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      • 濟州道 改良草地에 있어서 띠(Imperata cylindrica)의 季節的 年次的 變化

        趙南棋,金翰琳,宋昌吉 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        本 硏究는 濟州道 中山間地帶의 自然草地(Imperata cylindrica/Zoysia japonica type)를 開墾한 後 1 ha當 Dactylis glomerata 17kg, Festuca arundinacea 7kg, Lolium multiflorum 2kg, Trifolium repens 2kg의 導入牧草를 混播(28kg)하여 家畜放牧에 利用되고 있는(1977∼1982年) 改良草地를 對象으로하여, 띠(Imperata cylindrica)植生의 季節的ㆍ年次的變化過程을 調査한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 每年 季節에 따르는 草長ㆍ收量ㆍ密度ㆍ被度 等 植生의 季節的 變化에 있어서는 秋期에 가장 優勢하였고, 春期에는 低調하게 나타났다. 2. 改良後 年度別 草長의 變化는 1年草地에서 34.26cm이었으나 점차 增加되어 6年草地에서는 49.35cm이었는데, 이 變化狀態의 回歸方程式은 y=-0.13x²+4.41x+28.50이었다. 3. 年數의 經過에 따르는 密度의 變化는 1年草地에서 0.76%였던 것이 年數가 지남에 따라 급격히 增加되어 6年草地에 이르러서는 32.97%로 나타나고 있는데, 이 變化를 y=0.10x²+0.32x-2.30의 回歸方程式으로 表示할 수 있었다. 4. 草地造成 以後 年次別 被度의 變化는 1年草地에서 1.05%, 2年 1.38%, 3年 2.46%, 4年 17.11%, 5年 27.56%, 6年草地에서 36.66%로 每年 增加(y=1.40x²-2.36x+1.39)되었다. 5. 收量의 年次的 變化는 1年草地에서 1.95kg이었으나 年數가 지남에 따라 점차 增加되어 6年草地에서는 1,107.35kg으로 나타났는데, 이 變化狀態를 y=29.11x²+53.52x-154.67로 表示할 수 있었다. This study was conducted to examine the yearly and seasonal changes of Imperata cylindrica on the improved pasture of the mountain districts around Mt. Halla in Cheju Island. For this study, the researcher had investigated for six years from 1977 to 1982 the improved pasture which had been used for grazing from 1977 to 1982. The pasture was reclaimed from native grassland. The mixed seeds of 17kgs' Datylis glomerata, 7kgs' Festuca arundinacea, 2 kgs' Lolium multiflorum and 2kgs' Trifolium repens were sowed per 1 ha. The results of this study are the following : 1. The seasonal changes of Imperata cylindrica : its length, weight, density and coverage are heighest in Autumn, and are lowest in Spring every year. 2. The yearly change in the length of Imperata cylindrica : its length is gradually increased from 34.26 cm in the first year after the reclaimation to 49.35 cm in the 6th year. This change can be represented by the regression equation, Y=-0.13x²+4.41x+28.50. 3. The yearly change in its density : its density is rapidly increased from 0.73% in the first year to 32.97% in the sixth year. The results of this change can be obtained with the regression equation, Y=0.10x²+0.32x-2.30. 4. The yearly change in its coverage : its coverage is increased year by year (1.05% in the 1st year, 1.38% in the 2nd year, 2.46% in the 3rd year, 27.56% in the 5th year, and 36.66% in the 6th year). This change can be calculated with regression equation, Y=1.40x²-2.36x+1.39. 5. The yearly change in its weight : the weight is also increased year after year from 1.95 kg in the first year after reclaimation to 1107.35kg in the sixth year. This change can be calculated with the regression equation of y=29.11x²+53.52x-154.67.

