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        미로슬라브 볼프 작(作) “알라”의 선교신학적 함의(含意)

        소윤정 ( So Youn Jung ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2017 복음과 선교 Vol.38 No.-

        The book 『Allah』, translated and published by IVP (Inter Varsity Press) Korea on January 4, 2016, was written by Miroslav Volf and first published in 2011 in the US under the title “Allah : A Christian Response.” Since the first publication, it has become a subject of no small dispute in the Christian community of the US. Possibly reflecting such an atmosphere, and as might have already been anticipated, 『Allah』, the Korean version of the Volf`s book, has been a subject of considerable dispute in Korea also since its publication. From the viewpoint of evangelical theology, which worries about religious pluralism and religious syncretism, Volf`s standpoint that the book was strategically written from a political theological viewpoint, and that the `Allah` of Islam is same as the God of Christianity, is cur-rently considered an indiscreet way of thinking that overlooks fundamental problems. From the standpoint of missiology, these problems could be briefly summarized as the problem of whether emphasis should be placed on `Text,` which is the plain foundation of the gospel, or strategically on `Context` to facilitate sharing the gospel. Therefore, in short, it would have to be considered a theological contextualization issue for missions to the Islamic block. Accordingly, the writer studied as a contextulizing mission theological approach to the Volf`s book 『Allah』 on the topic. First, a review was made concerning the theological background of the Volf`s book 『Allah』, and intrinsic differences were identified between Islamic `pneumatology` (Jinn - created spirit) and Christian trinitarian theology, especially with regard to the Holy Spirit (God - creator himself). Then an investigation was made to see if, in spite of the problems of such evidently intrinsic differences from the contextual theological viewpoint, the book 『Allah』, which basically is his political theological arguments, can be considered to be facilitating the witness of `the whole gospel` that is emphasized by Lausanne theology, which is the theology of a representative Christian evangelical movement. Most importantly, by illuminating the trinitarian doctrine of God, particularly with regard to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God himself, it was pointed out that the God of Christianity cannot in nature be same as the Allah of Islam; while the prob-lems of missiological contextual theology were also described that occur by assuming from the monotheistic viewpoint that the Allah of Islam in the aspect of so-called political theology is same as the God of Christianity. Volf`s political theological arguments in his book 『Allah』 could be taken as a socialistic liberation theology of religious pluralism, based on Vatican declaration and rooted in Moltmann`s `theology of hope.` Professor Woo Byeonghoon pointed out that the trinitarian theology shown in the Volf`s book 『Allah』 is much different from that shown in his another book 『The Trinity and the Church』. In 『The Trinity and the Church』, Volf describes the social trinitarianism that involves the existence of 3 wills in 3 persons. Most notably, he claims that according to social trinitarianism, `the holy spirit` written in the Quran, the spirit of Islam, can be interpreted as human free will, not as deity. Whereas at the beginning of 『Allah』, with a mention about Vatican declaration, he emphasizes that the God of Christianity and the god of Islam are the same object of worship. In this part of the book, however, he refers to monotheism rather than social trinitarianism. A possible reason for this is that he cognized `the holy spirit` written in Quran, the spirit of Islam, as human will according to the social trinitarianism and therefore that regardless of the existence of 3 wills in the 3 persons, he considered there ultimately exists only one deity. Thus, by interpreting `the holy spirit` written in the Quran as human will and not as the trinitarian deity of Christianity, in self-contradiction Volf`s 『Allah』 not only considers the `Allah` of Islam as `a god` that is intrinsically different from the God of Christianity, but also, by considering them as the same object of worship, ultimately misleads the readers to cognize Muslims as the object of coexistence rather than the object of sharing the gospel. This mutilates the essence of the gospel, which must be considered above all in contextualization-without even considering the history of the god`s name `Allah.` This name was indiscreetly adapted from Christianity when Islam was founded, as `Allah` was the Aramaic word for `God` that had been used in the Christian world even before the foundation of Islam. Since then Islam has been using `Allah` as the name of its god, but still denying the Trinity of Christianity. Thus, from the standpoint of Christian mission theology, Volf`s 『Allah』 is an improper contextualization of the gospel for the Islamic bloc, with a standpoint causing worse confusion.

