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        북한의 급변사태 및 대량탈북에 따른 경찰 대응방안 연구

        남재성(Nam Jae Sung),이창무(Lee Chang Moo) 한국공안행정학회 2013 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.22 No.1

        국내외를 불문하고 김정은 체제에 대한 심각한 우려가 제기되고 있는 현실에 비추어 볼 때 가까운 장래에 북한의 급격한 정세변화와 대한민국에 대한 잠재적 위해요소의 등장은 우리가 반드시 겪게 될 현실이고 반드시 막아야할 문제라는 점에서 개방된 사고로 모든 가능성을 염두하고 대책을 수립해야 한다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 국가 차원뿐만 아니라 세부적으로 경찰 차원에서, 김정은 체제 이후 예상되는 북한 내부의 권력투쟁과 그에 따른 사회적 혼란 및 잠재적 위해요소, 그리고 그로 인한 북한 주민의 대량 탈북사태와 국내 유입 등 치안과 안보위해 상황을 다각도로 검토해보고 무엇보다도 경찰의 대응방안을 중심으로 대책을 마련하고자 하였다. 연구결과 여러 위협 변수들에도 불구하고 현 상태에서 당장 급격한 변화와 북한 정권의 붕괴 가능성은 높지 않다고 보인다. 하지만 북한체제의 특성상, 북한의 급변사태가 언제든 발생할 수 있다는 측면에서 항상 예의주시해야 할 것이며, 경찰은 북한의 급변사태에 따라 대량 탈북사태가 발생했을 경우 신속히 대응할 수 있는 즉응적 대비태세를 갖추어야 할 것이다. 특히, 이에 대한 대비태세는 대량 탈북 등 급변사태 발생이전의 사전적 역량강화 방안, 평시상황이지만 준 급변사태 발생단계에서 나타날 수 있는 대량 탈북사태 대응 방안, 급변사태 발생시의 대량 탈북사태 대응 방안 등으로 구분하여 수립하는 것이 타당할 것이다. 따라서 향후 보안경찰은 이 세 가지의 대응방안을 중심으로 조직적, 인력적 역량을 강화하고 대응을 위한 세부 시나리오를 마련하는 등 대량탈북 사태와 같은 북한의 급변사태에 신속히 대응할 수 있는 철저한 준비태세를 확립해야 할 것이다. In the midst of present situation where a serious concern is being raised at the national and international level on Kim Jong-un regime, it is inevitable that we will certainly experience North Korea's sudden changes in the state of affairs and the appearance of potentially dangerous elements towards South Korea against which we must defend. Accordingly, we must develop measures of responses for every possibility with open mind. The purpose of this study, accordingly, was to extensively examine not only at the national level but also at the specific level of the police the North Korean power struggle and according social disorder, potentially dangerous elements, massive defections of North Koreans and their inflow to South Korea and situations that present risk to public order and national security in order to develop various measures of responses centering on the response of the police. The study result shows that in spite of numerous variables of threat, the possibility of immediate and sudden changes in North Korea and the collapse of its regime does not appear to be high. According to the characteristics of the North Korea regime, however, there is a need for constant and close watch in the sense that sudden changes could occur at anytime in North Korea. Additionally, it was found that it would be necessary for the police to be equipped with instant readiness for swiftly responding to any massive defections of North Koreans according to sudden changes in North Korea. It was revealed that it would be appropriate to develop measures of responses by dividing them into a preemptive measure of reinforcing capabilities prior to the occurrence of sudden changes such as massive defections, a response measure against massive defections that could occur at the stage of semi-sudden changes during peacetime situation and a response measure against massive defections that occurs at the occurrence of sudden changes. Accordingly, it would be necessary for the security police to establish through readiness for swiftly responding to sudden changes in North Korea such as massive defections such as reinforcing organizational and personnel capabilities and develop specific scenarios of response centering on the three types of measures of responses mentioned above.

      • 건축 프로젝트 적정 설계변경 관리를 위한 사례조사

        김성욱(Kim Sung-Wook),남혜원(Nam Hye-Won),이종식(Lee Jong-Sik),신창현(Shin Chang-Hyun),전재열(Chun Jae-Youl) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.29 No.1(구조계)

        Recent design changes in the existing research on the factors and issues of design changes and analysis, responsible for analyzing the relationship, procedural issues, and issues of research that can be active. However, changes in the design of problems are essentially designed to complement the book is for the procedure. Methodology for dealing with design changes in the characteristics of the country and to reflect more realistically, and various design changes and looked at trends in related research. the design Change of this study to examine the domestic status and problems, identify the status of the country about the design changes, and in suggesting the direction to the development of the design changes.

