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      • 굴 養殖場의 環境衛生 및 統營灣의 汚染에 對한 硏究

        崔渭卿,張東錫,李鐘甲,權在健 釜山水産大學校 1974 釜山水産大學 硏究報告 Vol.14 No.1

        1973年 4月 부터 1974年 3月까지에 걸쳐 우리나라 南海岸 主요 굴 養殖場의 하나인 巨濟灣의 海水와 그 海域에서 養殖하느 굴에 對한 衛生指標細菌의 性狀과 汚染度를 알아 보고 一般 僞生物相을 把渥하고 또한 이 海域의 汚染源이 된다고 豫想되는 統營灣의 海水에 대한 衛生指標細菌의 性狀과 汚染度 그리고 一般 衛生物相을 究明함과 同時에 이들의 季節에 따른 遷移를 알고져 이 硏究를 실시하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 巨濟灣海水는 coliform group MPN의 median value가 <1.8- 8.6이었고, fecal coliorm MPN의 median value는 > 1.8- 5.7이었고, 生菌數는 3-34/ml였는데 汚染度는 여름이 겨울보다 훨씬 높았다. 2. 巨濟灣에서 養殖하고 있는 굴들은 coliform MPN의 median value가 88- 410, 最底<1.8에서 最高 16,000이었고, fecal coliform MPN의 median value가 >1.8- 45, 最底 18에서 最高 490이였으며, 生菌數는 median value가 290- 530, 最底 120에서 最高 36,000이였는데 汚染度는 여름이 겨울보다 훨씬 높았다. 3. 巨濟灣 全 station 海水의 pH는 8.10 前候로서 年中 큰 變化가 없고, 水溫은 1-2月이 最底 7℃, 7-8月이 最高로 26.5℃었고, salinity는 最底 31.54%로 7月이 낮고, 3月이 33.65%로서 가장 높았다. 4. 忠武灣의 汚染度는 coliform group MPN의 median value가 12- 2,200, 最底<1.8에서 最高 70이었고, fecal coliform MON은 median value가 4.5~1,700, 最低 4에서 最高 7,000이였으며, 生菌類의 median value가 23- 480, 最底 2에서 最高 4,200이였으며 여름이 겨울보다 汚染度가 높았다. 5. 潮夕別 汚染度는 底潮時의 coliform group MPN이 最高 1,800, 高潮時가 最高 240이었고, 底潮에서 高潮의 中間에는 最高 820, 高潮에서 底潮의 中間은 最高 1,600이였으며 底潮時가 高潮時보다 汚染度가 높았다. 6. 一般 衛生物은 모두 1,829 菌株를 分離하에 19層으로 同定하였다. 7. Vibrio parahaemolyticus와 Salmonella sp.는 忠武灣에서는 檢出되었으나 巨濟灣에서는 檢出되지 않았다. 8. Station과 station간의 오3染度는 巨濟灣의 경우 큰 差異가 없었는데 忠武灣의 station C-4(客船埠頭)는 他 station에 比해 훨씬 높았다. This study was conducted to investigate the contamination of sanitary indicative bacteria, and general microflora of the sea water and oysters of Geoje bay located at the southern coast of Korea, with respect to seasonal variation from April 1973 to March 1974. In addition, the sea water of Chungmu harbour adjacent to the Geoje bay hitherto considered as a contaminating source, was also examined at the same aspect as Geoje bay. The following results are obtained. In the sea of Geoje bay, the median value of coliform group MPN showed 1.8 to 8.6 and fecal coliform MPN was 1.8 to 5.7. Total plate counts amounted 3 to 34 per milliliter. The sea was much contaminated in summer than in winter. Oysters from the Geoje bay indicated 88 to 410 of median value in coliform MPN, maximum 16,000 and minimum 1.8 respectively. The fecal coliform MPN showed 18 to 45 in median value, 490 in maximum and 18 in minimum respectively. Total plate counts ranged 290 to 530 in median value, 36,000 in maximum and 120 in minimum respectively. Contamination of oysters was higher in summer than in winter. Throughout the Geoje bay sea, pH variation was almost negligible indicating the constant value of 8.10 with respect to season, however maximum water temperature indicated 26.5℃ during July to August while 7℃ of minimum temperature in January and February. Minimum salinity showed 31.54% in July and maximum was 33.65% in March. In Chungmu harbour coliform group MPN ranged 12 to 2,200 in median value, 70,000 in maximum and 1.8 in minimum. Fecal coliform MPN rested between 4.5 to 1,700 in median value, 4.000 in maximum and 4 in minimum. Total plate counts amounted to 23 to 480 in medi an value, 4,200 in maximum and 2 in minimum. The sea was more contaminated in summer than in winter. At low tide coliform MPN reached its maximum value of 1,800 while high tide had its maximum value of 240, however at the midtide from lowtide to high tide maximum value was 920 and at the midtide from high tide to low tide represented its maximum value of 1,600. Sea at low tide was more contaminated than at high tide. Total number of 1,829 strains of the general microflora were isolated and 19 genera were identified. Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella sp. Were detected in teh Chungmu harbour but not in the Geoje bay.

