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        沿海州 韓人社會의 갈등과 鄭淳萬의 피살

        박걸순(Park Geol-Soon) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2009 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.34

        정순만(1876~1911)은 한말부터 망국에 이르는 시기에 국내는 물론 연해주에서 국권회복운동을 전개한 중요한 인물이다. 1906년 그는 이상설, 이동녕 등과 함께 망명하여 북간도에서 민족교육의 요람인 서전서숙을 건립하여 운영하다가, 헤이그 특사 파견 지원을 위해 블라디보스토크로 온 이래 사거할 때까지 연해주의 독립운동을 주도하였다. 그는 자금 모금을 통해 헤이그 특사 사행을 지원하였고, 海潮新聞을 창간하여 주간·주필·총무의 역할을 수행하였다. 그는 논설을 통해 냉혹한 사회진화론적 국제질서를 이겨나가기 위해 교육의 중요성을 역설하였다. 그러나 국내에서 초빙해 온 장지연과 극심한 불화 관계가 조성된 것은 안타까운 일이었다. 그는 공립협회에도 참여하여 국민회 지회장에 피선되는 등 미주 동포사회와 연계를 맺으며 민족운동을 전개하였으며, 뒤 이어 창간된 大東共報에도 주필로 참여하였다. 당시 정순만은 同義會라는 비밀결사에 안중근과 함께 참여하였는데, 이를 배경으로 안중근의거를 계획하고, 의거후에도 안중근의 변호에 힘을 쏟았다. 이는 그가 민족운동을 위해서는 대립되는 계몽운동과 무장투쟁을 병행할 수 있다는 독립운동 이념의 포용성을 보여주는 것이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 연해주 한인사회의 분파와 파쟁은 조국 독립을 위한 그의 꿈을 접게 만들고 말았다. 그는 연해주에서 ‘정순만파’나 기호파(경성파)의 수장으로 성장하였으나, 자신이 연해주 한인사회로부터 신망을 잃었다고 여긴데다 민회에서 서북파에게 밀린 나머지 격정을 이기지 못하고 1910년 1월 23일 양성춘을 사살하는 ‘양성춘 사건’을 일으켰다. 이 사건은 우발적 상황에서 오발에 의해 발생한 사고였으나, 이를 둘러싸고 제기된 각종의 설은 복잡다기한 한인 사회의 상황을 반영하는 것이었다. 그러나 그 여파는 양성춘의 형 양덕춘과 미망인의 개인적 복수 참극을 일으켰고, 결국 출옥 후 의병투쟁 등 재기를 도모하던 정순만은 1911년 6월 21일 처참한 최후를 맞이하고 말았다. 정순만의 36년 일생은 민족운동 시기의 양면성을 극명하게 보여준다. 즉, 국권회복을 다방면으로 모색한 모범적 측면과 아울러, 지역적 파쟁과 개인의 격정을 관용하지 못한 편협성은 반성하여 마땅한 것이다. 그는 민족운동 시기의 지역적 분파와 파쟁이 가져온 가해자요 피해자였다. 그러나 그의 죽음은 결국 연해주 한인사회의 반성과 단합을 촉구하여 권업회를 창립하는 계기가 되었다는 점에서 의의가 적지 않다. Jeong Soon-Man(1876~1911) is an important figure who led a movement to restore Korea’s national sovereignty in Primorie, Russia as well as Korea from the end of the Korean Empire till national ruin. He went into exile into North Jiandao together with Sang-Seol Lee, Dong-Nyeong Lee and others in 1906, and established and managed Seojeonseossok(a school to educate Koreans abroad for the restoration of national sovereignty), and then led the independence movement in Primorie till the last since he came to Vladivostok to support dispatching a special envoy to The Hague. He supported dispatching a special envoy to The Hague through fund raising and began publication of “Haejoshinmun(Haejo Newspaper)” and did his part as its chief manager, chief editor and manager. In his editorials he emphasized the importance of education to overcome the grim international order, however, unfortunately a bitter feud with Ji-Yeon Jang who was invited to Vladivostok was bred. As he took part in Gongriphyeobhoi(a body established in San Francisco in 1905 for Korea’s independence movement) and was elected branch chairman of Gookminhoi(Grand Korean’s National Assembly), he establishedties with the Korean communities in America and participated in the racial movement. After that, he worked for Daedonggongbo(a newspaper published by Korean National Assembly in Vladivostok) as the chief editor, too. As Soon-Man Jeong participated in a secret society “Dongeuihoi” together with An Jung-geun at that time, he planned the noble undertaking of An Jung-geun and did his best to defend him after the undertaking on this background. This shows us that his ideology of the independence movement embraced the two conflicting movements, that is, enlightenment movement and armed struggle for the racial movement. But the factional strife in Korean society in Primorie, Russia collapsed his dream for the independence of his fatherland. He grew into the head of Jeong Soon-Man faction or Geeho faction(or Gyeongseong faction), however, as he considered that he lost his confidence and popularity in Korean society in Primorie and he couldn’t restrain his passion driven by being overpowered by Seobook faction(Northwest faction), he caused the case of murdering Seong-Choon Yang on 23rd of January, 1910. Though the case was caused by an accidental shooting in an accidental situation, various views raised on his murder reflected the complicated situation of Korean society, however, in the aftermath of the incident, as Deok-Choon Yang, Seong-Choon Yang’s brother, and his widow avenged his death, Soon-Man Jeong who attempted to make a comeback after his coming out of prison met with a violent end on 21st of June, 1911. His 36 year life clearly shows the double-sideness of the time of the racial movement, that is, there was a model side seeking the recovery of national sovereignty in various fields, however, a factional strife based on the region and bigotry which didn’t tolerate a private passion should be reconsidered. He was the harmer as well as victim of the factional strife based on the region. But what is important is, as his death demanded the reflection and unity of Korean society in Primorie, it served as a momentum to establish Kwoneobhoi(a body for Korea’s independence movement).