      • KCI등재
      • 내포제 시조

        김연소(Kim Youn-so) 한국전통음악학회 2000 한국전통음악학 Vol.- No.1

        For these reasons we can consider all about Nae-Po-Je once again. Si-Jo divide the form into Pyung-Si-Jo, Sa-Sul-Si-Jo, Ji-Rum-Si-Jo and Jun-Hu-Ri-Si-Je. And it can also be separated Kyung-Je, centered in Seoul and Kyung-Ki area, and Hyang-Je, including the rest of that in Korea. Among these, Hyang-Je divide itself into Wan-Je, Young-Je and Nae-Po-Je. Specially, Nae-Po-Je, centered on Chung-cheong province, has more splendid ornament and accurate diction than any other shape of Je. Considering all aspects of Na-Po-Je, it shows accurate diction such as Jae-num-Eo, So-Chi-Neun and fabulous ornaments. Besides various pattern of rhythm, unique vocal communication which is similar to Ga-Gok. In this point, I cannot help making suggestion thar we must not hesitate to support intangible heritage like Si-Jo which is easy to perish away forever for advance our own tradition, moreover we should not only be assiduous to keep and develop our cultural heritage continuously, but also steady attention to Si-Jo.

      • 간호사의 이직의도와 관련요인

        윤미숙,김진선,류소연,김기순 조선대학교 부설 의학연구소 2002 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.27 No.1

        Objectives: The purposes of this study were to identify the nurses' turnover intention and its related factors, and to identify the predictors of nurses' turnover intention. Method: Data were collected from 211 nurses who working in a general hospital in Gwangju using structured questionnaires. Results: Nurses expressed moderate level of turnover intention. Nurses' turnover intention was significantly different by their age, position, night duty, and size of the working place. Job related variables such as job characteristics, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment were significantly related to nurses' turnover intention. Nurses who reported higher autonomy, diversity, higher job satisfaction, and higher organizational commitment reported lower turnover intention than their counterparts. There were significant positive correlations between job characteristics, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment were identified as statistically significant predictors of nurses' turnover intention and these two variables explained 35% of the variance of turnover intention. Conclusion: This study identified the importance of job satisfaction and organizational commitment to predict the nurses' turnover intention. Interventions which improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment of nurses may prevent or reduce nurses' turnover rate. To identify causal relationships of nurses' turnover and its related factors, more research is needed.

      • 뇌경색증의 급성기에 발생한 변비에 대한 연구

        최윤이,김소이,김성은,정혜경,김태헌 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2015 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.38 No.1

        Objectives: The prevalence of constipation is high after stroke. Multiple factors such as long-term bed-ridden status, comorbidity, medical illnesses are combined in this condition. However, the change of bowel movement during the early stage of stroke remainsuncertain. Methods: Patients with first stroke who admitted in a single institute from 2008 to 2009 were reviewed retrospectively and 36 patients were enrolled. As a control group, 47 consecutive orthopedic patients needing bed rest without surgery in the same period were enrolled. Data of stroke associated factors, frequency of BM (bowel movement) during 5 weeks, use of gastrointestinal medications, and outcomes were collected from the medical records. Results: The cumulative incidence of decreased (<3/week) and severely decreased BM (<1/week) were 80.6% and 69.4% in stroke patients and 53.2% and 14.9% in control group (P<0.05). The cumulative incidence of increased BM (>3/day) was 38.9% in stroke and 14.9% in control group. In acute stroke, 58% of patient showed severely decreased BM in first week, and the proportion was rapidly decreased below 15% from second week. However, laxative use increased with hospital days. The occurrence of severely decreased BM in stroke patients was associated with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS; P=0.004). Severely decreased BM was not associated with poor outcomes including death, morbidity, and stroke recurrence. Conclusion: Decreased BM is common in acute stroke. The occurrence of severely decreased BM is associated with NIHSS. However, the severe manifestation occurred mainly in the first week, and considered to be well controlled by laxatives.

      • 木浦地方의 안개發生特性

        蘇鮮燮,全閏南,申弘烈 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1996 과학교육연구 Vol.27 No.1