      • 濟州島 人工草地 植生의 經時的 變化에 관한 硏究 : 草種의 李節 및 年次的 變化 The Seasonal and Annual Changes in Species

        金翰琳,趙南棋,宋昌吉 제주대학교 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        本 硏究는 濟州道 改良牧草地에 있어서 草種組成의 季節 및 年次的 變動狀態를 調査한 結果이며 그 槪要는 다음과 같다. 1. 改良年度別 草種의 變動狀態는 1975年 草地에서 37種이었으나 年數가 經過함에 따라 種數가 增加되어 1980年 草地에서는 130種이었으며 每年 季節에 따르는 種의 數는 夏期에 가장 많았고 春期에는 種의 分布가 가장 적었다. 2. 改良年度別 生育型의 分布變動狀態는 1975年 草地에서 一年生 12種, 多年生 25種, 木本 1種이었으나,年數가 지남에 따라 每年 增加되어 1980年 草地에서는 一年生 42種, 多年生 88種, 木本 5種이었으며, 每年 季節에 따르는 生育型에 있어서는 一年生은 秋期에서, 多年生은 夏期에서 가장 많은 種이 分布되었고 木本雜草는 季節에 變化가 없었다. This study was conducted to investigate the seasonal and annual changes in species on the impoved pastures in Cheju Island. The results are as follows : 1. The annual changes in the number of intruding weed species were obsered. 33 weed species were found in 1975 and increased year after year to 127 species in 1980. The seasonal changes of species by year were also observed. In summer more species ranged than in any other seasons and the number of species growing in spring was found fewer than in other seasons. 2. The distributional changes in annual and perenial plant were brough on. 10 species of annual plant, 23 species of perennial plant, and one species of arbor were found in 1975 and increased respectively year by year to 44 species (annual plant), 86 species(perennial plant) and 5 species (arbor) in 1980. The seasonal changes in ecology by year showed a tendency that more species of annual plant ranged in autumn, and more perennial plants in summer than in any other season. But there is no change in the species of arbor.

      • 大豆의 倒伏이 主要形質에 미치는 影響

        宋昌吉 제주대학교 1991 논문집 Vol.33 No.-

        大豆의 倒伏이 主要形質에 미치는 影響을 究明하기 위하여 水原 114號ㆍHill 및 白川을 供試하여 試驗한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 草長ㆍ分技數ㆍ生體重은 倒伏이 甚할수록, 그리고 倒伏時期가 빠를수록 有意하게 增加하였다. 2. 節數ㆍ株當萊數ㆍ株當粒重 및 100粒重 等은 倒伏時期가 늦어짐에 따라, 그리고 倒伏程度는 적을수록 有意性있는 增加傾向을 보였다. 3. 收量은 倒伏으로 因해 크게 減少되는 傾向을 나타내었는데, 특히 開花期 以前의 倒伏이 收量에 크게 影響을 미친다는 事實이 認定되었다. 4. 主根伸長量과 根重에 있어서는 倒伏時期가 늦을수록, 그리고 倒伏程度가 적어질수록 各各 增大 되었다. 5. 脂肪含量은 幼苗期倒伏區의 含量이 제일 적고, 倒伏時期가 늦어질수록, 그리고 倒伏의 程度가 緩慢해질수록 增加하였다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of lodging on major agronomic characters of soybean. Three cultivars including Hill were sown and tested. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. Plant height, the number of branches per plant, and fresh weight were significantly increased by the severity of lodging and the significance was recognized by the lodging stages. 2. Numbers of node, pod, seed, and seed weight per plant and 100 seed weights were increased when lodging stages become late but the degree of lodging was significantly increased when the lodging was sightly changed. 3. The yield was sharply reduced by the lodging. Especially, the lodgings of early growth and flowering stage were severely affected by them. 4. In the length of main root and dry weigth of root they got long and heavy with the lodging stage getting late and with the lodging stage being sligtly changed respectively. 5. The concentration of fat in seedling stage which was lodged was the lowest and slightly increased with getting late. Whereas, it was increased with the slight changes in lodging.

