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        Role of the Meckel’s Cartilage in Embryonic Mandibular Development of Mice

        J. W Choi,S. B Han,J. H Sung,H. I Shin 대한구강악안면병리학회 2005 대한구강악안면병리학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        Mecke!'s car t ilage is one of the ea rliest structu re to appear in a mandible derived from the lï rst branchi a l a rch and serves as the primorclium I"or the formation 01‘ mandible‘ mall eus. incus. and sphenomandibular li gament However. its direct role a nd the mechanism in mandibular clevelopment a re not well elucidated. 1'0 address t his Issue‘ we observed morphol ogical and histological changes and gene expression patterns in the Mecke!'s cart ilage 01" a cleveloping mouse. I"rom E13.5 to E18.5 embryos. using skeletal preparation samples a ncl routinely prepa red s lide secti ons for light mi croscopic observation in various sectional planes. The following methods were per |‘ ormecl : H&E staining I"or general hi st이 og i cal observation ‘ Von Kossafor detection of minerali zation. TRAP activ ity staining for locali zaLion 01’ osteoclastic cell s. immunohistochemistry for !Iα@-1 a ncl -9 forevaluati on of enzy matic activity 01" osteoclasLic cell s. a ncl in situ hybricli zation for detection of collagen type 1. Il. ancl X mRNA ex presslon‘ respecLively. AL E1 3.5 Mec kel's cartilage appeared as a V-shaped rod fused a t the micl line and thin minera li zed ma ndibular buccal plaLe was I"ormed lateral to. and at some clistance from. Meckel’s carti lage in an intramembranous ossi lïcation mocle. WiLh the progression of tooth development. t he Meckel’s in carti lage adjacent incisors revealecl hyperLrophi c chonclrocyte di ff"er entiation with minerali zation of the chondroid matrix. The Meckel’s car Li lage was replacecl with bone by o~ L eoc l asLs . showing strong immunoreact ivity for MMP- l ancl -9 from E16 5 Wi Lh ti me‘ Lhis bony replacement of Meckel's cartilage in an endochondral ossification mode was ex Lenclecl up Lo the mid-porLion of Lhe molar sockets til l EI8.5. The bony replacement of minera li zed hypertrophic chondrocyte zone expressing X collagen mHNA conLri buted to the formation of thick mandibular lingual plate . 1'hese f"i ndings suggesL LhaL mandibular formalion and development is closely relatecl with not only Mecke!'s carLi lage. buL also wiLh Lhc developing LooLh. and thaL C'erLai n in f"l uence from the developing tooth may play a role in detcrmin in g Lhe faLc of Meckel’s ca rLi lage cluring ma ndi bular development.