      • 유도순(劉道順) 가요시의 테마와 유형 : 1930년대 대중문화의 한 경향

        이동순(Lee Dong-Soon) 동북아시아문화학회 2010 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2010 No.5월

        Yu Do Soon(劉道順 1904∼1943) is a poet, a writer of children's songs, and a writer of Song Poem. Born in Yeongbyun, Pyungbuk, he studied abroad in Japan and graduated from English language and literature of Nihon University. And then, he was a newspaper reporter for four years. He started his literary career with his poem, Song beneath fallen leaves, recommended in the issue 4 of Chosun Literary Circle in 1925. In his early literary career, he played an active part in children's literature, and then he became a writer of Song Poem. Though he is a significant and a colorful writer of Song Poem from the viewpoint of literary history or history of popular culture, the arrangement and analysis work on his pieces of Song Poem left unreported to the academic circles. Under this circumstances, this thesis is to try to arrange critically and to analyze his works of Song Poem. And also, this thesis is to make out the whole list and the source of his works, and their publishing years, and then to report to the academic circles for the first time. It is confirmed that all his Song Poem works are about 140 ones until now. It is anticipated that, as this research goes on, more works can be mined and found. This study is to survey comprehensively and arrange the general tendencies of Yu Do Soon's poetics, and then to find out by what kind of style they are shown in the works of Song Poem. Additionally, this thesis is to analyze the characteristics of his works of Song Poem, and then to examine out their meaning and category clearly.

