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        Antegonial notch depth 에 따른 하악골 성장에 관한 두부방사선 계측학적 연구

        강신애,유영규 대한치과교정학회 1989 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of the present study were to disclose whether the depth of the mandibular antegonial notch can be used as an indicator of mandibular growth potential. The patients composed of 76 samples and were classified following 3 groups, based on the depth of mandibular antegonial notch : Deep notch group (more than 3mm), Neutral notch group (1-3mm), Shallow notch group (less than 1mm) For each case, the first lateral cephalograms were taken prior to the start of treatment and the second films 3-4 years after. The results were as follows; 1. Deep notch group had a shorter corpus, less ramus height and greater gonial angle than did Shallow notch group. 2. Deep notch group had a more retrusive mandibular position than Shallow notch group. 3. Deep notch group had longer total anterior facial height and longer anterior lower facial height group. 4.Deep notch group grow vertical clockwise growth pattern, while Shallow notch group grow horizontal counterclockwise growth pattern. 5. Deep notch group had less mandibular growth than Shallow notch group during observation period.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮時代 武夷九曲圖의 淵源과 特徵

        姜信愛(Kang Sin-ae) 한국미술사학회 2007 美術史學硏究 Vol.254 No.254

        武夷九曲圖는 본래 中國 福建省 崇安縣에 위치한 武夷山 계곡의 실경을 그린 그림이다. 그러나 朝鮮 거의 전 시기에 걸쳐 제작된 武夷九曲圖는 무이구곡의 절경을 노래한 朱子(1130-1200) 詩의 감흥을 함축하고 성현을 기리기 위한 성리학적 의미가 상징화된 관념적 산수화로 전개된다. 조선시대 무이구곡도의 수용은 16세기 士林派 知識人들의 朱子學에 대한 관심과 관련이 깊다. 그들은 山水 중에서도 江湖와 溪山 등을 문학의 중요한 소재로 다루면서 무이구곡의 승경을 노래한 朱子의 〈武夷櫂歌〉에 각별한 관심을 보였다. 또한 주자가 隱居하여 講學했던 ‘武夷九曲’을 가장 이상적인 자연으로 생각하고, 武夷山의 승경을 그림으로 그려 걸어놓고 주자의 도학적 정신을 지향하였다. 먼저 제Ⅱ장에서는 사림들의 朱子詩에 대한 수용양상을 통해 그림제작의 사상적 배경을 살펴보고, 중국 〈武夷山圖〉와 『武夷志』의 기록을 통해 조선시대 무이구곡도의 淵源이 되는 중국의 母本을 추정해 보았다. 특히 徐達左의 〈武夷九曲櫂歌圖幷記卷)(1391)에 대한 구체적인 기록이 남아 있어 주목되는데, 그의 작품은 구성에 있어서 明代에 간행되어 조선에 전래된 『武夷志』와 상호 연관성이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 제Ⅲ장에서는 중국에서 전래되었다고 家傳하는 의성김씨 학봉종택 운장각 소장의 〈武夷九曲之圖〉와 현존하는 最古의 작품인 李滉(1501-1570)의 跋文이 있는 〈李仲久家藏武夷九曲圖)(1564) 및 姜世晃(1713-1791), 그리고 金弘道(1745-?)와 李昉運(1761-?), 許鍊(1809-1892)에 이르는 수용 기부터 조선 후기까지의 주요 작품을 중심으로 구성과 내용의 성격을 고찰하여 크게 두 가지 유형으로 구분하고 분석하였다. 즉 정사경영의 성리학적 자연관을 반영한 總圖式 武夷九曲圖와 朱子 詩意를 효과적으로 전달하는 櫂歌圖式 武夷九曲圖로 나누어 살펴볼 수 있었다. 이러한 圖像의 조형분석을 통해, 무이구곡도를 도학적 의미로 일관되게 해석하던 기존의 논의를 보완하고 시기별 작품의 다양한 해석과 양식적 특징을 제시하고자 했다. 요컨대 조선시대 武夷九曲圖는 중국에서 유래했지만 성리학적 이념을 배경으로 히는 조선의 사회 속에서 적극적으로 수용되어 제작자의 목적이나 시대에 따라 재해석되고 도상이 선별되며 화가에 따라 화풍이 다양하게 전개되는 등 주요 성리학적 畵題로서 의의가 큰 작품이다. In the Joseon Dynasty. Confucian scholars who pursued the philosophy of Zhu Xi (1130-1200) had an aspiration for Wuyijiuqu (Muigugok in Korean. 武夷九曲. the Nine-Bend stream of Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province) where Zhu Xi built the Wuyijingshe (Muijeongsa 武夷精舍) by the fifth bend stream in 1183. assembled his disciples and gave lectures. Attracted so much by its beautiful scenery, he wrote a poem. Wuyizhaoge (Muidoga 武夷櫂歌), which eulogized Wuyijiuqu. Mt. Wuyi was me representation of Zhu Xi himself whom Confucian scholars of the Joseon Dynasty admired. and its natural scenery symbolized his doctrines. For this reason. Muigugokdo (武夷九曲圖), the pictorial illustration of Wuyizhaoge, became a popular theme among literati throughout the Joseon period as an ideological painting symbolizing the admiration for Zhu Xi and his accomplishments. In China, a number of works that depict the natural beauty of Mt. Wuyi were produced after Northern Song in the form of travel paintings or hermitage paintings. But no Chinese paintings are left from which Muigugokdo of the Joseon originates. However. the record of Muigugokdogado (武夷九曲櫂歌圖) by Xu Tazuo (徐達左) dated 1391. who traveled Mt. Wuyi in the early Ming Dynasty, is a significant resource to infer the iconic origin of Muigugokdo in the Joseon period It contains pictures which have not remained and names of unique scenic spots of each stream bend, Zhu Xi's Wuyizhaoge, poems by his disciples, and an travel account of Muyigugok. Such a format resembles that of the topography about Wuyi which Confucian scholars would pore over. Muigugokdo has been produced continuously ever since the 16th century, when it was actively accepted by the Neo-Confucian scholars. They acquired their background knowledge for Zhu Xi's retreat through Wuyizhi (武夷志). The two types in the topography have affected the iconography of Muigugokdo in the Joseon Dynasty. The first type is the hanging scroll of a whole diagram of Muigugok. This type resembles the shape of taiji (太極) and is closely linked with the geomantic topography. It shows that Confucian scholars understood the painting through their world view acquired from the Book of Changes. Also, this type has another feature that emphasizes the site of Wuyi cloister in the fifth bend stream. The scholars of the Southerners party, or the Toegye School, produced Muigugokdo as a set of the Dosando (陶山圖), the painting of Yi Hwang's hermitage: a precise allusion to Yi Hwang's succession of Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucianisrn The second type is Dogado (櫂歌圖) which is constructed from either a handscroll or an connected album, in which each section painting of the nine bends in Wuyizhi was linked from the first bend stream to the ninth in sequence. It was formed by Yi Hwang who was one of the most influential scholars of Confucianism during the sixteenth century and wrote Zhu Xi's Wuyizhaoge on the painting. Of this panoramic volumes, the oldest Muigugokdo extant today is one in the family collection of Yi Jung-gu (李仲久家藏武夷九曲圖), which was painted around 1564. The work was interpreted as 'the gusto of landscape" (因物起興) or "the order of learning" (入道次第) by Confucian scholars. The different angles were caused by the explication of Wuyizhaoge. Especially the latter was established as a canon of Muigugokdo In the eighteenth century Muigugokdo was much diversified in interpretation as well as in style, into the official style and the scholastic style. First, Muigugok was considered as a celebrated site of the Zhu Xi School. Second, Muigugok was not exclusively considered as a Confucian site but as a space of ancestor-memorial ceremonies. Third, it followed the established canon, but it emphasized the mind rather man the figure. Fourth, it did not even depicted the scenery of Muigugok correctly only describing a part of Zhu Xi's poem. In other words, it was painted in abstract form. Muigugokdo is a notable subject in the history of landscape painting of Joseon dynasty


