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        Jun, Y.B.,Dudek, W.A.,Shabir, M.,Kang, Min-Su The Honam Mathematical Society 2010 호남수학학술지 Vol.32 No.3

        W. A. Dudek, M. Shabir and M. Irfan Ali discussed the properties of (${\alpha},{\beta}$)-fuzzy ideals of hemirings in [9]. In this paper, we discuss the generalization of their results on (${\alpha},{\beta}$)-fuzzy ideals of hemirings. As a generalization of the notions of $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q)$-fuzzy left (right) ideals, $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q)$-fuzzy h-ideals and $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q)$-fuzzy k-ideals, the concepts of $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy left (right) ideals, $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy h-ideals and $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy k-ideals are defined, and their characterizations are considered. Using a left (right) ideal (resp. h-ideal, k-ideal), we construct an $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy left (right) ideal (resp. $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy h-ideal, $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy k-ideal). The implication-based fuzzy h-ideals (k-ideals) of a hemiring are considered.

      • KCI등재

        Low-Scale Expression and Purification of an Active Putative Iduronate 2-Sulfate Sulfatase-Like Enzyme from Escherichia coli K12

        Edwin David Morales-Álvarez,Claudia Marcela Rivera-Hoyos,Angélica María Baena-Moncada,Patricia Landázuri,Raúl A. Poutou-Piñales,Homero Sáenz-Suárez,Luis A. Barrera,Olga Y. Echeverri-Peña 한국미생물학회 2013 The journal of microbiology Vol.51 No.2

        The sulfatase family involves a group of enzymes with a large degree of similarity. Until now, sixteen human sulfatases have been identified, most of them found in lysosomes. Human deficiency of sulfatases generates various genetic disorders characterized by abnormal accumulation of sulfated intermediate compounds. Mucopolysaccharidosis type II is characterized by the deficiency of iduronate 2-sulfate sulfatase (IDS), causing the lysosomal accumulation of heparan and dermatan sulfates. Currently, there are several cases of genetic diseases treated with enzyme replacement therapy, which have generated a great interest in the development of systems for recombinant protein expression. In this work we expressed the human recombinant IDS-Like enzyme (hrIDS-Like) in Escherichia coli DH5α. The enzyme concentration revealed by ELISA varied from 78.13 to 94.35 ng/ml and the specific activity varied from 34.20 to 25.97 nmol/h/mg. Western blotting done after affinity chromatography purification showed a single band of approximately 40 kDa, which was recognized by an IgY polyclonal antibody that was developed against the specific peptide of the native protein. Our 100 ml-shake-flask assays allowed us to improve the enzyme activity seven fold,compared to the E. coli JM109/pUC13-hrIDS-Like system. Additionally, the results obtained in the present study were equal to those obtained with the Pichia pastoris GS1115/pPIC-9-hrIDS-Like system (3 L bioreactor scale). The system used in this work (E. coli DH5α/pGEX-3X-hrIDS-Like)emerges as a strategy for improving protein expression and purification, aimed at recombinant protein chemical characterization,future laboratory assays for enzyme replacement therapy, and as new evidence of active putative sulfatase production in E. coli.


        Simulations of KSTAR high performance steady state operation scenarios

        Na, Yong-Su,Kessel, C.E.,Park, J.M.,Yi, Sumin,Becoulet, A.,Sips, A.C.C.,Kim, J.Y. International Atomic Energy Agency 2009 Nuclear fusion Vol.49 No.11

        <P>We report the results of predictive modelling of high performance steady state operation scenarios in KSTAR. Firstly, the capabilities of steady state operation are investigated with time-dependent simulations using a free-boundary plasma equilibrium evolution code coupled with transport calculations. Secondly, the reproducibility of high performance steady state operation scenarios developed in the DIII-D tokamak, of similar size to that of KSTAR, is investigated using the experimental data taken from DIII-D. Finally, the capability of ITER-relevant steady state operation is investigated in KSTAR. It is found that KSTAR is able to establish high performance steady state operation scenarios; β<SUB>N</SUB> above 3, <I>H</I><SUB>98</SUB>(<I>y</I>, 2) up to 2.0, <I>f</I><SUB>BS</SUB> up to 0.76 and <I>f</I><SUB>NI</SUB> equals 1.0. In this work, a realistic density profile is newly introduced for predictive simulations by employing the scaling law of a density peaking factor. The influence of the current ramp-up scenario and the transport model is discussed with respect to the fusion performance and non-inductive current drive fraction in the transport simulations. As observed in the experiments, both the heating and the plasma current waveforms in the current ramp-up phase produce a strong effect on the <I>q</I>-profile, the fusion performance and also on the non-inductive current drive fraction in the current flattop phase. A criterion in terms of <I>q</I><SUB>min</SUB> is found to establish ITER-relevant steady state operation scenarios. This will provide a guideline for designing the current ramp-up phase in KSTAR. It is observed that the transport model also affects the predictive values of fusion performance as well as the non-inductive current drive fraction. The Weiland transport model predicts the highest fusion performance as well as non-inductive current drive fraction in KSTAR. In contrast, the GLF23 model exhibits the lowest ones. ITER-relevant advanced scenarios cannot be obtained with the GLF23 model in the conditions given in this work. Finally, ideal MHD stability is investigated for the ITER-relevant advanced scenarios in KSTAR. The methods and results presented in this paper are expected to contribute to improving the ITER and beyond ITER predictive simulations.</P>


