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        Xu Bao Yu 중국학연구회 2017 중국학연구 Vol.- No.79

        Xu Ling and Yu Xin were the most famous authors in the Six Dynasties since Zhao Ming-Wenxuan(昭明文選). No more research work has been carried out in the comments of their paralled prose(駢文). In this paper we just only discuss the comments in the theory of paralled prose and Fu(賦). In the theory of paralled prose, Wang Wenlu’s(王文祿) Wen-Mai(文脈), Lang Zhangju’s(梁章鉅) Tui-An’s Lunwen(退庵論文), Sun Mei’s(孫梅) SiLiu-Conghua(四六叢話) and Sun Deqian’s(孫德謙) Liucao-Lizhi(六朝儷指) were the important books. Among them, the two Sun’s was the master work. They basically hold positive attitude toward Xu-Yu’s(徐庾) paralled prose, which in accord with their views about paralled prose and essay. So they could break through the time, heap praise on Xu-Yu’s creation, not affected by ancient prose movement(古文運動), Song-Ming neo-confucianism(宋明理學) and the trend of classicism. In the theory of Fu(賦), there were some different judgements. The blame, such as Zhu Yao’s(祝堯) Gufu-Bianti(古賦辨體), objected the comic(俳體), modern(侓體) and Si-Liu style(四六體), defended the old form(古體). On the other side, the praise, such as Li Diaoyuan’s(李調元) Fuhua(賦話), broke away from traditional ideas and affirmed Xu-Yu’s contributions. On the whole, Qing Dynasty’s people could give the positive evaluations on Xu-Yu for their awareness of stylistic. It’s because they attached importance to it. However, since the last century new culture movement(新文化運動), the trend of criticism appeared again. They had an obvious inclination of the emphasis on content rather than on form, which still existed in the most histories of literature written by modern researchers.

      • KCI등재

        Wavelet-transform-based damping identification of a super-tall building under strong wind loads

        An Xu,Jiurong Wu,Ruohong Zhao 한국풍공학회 2014 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.19 No.4

        A new method is proposed in this study for estimating the damping ratio of a super tall building under strong wind loads with short-time measured acceleration signals. This method incorporates two main steps. Firstly, the power spectral density of wind-induced acceleration response is obtained by the wavelet transform, then the dynamic characteristics including the natural frequency and damping ratio for the first vibration mode are estimated by a nonlinear regression analysis on the power spectral density. A numerical simulation illustrated that the damping ratios identified by the wavelet spectrum are superior in precision and stability to those values obtained from Welch’s periodogram spectrum. To verify the efficiency of the proposed method, wind-induced acceleration responses of the Guangzhou West Tower (GZWT) measured in the field during Typhoon Usagi, which affected this building on September 22, 2013, were used. The damping ratios identified varied from 0.38% to 0.61% in direction 1 and from 0.22% to 0.59% in direction 2. This information is expected to be of considerable interest and practical use for engineers and researchers involved in the wind-resistant design of super-tall buildings.

      • KCI등재

        Amplitude dependency of damping of tall structures by the random decrement technique

        An Xu,Zhuangning Xie,Ming Gu,Jiurong Wu 한국풍공학회 2015 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.21 No.2

        This study focuses on the amplitude dependency of damping of tall structures by the random decrement technique (RDT). Many researchers have adopted RDT to establish the amplitude dependency of damping ratios in super-tall buildings under strong wind loads. In this study, a series of simulated examples were analyzed to examine the reliability of this method. Results show that damping ratios increase as vibration amplitudes increase in several cases; however, the damping ratios in the simulated signals were preset as constants. This finding reveals that this method and the derived amplitude-dependent damping ratio characteristics are unreliable. Moreover, this method would obviously yield misleading results if the simulated signals contain Gaussian white noise. Full-scale measurements on a super-tall building were conducted during four typhoons, and the recorded data were analyzed to observe the amplitude dependency of damping ratio. Relatively wide scatter is observed in the resulting damping ratios, and the damping ratios do not appear to have an obvious nonlinear relationship with vibration amplitude. Numerical simulation and field measurement results indicate that the widely-used method for establishing the amplitude-dependent damping characteristics of super-tall buildings and the conclusions derived from it might be questionable at the least. More field-measured data must be collected under strong wind loads, and the damping characteristics of super-tall buildings should be investigated further.

      • KCI등재

        Promoter Analysis of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus Ubiquitin Gene

        Xu’ai Lin,Yin Chen,Yongzhu Yi,Jie Yan,Zhifang Zhang 한국미생물학회 2008 The journal of microbiology Vol.46 No.4

        The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) ubiquitin gene promoter and the effects of conserved motifs, such as TAAG, TATA, and CAAT, along with baculovirus enhancer homologous region 3 (hr3), on promoter activity. Ubiquitin gene of BmNPV was expressed during the late phase of virus infection. In the presence of viral factors, significant reduction of promoter activity was observed by deletion of -382 to -124 bp upstream of ATG. The fragment between -187 and -383 bp upstream of ATG, including distal TAAG, CAAT motif, and TATA box, could also drive expression of the reporter gene. The mutation of cis-elements TATA boxes and TAAG motifs significantly decreased the promoter’s activity, while CAAT mutations enhanced promoter activity by 2- or 3-fold, as compared with the native promoter. In the presence of BmNPV, hr3, both located downstream of the reporter gene of the same vector, and separate vector, could significantly enhance transcription activity of ubiquitin promoter as compared to the control. We concluded that BmNPV ubiquitin gene might be regulated by dual sets of promoter elements, where TAAG and TATA box may positively regulate the expression of ubiquitin, while CAAT motif functions as a negative regulator. Viral factor(s) play an important role in the co-activation of hr3 and promoter.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Asymmetric Rolling Process and Thickness Reduction on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Al–Mg-Si Alloy

