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        정처사 술회가 고

        서원섭 경북어문학회 1970 어문론총 Vol.4 No.1

        I found it at my uncle's (who is the grandson of the autho Jai-chull Chung) in Tong-Koo-Mi. Suh-Myon when I took a summer vacation trip to Wool-lung Island to collect hidden folksongs in the year 1967. The main points of conclusion are as below. 1. This $quot;Ka-Sa$quot; is not a rolled paper but a rare volume of copy written in $quot;Han-Kul$quot; the original Korean characters. 2. This is one of the early works wich dealt with Wool-lung Island as a subject matter of literature, and it was written 14 years after 1878. the year of The King Ko-Chong's $quot;The royal reclamationcommand$quot; was issued. 3. As for author's family lineage there were many famous and distinguished persons among his ancestors in the early days of Lee-dynasty, but after the chaotic government of The King Kwang Hai, they mainly engaged in teaching local disciples. 4. The Author was born at Kang-Suh-Myon Wol Sung Koon North Kyong San Province on the 5th, august, 1835, died at Tong-Koo -:1~Ii. Suh ~1~Iyon Wool lung Island on the 22nd June 1896. He was 62 years old. 5. I estimated that He wrote it during the winter of 1892, at that time his age was 58. 6. Sool-Hoe-Ka is a long one and He described his own life and experiences in it. 7. I've researched it by dividing it into 16 paragraphs, and I recognized that it describes excellently not only natural beauty but on account of a trip. 8. From the total statistics through analysis of syllabic metre, I found, that the $quot;Ka-sa$quot; was based on the 3.4 syllabic metre or 4.4 syllabic metre. 9. There are very good materials for etymological study of place name in Wool-lung Island.

      • KCI등재

        Whitman’s American Experience and Democracy and Divine Literatus in Democratic Vistas

        ( Suh¸ Yun Kyo ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2018 영어권문화연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Whitman gave a new order in the political turmoil and division of US society and continued to reflect on the realistic foundation with the utopian interest, such as the analysis of the self and the morality to be equipped to achieve the ideal of democracy ideally. His work Democratic Vistas is basically a reflection of ideal ideals and a new search. After experiencing the Civil War as opposed to ideological early design work, he presents ideas and cultural programs that he urgently needs to turn the United States into a new nation and turn the public into a new humanoid type. In this work he presents the three stages of the present America as an ideal nation, in its own terms the New World. According to him, 1. the establishment of a ‘political foundation’ 2. the realization of material prosperity 3. the gradual rise of religious democracy. Divine Literature to him was not only his concrete solution for American democracy but America's final hope for enacting communication between Body and Soul. He emphasizes Personalism as the basic principle of democracy. In addition, human beings and gods are one person, discovering the identity of God and humanity through human beings, and such assertion asserts consciousness of divine reality.


        Suh,Jung-H 한국화재소방학회 1997 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.-

        Since 1970s, The Petrochemical Industry in Korea has grown rapidly by the successful economic growth. While the process became larger and more complex, hazardous chemicals have been used in large quantity, Therefore, the risk of a major accident such as fire, explosion and toxic material release has been increased. Korea has been ranked the fifth in petrochemical product capacity worldwide, also required to meet international standards on process safety management. Fire Protection System integral part of safely management in Petrochemical Plants, will be reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        김승연 회장의 리더십과 한화그룹의 기업문화

