibular first molar were larger than any other intercuspal distance 4. Volume of intercuspal area of primary second molar and permanent first molar was larger in mandible than in maxilla and that of' permanent first molar was 1.40-1.75 times of primary second molar (p<0.05). Also it was larger in male than in female, but there was no statistical significance. 5. In most cases, section curves were wider and deeper in permanent dentition than in primary dentition. Except cross intercuspal distances, in maxilla, section curve between mesiobuccal and mesiolingual cusp was the deepest in both dentition. In mandible, section curve between distobuccal and distal cusp was the deepest in permanent dentition and between distolingual and distal cusp was the deepest in primary dentition.

      • 일부 국민학교 아동의 폐기능에 영향을 미치는 요인

        류소연,양은석,박종 조선대학교 1995 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.20 No.1

        Using pulmonary function and questionnaire data for 127 primary-school-age children (62 boys and 65 girls) in Kwangju city, we analyzed spirometric data (FVC. FEV_0.5, FEV_1, FEV_3, FEF_200-1200, FEF_25-75%) to determine the factors affecting the pulmonary function in 3 primary schools. The results were as follows; 1. Boys had higher value of spirometric data than do girls. 2. Obese children were tended to lower value of spirometric data than non-obese children in both sexes. 3. FEF_200-1200 were higher for taking exercise group than for not taking exercise group in boys. 4. FEV_0.5, FEF_200-1200, FEF_25-75% in boys and FVC and FEV_3 in girls were higher for group whose sleeping hours is less than 8 hours per day than for group whose sleeping hours is more than 8 hours per day. 5. Non-smoking status was associated with higher FVC, FEV_1, FEF_200-1200 in girls. 6. Spirometric data were correlated very strongly with height, weight, age in both sexes and there was a significant correlation between sleeping hours and spirometric data except FEF_25-75% and familial smoking amount and FVC in girls. We conclude that the management and education of environmental factors may be needed to improve pulmonary functions.

      • 항코린에스테라제 독성에 대한 Histamine길항제의 효과

        박은희,양근해,김오션 숙명여자대학교 약학연구소 1997 약학논문집-숙명여자대학교 Vol.13 No.-

        This study was designed to examine the effects of antihistamines on the toxicity of neostigmine, a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor, in mice. Diphenhydramine and promethazine pretreatment increased the LD_(50) value of neostigmine by 2.15- and 3.65-fold, respectively. They also increased the onset times of toxic manifestations such as whole body tremor, loss of righting reflex and death. However, chlorcyclizine, chlorpromazine, i antazoline, chlorpheniramine and cimetidine pretreatment did not reduce the toxicities of neo-stigmine.

      • KCI등재후보

        전자렌지 조립작업자에서 발생한 경견완증후군의 조사 연구(Ⅱ) : 진찰 및 검사소견을 중심으로 A Review on the Findings of the Examinations

