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      • KCI등재

        빅데이터 기반 폭염 영향 지역의 공간적 탐색

        이상혁(Sang-hyeok Lee),강정은(Jung Eun Kang),배현주(Hyun-joo Bae) 한국방재학회 2022 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.22 No.3

        지속적인 기후변화와 도시공간의 변화로 인해 빈도와 강도가 강해지고 있는 폭염의 부정적 영향 저감을 위해서는 영향에 대한 진단과 관련 연구의 수행이 필요하다. 국내에서는 2018년 이례적인 극한기상의 발생 이후 폭염에 대한 관심의 증가로 많은 연구가 수행되었으나, 폭염이 도시민의 생활과 활동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구는 매우 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 폭염의 발생이 도시민의 활동에 미치는 영향을 실증하고, 공간적으로 탐색하고자 하였다. 여름철 인구 빅데이터를 활용하여 폭염 발생일과 대조일 간 활동인구 변화를 대응표본 검정을 통해 통계적으로 검증하였으며, 이들 변화의 지역적 차이를 GIS와 공간군집분석을 활용해 지역 간 차이를 시각화하여 분석하였다. 통계분석 결과 시기에 따라 차이는 있으나 폭염의 발생은 도시민의 활동을 감소시키는 경향을 보였다. 지역 간 활동인구의 변화는 차이를 보였으며, 군집분석 결과 폭염의 발생에도 활동인구가 증가하는 핫스팟은 평일 마포구와 송파구, 강남구 일대, 주말 관악구, 강서구, 은평구 일대에서 나타났다. 반대로 콜드스팟은 평일 서대문구, 강북구, 성북구, 종로구, 중구 일대에서 뚜렷하게 나타났으며, 주말 종로구와 중구, 서초구와 강남구 일대에서 넓게 도출되었다. 이러한 분석 결과는 지역의 특성을 반영한 폭염 대응정책 마련을 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. With the increase in frequency and intensity of heatwaves due to continued climate change and changes in urban spaces, research is needed to reduce their negative impacts. In Korea, several studies have been conducted on the subject since the unusual occurrence of extreme weather in 2018; however, as few have focused on the effects of heatwaves on the lives and activities of urban residents, this study investigates these effects and explores their spatial aspects. Using population big data, the changes in the active population on days when heatwaves occurred were statistically verified through a paired-samples test. Additionally, regional variations in changes were analyzed using GIS and spatial cluster analysis. Despite a slight temporal variation, the statistical analysis showed that the occurrence of heatwave is associated with decreased activity among urban residents. There was a difference in the active population between regions, and cluster analysis revealed that some hot spots saw increased activity in the population despite the occurrence of heatwaves, including Mapo-gu, Songpa-gu, and Gangnam-gu on weekdays and Gwanak-gu, Gangseo-gu, and Eunpyeong-gu on weekends. Conversely, the cold spots found included Seodaemun-gu, Gangbuk-gu, Seongbuk-gu, and Jongno-gu on weekdays and Jongno-gu, Jung-gu, Seocho-gu, and Gangnam-gu on weekends. These results can serve as basic data to prepare a heatwave response policy that reflects the characteristics of the region.

      • KCI등재

        A Multi-Center Educational Research Regarding Breastfeeding for Pediatrics Residents in Korea

        Yong Sung Choi,정성훈,김은선,Eun Sun Kim,Eunhee Lee,Euiseok Jung,So-Yeon Lee,이우령,Hye Sun Yoon,Yong Joo Kim,Ji Kyoung Park,Son Moon Shin,Ellen Ai-Rhan Kim 대한신생아학회 2022 Neonatal medicine Vol.29 No.1