        서인덕(Induk Suh) 한국경영사학회 2010 經營史學 Vol.53 No.-

        한화의 기업문화를 조사하기 위해 설문지 조사를 위주로 하면서 사사, 사보, 신문기사,최고경영자 스피치의 내용분석을 하였다. 분석결과 독특한 한화문화가 존재함을 발견하였다. 김승연 회장의 리더십 특징은, 첫째, 도전과 융합의 리더십, 모멘트 리더십으로 표현할 수 있는 변화의 리더십이었다.둘째, 신용과 의리의 리더십이다, 셋째, 기업이 직면할 상황을 미리 읽고, 이에 대처하기 위해 내부 혁신운동을 다양하게 펼쳐 온 위기 관리의 리더로 파악되었다. 이러한 김승연 회장의 리더십은 한화를 국내시장의 지배적 위치에서 글로벌 리더로 변모시키려는 전략과 부합 한다. 한화의 가치체계는 창업 초기부터 기업운용의 기반이 되어 온 신용과 의리에 바탕을 둔 신뢰, 존경, 혁신의 경영이념을 추구하고 있다. 창업이후 다섯 번에 걸친 사훈의 변천과정이 있었다. 그룹 전반적인 기업문화 유형은 보존적 문화와 친화적 문화가 강하고 합리적 문화와 진취적 문화가 상대적으로 낮았다. 세 가지 업종별로 기업문화 유형을 보면, 제조업과 서비스-레저업에서는 보존적 문화가 강했고, 금융업에서는 친화적 문화가 강했다. 특히 직급 간에 뚜렷한 기업문화 인식의 차이가 나타났다. 사원, 주임, 계장, 대리 이하의 하위직에서는 친화적 문화가 강했고, 과장, 차장, 부장, 및 임원의 중상위직에서는 보존적 문화가 강했다. 한화의 강점으로는 신뢰문화, 공동체/화합문화, 인본주의 및 강력한 리더십 등인 것으로 인식되었다. 단점으로는 보수적 문화, 혁신미흡, 낮은 이미지, 차별적 역량부족 등으로 인식되었다. 최고경영자의 리더십특성과 글로벌 지향적 전략과 구성원의 기업문화 인식내용을 비교할 때 현재의 한화 기업문화는 최고경영자가 지향하는 경영전략과는 다소 괴리가 있는 것 으로 판단 된다.글로벌 한화를 지향하는 전략이 성공하기 위해서는 전략과 기업문화의 적합성 확보를 위한 기업문화 변화 관리가 과제이다. This study is based on the results of statistical analysis of employees’ questionnaire survey and the content analysis of CEO speech and other published materials concerning Hanwha conglomerate. The assessed results show us that Hanwha carries its own unique corporate culture which can be called the Hanwha-Way. The writer found the three forces that generate the electricity of leadership of Chairman Kim Seung-Youn: change, trust, and crisis management. Firstly, he is a change leader representing challenge, fusion and moment leadership. Secondly, he regards trust and ever lasting relationship as the first and foremost in the relationship with diverse stakeholders. Thirdly, he proactively anticipates changes in business environments and develops and directs many various organization level programs across industry sectors urging organizational transformation to cope with environmental challenges. The corporate philosophy of Hanwha is based on trust, respect and innovation. The dominant corporate culture of Hanwha is recognized showing strong maintenance culture and affiliation culture by the Suh’s model. Corporate cultures of three sectors of Hanwha are compared to show that both of manufacturing and construction sector and services-leisure sector have a strong maintenance culture but finance sector has a strong affiliation culture. Employees in lower level hierarchy in terms of company position turn out perceiving a strong affiliation culture, but those in middle and higher perceiving more strong maintenance culture. Hanwha conglomerate has such many positive characteristics as trust climate, community/affiliation atmosphere, humanitarianism, and strong CEO leadership, but some conservative thinking, lack of innovativeness, less recognized corporate image, lack of distinctive competitive edge are negative aspects needed to carefully manage to make Hanwha a global enterprise. A requisite task is to get a fitness between strategy and corporate culture to realize the global strategy of maximizing performance of current operation and uncovering new growth engines.