      • KCI등재

        A neurometabolite study of chronic daily headache in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus using magnetic resonance spectroscopy: comparison with fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls

        ( Chang-nam Son ),( Sang-hyon Kim ),( Hyuk Won Chang ),( Ji-min Kim ) 대한내과학회 2016 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.31 No.6

        Background/Aims: Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) includes a broad spectrum of neurologic and psychiatric manifestations. One of the most commonly observed neuropsychiatric symptoms is headache. However, the lack of specific clinical distinctions for headache in SLE has made it diffi cult to elucidate its pathophysiology. The aim of this study is to evaluate the neurometabolic changes using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MRS) in patients with SLE who suffer from chronic daily headache (CDH). Methods: SLE and fibromyalgia patients with CDH and healthy controls were recruited (n = 9, n = 5, and n = 6, respectively). 1H-MRS metabolite ratios were evaluated in bilateral basal ganglia (BG) and bilateral peritrigonal white matter (PWM). Results: 1H-MRS showed a significantly decreased N-acetylaspartate (NAA)/creatine (Cr) ratio in right BG in SLE patients with CDH compared to fibromyalgia patients with CDH and normal controls (p = 0.029 and p = 0.020, respectively). Left PWM NAA/Cr and choline/Cr ratios in SLE patients with CDH were lower than those in fibromyalgia patients with CDH (p = 0.019 and p = 0.029, respectively). Conclusions: This study suggests the possibility that CDH in patients with SLE might be associated with neuronal dysfunction and neurometabolic changes.

      • Endoscopy and Imaging Modalities/Basic Science of Gastrointestinal Disorders/Miscellaneous : Changing Pattern Of Digestive And Liver Disease In Korea, 1990-2006 Year; A Single Center Study

        ( Jung Hyun Kwon ),( Sang Woo Kim ),( In Sik Chung ),( Myung Gyu Choi ),( Kwan Woo Nam ),( Jung Pil Suh ),( Jae Hyuck Chang ),( Won Haing Hur ),( Yu Kyung Cho ),( Jae Myung Park ),( In Seok Lee ) 대한소화기학회 2007 SIDDS Vol.9 No.-

        Background/Aims: Westernization in many Asian countries have changed lifestyles and diets, so once rare diseases have now become prevalent. The aim of this study is to investigate the changing pattern of digestive and liver disease in Korea, from 1990 to 2006. Methods: We extracted data specific gastrointestina (GI) disease based on the International Classification of Diseases code from the in-patients records at the Kangnam St. Mary`s Hospital in 1990, 1996 and 2006. This hospital is a tertiary-care hospital in Seoul, Korea, which has a capacity of 800 beds. Results: The admission rate for GI disease increased between 1990 and 2006. Overall in-patients were 1,623 persons in 1990, 2,368 persons in 1996 and 4,166 persons in 2006. The mean age of in-patients increased as time went by. A stomach cancer was the most common diagnosis during all periods, but its prevalence has decreased. Colon cancer ranked the 7th in 1990, but markedly increased and now ranks the second. The third was a hepatocellular carcinoma. The bile duct and gallbladder cancer, pancreas and esophageal cancer ranking followed with little interval change. In cases of cancer patients, a regular admission dramatically increased for chemotherapy. The number of patients admitted with pre-malignant neoplasm of stomach and colon increased remarkably with the development of endoscopy. The liver transplant, inflammatory bowel discase, and reflux esophagitis emerged form mid-1990s with greater frequencies, yet much below the levels found in the West. The admission rate for peptic ulcer, especially ulcer bleeding remained relatively stable, despite a decreased rate for ulcer perforation. Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis with cholecystitis-cholangitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoid and gastritis all decreased. Conclusions: The stomach cancer is the leading cause of admission, despite a recent decline. Colon cancer showed a marked rise. The liver transplant, inflammatory bowel disease and reflux esophagitis were new diagnosis with an increased tendency.