      • KCI등재

        상업적 응유효소의 탈지유에 대한 단백질 분해 작용

        신현수,김상범,임종우 한국동물자원과학회 2002 한국축산학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        상업적 단백질 분해 효소에 0.02% CaCl_2를 첨가하여 응유 활성화를 시킨 탈지유에 대한 분해 작용의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 다양한 효소별 가수분해 시간에 따른 가수분해도는 미생물 유래 효소와 trypsin은 pepsin과 papain W-40보다 높은 분해도를 나타냈다. 12% TCA 용액에 가용성인 NPN의 양은 trypsin이 가장 높은 분해도를 나타내었고 rennet과 pepsin이 가장 낮은 분해도를 보였다. 전기영동에 있어서 trypsin과 protease S는 α-lactalbumin을 분해하였고 papain w-40은 β-lactoglobulin을 미약하게 분해하였으며 neutrase 1.5는 90분 이후부터 α-lactalbumin과 β-lactoglobulin을 분해하였다. Rennet과 비교한 전기영동상에서는 rennet에 의해 분해 되지 않은 α_s-casein과 β-casein을 trypsin과 protease S가 다량 분해하였고 k-casein은 rennet에 비해 papain W-40이 상당 수준의 분해상을 나타내었다. 이상의 결과 가수분해도 및 NPN 양은 trypsin, neutrase 1.5 및 protease S가 다른 효소에 비해 높게 나타났으며, 전기영동상에서는 pepsin과 neutrase 1.5가 rennet과 유사한 경향을 나타내었다. Proteolytic activities of some commercial milk clotting enzymes(rennet, trypsin, pepsin, papain W-40, neutrase 1.5 and protease S) in bovine skim milk containing 0.02% CaCl_2 were determined by measuring DH(Degree of Hydrolysis), NPN(Non Protein Nitrogen) and by comparing patterns of SDS-PAGE(Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis). The DH of microbial enzymes(neutrase 1.5 and protease S) and trypsin in bovine skim milk were higher than those of pepsin and papain W-40. The amounts of NPN in the milk treated with trypsin and the other animal enzymes(rennet and pepsin) showed the highest and lowest degrees of proteolysis, respectively. SDS-PAGE showed that trypsin and protease S hydrolyzed α-lactalbumin and papain W-40 hydrolyzed β-lactoglobulin slightly, while neutrase 1.5 hydrolyzed both α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin after treating for 90 min. Trypsin and protease S easily hydrolyzed α_s-casein and β-casein, which were not hydrolyzed by rennet. Papain W-40 hydrolyzed k-casein more than rennet as shown in SDS-PAGE. Based on the results of the experiments, the DH and NPN of trypsin, neutrase 1.5 and protease S were shown to be higher than those of the other enzymes. The SDS-PAGE patterns of papain W-40 and neutrase 1.5 were similar with that of rennet.

      • Antibiotic susceptibility and resistance of Streptococcus iniae and Streptococcus parauberis isolated from olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)

        Park, Y.K.,Nho, S.W.,Shin, G.W.,Park, S.B.,Jang, H.B.,Cha, I.S.,Ha, M.A.,Kim, Y.R.,Dalvi, R.S.,Kang, B.J.,Jung, T.S. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 2009 Veterinary microbiology Vol.136 No.1

        The rates of antibiotic susceptibility and resistance were investigated in Streptococcus iniae and Streptococcus parauberis isolates obtained from diseased olive flounders (Paralichthys olivaceus) collected from fish farms in Jeju Island, Korea. Isolates of S. iniae (n=65) were susceptible to cefotaxime, erythromycin, ofloxacin, penicillin, tetracycline and vancomycin, as demonstrated by the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test. Isolates of S. parauberis (n=86) were highly resistant to erythromycin (58% of the 86 isolates tested) and tetracycline (63% of the 86 isolates tested). Fifty-four isolates of tetracycline-resistant S. parauberis contained the tet(M/O/S) genes, of which 39 and 12 isolates contained the tet(M) and tet(S) genes, respectively, whereas 3 isolates contained both the tet(M) and tet(S) genes. Among the erythromycin-resistant isolates of S. parauberis (n=50) only 14 contained the erm(B) gene. These results suggest that the tet(S) and erm(B) genes of S. parauberis are involved in the acquisition of high-level resistance to erythromycin and tetracycline. Our findings reveal a high rate of antibiotic resistance among strains of S. parauberis and emphasize the need to develop an appropriate vaccine to reduce the use of antibiotics.

      • Copper(II) coordination compounds containing chiral functional groups as pendants: Syntheses, crystal structures, and physical properties

        Shin, J.W.,Yeo, S.M.,Min, K.S. Elsevier 2012 Inorganic chemistry communications Vol.22 No.-

        Chiral mononuclear copper(II) complexes, [Cu(L<SUP>R,R</SUP>)(ClO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>] (1) and [Cu(L<SUP>S,S</SUP>)(ClO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>] (2) and chiral polymeric compound, [Cu(L<SUP>S,S</SUP>)(CrO<SUB>4</SUB>)].6H<SUB>2</SUB>O (3) have been synthesized (L<SUP>R,R/S,S</SUP>=1,8-di((R/S)-α-methylbenzyl)-1,3,6,8,10,13-hexaazacyclotetradecane). These compounds were characterized by X-ray crystallography, circular dichroism, and molecular magnetism. The copper(II) ions in 1-3 have a distorted octahedral geometry by coordinating four nitrogens of a macrocyclic ligand in a square planar conformation and two oxygens in the axial positions. 3 exhibits weak antiferromagnetic coupling via the chromate ions within the 1D chain. The circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of 1 has shown a negative and positive peak at 474 and 562nm, and that of 2 has displayed an enantiomeric pattern. The CD spectrum of 3 appears positive signal above 610nm.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라보호지역시스템에 대한관리효과성평가