        Purpose: Pediatricians have a significant responsibility to educate mothers about the importance of breastfeeding. However, there have been minimal efforts in the courses of resident training in Korea. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the change in knowledge and attitude before and after a 4-week breastfeeding educational intervention among multicenter residents. Methods: Prospective interventional educational research was designed for residents at eight training hospitals in Korea. Institutional reviews were obtained in each hospital. The education curriculum consisted of 14 courses regarding breastfeeding theory and practice. These materials were used to teach pediatric residents for 4 weeks. Knowledge-based tests were administered before the course, and re-tests were administered after the course using different test items of similar levels. Test scores and survey responses were compared before and after the intervention. Results: A total of 73 residents (1st year 20, 2nd year 23, 3rd year 16, and 4th year residents 14) from eight training hospitals completed the intervention. Their average age was 30.3±2.9 years, 17 (23.3%) were male, 22 (30.1%) were married, and eight had more than one child of their own. The mean pre-test score was 61.8±13.4 and the mean post-test score was 78.3±7.5 (P<0.001). The inter-grade difference in the score was significant in the pre-test (P=0.005), but not significant in the post-test (P=0.155). There were more responses of obtaining confidence after the intervention (P<0.001). Conclusion: In our study, pediatric residents showed improvement in their knowledge and confidence level after 4 weeks of the breastfeeding curriculum. This will provide a basis for future policymaking in the training of pediatric residents regarding breastfeedReceived: 6 January 2022 Revised: 15 February 2022 Accepted: 15 February 2022 Correspondence to: Ellen Ai-Rhan Kim, MD Department of Pediatrics, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 88 Olympic-ro 43-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul 05505, Korea Tel: +82-2-3010-3390 Fax: +82-2-3010-6978 E-mail: arkim@amc.seoul.kr A Multi-Center Educational Research Regarding Breastfeeding for Pediatrics Residents in Korea Yong-Sung Choi, MD,PhD1, Sung-Hoon Chung, MD, PhD2, Eun Sun Kim, MD, PhD3, Eun Hee Lee, MD4, Euiseok Jung, MD5, So Yeon Lee, MD, PhD5, Wooryoung Lee, MD6, Hye Sun Yoon, MD, PhD7, Yong Joo Kim, MD, PhD8, Ji Kyoung Park, MD, PhD9, Son Moon Shin, MD, PhD9, and Ellen Ai-Rhan Kim, MD, PhD5 1Department of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 2Department of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Seoul, Korea 3Department of Pediatrics, Kangwon National University Hospital, Chuncheon, Korea 4Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, Korea 5Department of Pediatrics, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 6Department of Pediatrics, Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea 7Department of Pediatrics, Nowon Eulji Medical Center, Eulji University, Seoul, Korea 8Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea 9Department of Pediatrics, Inje University Busan Paik Hospital, Busan, Korea Neonatal Med 2022 February;29(1):28-35 https://doi.org/10.5385/nm.2022.29.1.28 pISSN 2287-9412 . eISSN 2287-9803 Copyright(c) 2022 By Korean Society of Neonatology This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Original Article 29 Neonatal Med 2022 February;29(1):28-35 https://doi.org/10.5385/nm.2022.29.1.28 ing in Korea.

      • KCI우수등재

        지하철역과의 거리와 건물의 가치, 그리고 보행상권 : 종로구와 중구의 비주거용 건물을 중심으로

        정은상(Jung, Eun-Sang),김준형(Kim, Jun-Hyung) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2020 國土計劃 Vol.55 No.3

        The general view is that the more accessible a subway station, the higher the value of the building. However, the existing empirical analyses indicate that the relationship between distance to the subway station and building value is not consistently negative. Therefore, this study carries out various analyses based on the hypothesis that the price of the building is affected by the presence of a pedestrian commercial area and the width of the road. According to a survey of 746 non-residential buildings located in Jongno-gu and Jung-gu (in Seoul), this study finds that the closer the subway station, the higher the price of the building. However, buildings located in a pedestrian area showed a positive relationship between distance from the subway station and price of the building. Based on the results, we can infer that the assumption that a building is worth more when it is closer to a subway station cannot be generalized for all regions. In some areas, less accessible but walkable environments should be welcomed in light of the value of buildings and districts.

      • KCI등재

        기관지폐 이형성증의 임상 양상: 다기관 연구

        성기혜 ( Ki Hye Sung ),김민희 ( Min Hee Kim ),김은령 ( Eun Ryoung Kim ),심재원 ( Jae Won Shim ),이정주 ( Jung Ju Lee ),임재우 ( Jae Woo Im ),진현승 ( Hyun Seung Jin ) 대한주산의학회 2009 Perinatology Vol.20 No.3