      • 흉부 CT 검사에서 Scan Direction이 Automatic Exposure Control을 적용한 선량에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        남태현(Tae Hyun Nam),정용환(Yong Hwan Jeong),김주현(Joo Hyun Kim),권순안(Soon Ahn Gwon),대창민(Chang Min Dae),김성룡(Sung Ryong Kim),민관홍(Kwan Hong Min) 대한CT영상기술학회 2012 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        목적 적정한 영상의 질과 합리적인 선량위해 이용되고 있는 Automatic Exposure Control에 대한 다양한 연구가 진행되고 있는 가운데 scan direction의 영향에 대한 연구는 미비한 실정이기에, 본 논문에서는 AE를 적용한 흉부 CT검사에서 scan direction이 선량에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 Somatom Definition Flash(Siemens Healthcare, 이하 S사), Aquilion 64(Toshiba Medical System, 이하 T사), LightSpeed VCT(General Electric Medical System, 이하 G사), Brilliance iCT(Philips healthcare, 이하 p시)와 인체 등가물질의 whole body phantom을 이용하였다. Phantom position은 supine, feet first로 위치시키고, SPR parameter 중 관전압을 120, 100, 80 kV로 각각 group 1, group 2, group 3으로 분류 후, cranio-caudal scan direction, caudo-cranial scan direction으로 각 5회 반복 scan 하고 선량 비교는 장비에서 제공하는 CTDIvol 값의 평균값을 구하여 scan direction에 따른 변화를 각 제조사별로 비교하였다. 결과 S사의 평균 CTDIvol 값을 비교해 본 결과 cranio-caudal scan direction에 대한 caudo-cranial scan direction의 증감률은 group 1에서 -4.22%, group 2에서 -5.27%, group 3에서 -4.50%로 나타났고, T사의 증감률은 group 1에서 -9.41%, group 2에서 -8.20%, group 3에서 -9.31%로 측정되었다. G사의 증감률은 group 1에서 -1.65%, group 2에서 -3.41%, group 3에서 -3.23%로 나타났으며. P사의 증감률은 group 1에서 +1.21%, group 2에서 -1.58% group 3에서 -2.41%로 나타났다. 결론 AEC를 적용한 흉부 CT검사에서 scan direction이 변화함에 따라 환자에 적용되는 선량에 차이가 발생하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 통해 기존에 AEC에 영향을 주는 것으로 알려진 요인 외에 scan direction 또한 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서, 제조사별 AEC에 대한 심도있는 이해를 바탕으로 그 영향인자에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것이며, 이러한 연구들을 통해 검사부위에 맞는 최적화된 기법을 적용한다면 더욱 합리적인 선량감소를 달성할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. I. Purpose There are many studies about automatic exposure control system. However, there is not enough study between scan direction and ABC. The purpose of this study was to compare radiation exposure dose in chest CT depending on scan direction. II. Meterial and Methods Somatom Definition Flash(Siemens Healthcare), Aquilion 64(Toshiba Medical system), LightSpeed VCT(General Electric Medical System), Brilliance iCT(Philips healthcare) and whole body phantom(KUPBU - 50 Kyoto kagaku Co.Ltd) are used in this study, Phantom position was supine, feet first. Study was devided into 3 groups depending on scan projection radiography tube voltage: group 1(120kV), group 2(100 kV), group 3(80 kV). Average CTDIvol values are compared between cranio-caudal scan direction and caudo-cranial scan direction in each group. III. Result The CTDIvol between cranio-caudal scan direction and caudo-cranial scan direction is changed. Siemens result is -4.22% in group 1, -5.27% in group 2, -4.50% in group 3. Toshiba result is -9.41% in group 1, -8.20% in group 2, -9.31% in group 3. GE result is -1.65% in group 1, -3.41% in group 2, -3.23% in group 3. Philips result is +1.21% in group 1, -1.58% in group 2, -2.41% in group 3. IV. Conclusions Radiation exposure dose was changed between cranio-caudal scan direction and caudo-cranial scan direction in Chest CT with ABC. Therefore, scan direction can affect to AEC. We should consider about many factors of AEC and create suitable protocol for each body part in order to reduce radiation dose.

      • 인공근육용 압전복합재료 작동기의 섬유배향각이 총유효 모멘트(M<SUP>E</SUP>)에 미치는 영향

        김철웅(Cheol-Woong Kim),이성혁(Sung-Hyuk Lee),남인창(In-Chang Nam),윤광준(Kwang-Joon Yoon) 대한기계학회 2005 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2005 No.11

        Due to the diversified use of recent Piezoelectric Zirconate Titanate Composite Actuator (PZTCA), various PZTCAs with the different ply orientation of the fiber layer have been applied. For this reason, the applicable bending moment equation is necessary even though the fiber layer ply orientation and the laminate configuration are changed. The aim of this research is to evaluate the relationship between the total effective moment (M<SUP>E</SUP>) and Bernoulli-Euler bending moment (M) when the ply orientations of UD CFRP are changed. In conclusion, 1) As the performance test results by the CFRP ply orientation, the performance of [0] and [90] were stable. However, while the performance of [+45] was suddenly decreased after 5 hours. 2) The change of M<SUP>E</SUP> by the CFRP ply orientation was evaluated. As the CFRP ply orientation was increased form [0] to [+60], the M<SUP>E</SUP> were gradually decreased. However, they became a little bit increased from [+60] to [90]. 3) After the change of M by the CFRP ply orientation was evaluated it was found that M<SUP>E</SUP>=2.2M was valid for just [0] and that there was a relationship between M<SUP>E</SUP> and M according to the ply orientation.