      • 濟州道 겨울 作物(채소류)의 流通 및 對日 輸出增大에 대한 硏究

        姜景璿,宋昌吉 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.15 No.2

        (1) The mean atmospheric timperature of Jeju area is higher than that of Seoul by 3'c and in the coldest month by 8'c, so Jeju-do is regarded as important place to cultivate subtropical plants. Such a natural state has accelerated the crop production suitable to warm region front time immemorial. Jeju-do has become a main producing district of tingerines, sweet potatos, barleys and rapes since the beginning of 1960's and Jeju-do's latest main products are wintering vegetables such as cabbages, carrots, garlics and onions. Such a term favorable to an off-crop season is developing Truck Farming. (2) A milder winter causes us to save petroleum needed to cultivate plants under vinyl plastic hot houses, where some 200cc of petroleum is needed to cultivate a tomato, some 100cc to cultivate a cucumber, some 18cc to cultivate a melon, some 200cc to cultivate a tangerine, and some 50-60cc to cultivate an eggplant. (3) A case study on sales method of carrots, garlics and cabbagges shows that 64-60% of farmers sell out a crop estimate on vegetable garden before harvesting. (4) A case study on distribution margin shows that gross margin rate is 66.2% in carrots, 77.2% in cabbages and 53.6% in garlics, and the income rate of above-mentioned products in a farmhouse is 33.8%, 22.8% and 46.4% respectively, while transporting expenses…cabbages (23.2%), carrots (12.1%) and garlics (8.7%)…are given much more weight than any other expense. (5) Japan limitted the total output of vegetables with 16 million ton of vegetables in 600,000 ha of vegetable culture area to keep the change of demand safe in 1979, but the increase of vegetable culture area, both by changing rice fields and by the propensity to consume energy, is becoming primary factors in the alteration of vegetable product stucture. (6) The amount of annual vege table consumption per headof population has changed into 110kg, and the vegetables consumed over 5kg are cabbages, onions and radishes and sweet potatos. Cucumbers are staying between 4kg and 5kg. The present propensity to consume vegetables represents multiformity, annual plants and high-grade food, with western vegetables as the central one. (7) The amout of Jepanese in agricultural, forestry and marine fields came up to $ 29,055, 000,000 in 1980. The income amount in agricultural products reaches $ 14,911,000,000 wich is equal to 51.3% of total. The income amount in fruits and vege tables reaches $ 1,420,000,000 which is equal to 95%, America holds the foremost place as importer Country of agricultural and marine producss and Taiwan the sixth place, but Korea fakes 11th place, earning $ 738,000,000 annually. The income amount from Korea in agricutural comes up to $ 152,000,000. (8) The income amount of vegetables in Japan reached $ 107,800,000,000, and the change of vegetable income (1965-1978) tells that income amount has increased the quantity by 17 times. Main articles of vegetables are frozen vegetables and salted ones. (9) No importer countries surpass America and Taiwan. The export share of fish and vegetables in Taiwan and Korea shows that Taiwan exports 24.3% of total Japanese import (2nd position) , while Korea does 2.8% (5th position). For frozen vegetables, America holds the first position, exporting 48.6% and Taiwan the 2nd position, exporting 31.4% , while for dried vegetables, Taiwan holds the first position, exporting 42.9% and Korea 5th position, exporting 2,8%. Also, for salted vegetables Taiwan exports 63.4% (1st) and Korea 3.1% (3rd), while for prepared vegetables, Taiwan exports 78% (nst) , and Korea 2% (5th). (10) The agricultural effort amount of Korea came up to $182,000,000 which corresponded to 0.9% of total export, $20,993,000,000, while the export amount of Jeju-do reached $ 593,000, corresponding to 0.3%. The raw silks of Korean agricultural products in 1975 were main export articles, corresponding to 58% of total agricultural products, but they are remarkably decreasing into 14.3%. The vegetable export share was 2.2% in 1975, but 11.8 percent increase in 1981 is a characteristic found only in the vegetable export. Thus, the fact that vegetables are given much weight in the export structure of agricultural products shows an important change and the probablility to develope in the future. Therefore, in the aspect of vegetable export, diversified studies are needed to prepare good vegetable-producing center and to foster special artfole like dried, salted, frozen, and manufactured vegetables.