        목적: 최근 극소 저출생 체중아의 생존율의 개선으로 기관지폐 이형성증(bronchopulmonary dysplasia, BPD)이 늘고 있다. 다기관 연구에 의해 전국적인 BPD의 역학, 임상 양상과 각 병원 간의 차이를 조사하여 향후 우리나라의 BPD 감소와 중증도를 줄이는 것을 목적으로 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법: 2005년 6월부터 2007년 5월까지 건국대학교병원, 영등포 성애병원, 강북삼성병원, 중앙대학교병원, 건양대학교병원, 강릉아산병원의 신생아 집중 치료실에 입원하였던 신생아 4,476명을 대상으로 하였다. BPD의 진단 기준은 비전형적인 BPD를 포함하여 병인적인 분류를 하고 있는 Ogawa 등의 분류법을 이용하여 신생아 호흡 곤란 증후군(respiratory distress syndrome, RDS)과 전형적 또는 미만성 혼탁의 방사선 소견, 산전 감염의 유무에 따라 6가지 type으로 분류하였다. 또한 전체 신생아의 출생체중 분포와 생존율, 각 출생체중 군별 BPD의 발생률, 병태 비율, 사망률 등을 조사하고, 이 후 재택 산소요법 시행 여부와 미숙아 망막증, 괴사성 장염 등의 합병증 여부를 조사하였다. 결과: 생후 28일째 산소 치료가 필요한 신생아는 89명이었고, 이 중 Ogawa 분류법에 의한 BPD 환아는 70명(1.6%)이었으며, 특히 1,500 g 미만의 환아 237명 중 60명(25.3%)이었다. 생후 28일 이상 생존율은 98.7%이고, 사망 예는 없었으며 평균 재원 기간은 97.8±51.2일(43~405일)이었다. BPD는 900~999 g, 1,000~1,249 g의 체중 군에서 발생률이 각각 15명(21.4%)으로 가장 높았으며, 교정 36주 이후에도 산소투여가 필요한 중증 BPD의 경우 900~999 g의 체중 군에서 7명(23.3%)로 가장 높았다. Ogawa 분류법으로 BPD의 각 병태 비율로는 RDS 이후에 나타나는 I, II형이 각각 전체의 17예(24.3%), 44예(62.9%)로 대다수를 차지하였다. 이외에도 III`형은 2예(2.9%), IV형은 2예(2.9%), V형은 5예(7.1%)이었고, III형, VI형은 없었다. 재택 산소요법은 8예에서 시행되어 전체의 11.4%였으며, 이 중 BPD I형이 7예로 87.5%를 차지하였다. 미숙아 망막증은 35명(50.0%)에서 발생하였으며, 700 g 이하 신생아에서 9예(26.5%)로 가장 많았다. 또한 괴사성 장염은 3명(4.3%)이었다. 결론: 본 연구는 국내에서 처음으로 진행된 BPD의 전국적인 다기관 역학 조사로, 대상 신생아의 Ogawa 분류에 의한 BPD 유병률은 1.6% 이었고 1,500 g 미만 신생아의 25.3%이었으며, 전체 신생아의 BPD 70명 중 Ogawa 분류의 I, II형이 각각 24.3%, 62.9%로 대다수를 차지하였다. Purpose: As the neonatal intensive care advanced, the incidence of neonatal bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) has increased. We conducted a multi-center investigation of the prevalence of BPD in six hospitals to investigate the epidemiology of BPD in Korea. Methods: Retrospective reviews ware performed for survival rate, prevalence of BPD of total 4,476 newborn infants who were admitted to neonatal intensive care unit in Konkuk university hospital, Sung-Ae General hospital, Kangbuk Samsung hospital, Chung-Ang university hospital, Konyang university hospital, and Gangneung Asan hospital between June, 2005 and May, 2007. By Ogawa, BPD was defined as oxygen dependency at 28 days after birth, with respiratory distress symptoms and the change of chest x-ray finding, and classified as 6 subtypes. Classic BPD was defined as oxygen dependency at 36 weeks of postmenstrual age. Results: Survival rate at 28 day after birth was 98.7%. BPD infants by Ogawa classification were 70 (1.6% of overall newborn infants), classic BPD infants were 30 (0.7%). Especially, among 237 preterm infants with birth weight less than 1,500 gram who survived to 28 days of life, 60 (25.3%) had BPD by Ogawa classification and 23 (9.7%) had classic BPD. In Ogawa classification, infants with RDS as type I and II, were 17 infants (24.3%) and 44 infants (62.9%). Home oxygen therapy was performed 8 infants (11.4%). Prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity was 35 infants (50.0%), necrotizing enterocolitis was 3 infants (4.3%), and intraventricular hemorrhage was 6 infants (8.6%). Conclusion: Prevalence of BPD infants was 1.6% of overall newborn, 25.3% of preterm infants with birth weight less than 1,500 gram. Among 70 BPD infants, BPD by Ogawa classification with history of RDS as type I and II were 24.3%, 62.9% as the majority of BPD. This study would be the first report of epidemiology of Korean BPD infants by multi-center study.