        Xuehong Xu,Yunlai Deng,Xiaobin Guo,Qinglin Pan 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.7

        The influence of the asymmetric rolling process (ASR) and thickness reduction on the microstructure and mechanical propertiesof Al–Mg–Si alloys is studied. The specimens of the ASR and higher thickness reduction show higher strength (both theultimate tensile strength and yield strength) and lower elongation (El). However, both the strength and El are reduced withthe increase of the rotation speed ratio (ω1/ω2) in the specimens treated by the ASR. The grain size, density of dislocations,volume fraction of deformation texture and number density of precipitates are the main reasons causing the difference instrength and El. The increment in strength is mainly due to the increase of deformation texture, density of dislocations duringthe cold rolling and number density of precipitates formed during subsequent ageing. The reduction of volume fractionof deformation texture and number density of precipitates are responsible for the decrease of the strength in the specimenstreated by the ASR. The high-density dislocations in turn provide little room for the accumulation of dislocations and thereforereduces the EI.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 외국인 직접투자에 지역의 문화적 특성이 미치는 영향

        ( Đinh Xuân Chung ),박가희 ( Gahee Bak ),이홍식 ( Hongshik Lee ) 한국국제통상학회 2020 국제통상연구 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구는 기업의 위치선정이론 및 조건부 로짓 모델을 기반으로 2007년부터 2015년까지 베트남으로 유입된 해외직접투자의 결정 요인을 살펴보았다. 베트남에 위치한 6,018개 다국적기업의 자료를 사용하여 분석한 결과 시장규모, 인건비, 인프라 개발 및 정책 등과 관련된 변수들 외에도 베트남의 해외직접투자에 영향을 미치는 몇 가지 새로운 요소를 발견하였다. 특히, 베트남 내의 풍부하면서도 연령이 낮은 노동이 결정적인 역할을 하며 언어나 종교, 민족 등과 같은 문화적 요인이 FDI의 유입에 크게 기여한다는 결론을 얻었다. 각 지역의 불교인구와 외국인 비율, 성비, 초혼 연령, 진입에 소요되는 비용 등 지역이 갖고 있는 고유의 특성도 투자자의 결정에 영향을 미침이 확인되었다. 또한 베트남에 투자하는 한국투자자와 나머지 투자자들의 위치선정에 대해 일부 요인이 미치는 영향이 상이한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 본 논문은 베트남 각 지역의 문화적 특성과 해외직접투자 위치선정에 상당한 상관관계가 있음을 확인하였다. This study analyzes how the Korea-India CEPA and the third FTA influences the bilateral trade bewteen Korea and India using the trade date over 2001-2018. The results show that the Korea-India CEPA is playing a role in increasing the bilateral trade. However, as other FTAs have developed competitive relations with the Korea-India CEPA, the bilateral FTA has a negative impact on the bilateral trade. In particular, the sector that has a negative impact on industry-wise analysis shows that Korea is losing its competitiveness or is in worse conditions than other FTAs. Thus, These areas are need to be improved in the Korea-India CEPA amendment negotiations. In addition, some FTAs have been found to play a role in improving the Korea-India trade. This implies that the bilateral trade will expand as the GVC system is well established with the countries of other FTA signed by the two countries. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a mutually win-win system between the Korea-India CEPA and other FTAs by delicately establishing GVC system with other countries. In conclusion, the FTA signed between the two countries may have negative trade diversion effects, but if it is used well with a delicate GVC system, it could lead to positive trade diversion effects.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        The Kinetics of Anodic Dissolution and Repassivation on 316L Stainless Steel in Borate Buffer Solution Studied by Abrading Electrode Technique

        ( H S Xu1 ),( D B Sun ),( H Y Yu ),( H M Meng ) 한국부식방식학회 2015 Corrosion Science and Technology Vol.14 No.6

        The capacity of passive metal to repassivate after film damage determines the development of local corrosion and the resistance to corrosion failures. In this work, the repassivation kinetics of 316L stainless steel (316LSS) was investigated in borate buffer solution (pH 9. 1) using a novel abrading electrode technique. The repassivation kinetics was analyzed in terms of the current density flowing from freshly bare 316L SS surface as measured by a potentiostatic method. During the early phase of decay (t < 2 s), according to the Avrami kinetics-based film growth model, the transient current was separated into anodic dissolution (idiss) and film formation (ifilm) components and analyzed individually. The film reformation rate and thickness were compared according to applied potential. Anodic dissolution initially dominated the repassivation for a short time, and the amount of dissolution increased with increasing applied potential in the passive region. Film growth at higher potentials occurred more rapidly compared to at lower potentials. Increasing the applied potential from 0 VSCE to 0. 8 VSCE resulted in a thicker passive film (0. 12 to 0. 52 nm). If the oxide monolayer covered the entire bare surface (θ=1), the electric field strength through the thin passive film reached 1. 6 × 107 V/cm.

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