      • 火山灰土에서 窒素施用量 및 栽植距離差異가 決明의 生育 및 收量形質에 미치는 影響

        宋昌吉 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1994 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        濟州火山灰土에서 窒素施用量 및 栽植距離를 달리하였을 때 決明의 主要 特性變異를 究明하기 위하여 遂行한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 窒素證施에 따라 草長은 增加하는 傾向이었으며, 分枝數, 乾物重은 8kg施用區에서 높게 나타났고, 이보다 많거나 적은 處理區에서는 낮게 나타났다. 2. 株當莢數, 莢長, 莢當粒數, 百位重, 種實收量에 있어서는 8kg處理區에서 높게 나타났고, 이보다 많거나 적은 處理區에서는 낮게 나타났는데, 收量에 대한 曲線의 方程式은 y=347+13.4x-0.744x²이었다. 3. 窒素證施에 따라 草長은 稈徑, 分枝數, 乾物重, 莢長, 莢當粒數, 種實收量과 正의 相關을 보였다. 4. 窒素增施에 따라 草長은 增大하여, 裁植密度와 草長은 高度의 正의 相關이 있었으며, 이에 대한 回歸式은 y=152+0.402x-0.003x²으로 나타낼 수 있었다. 5. 稈徑, 分枝數, 乾物重등 生育形質과 裁當莢數, 莢長, 莢當粒數등의 收量關聯形質은 栽植密度를 增加 시킬수록 減少하는 傾向이었다. 6. 收量은 10cm×50cm 播種區에서 가장 높게 나타났고, 이보다 많거나 적은 區에서는 낮게 나타났는데, 收量에 대한 曲線의 回歸方程式은 y=396+1.97x-0.077x²이었다. 7. 本 試驗結果로 미루어 볼 때 濟州地方에서 決明에 대한 窒素의 適正施肥量은 10a當 8㎏, 適正裁植距離는 10cm×50cm 內外로 思料된다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of nitrogen application and planting density on major agronomic characteristics and yield in sickle senna (Cassia tora L.). The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. As the amount of nitrogen fertilization increased, plant height increased. On the plot applicated with nitrogen level (8㎏/10a), the number of branches and weight of dry matter were observed to have increased. On the other hand, it reduced on the application plot with nitrogen level (8kg/10a, or little more). 2. In point of the response of grain yield, number of pods per plant, length of pod, number of grains of pods, weight of 100 grains to amount of nitrogen application, they were observed to be the highest on the level of nitrogen application (8㎏/10a). Significant regression equation of yield was y=347+13.4x-0.744x². 3. The plant height was positively correlated with stem diameter, number of branches weight of dry matter, length of pods, number of grains of pods, grain yield. 4. As the seeding density increased, plant height increased. It was the highly positively correlated with plant height. Significant regression equation of plant height was y=152+0.402x-0.003x². 5. As the seeding density increased, stem diameter, number of branches, weight of dry matter, number of pods per plant, length of pods, and grain number of pods decreased. 6. In point of the response of grain yield to seeding density, it was observed to be the highest on the level of seeding density (10cm×50cm). Significant regression equation of yield was y=396+1.97x-0.077x². 7. This experiment showed that the adequate fertilizing of nitrogen was about 8㎏ per 10a. The highest grain yield was obtained at the planting space of 50cm between rows and 10cm between plants, which is considered to the optimum planting spcaing.