      • KCI등재

        재중(在中) 조선인 전 일본군성노예의 서사와 윤리공동체 - 석문자 위안소 거주자 김순옥의 서사 인터뷰를 중심으로 -

        임경순 ( Lim Kyung-soon ) 한국문학치료학회 2014 문학치료연구 Vol.30 No.-

        이 글에서는 서사 인터뷰를 통해 드러나는 일본군성노예 여성(김순옥)의 이야기에서 화자들이 의미를 부여하는 사건을 통해서 어떻게 자기 정체성을 형성해 나가는가를 밝히고, 나아가 중국(해외) 거주 전 일본군성노예 서사가 우리에게 주는 문제성에 입각하여 그것을 넘어서는 방법이 무엇인지를 진정한 수치심의 공유를 통한 윤리공동체 형성 차원에서 탐구하였다. 일본군성노예로 끌려간 여성들의 수와 미귀환 여성들의 수를 볼 때 적지 않은 여성들이 타국에 머물고 있다는 점을 고려해 볼 때 조사와 연구가 미흡하다는 사실은 문학적으로나 사회 역사적으로도 책무를 소홀히 하고 있는 듯하다. 다른 나라에 거주하는 일본군성노예 여성과 마찬가지로 중국 거주 그녀들의 문제는 국가, 민족, 성, 계급뿐 아니라 언어 문제가 귀환 당사자들과는 달리 복잡한 양상을 갖고 있다. 그녀들의 이야기에는 식민지 국민으로 타율에 의해 일본군성노예로 끌려가고, 그러한 삶의 질곡 속에서 겪어야 했던 고통은 기억을 거부할 뿐 아니라, 가해자에 대한 원한으로 정신적인 트라우마를 겪는 것으로 가득하다. 그리고 고향에 돌아갈 수 없음은 이들로 하여금 생존 수단으로서 결혼이 강요되고, 생활 속에 여전히 한민족으로서의 자부심이 자리잡고 있다. 또한 고향에 돌아갈 수 없음은 이국 땅에 머무를 수밖에 없는 체념으로 이어지고, 살아가야만 하는 생활 속의 고통은 역설적이게도 고통스런 기억을 망각하게 한다. 서사는 사건의 공유를 위해 매우 중요한 매개인데, 이야기를 제공하는 생존자들이 사라지고, 타율적 윤리관에 입각한 수치심이 사건의 공유와 해결을 가로 막고 있다. 진정한 수치심 공유를 통해 연대성과 해방을 모색할 수 있는 계기를 마련할 수 있기를 기대한다. This research aims to examine the identity of Korean Military Sexual Slavery by Japan in narrative interview of living in China(focused on the narrative interview of Kim, Soon-ok) and the methods for true ethical community through shame beyond the pain. The narrative is the most critical form of understanding of human experience. The narrative is the best way to express and understand of human experience. And the narrative thought is the core of their experience. In their narrative, as a colonized people, they are taken away by Military Sexual Slavery by Japan. And they have been suffering the pain. And the pain refusing their memories. Now they are suffering psychological trauma. Because they could not return to Korea, they were forced to marry with Chinese. And it led to abandonment. Nevertheless, they have pride as Korean nation. Narrative is a very important parameter for the sharing of events. But survivors providing story are disappearing, and the shame according to the heteronomous ethics is blocking the sharing and resolution of the events. Through the sharing of the true shame, we can be established an opportunity to be able to provide solidarity and liberation.

      • KCI등재

        종합건강 피검진자의 건강증진 행위와 관련요인

        이진희,박재순,서순림 여성건강간호학회 1999 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.5 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify the health promotion behavior and its related factors of persons who wanted a comprehensive health check-up in order to provide a basis for health education to promote health enhancing behavior. Study variables were induced from Pender's Health Promotion Model. The subjects were 160 persons who had a check-up at the health promotion center in a university hospital in Tae-Gu, between September 8 and 22. 1998. The following instruments were used in the study : Lee Tae Wha's Health Promoting Life-style Profile. Park Chaff Soon's Self-efficacy Instrument and Moon Jeong Soon's Perceived Benefit and Barrier Instrument. Data was collected by self-reporting questionnaire. Analysis of the data was done by SAS program, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson-Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study were as follows. 1. The average score for the health-promotion behavior was 104.64. In the subcategories, self-actualization showed the highest degree of performance and physical exercise showed the lowest degree of performance. 2. In the relation of general characteristics of subjects to the level of health-promoting behavior, the male, the married, the group with several symptoms showed a high level of health-promoting behavior. 3. The relationship between the degree of performance in health-promotion behavior and its correlates were as follows : Self-efficacy was positively correlated to health promotion behavior, while the perceived barrier was correlated negatively. But the perceived benefit did not show a significant correlation with health promotion behavior. Results suggest that the development of programs with strategies to strengthen doing physical exercise and concerning health, increase self-efficacy and exclude the barriers to health promotion is recommended to individuals seeking a comprehensive health check-up.