      • 동구북구산 Mesochorinae 아과(별목 : 맵시벌과)의 계통분류학적 연구 1. : Mesochorinae 속의 재고찰 A Review of the Genus Mesochorus

        이종욱,최원영,서경인 고려대학교 한국곤충연구소 1997 昆蟲硏究誌 Vol.23 No.1

        동구북구산 Mesochorus속을 재고찰한 결과 4미기록종을 포함하여 총 31종을 확인하였다. 따라서 동구북구산 Mesochorus속은 본 연구에서 확인하지 못한 10종을 포함하여 총 41종이 분포하는 것으로 보고된다. 원기재와의 차이점을 추가하여 기록하였고, 채집지, 분포, 숙주목록 등을 정리하였으며, 확인된 31종에 대한 검색표를 작성하였다. 이 중 Lee와 Suh의 M. sp.1은 본 연구에서 신종임이 확인되어 Mesochorus seorakensis로 새로이 명명하였다. 종목록은 아래와 같다. Aa a result of systematic study of the Mesochorinae, a total of 31 species was confirmed in the Eastern palearctic Mesochorus. Among them, four species, M. confus, M. fuscicornis, M. rubranotatus and M. uniformis are new to Eastern palearctic regional fauna. Mesochorus sp. 1 of Lee and Suh (1991) is confirmed as new species and it named to be M. seorakensis. Thus, the Eastern palearctic Masochorus is composed of 41 species including 10 unconfirmed species in this study. Additional descriptions, collection sites, distributions, host lists, keys are provided for the species.

      • 鬱陶 仙境歌考

        서원섭 慶北大學校 1969 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The Ka-Sa (rhythmic prose) introduced here was found by the present writer at Tong-Gu-Mi, Suh-Myun, Wul-Leung Island during summer, 1967. The writer of the Ka-Sa is Si-Ong Park, who was born on July 2, 1864 and died on June 15, 1947 at the age of 84. He wrote the Ka-sa around February 1906. The Ka-Sa was divided in to nine parts and was scanned closely. Its style is terse, and its rhythm is composed of only with 3.4 and 4.4 sound unit. The quality of the Ka-Sa isto be valued rather high considering that it treats with Wul-Leung-Do, one of the three largest lsiands of Korea, while we have not many Ka-Sa whose subject matter is lslands.

      • MOS Transistor의 1/f 雜音特性

        徐柾河 弘益大學校 1982 弘大論叢 Vol.14 No.2

        1/f雜音에 대한 새 理論으로 提案된 Suh의 總電子數 fluctuation 모델을 적용하여 MOSFET 素子의 channel 短絡電流 spectral density를 數式化하였다. 算出된 表現式은 MOSFET 素子의 1/f雜音特性을 잘 묘사하여, 최근 그 理論的 解明에 있어 論難되고 있는 1/f雜音特性, 즉 드레인전압이 작게 걸린 MOSFET에 있어 드레인전압 fluctuation 스펙트럼의 相對密度가 채널抵抗이 큰 영역에서는 채널저항에 比例하고 채널저항이 작은 영역에서는 채널저항의 세제곱에 비례함을 명확히 설명할 수 있음을 보이고 있다.

      • 肥滿과 血淸 Insulin値에 關하여

        兪興善,徐舜圭 고려대학교 의과대학 1984 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.21 No.3