        허학영(Hag Young Heo),M. Hockings,신원우(W. W. Shin),정혁진(H. J. Chung),N. Dudley,P. Shadie,R. Vaisanen,G. Vincent,김현(H. Kim),박소영(S. Y. Park),양성우(S. W. Yang) 국립공원연구원 2010 국립공원연구지 Vol.1 No.3

        생물다양성협약(CBD) 제7차 당사국총회에서 채택된 보호지역실행프로그램(PoWPA)은 당사국들에게 그들의 보호지역에 대한 관리효과성 평가 수행을 권고하고 있다. 이 연구의 목적은 생물다양성협약의 권고사항 이행과 더불어 한국 보호지역시스템에 대한 진단 및 관리 개선을 위한 권고사항을 도출하고자 하였다. 평가 대상지는 환경부에서 관할하고 있는 국립공원, 생태경관보전지역, 습지보호지역, 야생동식물특별보호지역 총 39개소(6,898 km2)를 대상으로 하였다. 평가는 2가지 차원에서 수행되었는데 39개 보호지역(한국 보호지역의 면적 대비 40%정도)에 대한 개별 평가와 한국보호지역시스템에 대한 평가가 이뤄졌으며, 시스템 평가는 국제전문가들과 함께 현장조사, 관리자 및 이해관계자인터뷰, 문헌검토 등을 통해 수행되었다. 평가 결과 개별 보호지역이 국제적으로 잘 관리되고 있었으며, 거버넌스와 행정부분이 다른 나라에 비해 상대적으로 강점으로 나타났고, 생물다양성보호와 자연자연관리에 대한 조화와 협력 부분이 상대적으로 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 비전과 계획 부분이 특히 강하며, 전반적인 국민의 높은 지지가 매우 인상적이지만, 다른 여러 나라들과 마찬가지로 지역사회협력 부분이 약한 것으로 나타났다. 보호지역의 관리를 개선하기 위한 10가지 주요 권고사항은 보전을 위한 지역적 접근 강화, 보호지역시스템계획 강화, 기관간 통합적 관리 개선, 지역사회와 협력 개선, 이해관계자와 협력 강화, 지방정부와의 협력 개선, 인력관리 재고, 재원 다양화, 연구과제 다양화, 자연자원과 문화자원의 관리 조화 개선 등이다. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)’s Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA), which was adopted in CoP-7 in 2004, calls on countries to undertake assessments of the effectiveness of management of their protected areas (PA). The objectives of this study are to implement a recommendation of PoWPA, to review the current management status of PA system, and to find out some recommendations for the better management of protected areas in Korea. Assessment Sites are 39 protected areas (6,898 km2) managed under Ministry of Environment which are National parks, Ecosystem & landscape conservation areas, Wetland protected areas, and Wildlife special protected areas. The assessment was conducted at two levels: a site assessment of 39 protected areas, representing about 40% by area of the Korean PA system and a system-level assessment conducted by an international review team incorporating field visits, interviews with staff and stakeholders and review of relevant documentation. The assessment results generally show that individual protected areas are well managed on any international comparison. Governance and administration appears to be relatively stronger in Korea than in other countries, however harmonization and coordination of biodiversity protection and natural resource management remains relatively weaker. Korea also appears to be particularly strong in vision and planning. Korea’s trend toward increasingly high levels of overall public approval is globally impressive; however, as is the case in the rest of the world, community engagement at local levels remains weak and problematic. Ten key recommendations for improving management were to develop a more regional approach to conservation, strengthen PA system planning, better integrate management across agencies within Korea, improve local community relations, enhance interaction with stakeholders, improve integration with regional government, review staff management practices, diversify the funding base, broaden the focus of internal research work and better harmonize natural and cultural resource management.

      • KCI등재

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