      • KCI등재후보

        유목민, 리좀, 그리고 「무정한 여인」

        장순열 ( Chang Soon-real ) 대한영어영문학회 2003 영어영문학연구 Vol.29 No.2

        Soon-RealSetting up a new concept which can disintegrate what has been occupying the highest order of thoughts using the name of the logos, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Gattari, in their book named A Thousand Plateaus : Capitalism and Schizophrenia, designate it the nomos which is to be placed opposite to that hierarchical stratum. Though their work arrays themselves in the major trends of twentieth century concepts originating from a simple binary system which comprises the interplay of two sets of contrasts, they are useful when we try to capture the subtlety of the fluid nature of the nomos's strategy when to constantly undermine the rigid norms of the State space. The clear distinction of bifurcation--the gridded State space and open-ended space of the nomad--is taken advantage of by the analysis of the three major characters in the poem--the Knight, the Lady, and the narrator. The Knight represents the State space with his efforts to identify her in his conceptual schemes and to define her using the terminology of courtly love, ordering her status in the fixed hierarchical system of the chivalric world. Nevertheless she shakes the foundation of the root-based thought with the idea of rhizome, acting like a “war machine,” using her body as a good weapon to de-territorialize Knight's homogeneous world. His efforts to agglomerate her diverse acts in a semiotic chain of the logos always fail, because he is always “palely loitering” outside the life of immanence--that of the nomad. Keats, however, was wise enough to realize the extremity of confrontation of the two opposites--the cosmos and the chaos--and even much wiser than Deleuze and Gattari in his subtle handling of the narrator who is working as a mediator, integrating them under his world of chaosmos, the final site of enlightenment. < Kwangju University >

      • KCI등재후보

        A Plant Breeder’s View on H5N1

        Soon‐Kwon Kim 한국육종학회 2008 한국육종학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        International conferences to block the spread of Avian bird flu occurred in Beijing, 2006 and others warned of the seriousness of the H5N1 strain. The meetings succeeded in generating billions of dollars from USA, EU and World Bank. Migratory birds seem to play a major role in the spread of the aggressive strain globally from Asia to Europe and Africa. Experiences of tolerance breeding of maize (Zea mays L.) for four decades against 20 biotic stresses suggest that the prime cause of the occurrence of H5N1 strain was due to the human beings’counter‐efforts against nature. Excessive use of chemicals (spray and injection) in the commercial poultry farms had created high selection pressure on virus. The new strain had mutated for survival. Attempting to eliminate the virus by chemicals for 100% control is a dangerous way to control biotic stresses. This can create more aggressive strains. A solution would be to build up tolerability of the commercial animals against the virus. Improvement of poultry cage environments and respect for nature must be integrated. Potential foes must be watched.

      • KCI등재

        대학 창업보육센터 매니저의 직무스트레스가 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 미치는 영향

        현말순(Hyeun, Mall-Soon),조인석(Jo, In-Seog),안상봉(An, Sang-Bong) 한국창업학회 2017 한국창업학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 대학에 근무하고 있는 창업보육센터 매니저의 직무스트레스 요인들이 무엇이며 이러한 창업보육센터 매니저들이 느끼는 직무스트레스가 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 살펴봄으로써 대학 창업보육센터 매니저에 대한 직무스트레스 관리방안에 대한 정책적 시사점을 제시하는데 있다. 분석결과, 첫째, 매니저들은 과도한 업무량 및 직무, 고용에 대한 불안정, 조직 내에서의 갈등, 기대 보상 부적절에 대한 직무스트레스를 나타내었다. 둘째, 직무스트레스가 직무만족에 미치는영향을 살펴본 결과, 직무스트레스 요인 중 조직체계, 직장문화가 직무만족을 저하시키는데 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 직무스트레스가 조직몰입에 미치는 영향을 검증한 결과, 관계갈등과 보상부적절 그리고 직장문화에 대한 스트레스가 대학창업보육매니저들의 정서적 조직몰입을 저하시키는데 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 향후 대학창업보육매니저의 안정적인 직무를 위한 정책적 제언으로는 창업보육매니저의 직무에 대한 적정한 보상, 인사제도에 대한 개선, 창업보육매니저의 직무개선, 조직의 수직적 문화에 대한 개선, 창업보육매니저의 직무특성에 따른 직무 자율성 보장이 갖추어져야 할 것이다. Managers of business incubation centers are specialists equipped with experience, know-how, and expertise in diverse areas for business start-up as professional manpower who professionally develops and operates marketing, resources, and business suitable for companies needs. The objective of this study is to suggest the institutional implications for personnel management through measures to manage job stress for managers of college business incubation centers, by understanding their job stress factors and the effects of their job stress on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In the results of analysis, first, managers had job stress abut excessive workload & job, employment instability, conflicts within organization, and improper expected reward. Second, in the results of examining the effects of job stress on job satisfaction, among job stress factors, organizational system and workplace culture had effects on lowering job satisfaction. Third, in the results of verifying the effects of job stress on organizational commitment, their stresses about interpersonal conflict, improper reward, and workplace culture had effects on lowering their emotional organizational commitment. Thus, as institutional implications for the stable job of managers of college business incubation centers, proper reward for their job, improvement of personnel management system, improvement of their job, improvement of organizational hierarchical culture, and guarantee of job autonomy in accordance with their job characteristics were suggested.