      • KCI등재

        Dysphagia in Patients with Tongue Cancer Treated with Surgery

        Eun Jung Sung,Kyoung Hyo Choi,JaYoung Kim,Seoyon Yang,Jong-Lyel Roh,Seung-Ho Choi,Soon Yuhl Nam,Sang Yoon Kim 대한연하장애학회 2019 대한연하장애학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Objective: To evaluate the swallowing problems after a primary resection in patients with tongue cancer. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with primary tongue cancer, who underwent a glossectomy and had undergone aVideo Fluoroscopic Swallowing Study (VFSS) prior to surgery in a university hospital between January 2010 andMay 2015, were included retrospectively. The clinical and swallowing features, including the VFSS parameters beforeand after surgery, were analyzed. Results: Among the 38 patients, 33 patients were T1 and T2 stage. Thirty-one, six and one patient underwent apartial glossectomy, hemiglossectomy, and total glossectomy, respectively. More than ninety percent of the patientshad a selective neck dissection. All the patients were on a regular diet before surgery and showed no penetrationor aspiration on the VFSS. Immediately after surgery, 33 patients (87%) had to change to non-oral feeding. At discharge,8 patients (21%) maintained non-oral feeding, and 30 patients ate a limited diet. In a telephone survey(mean 19 months after surgery), among the 25 survey participants, 24 patients (96%) reported no problems withtheir regular diet. Conclusion: In tongue cancer patients with low Tumor-Node-Metastasis (TNM), American Joint Committee on Cancer(AJCC) stages, a primary resection of tongue cancer did not cause statistically significant dysphagia after surgery. Although many patients had to change their diet to limited or non-oral feeding immediately after surgery, almost allpatients improved and could eat a regular diet after the long term follow up.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Flip-flops Gait on the Muscle Activity of Tibilalis anterior and Gastrocnemius

        Jung Hyun Choi,Mi Ri Song,Joong Hyun Lee,Hong Rae Kim,Si Eun Park,Ji Sung Kim,Dae Young Kwak,Sang Bin Lee,Nyeon Jun Kim,Ja Pung Koo,Soon Hee Kim 국제물리치료학회 2013 Journal of International Academy of Physical Ther Vol.4 No.2

        The fact that flip-flops, one of many different types of unstable shoes, are light and relatively easy to put on, accounts for their popularity among people. But because flip-flops rely heavily on the support of a single thong between your first and second toes, they impose a huge amount of pressure onto lower leg. Thus in the following experiment we tried to examine the different effects of flip-flops and running shoes in terms of their effect on muscle activity and fatigue of tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius during walking. In order to measure an electromyogram we used Free EMG system. 10 men and 10 women in running shoes ran on treadmills for 15 minutes at 4.8km/h, 2 days later the same experiment was carried out, but this time, in flip-flops. p value turned out to be greater than .05 and thus there was no considerable difference between the effects of flip-flops and running shoes on muscle activity and fatigue during walking. Therefore we conclude that despite the fact that flip-flops are considered unstable, their effects on muscle activity and fatigue of tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius are negligible.

      • Analysis of Psychological Component for Immersive Online Games

        Jung Yong Kim,Ji Soo Park,Jun Hyeok Choi,Sang Eun Lee,Jiyoung Son 대한인간공학회 2012 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.5

        Objective: The aims of this study are to analyze psychological components through existing studies and categorize game components of immersive online game(MMORPG: massively multiplayer online role-playing game). Method: Many researchers reported that the flow of online game was positive behavior and could lead to addiction with immersive gamming through literature review. They analyzed MMORPG's flow components in the point of psychological view. We surveyed the causal factors of immersion and analyzed the flow components of online game point of game user's view. We extracted the flow components from MMORPG. Results: The re-categorization showed Motivation/Challenge, Operator, Feedback, Information, Design/Control and Interaction. Conclusion: In this study the psychological flow factors are re-categorized by game user's view for the basis of quantitative analysis.

      • Change in the Relationship between the Subseasonal Western North Pacific Subtropical High and El Nino

        Jung-Eun Esther Kim,Changhyun Yoo,Sang-Hoon Park 한국기상학회 2021 한국기상학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        The western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH), which is the westward extension of the North Pacific subtropical high, is an essential component of the East Asian summer monsoon. The location and strength of the WNPSH affect the amount of rainfall in the rainy season by transporting water vapor from the tropics. The variability of the WNPSH on the interannual and intraseasonal timescales are not only related to the anomalies in the local western North Pacific region but also to those in the whole tropical system. In particular, many studies have shown that the El Nino forcing plays a key role for forming and maintaining the WNPSH. Given that the ENSO regime shift occurred around 1999/2000, we try to reveal whether a decadal change of El Nino has contributed to the change in the characteristics of WNPSH on a subseasonal timescale. The reasons for the differences between early and late summer are also discussed.

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