      • 生長調節物質 處理에 따른 율무의 主要特性變異

        宋昌吉 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農嶪硏究所 1992 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        율무에 대한 生長調節物質의 反應을 追究하고자, 生長調節物質 ABA(0.1, 1 및 100ppm), CC(10, 100 및 1000ppm), Ethrel(500, 1000 및 2000ppm) 및 CC(10, 100 및 1000ppm) 그리고 無處理등 13水準을 處理한 試驗結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. ABA, CCC, Ethrel 및 CC의 生長調節劑 名 農度液의 撒布의하여 草長 및 最長節性間長을 短縮시켰으며,倒布 輕感되었는데, 특히 Ethrel 1000ppm 및 2000ppm撤布區에서 耐倒伏性이有意하게 높았다. 葉中 葉綠素含量은 ABA, CCC, Ethrel 및 CC의 撒布모두 無處理에 비하여 葉綠素含量이 높았는데, 특히 CC 및 Ethrel의 撒布는 有意하게 높았다. 生長調節物質撒布에 의하여 100粒重, 種實, 1ℓ重, 種實收量은 대체로 增大하는 傾向을 보였는데, 收量이 有意하게 높은 것은 生長調節劑 ABA 10ppm, CCC 1000ppm 및 100ppm, Ethrel 1000ppm 및 500ppm, 그리고 CC 10ppm 撒布區였다. 生長調節濟撒布에 의하여 粗蛋白質, 粗殿粉, 粗脂肪은 大體로 增加하는 傾向을 보였다. The study is on the response of growth regulator having an effect on adlay plant. This experiment was carried out with definite growth regulators, such as ABA (0.1, 1, 10ppm), CCC (10, 100, 1000ppm), Ethrel (500, 1000, 2000ppm), CC (10, 100, 1000ppm) and control plot. The results obtained can be summarized as followers: Dispersing ABA, CCC, Ethrel and CC liquid got its plant height and internode length shortened, what's more, lodging reduced. Especially, on the dispersal plot of Ethrel liquid 1000ppm, 2000ppm, lodging tolerance appeared high significantly. Chlorophyll content of its leaf increased on the dispersal plot of ABA, CCC, Ethrel and CC in comparison with control plot, Especially, dispersing CC and Ethrel had its content increased significantly. In case of using growth regulator, by and large, the weight of 100 grains, 1 liter grain and grain yield were inclined to increase. On the plot dispersed with ABA 10ppm, CCC 1000, 100ppm, Ethrel 1000, 500ppm and CC liquid 10ppm, a good yield was significant. By means of the dispersal of growth regulator, content of crude protein, crude starch and crude fat were inclined to increase.

      • 播種量差異가 決明의 主要特性에 미치는 影響

        宋昌吉,朴良門,姜炯式 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1993 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        濟州地方에서 播種量을 달리하였을 때 決明의 主要 特性變異를 究明하기 위하여 遂行한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 播種量이 많아짐에 따라 草長은 增加하는 傾向이었고, 播種量과 草長은 高度의 正의 相關이 있었으며, 이에 대한 回歸式은 y=87.1+1.33x+4.78x²으로 나타낼 수 있었다. 稈徑, 分枝數, 個體當 乾物重 등 生育形質과 個體當 莢數, 莢重, 莢長, 莢當粒數등의 收量關契形質은 播種量을 增加시킬수록 減少되는 傾向이었다. 收量은 14g播種區에서 가장 높게 나타났고, 이보다 많거나 적은 區에서는 낮게 나타났는데, 收量에 대한 曲線의 回歸方程式은 y=17.0+175.0x-58.3x²이었다. 播種量 變化에 따라 草長은 高度의 相關을 보였으나, 稈徑, 分枝數, 個體當 乾物重, 莢數, 莢重, 莢當粒數, 千粒重, 收量과는 負의 相關이 認定되었다. 本 試驗結果로 미루어 볼 때 濟州地方에서 決明에 대한 適正播種은 6.6㎡當 14g 內外로 思料된다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of seeding rates on major agronomic characteristics in sickle senna (Cassia tora L.). The results obtained are summarized as follows; As the seeding rates was increased, plant height was increased. It was the highly positively correlated with plant height. Significant regression equation of plant height was y=87.1+1.33x+4.78x². As the seeding rates was increased, stem diameter, weight of dry matter, number of pods per plant, weight of pods plant, length of pods, and grain number of pods were decreased. In point of the response of grain yield to seeding rates, yield was observed to be the highest on the level of seeding rates (14g/6.6㎡). Significant regression equation of yield was y=17.0+175.0x-58.3x². The seeding rates was the highly positively correlated with plant height, but it was negatively correlated with stem diameter, number of branches, weight of dry matter, number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant, weight of 1000 grains, and grain yield. This experiment was showed that the adequate seeding rates was about 14g per 6.6㎡.