        안개는 수증기의 供給源인 바다, 호수, 강, 인공댐 및 태양 에너지의 입사량 변화로 發生하게 된다. 목포지방은 三面이 바다로 둘러 싸여 있으며, 주변의 造成된 영산강 댐과 2개의 人工 호수 때문에 안개 發生에 좋은 조건을 갖추고 있다. 본 硏究는 목포지방의 안개 發生 特性을 밝히기 위하여 안개 發生日數, 特續時間, 風向, 風速, 氣溫과 水溫의 偏差를 비교 分析하였다. 또한 안개의 發生 및 消散시각의 분포에 따라 4가지 Case로 분류하고 氣象要素의 變化에 따른 안개의 視程 변화를 分析해 본 결과 夏節期에는 따뜻하고 수증기를 많이 포함한 空氣가 찬 바다 위로 이동하면서 移流안개가 발생하고 봄·가을에는 氣溫의 日較差에 의해 輻射안개와 ??發안개가 複合的으로 나타난다. A fog is variously induced by the sea, the lake, the river, the artificial dam and the solar energy which originate the vapor. The Mokpo area is surrounded by the sea, the Youngsan river and the artificial lakes which naturally tend to cause a dense fog. This research shows the analogy and comparison to prove the traits of what made a fog in the Mokpo area; how many days a month the fog originates; how many hours it lasts, both the direction and the velocity of the wind, and the anomaly between atmos-pheric temperature and the sea-water temperature. The types of the fog occurrence and the dstribution of the fog-clearing time are classified into four cases. This research also tells that as a result, the change of the fogcl-earing speed brings those facts as follows: (i) when the air, warm and vaporous, is d-rifted away over the cold sea-water in the summertime; (ii) it makes the advection fog and in the season of spring and fall, it makes both the evaporation fog and the radiati-on fog at the same time, due to the great daily temperature difference. The fog in Mokpo area has high occurrence-frequency both when the velocity of the wind runs below 3 m/s and when the direction of the wind indicates NNW,NW,SSW,SSE, etc...

      • 보존적 치료로 호전된 요로감염에 의한 자발성 신파열

        홍소현,김도연,김태오,배지윤,이신아 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2014 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.37 No.S

        자발성 신파열은 외상 혹은 수술 등의 병력 없이 신장 피막 혹은 신장 주위 혈종이 자발적으로 발생하는 드문 질환으로, 원인으로는 요로 결석[1], 결핵, 신우신염, 신농양 같은 감염성 질환이나[2] 신장의 종양 및 신장 이식 수술 후[3], 후천성 낭성 신환[4] 등이 관련이 있다. 그 중 복막 투석 환자에서 낭성 신질환에 의한 자발성 신파열은 국내 보고가 있었으나 요로감염에 의한 자발성 피막하 혈종을 동반한 신파열은 문헌 보고가 없었다. 저자들은 요로감염으로 진단된 환자에서 피막하 혈종을 동반한 신파열 1례를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경기도 일부 지역 청소년들의 치과공포 및 불안에 대한 연구

        심연수,김아현,안소연 大韓小兒齒科學會 2011 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.38 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 경기지역 일부 중학생의 치과치료 관련 공포 및 불안 수준을 측정하고, 그와 관련된 요인 및 이에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대해 분석하여 불안과 공포감을 완화시킬 수 있는 방법을 모색하여 보다 편안하고 효율적인 구강건강관리가 이루어 질 수 있도록 하는데 있다. 본 연구는 경기도 일부 중학생 622명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 남학생 337명, 여 학생 277명으로서 과거 치과치료 경험이 있는 총 614명의 자료를 이용하였다. 분석 방법은 각 문항별 답변의 분포를 알아보 기 위해 빈도분석을 실시하였고, 남녀별 응답의 차이를 검정하기 위해 교차분석을 실시하였으며 공포점수의 비교를 위하여 Mann-whitney U 검정을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 경기도 일부 중학생들은 치과 전문가가 일반적으로 생각하지 못한 부분에 서도 치과공포를 느끼는 것으로 나타났고, 진료실에서 직접 치료를 하는 경우와 관련된 항목에서 공포를 느끼는 경우가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 여학생이 남학생보다 높은 수준의 치과공포도를 보였다(p<0.05). The objective of this study is to measure the fear and anxiety levels of some middle school students in Gyeonggi Province, to analyze the relevant factors, to seek how to alleviate such fear and anxiety and thus enable to make a comfortable and efficient oral management. Six hundred twenty two middle school students in Gyeonggi Province participated in the survey, which used the data of 614 respondents, i.e. 337 males and 277 females. A frequency analysis was conducted to determine the distribution of answers for each question, a crosstabulation analysis was performed to verify the gender differences in answer and an Mann-whitney U test was used to compare fear scores. According to the results patients feared even in unexpected circumstances. In addition, they feared when receiving direct treatment. In terms of gender, female students showed higher levels of fear than male ones (p<0.05).

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