        Mechanics of stretchable electronics on balloon catheter under extreme deformation

        Su, Y.,Liu, Z.,Wang, S.,Ghaffari, R.,Kim, D.H.,Hwang, K.C.,Rogers, J.A.,Huang, Y. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2014 International journal of solids and structures Vol.51 No.7

        Stretchable electronics has been applied to balloon catheters for high-efficacy ablation, with tactile sensing integrated on the surface, to establish full and conformal contact with the endocardial surface for elimination of the heart sink caused by blood flow around their surfaces. The balloon of the catheter folds into uniform 'clover' patterns driven by the pressure mismatch inside (~vacuum) and outside of the balloon (pressure ~1atm). The balloon catheter, on which microelectrodes and interconnects are printed, undergoes extreme mechanical deformation during its inflation and deflation. An analytic solution is obtained for balloon catheter inflation and deflation, which gives analytically the distribution of curvatures and the maximum strain in the microelectrodes and interconnects. The analytic solution is validated by the finite element analysis. It also accounts for the effect of inflated radius, and is very useful to the optimal design of balloon catheter.


        The Maximum Entropy Limit of Small-scale Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the Quiet Sun

        Gorobets, A. Y.,Berdyugina, S. V.,Riethmü,ller, T. L.,Rodrí,guez, J. Blanco,Solanki, S. K.,Barthol, P.,Gandorfer, A.,Gizon, L.,Hirzberger, J.,Noort, M. van,Del Toro Iniesta, J. C.,Suá American Astronomical Society 2017 The Astrophysical journal Supplement series Vol.233 No.1

        <P>The observed magnetic field on the solar surface is characterized by a very complex spatial and temporal behavior. Although feature-tracking algorithms have allowed us to deepen our understanding of this behavior, subjectivity plays an important role in the identification and tracking of such features. In this paper, we continue studies of the temporal stochasticity of the magnetic field on the solar surface without relying either on the concept of magnetic features or on subjective assumptions about their identification and interaction. We propose a data analysis method to quantify fluctuations of the line-of-sight magnetic field by means of reducing the temporal field's evolution to the regular Markov process. We build a representative model of fluctuations converging to the unique stationary (equilibrium) distribution in the long time limit with maximum entropy. We obtained different rates of convergence to the equilibrium at fixed noise cutoff for two sets of data. This indicates a strong influence of the data spatial resolution and mixing-polarity fluctuations on the relaxation process. The analysis is applied to observations of magnetic fields of the relatively quiet areas around an active region carried out during the second flight of the SUNRISE/IMAX and quiet Sun areas at the disk center from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite.</P>

      • Electrical, Luminescent and Structural Properties of Nanopillar GaN/InGaN Multi-Quantum-Well Structures Prepared by Dry Etching

        Polyakov, A. Y.,Cho, Han-Su,Yun, Jin-Hyeon,Lee, In-Hwan,Yakimov, E. B.,Smirnov, N. B.,Shcherbachev, K. D. The Electrochemical Society 2016 ECS journal of solid state science and technology Vol.5 No.6

        <P>GaN/InGaN multiple quantum well (MQW) structures with undoped n-GaN cap imitating true light emitting diodes were grown on sapphire and converted to deep nanopillar (NP) structures by dry etching beyond the MQW region. Structural measurements, electrical measurements on Schottky diodes, microcathodoluminescence (MCL) spectra measurements indicate a strong relaxation of strain in NP MQWs manifested in the prominent increase of the bowing radius of the structures and in the blueshift of the MQW peak in MCL spectra. Various treatments of the as-etched NP MQWs (annealing at 700 degrees C, etching in KOH, and soaking in (NH4)(2)S) progressively decreased the leakage current of Schottky diodes and increased the MQW MCL peak intensity due to the suppression of the dry-etching damage of the nanopillar sidewalls. (C) 2016 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.</P>