        Interferon-γ Inhibits in vitro Mobilization of Eosinophils by Interleukin-5

        Park, Choon-Sik,Choi, Eun Nam,Kim, Jung Sun,Choi, Yun Sung,Rhim, Tai Youn,Chang, Hun Soo,Chung, Il Yup S. Karger AG 2005 International archives of allergy and immunology Vol.136 No.3

        <P><I>Background:</I> Th2 cytokines play pivotal roles in allergic inflammation, including eosinophilia, and their actions are antagonized by Th1 cytokines, conferring them therapeutic potential. <I>Methods:</I> In this study, we examined the ability of a number of cytokines to suppress the activation of eosinophils that function as effector cells for allergic airway diseases. <I>Results:</I> Interleukin (IL)-5, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induced an eosinophil shape change, whereas interferon (IFN)-γ significantly inhibited the shape change. Other cytokines, including IL-1β, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13, had little or only slightly enhancing or reducing effects on the shape change. We further analyzed the IFN-γ effect, showing that pretreatment with IFN-γ strongly suppressed IL-5-induced eosinophil shape change, and cycloheximide (CHX) abrogated the suppression by IFN-γ, suggesting that new protein synthesis is required for the inhibitory effect by this cytokine. In agreement with these results, IFN-γ blocked the eosinophil migration and ERK phophorylation induced by IL-5, and the addition of CHX restored eosinophil chemotaxis. <I>Conclusions:</I> Collectively, IFN-γ may attenuate eosinophilic inflammation by directly negating eosinophil mobilization.</P><P>Copyright © 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국흑염소에서의 실험적 신증의 임상병리학적 연구

        최희인,성재기,남치주,이창우,이경갑,Choi Hee-In,Sung Jai-Ki,Nam Tchi-Chou,Lee Chang-Woo,Lee Kyoung-Kap 한국임상수의학회 1989 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        In order to study the effects of administration of neomycin on the kidney of Korean black goats, 4.5(group A), 9(group B) or 14(group C) mg/kg, body weight of neomycin was injected intramuscularly turice a day for 84 days. On day 31, unilateral nephreotomy was performed in one animal of each group. The results were as follows: Serum neomycin concentrations were 8.7, 13.8, and 20.2 ${\mu}$g/ml 12 hours after injection. Serum BUN and creatinine concentration in nephreotomized goats, regardless of dosage, rapidly increased and came to peak on 3 days after, and then began to decrease to normal range, gradually, In non-nephrectomized goats, regardless of dosage, there was no notable change. In nephreotomized goats, PSP Tl/2 was delayed to the utmost 1 day after nephrectomy, regard-less of dosage, and then began to decrease to normal range, gradually in non-nephrectomized goats, there was not notable change in PSP T$\frac{1}{2}$. The intact kidney was markedly enlarged compared with the kidney of non-nephrectomized goats, but there was no microscopic change. It is concluded that administration of neomycin up to 14mg/kg body weight twice a day for 84 days was not nephrotoxic to the Korean black goats.

      • 굴껍질을 이용한 고농도 중금속 폐수처리에 미치는 pH의 영향

        성낙창,신남철,최장승 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1996 硏究報告 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this research is to examine the utilization of oyster shells for the removal of high concentrated heavy metals in an acidic·alkali system wastewater. because oyster shells have been known to be very porous, to have high specific surface area and to have alkaline minerals such as calcium and mangnesium. It could be showed that most of heavy metals intended to increase removal rate with pH increase, but maintained equilibrium and heavy metals were removed high. In 7g and 9g, desorptions were caused by the weak physical coherence of heavy metals. Solubilites of heavy metals increased with Fe>Cu>Cr and Fe removal rate was higher than other heavy metals, because removal rate was influenced by- competitive reaction in same pH rather than solubility. In point of Ocean waste recyling, if oyster shells will use wastewater treatment of acidic and high concentrated heavy metals, they could look forward to an expected economical effect.

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