      • 만성골반통의 동서의학적 고찰 : 부인과 질환으로 중심으로

        김순열 ( Soon Yeol Kim ),윤종원 ( Jong Won Yoon ) 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1996 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to generalize the conception of chronic pelvic pain(CPP)through the literature of oriental medicine and occidental medicine. The results are obtained as follows. First, chronic pelvic pain(pain of more than 6 months' duration) may include pain of gynecologic, gastroenterologic, urologic neurologic, and musculoskejetal origin. In this study, the etiologic of chronic pelvic pain may remain obscure and the relationship between certain types of pathologic, such as endometriosis or adhesions, and the pain response may be inconsistent and often inexplicable. Second, the causes of CPP through the literature of oriental medicine were reviewed as pains due to a wind-pathogen, a cold, disorder of Qi, disorder of blood stasis, a improper diet, disorder of fluid, and deficiency type etc... And the charateristic pains were concerned with a aching pain, a heavy pain, a distending pain, a pain due to mass in the abdoman, a pain likes pulling etc... The degree an4 classification of charateristic pains in current of time were dependent on subjective factors. Third, in oriental medicine, it wasn`t to be suggested concretely recognition of etiological factor in pain, But they recognised that facters were influenced by pain. For example, diretic peripheral demages were concerned with a blood stasis, a phlegm, a damp phlegm, heart, and the pains that were occurrenced by sevn emotions were concerned with a stagnancy of Qi or a stagnancy of liver-Qi.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Virus 에 감염된 대추나무의 이병엽과 (罹炳葉) 건전엽에 (健全葉) 있어서의 유리 (遊離) amino 산의 정성적 비교

        홍순우(Soon Woo Hong),하영칠(Yung Chil Hah) 한국식물학회 1961 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.4 No.1

        Hong, Soon-Wooe and Yung-Chil, Hah (Dept. of Botany, Seoul National University, Seoul, Kerea.) A compantive investigation of free amino acids in healthy and virus diseased Chinese date tree. Kor. Jour. Bot. 4 (1)9~12 1961 : A comparative investigation of free amino acids content in healthy check and virus diseased leaves of Chinese date tree, Zizyphus jujuqa Mill var. inermis Rhed, was carried out by authors throughout the growing season of 1959 and 1960 from June to October. The methods of qualitative analysis of free amino acids applied in this experiment is followed by Moore and Stein.^(1.2). free amino acids determined in this experiment are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1. As the figure and the table are shown, three more amino acids such as glutarmine, asparagine and histidine are detected in the diseased material. The additiolal amino acids which are known as diamines in diseased leaves are conspicuous. It is presumed that the diamine might be increased by the self-reproduoion of the virus in cooporation with certain enzymes which are carrying out the protein metabolism in the host protoplast in contrast with the healthy checks which is carrying out normal protein metabolism,^(3.4.5). From the histological point of view, the facts of phloem degeneration or necrosis in diseased leaves, it seems to interrupt to move free amino acids from roots to leaves and it possibly takes place an excessive productitn of NH_3 which is diaminated by the metabolism of nitrogen compounds in such conditioned leaves.^(6.8) Therefore, it is also presumed that additional diamino acids are accumulated in diseased leaves. There are no change of amino acids in both materials of this plant throughout the growing season qualitatively, and this result agrees with the paper of Knight.^9


        Effects of Intravenous Adminitration of Nimodipine on Cerbal Pial Vessels after Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rabbits