      • KCI등재

        Online Visual Merchandising: an Impression Formation Perspective

        Kwon, Wi-Suk The Korean Society of Costume 2009 International journal of costume and fashion Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this paper was to provide an overview of the existing literature on online visual merchandising and to propose an alternative theoretical framework in which online visual merchandising research can be conducted. Two streams of research including the e-tail service quality literature and the store environment literature from environmental psychology perspectives were reviewed in the context of online visual merchandising. An impression formation paradigm from social psychology was adopted to establish the alternative framework to supplement the existing online visual merchandising research and generate deeper insights into the online visual merchandising phenomenon.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Brand loyalty through love for a brand’s Facebook page: Roles of motivations and personal traits

        Han Jinhee,Kwon Wi-Suk 한국마케팅과학회 2022 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.13 No.1

        This study examines how consumers’ motivations influence their love for a brand’s Facebook page and brand loyalty. The role that consumers’ opinion leadership and opinion seeking traits play in driving these motivations was also examined. Results from an online survey with 260 college students revealed that consumers’ self-presentation and self-expressive motivations were significant predictors of consumers’ love for a brand’s Facebook page, which in turn positively influenced brand loyalty. Further, consumers’ opinion seeking trait positively influenced self-presentation motivation, whereas their opinion leadership trait negatively influenced self-expressive motivation. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Self-Image Incongruence and Perceived Self-Fit on E-store Patronage Intention

        Chang, Jae Youn,Kwon, Wi-Suk The Korea Society of Costume 2017 International journal of costume and fashion Vol.17 No.2

        Despite the importance of self-image congruence in consumer behavior, literature on self-congruence research has been scant in online contexts. This study examines the effect of the congruence between e-store image and consumers' actual and ideal self-images on apparel e-store patronage intention based on the self-congruence theory. Three hypotheses were tested using data from an online survey with a national sample of 458 U.S. female consumers. Results revealed that self-image congruence in two personality dimensions positively influenced consumers' e-store patronage intention and that this influence was partially mediated by consumers' holistic perceived fit of the e-store to themselves. This study also shows that perceived self-fit is a stronger predictor of consumers' e-store patronage intention than self-image congruence. This study extends the applicability of the self-congruence theory to online retailing contexts and shows the importance of the consistency between e-store image and consumer self-image for successful online branding of apparel retailers.

      • Online Flow: Effects of Perceived Challenges Measured Before and After a Shopping Task

        ( Soo In Shim ),( Wi Suk Kwon ) 복식문화학회 2016 Fashion, industry and education Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the difference between perceived challenges measured before and after shopping online for fashion products and their effects in leading to flow. An online survey including an online shopping task was conducted with a national sample of 500 adult consumers recruited in the U.S.A. The paired ttest results show that perceived challenge measured before the task is significantly higher than perceived challenge measured after the task. ANOVA results further show that the interaction effect between skill and challenge on flow is significant only when perceived challenge is measured after that task. Implications of the findings and recommendations for further research are also discussed.

      • Online Flow: Effects of Perceived Challenges Measured Before and After a Shopping Task

        Shim, Soo In,Kwon, Wi-Suk The Costume Culture Association 2016 Fashion, industry and education Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the difference between perceived challenges measured before and after shopping online for fashion products and their effects in leading to flow. An online survey including an online shopping task was conducted with a national sample of 500 adult consumers recruited in the U.S.A. The paired t-test results show that perceived challenge measured before the task is significantly higher than perceived challenge measured after the task. ANOVA results further show that the interaction effect between skill and challenge on flow is significant only when perceived challenge is measured after that task. Implications of the findings and recommendations for further research are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Self-Image Incongruence and Perceived Self-Fit on E-store Patronage Intention

        Jae Youn Chang,Wi-Suk Kwon 한국복식학회 2017 International journal of costume and fashion Vol.17 No.2

        Despite the importance of self-image congruence in consumer behavior, literature on self-congruence research has been scant in online contexts. This study examines the effect of the congruence between e-store image and consumers’ actual and ideal self-images on apparel e-store patronage intention based on the self-congruence theory. Three hypotheses were tested using data from an online survey with a national sample of 458 U.S. female consumers. Results revealed that self-image congruence in two personality dimensions positively influenced consumers’ e-store patronage intention and that this influence was partially mediated by consumers’ holistic perceived fit of the e-store to themselves. This study also shows that perceived self-fit is a stronger predictor of consumers’ e-store patronage intention than self-image congruence. This study extends the applicability of the self-congruence theory to online retailing contexts and shows the importance of the consistency between e-store image and consumer self-image for successful online branding of apparel retailers.

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