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      • KCI등재

        Augmented reality-based training system for metal casting

        Keiichi Watanuki,Lei Hou 대한기계학회 2010 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.24 No.1

        Products fabricated by metal casting are affected by casting design and pouring. In order to design products efficiently, engineers must consider the shape of the pouring gate and the fluidity of metal in the runner. Engineers must envision the shape of the product and the fluidity of the metal in three dimensions. However, this task is difficult, especially for beginners. Therefore, we developed an augmented reality-based training system for metal casting that allows visualization of fluidity. The proposed training system uses simple physical operations to compute and display fluidity in real-time. Visualization of three-dimensional images as well as training on this system is simple.

      • KCI등재후보

        國際法理論としての政治的現實主義の視座 ―國際關係論·國際法の架橋という圖式を超えて―

        渡貫諒 ( Watanuki Ryo ) 동서대학교 일본연구센터 2018 次世代 人文社會硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        本稿の目標は、政治的現實主義を國際法理論として位置づけ、その意義と限界を探ることにある。政治的現實主義の論者とされるE.H.カ一やH.モ一ゲンソ一は、いずれも法實證主義の國際法論を批判する形で議論を展開した。だが、こうした知的文脈は、傳統的な現實主義論の考察からも、また近年盛んに行われている政治的現實主義再評價の動きからも見落とされがちである。政治的現實主義論は、一面においてはリベラリズム批判と言える。しかし、政治的現實主義をリベラリズム批判の國際關係論としてのみ捉えてしまうことは危險である。なぜなら、彼らが國際法自體は否定せず、むしろ實證主義的國際法批判という形で論爭したという点こそが、實は政治的現實主義が有する問題意識を解く鍵となるからである。こうした問題意識に基づき、政治的現實主義を國際法學の文脈で讀み直すことは、國際法と國際關係論の架橋という圖式の限界を示すことにもつながる。本稿の主張は、法の限界に向けられた政治的現實主義の視座が、規範と力の二項對立で捉えられがちな國際法における法と政治の問題を、國際秩序の觀点から統合的に考える出發点となるというものである。だが、政治的現實主義論の方法論は、新たな規範に基づき、國際システムそのものを乘り越える新たな秩序を提示するものではない。本稿は、國際法理論としての政治的現實主義の射程が、法を强制力と解する近代法制度における法と政治の關係に限定されていることも倂せて指摘する。 The primary purpose of this paper is to re-define political realism as a theory of international law and to examine its theoretical significance and limitation. Theorists of political realism such as E.H. Carr and H. Morgenthau are considered as the founders of international relations theories. However, in fact, they developed their arguments in relation to critiques against legal positivism. This intellectual context has long been neglected from traditional debates on realism. Even though political realism is being re-evaluated by critical theories, the foundation of political realism as a theory of anti-legal positivism remains to be untouched. It goes without saying that one of the main arguments of political realism lies in their strong criticism against liberalism. Nevertheless, to simplify political realism as a critique against universalism would overlook why they remained discussing international legal order. In other words, political realism shows their great interests on the limitation of international law. Based on this awareness, this paper seeks to develop an insight to go beyond the dichotomic relationship between international law and international relation. It will be argued that political realism has a potential to integrate norms and power, which were traditionally believed as two opposing elements in international order. Meanwhile, this paper will also point out that the insights of political realism are restricted to modern legal system. The methodology of political realism is applicable only to the relationship between modern law and politics, where law is understood the power of coercion. Thus, this paper considers that political realism is unable to provide an alternative international order that would go beyond the system of states.

      • KCI등재

        Development of virtual reality-based universal design review system

        Keiichi Watanuki 대한기계학회 2010 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.24 No.1

        When designing universal design products or their interfaces, it is necessary to have knowledge about the environment in which the target product is going to be used. Product development should consider the interaction between the envisaged product or a demo product with the same functions on the one hand, and the users on the other, as well as observing the everyday activities of typical users, understanding the procedures and methods for using the product and subsequently pinpointing the areas which are problematic or in need of improvement. To evaluate whether the designed product is easy to use, and to improve its usability, it is also essential to record the perceptions of the people, the movement characteristics, the operability, any mental or physical stress, and so on. There is a need for products and environments which are easily applicable to various people and utilizational setups. In this paper, we present the development of a tangible design review system which makes use of virtual reality technology to display a close model of the actual product, making readily available not only visual information but also the perception of volume and weight through the fusion of kinesthetic information,enabling many people to communicate easily while experiencing this virtual reality. Furthermore, the design review of universal design products which makes use of this system will be discussed.

      • KCI등재

        ( Shibayama Y ),( Watanuki S ) 한국감성과학회 2000 춘계학술대회 Vol.2000 No.-

        This study investigated the effects of certain specific wavelengths of lighting on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) using the heart rate variability (HRV) as an index. Six subjects with normal color vision participated n this study between 15:00 and 17:00 hr to neutralize any visual differences arising from circadian rhythm. The environmental conditions of the laboratory were maintained in complete darkness and the temperature was equilibrated at 24$\Box$ with a relative humidity of 60%. Subjects were only subjected to light stimulation when the pupil of dyes attained a minimum size of 2 mm by projecting illumination equalized with the same spectral radiance of 500-700 nm with 50-nm internal radiance. HRV was calculated from electrocardiogram (ECG) with systematic respiratory control at 0.35 Hz. The results suggest that illumination with certain wavelengths may induce ANS activation.

      • The effect of pleasant olfactory stimulation on physiological responses

        ( Yeon Kyu Kim ),( Shigeki Watanuki ) 한국감성과학회 2001 춘계학술대회 Vol.2001 No.-

        Using ordors with the different concentration of essential oils, we studied the effect of a pleasant olfactory stimulation on physiological responses. we examined psychological response, mental task and changes in cardiac, immunity and EEG in responses to 150times solution (feel easily) and 500times solution (feel with difficulty) which of essential oil (called PCK) were diluted in propylene glycol, and neutral (water). The 150times solution that was felt pleasant produced significant differences (p<0.05) in relative power change of beta activity in the left frontal region (Fp1, F3, F7) of the brain, and heart rate (HR) deceleration after mental task. These results are consistent with substantial research that has documented cardiac and EEG responses to pleasant stimuli. What is more, 150times solution increased the concentration of s-IgA know as an index of immunity.

      • KCI등재

        Gait generation and change of direction for the underactuated three-legged robot

        Kazunori Kaede,Keiichi Watanuki 대한기계학회 2010 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.24 No.1

        This paper describes a three-legged robot that consists of one actuated leg and two passive legs. The active leg has a knee joint and an ankle joint. The passive legs have no knee joint, although they have a passive ankle joint respectively. The passive leg part and the actuated leg part are linked by a hip part. The robot behavior is passive while the robot is supported by its passive legs and swings the actuated leg part. Generally, in the event that an actuator or a transmitting mechanism fails, robots cannot apply torques to the joint. We therefore took up a walking robot with passive knee joints not only for the energy-efficient walking but also with a view to making ambulation failsafe in case of mechanical failures.

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