      • 窒素施用 및 生長抑制劑處理가 율무의 生育에 미치는 影響

        宋昌吉 제주대학교 1990 논문집 Vol.31 No.-

        율무의 窒素反應과 生長抑制劑에 대한 反應을 追究하고자, 窒素施用量을 10a當 6,12,18 및 24㎏의 4個水準과 生長抑制劑 ABA(0.1,1.0 및 10ppm) CCC(10,100 및 100ppm), Ethel(500,100 및 200ppm) 및 CC(10,100 및 1000ppm) 그리고 對照區등 13水準을 처리한 試驗結果를 보면 다음과 같다. 窒素施用水準이 높아짐에 따라 草長 및 葉長, 葉幅 그리고 最長節間長은 有意하게 增大하였다. 또한 植物體總乾物重 역시 窒素施用水準이 높아짐에 따라 有意한 增加를 보였으며, 主幹의 乾物重은 窒素 10a當 12㎏ 水準에서 높았고, 이보다 낮거나 높은 水準에서는 減少되었다. 葉中 葉錄素含量은 窒素의 施用水準이 높아짐에 따라 增加하였으며, ABC, CCC, Ethrel 및 CC의 撒布는 모두 對照區에 비하여 葉綠素의 含量이 높았는데, 특히 CC 및 Ethrel의 撒布는 有意하게 높아졌다. The Study is on the response of nitrogen and growth retardant having an effect on adlay plant. This experiment was carried out with maching up 4 levels of amount of manuring nitrogern (6,12,18,2,4㎏/10a) and definite growth retardant, such as ABA(0.1,1.0 10ppm) and control plot. The results obtained can be summarized as follow; In accordance with the rise of the level of nitrogen application., there appeared significant increase in its plant height, leaf length, leaf width, internode length, and weight of dry matter per plant as well. On the plot applicated with nitrogen level(12kg/10a). the dry matter weight of main stem was observed to have increased. On the other hand, it reduced on the application plot with nitrogen level (12kg/10a, or little more). Chlorophyll content of its leaf tended to increase with the rise in the level of nitrogen application. Moreover, the content increased on the dispersal plot of ABA, CCC, Ethrel and CC in comparison with control plot. Especially, dispersing CC and Ethrel had its content increased significantly.