        Fusion Step-Specific Influence of Cholesterol on SNARE-Mediated Membrane Fusion

        Chang, J.,Kim, S.A.,Lu, X.,Su, Z.,Kim, S.K.,Shin, Y.K. Biophysical Society ; Published for the Biophysica 2009 Biophysical journal Vol.96 No.5

        Cholesterol is a major component of biological membranes and is known to affect vesicle fusion. However, the mechanism by which cholesterol modulates SNARE-dependent intracellular fusion is not well understood. Using the fluorescence assay and dye-labeled SNAREs and the fluorescent lipids, we dissected cholesterol effects on individual fusion steps including SNARE complex formation, hemifusion, pore formation, and pore dilation. At physiological high concentrations, cholesterol stimulated hemifusion as much as 30-fold, but its stimulatory effect diminished to 10-fold and three-fold for subsequent pore formation and pore expansion at 40 mol %, respectively. The results show that cholesterol serves as a strong stimulator for hemifusion but acts as mild stimulators for pore opening and expansion. Strong stimulation of hemifusion and mild stimulation of pore formation are consistent with the fusion model based on the intrinsic negative curvature of cholesterol. However, even a milder effect of cholesterol on pore expansion is contradictory to such a simple curvature-based prediction. Thus, we speculate that cholesterol also affects the conformation of the transmembrane domains of SNAREs, which modulates the fusion kinetics.


        Electrical Characteristics and Deep Traps Spectra of Undoped GaN Films Grown on Si Using Different Strain-Relieving Buffer Types

        Polyakov, Alexander Y.,Smirnov, Nickolai B.,Cheong Hyun Roh,Cheol-Koo Hahn,Han-Su Cho,Kozhukhova, Elena A.,Govorkov, Anatolyi V.,Ryzhuk, Roman Valerievich,Kargin, Nikolay Ivanovich,In-Hwan Lee IEEE 2014 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY Vol. No.

        <P>Electrical properties of GaN films grown on Si by molecular beam epitaxy using various types of strain-relieving layers have been studied by means of Hall/van der Pauw measurements, capacitance-voltage profiling, admittance spectroscopy, and deep levels transient spectroscopy with electrical and optical injection. The electrical properties of all grown films were determined by relatively deep electron traps N1, N2, and N3 with aggregate concentration of ~10<SUP>17</SUP> cm<SUP>-3</SUP>. Freezing out of these traps led to the films freezing out down to the depth corresponding to the nearest underlying heterointerface where a strong band bending caused a sharp nonuniformity of charge carriers concentration. For AlN or Al-rich AlGaN underlying films, this band bending could cause formation of hole sheet charge leading to apparent conductivity to appear p-type in Hall. Other deep traps detected in the grown films were N4 and N5 acceptors with levels near E<SUB>c</SUB> - 0.6 eV, and hole traps H1 and H2 with levels near E<SUB>v</SUB> + 0.9 eV. Possible consequences of the observed phenomena for designing the thick GaN stand-off films in power transistors are briefly discussed.</P>

      • SCISCIE

        Multisite campaign on the open cluster M67 – III. δ Scuti pulsations in the blue stragglers

        Bruntt, H.,Stello, D.,Suá,rez, J. C.,Arentoft, T.,Bedding, T. R.,Bouzid, M. Y.,Csubry, Z.,Dall, T. H.,Dind, Z. E.,Frandsen, S.,Gilliland, R. L.,Jacob, A. P.,Jensen, H. R.,Kang, Y. B.,Kim, S.-L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007 MONTHLY NOTICES- ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Vol.378 No.4

        <P>ABSTRACT</P><P>We have made an asteroseismic analysis of the variable blue stragglers in the open cluster M67. The data set consists of photometric time-series from eight sites using nine 0.6–2.1 m telescopes with a time-baseline of 43 d. In two stars, EW Cnc and EX Cnc, we detect the highest number of frequencies (41 and 26) detected in δ Scuti stars belonging to a stellar cluster, and EW Cnc has the second highest number of frequencies detected in any δ Scuti star. We have computed a grid of pulsation models that take the effects of rotation into account. The distribution of observed and theoretical frequencies shows that in a wide frequency range a significant fraction of the radial and non-radial low-degree modes are excited to detectable amplitudes. Despite the large number of observed frequencies we cannot constrain the fundamental parameters of the stars. To make progress we need to identify the degrees of some of the modes from either multicolour photometry or spectroscopy.</P>

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