        The correlation between obesity and the serum insulin level were studied in 10 healthy adults, 18 non-diabetic patients without edema and 25 diabetic patients. Among all 53 cases, there were 19 cases of obesity by Suh's criteria of Korean ideal body weigh (more than 20% of ideal weight). The serum insulin and blood glucose at fasting and dureing 100g oral glucose tolerance test were measured. Serum insulin was measured by method of Solid phase125 Radioimmunoassay (Coat-A-Count Tnsulin Kit)- The results were as follows: 1. Inhealthy adult, the level of fasting serum insulin was average 3.1μU/ml in on-obese, 16.5 μU/ml in obese adults, The insulin level in 30 minutes after GTT, was 45.8 μU/ml in non-obese and 145.5 μU/ml in obese adults. These data showed that hyperinsulinemia occurs in non-diabetic obesity either in fasting or after the glucose loading. 2. In nondiabetic patients without edema, the serum insulin level were average 20.3μU/ml in fasting, 61.4 μU/ml after 30 minutes, 100.7 μU/ml after 60 minutes, 118,7 μU/ml after 120 minutes and 52.8 μU/ml after 180 minutes in non-obese patients. In obese patients, the serum insulin level were average 30.9 μU/ml, 109.0 μU/ml after 30 minutes, 119.3 μU/ml after 60 minutes, 146.3 μU/ml after 120 minutes and 82.5 μU/ml after 180 minutes. These data showed the serum insulin level increased clearly but delayed than normal adult in obses patients. 3. The correlation between obesity index (body wt/ideal body wt) and fasting serum insulin. level were studied. The coefficient of correlation was 0.88 in healthy adults and 0.96 in non-obese patients. These data showed that serum insulin level is not only related to obesity but also body weight. 4. In diabetic patients, the fasting serum insulin level was as same as non-diabetic healthy adult or patient. There was no difference of serum insulin between obses and non-obese diabetic patients. It appeared slightly higher increase of serum insulin by GTT in obses than non-obses diabetic patients but there was no statistical significance in the difference. There was no correlation between serum insulin level and obesity index (coefficient of correlation 0.3) in diabetic patients.

      • 肥滿에 關한 硏究

        金眞順,徐舜圭 고려대학교 의과대학 1973 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.10 No.3

        Studies on obesity in health and diseases, eating habits and daily activities and body fat amount in healthy peoples in Korea were carried out and following results were obtained. A. Epidemiological Studies. Incidences of obesity in 3,400 cases(2,512 cases of male, 888 cases of female) of apparently healthy persons, in 803 cases of hypertension, in 95 cases of diabetes mellitus and in 377 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were studied. 1. Incidences of obesity(acording to Suh's criteria) in apparently healthy male were 4.9% in the age group of twenties, 8.9% in the thirties, 11.7% in the fourties and 10.1% in the fifties and in female were 4.9% in the age group of twenties, 19.9% in the thiries, 33.3% in the fourties and 31.8 % in the fifties. Incidences of obesity were increased gradually according to the age in both sex until the fourties and slightly decreased in the fifties. Incidence of obesity was higher in female than male after age of thirties. 2. Incidences of hypertension were increased according to the body fatness in both sex. Incidences of hypertension in obesity were 42.9% in male and 23.0% in female but in emaciation, they were 16.9% and 10.3% respectively. 3. Incidences of obesity were higher in hypertension and diabetes mellitus and lower in pulmonary tuberculosis than apparently healthy persons. B. Studies on eating habits and daily activities. Eating habits and daily activities in 485 cases of apparently healthy Koreans (257 cases of male and 228 cases of female) were studied by questionnaire. 1. In Korean people, appetite were well preserved(79.0%) and they liked any kind of principal food (9.8%) or rice ,diet (36.4%) and liked vegetables (55.8%) than meat (39.2%). The cases which like hot spicy food was 37.2% of cases, salty food 28.9% and sweet food 42.5%. 2. In obese people, appetite and amount of food were increased and they liked any kind of principal food, meat and bean-curd(tooboo). frequencies of food intake, salty food, hot food, sweet food and exercise were not related with the grade of fatness. 3. In emaciated people, appetite and amount of food were decreased and they liked rice diet and vegetables. C. Studies on total body fat amount and skinfold thickness. Total fat amount and skinfold thickeness by Lange skinfold caliper were studied in 1092 cases of apparently healthy Koreans(849 cases of male, 243 cases of female). 1. Total body fat amount were increased according to the grade of body fatness. Total body fat amount in obese people were 24.6% of body weight in male and 33.1% in female. 2. Total body fat amount, skinfold thickness (of arm, shoulder, abdomen, lumbar region and average) and body weight were well correlated with the grade of fatness by hight-weight table. The skinfold thickeness of scapular area was the most significant correlationship with the grade of fatness in skinfold thickness of 4 areas.

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