        박종,김양옥,류소연,하상호,박병권 大韓産業醫學會 1995 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        경견완증후군 소견자가 발생한 모 전자렌지 조립 작업장의 작업자 313명 중 설문조사에서 경견완 부위에 증상을 호소하는 137명(43.8%)에 대하여 건강진단을 실시하여 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 건강진단의 주요 소견 양성율은 자발통이 94.9%, 운동통이 62.0%, 근압통이 78.1%, X-선 촬영이상 54.7%, Morley검사 28.5%등이었다. 2. 남자에서 목부위의 근압통의 정도는 좌·우 악력과 음의 상관을 보였으며, 팔꿈치 부위의 근압통은 잔업량이 많을수록 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 여자에서는 목부위의 근압통의 정도는 좌·우 악력과 음의 상관을, 잔업량과는 양의 상관을 보였으며, 신장이 적을수록 손목부위의 압통을 심하게 호소하였다(p<0.05). 3. 근경결은 여성에서, 근무기간이 증가할수록 유의하게 증가하는 경향을 보였다.(p<0.01). 4. 건강진단 결과와 자각증상과의 연관성을 분석한 결과 X-선 촬영 이상여부는 목과 어깨의 통증, 다리의 피곤감과 관련이 있었다. 근경결 여부는 손, 손목, 손가락의 저림 증상과 유의한 관련이 있었고, Morley 검사는 손목과 손의 불편감, 등의 불편감이나 통증 등의 증상과 유의한 관련이 있었다. 목 부위의 근압통은 목과 어깨의 통증 그리고 손목, 손, 손가락의 저림 등과 유의한 관련이 있었으며 어깨 부위의 근압통은 목과 어깨의 통증, 전신 피로 증상과 유의한 관련이 있었다.(p<0.05). 5. 근압통이 있는 군에서 없는 군에 비해 일상 생활 도중에 겪는 고통 중 상지 부위의 고통 호소수가 유의하게 많았으며(p<0.05), 근전도 검사에서 양성인 경우 음성에 비해 신경정신계통에 나타나는 고통 호소수가 유의하게 많았다.(p<0.05). 결론적으로 경견완장해의 등급과 병형 진단에 있어서 자각증상과 건강진단 결과와는 밀접한 연관성이 있었으며, 근경결, 근압통, X-선 촬영 그리고 Morley 검사 등이 유용할 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 자각증상의 주관적인 요소를 가능한 한 배제할 수 있도록 자각증상을 객관화하는 노력과 방법들의 개발이 필요할 것으로 생각한다. To find the severity and the type of the cervicobrachial syndrome, through physical examinations and laboratory tests were made toward 137 patients complaining the cervicobrachial syndrome(CBS) through the health interview among 313 workers occupied in a microwave-oven assembling factory from December 1993 to February 1994. Results were as follows. 1. The prevalence of spontaneous pain was 94.9%, while 78.1% suffered from muscle tenderness, 63.5% suffered from muscle induration and 62.0% showed kinesalgia. 54.7% of patients showed positive cervical X-ray findings and 28.5% showed positive Morley test. 2. The muscle induration was associated with the total duration of the job among female workers. 3. The severity of neck tenderness was negatively correlated with the strength of the grip at both hands, positively correlated with the duration of overtime in male and the severity of the wrist tenderness was negatively correlated with the height in female. 4. X-ray findings, muscle induration. Morley test results, muscle tenderness on the neck and muscle tenderness on the shoulder were associated with subjective symptoms of the workers. 5. The muscle tenderness was associated with the number of the complaints at upper extremities among the sufferings in daily life significantly and the electromyogram(EMG) finding was associated with the number of the complaints about neuropsychological system among the sufferings in daily life significantly. In conclusion, the results of the physical examination were related with the subjective symptoms of the cervicobrachial syndrome. The muscle induration, the muscle tenderness, cervical X-ray findings and the Morley test results were more useful for the diagnosis of CBS. More efforts to objectify the subjective symptoms were asked.

      • 돼지고기육종의 방사선 유래 휘발성 물질 분석

        차용준,박지영,김훈,김소정,정연정,소양순,유영재 창원대학교 생활과학연구소 2000 생활과학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        Bacillus cereus KCTC 3674 produced at least two kinds of extracellular proteases. Two major bands of the protease activity with molecular weights of approximately 100 and 38 kDa were obtained after gelatin-SDS-PAGE. The production of extracellular proteases occurred during the logarithmic growth phase and was greatest when cultures reached the stationary growth phase. On the other hand, the growth of B. cereus KCTC 3674 and the production of its extracellular proteases were severely inhibited by the addition of protonophore carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Thus, it was concluded that the growth of B. cereus KCTC 3674 and the production of its extracellular pretenses were strongly affected by a H+ electrochemical potential.

      • KCI등재후보

        전자렌지 조립작업자에서 발생한 경견완증후군의 조사 연구(III) : A Review on Working Posture 작업자세를 중심으로

        박종,이철갑,류소연,김양옥 大韓産業醫學會 1997 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        Working postures in 116 microwave-oven assemblers were measured and analysed using postural load scores of body parts in 137 workers complaining the cervicobrachial syndrome(CBS). The relationship between postueal load scores of body parts and the grades of CBS was observed. Results were summarized as follows. 1. The height of work-table and work-seat, the thumb tip reach, the shoulder angle, the elbow angle and the forward bending angle of body trunk exceeded the recommended level and therefore they seemed to impose increased static postural loads on muscles of neck and shoulder as well as static and/or dynamic load on arm and hand muscles. 2. The postural load score of shoulder in grade Ⅱ was significantly lower than that in grade Ⅲ-2 and Ⅳ and those of elbow, neck+shoulder, elbow+wrist and upper extremity were significantly lower in grade Ⅱ than in grade Ⅳ. These results suggested that the awkward working postures were associated with the occurrence of CBS as well as the severity of CBS.

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