        Hwang, Soon Gu,Lee, Young Woo 대한신경외과학회 1993 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.22 No.7

        가토에서 대조내 자가 신선혈 0.2㎖를 주입 후 6시간에 생리식염수와 여러 농도의 운nimodipine 용액(10, 30 및 60㎍/㎏)을 각각 정맥주사하여 야기되는 뇌연막혈관들의 반응(직경변화)을 연구하였다. 혈관의 측정은 개두술 후 수술현미경 최고 확대(40×)하에서 현미경의 대안렌즈에 Filar micrometer eyepiece(424 and 426, AO)을 부착하여 시행하였다. 이 Filar micrometer eyepiece의 한 눈금은 3.4㎛로 매우 미세한 소혈관까지 직접 측정할 수 있었다. PaO₂, PaCO₂ 및 동맥혈 pH는 대개 전 실험을 통해서 의의있는 변화를 보이지 않았다. 수축기 동맥압은 nimodipine 용액 주입 직후에 다소의 하강을 보였으나(p<0.05) 이러한 변화는 수축기 동맥압의 일시적인 하강현상이고 곧 정상 수준으로 복귀했다. 실험적 뇌지주막하 출혈 6시간 후 nimodipine 용액과 동일한 량의 생리식염수를 주입하였을 때 뇌연막혈관의 반응은 미미하여 그 통계학적 의의는 없었다(p>0.05). 그러나 nimodipine 용액을 정주하였을 때는 Group Ⅰ, Group Ⅱ 그리고 Group Ⅲ 모두에서 뇌연막혈관의 확장을 보였다. 이러한 혈관의 확장은 동맥, 특히 소동맥에서 현저한 양상을 보였으며 대연막동맥에서도 상당히 의의있는 혈관 확장을 보이기는 했으나 소연막동맥에서만큼 현저하지는 않았다. 이러한 뇌 연막동맥의 확장은 약물 주입 후 5, 10분에 가장 뚜렷하였으며 그 후는 시간이 경과함에따라 혈관의 직경이 서서히 감소하는 양상을 보였다. 뇌연막정맥의 경우에도 nimodipine용액의 정주 후 미약한 정도의 혈관확장을 보였으나 그 확장된 정도는 뇌연막동맥에 비해 미미하였으며 통계학적 의의도 적거나 없었다. 뇌연막동맥의 nimodipine에 대한 반응은 10, 30 그리고 60㎍/㎏의 약물 양의 변화에 비교적 민감하여 용량에 비례하는 소견을 보였다. 이상의 결과에서 뇌 지주막하 출혈이 야기된 실험동물에 nimodipine을 정주했을 때 뇌연막동맥의 현저한 확장이 야기되며 특히 소동맥이 민감하게 확장되는 사실은 뇌지주막하출혈에 의한 뇌허혈성 질환에 있어 nimodipine의 치료적 유용성을 입증할 수 있는 좋은 증거가 될 것으로 생각되며 그 효능은 정주된 실험약물의 양에 비례하였다. 이로서 부작용이 허용되는 범위 내에서 다량의 nimodipine을 허혈성 뇌혈관질환에 사용하여 치료적인 효과를 기대할 수 있을 것이라 생각된다. The author have studied effects of intravenous injection of normal saline and nimodipine solution(10, 30 and 60㎍/㎏) on cerebral pial vessels at 6 hours after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. Measurement of pial vessels were performed under operation microscope through the bilateral craniectomy area. Filar micrometer eyepiece was attached on the oculus of microscope(40×) to make it easier to measure fine pial vessels directly. Measuring unit of this micrometer eyepiece was 3.4㎛. Physilogic parameters(PaO₂, blood pH) generally did not show significant change all through the experiments except that systolic blood pressure showed temporary decrease immediately after the injection of nimodipine solution, which returned to base level soon. Small pial arteries were by far most effectively dilated by intravenous injection of nimodipine solution especially in 5 minutes. Large arteries also presented significant dilatation after the injection. The arteries were dilated as dose-dependent manner. Veins showed dilatation to the lesser degree than arteries independent of dosage of nimodipine, that was statistically of no significance. Conclusively, nimodipine might be used in treatment of vasospasm in subarachnoid hemorrhage in practice.

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