        개 gastrin 유전자의 클로닝과 exon - intron 의 제도

        강창원,유욱준,조혜련,강신애 생화학분자생물학회 1993 BMB Reports Vol.17 No.3

        The canine gastin gene was isolated from a genomic library. Screening of about 500,000 recombinant phages was carried out by in situ plaque hybridization employing a canine gastrin cDNA clone as a probe. As a result two different genomic clones were obtained. These contain 13-kb and 15-kb genomic DNA fragments that share at least 11-kb DNA. Comparison of the determined genomic sequences with the cDNA sequence revealed the structure of three exons and two introns, which comprise 2.3 kb in total. It resembles the human gastrin gene structure. However, the canine intron I is only 1.7 kb long, about half the size of the human intron I.

      • Cross-talk between TGFβ1 and EGFR signalling pathways induces TM4SF5 expression and epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

        Kang, Minkyung,Choi, Suyong,Jeong, Soo-Jin,Lee, Sin-Ae,Kwak, Tae Kyoung,Kim, Hyeonjung,Jung, Oisun,Lee, Mi-Sook,Ko, Youra,Ryu, Jihye,Choi, Yoon-Ju,Jeong, Doyoung,Lee, Hyo Jeong,Ye, Sang-Kyu,Kim, Sung- Biochemical Society 2012 The Biochemical journal Vol.443 No.3

        <P>The EMT (epithelial-mesenchymal transition) is involved in fibrosis and cancer, and is regulated by different signalling pathways mediated through soluble factors, actin reorganization and transcription factor actions. Because the tetraspan (also called tetraspanin) TM4SF5 (transmembrane 4 L6 family member 5) is highly expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma and induces EMT, understanding how TM4SF5 expression in hepatocytes is regulated is important. We explored the mechanisms that induce TM4SF5 expression and whether impaired signalling pathways for TM4SF5 expression inhibit the acquisition of mesenchymal cell features, using human and mouse normal hepatocytes. We found that TGFβ1 (transforming growth factor β1)-mediated Smad activation caused TM4SF5 expression and EMT, and activation of the EGFR [EGF (epidermal growth factor) receptor] pathway. Inhibition of EGFR activity following TGFβ1 treatment abolished acquisition of EMT, suggesting a link from Smads to EGFR for TM4SF5 expression. Further, TGFβ1-mediated EGFR activation and TM4SF5 expression were abolished by EGFR suppression or extracellular EGF depletion. Smad overexpression mediated EGFR activation and TM4SF5 expression in the absence of serum, and EGFR kinase inactivation or EGF depletion abolished Smad-overexpression-induced TM4SF5 and mesenchymal cell marker expression. Inhibition of Smad, EGFR or TM4SF5 using Smad7 or small compounds also blocked TM4SF5 expression and/or EMT. These results indicate that TGFβ1- and growth factor-mediated signalling activities mediate TM4SF5 expression leading to acquisition of mesenchymal cell features, suggesting that TM4SF5 induction may be involved in the development of liver pathologies.</P>

      • KCI등재

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