      • 窒素施用에 따른 율무의 主要特性變異

        宋昌吉 제주대학교 1991 논문집 Vol.32 No.-

        主稈重과 總乾物重은 12kg施用區에서 높게 나타났고, 이보다 많거나 적은 處理區에서는 낮게 나타났다. 葉中 葉綠素含量은 窒素를 增施할수록 含量이 增加되었다. 100粒重, 1ℓ重, 收量에 있어서는 12kg處理區에서 높게 나타났고, 이보다 많거나 적은 區에서는 낮게 나타났는데, 收量에 대한 曲線의 方程式은 y=99.778+80.573x-11.807x²이었다. 粗蛋白質은 12kg處理에서, 粗脂肪은 18kg處理에서 높게 나타났으나, 粗澱粉은 施用量이 많아질수록 오히려 減少하는 傾向이었는데, 이에 따른 曲線의 方程式은 y=57.782-3.853x+0.393x²이었다. 草長은 葉長, 葉幅, 節間長, 葉綠素含量과는 正의 相關을 보였으나 粗澱粉과는 負의 相關을 나타내었고, 葉綠素含量은 粗澱粉과 負의 相關을, 收量은 粗澱粉과 正의 相關을 나타내었다. 本 試驗結果로 미루어 볼 때 율무에 대한 窒素의 適正施肥는 10a當 18kg內外로 思料된다. 窒素施用을 10a當 0, 6, 12, 18, 24kg으로 달리하였을때 율무의 主要特性變異를 究明하기 위하여 遂行한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 窒素增施에 따라 草長, 葉長, 葉幅, 節間長은 增加하는 傾向이었다. This study was csrried out to investigate the effect of nitrogen application on major agronomic characteristics in adlay plant(Coix agrestis(non LOUR.) MIQ). Nitrogen was applied to the soil at the rate of 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24kg per 10a. The results obtained can be summarized as followers; As the amount of nitrogen fertilization was increased, plant height, leaf length, leaf width, and internode length increased. On the plot applicated with nitrogen level(12kg/10a), the dry matter weight of main culm and per plant was observed to have increased. On the other hand, it reduced on the application plot with nitrogen level (12kg/10a, or little more). Chlorophyll content of its leaf tended to increase with the rise in the level of nitrogen application. In point of the respose of grain yield, weight of 1 liter, and 100 grains to amount of nitrogen application, they were observed to be the highest on the leavl of nitrogen application(12kg/10a). Significant regression equation of yield was y=99.778+80.573x-11.807x². The crude protein was the most increased on the plot with the amount of nitrogen application(12kg/10a). But the crude fat tended to decrease with the rise in the level of nitrogen application. Significant regression equation of the crude fat was y=57.782-3.853x+0.393x². The plant height was positively correlated with leaf length. leaf width, internode length, chlorophyll contents of leaves, but it was negative correlations with crude starch. The yield was significantly correlated with crude starch. The chlorophyll content of leaves had negative correlations with crude starch, but yield was positively correlated with crude starch. This experiment showed that the adequate fertilizing of nitrogen was about 18kg per 10a.

      • 灌漑水量差異가 Sudan grass의 主要形質 및 營養價에 미치는 影響

        宋昌吉,趙南棋 제주대학교 1991 논문집 Vol.32 No.-

        本硏究는 灌漑水量差異(0.5kg, 1kg, 2kg, 3kg, 4kg)가 sudan grass의 主要形質 및 營養價値變化에 미치는 影響을 究明하기 위하여 遂行하였으며 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 地上部生育 및 地下部의 生育形質들은 3kg 灌水區에서 生育이 가장 良好하였으며, 4kg, 2kg, 1kg, 0.5kg의 灌水區順으로 生育形質이 不振하였고, 出穗期에 있어서도 3kg 灌水區에서 他灌水區에 比하여 10日이나 빨리 出穗하였다. 蛋白質, 窒素, 燐酸, 加里, 마그네슘 등의 營養要素들은 1kg의 灌水區에서 比較的 높은 便이었으며, 0.5kg, 3kg, 4kg의 順으로 含有量이 낮아지는 傾向이었다. 칼슘含有量을 2kg 灌水區에서 比較的 높았으며, 3∼4kg 灌水區에서는 낮았다. This study was carried out to inverstigate the influence of irrigation water on the agronomic character and nutrition of sudan grass. Irrigation water was applied to the pot at the rate of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4kg per pot. The results obtained were summarized as follows; The characters of shoot and root was highest at 3kg irrigation water level per pot. Then followed 4, 2, 1 and 0.5kg plot in that order. Heading date was early at 3kg irrigation water level per pot in comparsion with other plot. Nutrition value such as crude protein, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium was highest at 1kg irrigation water per pot. Then decreased 0.5, 3, and 4kg plot in that order. The content of calcium was highest at 2kg irrigation water per pot. However it was tended to reduce at 3-4kg irrigation water per pot.

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