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        배경 잡음을 제거하는 음성 신호 잡음 제거기의 구현

        김선일(Seonil Kim),양성룡(Seong Ryong Yang) 대한전자공학회 2012 電子工學會論文誌 IE (Industry electronics) Vol.49 No.2

        자동차 배기음은 음성과 무관한 거의 독립적인 음원이라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 자동차 배기음과 섞인 음성 신호의 경우에 두 음원에 대한 사전 정보가 없는 상황이므로 Blind Source Separation 의 한 방법인 Independent Component Analysis를 이용하여 분리해 내었다. 스테레오 마이크를 통해 섞여 들어 온 두 음원을 분리해 내기 위해 Maximum Likelyhood Estimation을 이용하여 각 신호들 사이의 독립성을 최대화 하는 방향으로 분리하였다. 분리된 신호는 어느 쪽이 음성 신호인지 알 수 없으므로 주파수 영역에서 자기 공분산을 구한 후 이 공분산 값들의 기울기를 이용하여 음성 신호와 자동차 배기음 신호을 구분하였으며 이 두 알고리즘을 결합하여 음성 신호 잡음 제거기를 구현하였다. The sounds of exhaust emissions of automobiles are independent sound sources which are nothing to do with voices. We have no information for the sources of voices and exhaust sounds. Accordingly, Independent Component Analysis which is one of the Blind Source Separaton methods was used to segregate two source signals from each mixed signals. Maximum Likelyhood Estimation was applied to the signals came through the stereo microphone to segregate the two source signals toward the maximization of independence. Since there is no clue to find whether it is speech signal or not, the coefficients of the slope was calculated by the autocovariances of the signals in frequcency domain. Noise remover for speech signals was implemented by coupling the two algorithms.

      • 블록 크기 변화에 따른 자기 공분산 기울기 변화

        김선일(Seonil Kim) 한국정보기술학회 2013 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2013 No.5

        자기 공분산 기울기를 이용하면 해당 신호가 특정한 상관관계를 갖는 신호인지 아니면 상관관계가 없는 백색 잡음의 특징에 가까운 신호인지 구별하여 음성 신호에 섞여있는 백색 잡음을 분리했을 때 음성과 백색 잡음을 구별해 낼 수 있다. 그러나 각 신호를 단위 블록으로 나누어 자기 공분산 기울기를 구할 때 블록(block)의 크기에 따라 자기 공분산 기울기가 변하게 된다. 따라서 여러 음성 파일을 이용하여 가장 적절하면서도 큰 값의 자기 공분산 기울기를 얻을 수 있는 블록의 크기에 대해 살펴보고 왜 이런 결과를 내는지를 추정하였다. The slopes of autocovariances of signals can be used to validate speech signals which are different from white noises in correlations when they are segregated from the white noises. But the size of blocks to calculate the coefficients of slopes of the autocovariances gives different results in their slopes. Studied was what the size for the block to get the best result and why.

      • 주성분 분석을 이용한 자동차 소음과 음성의 구분

        김선일(Seonil Kim) 한국정보기술학회 2014 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2014 No.5

        주성분 분석은 임의 신호를 분석하여 공분산 값이 가장 큰 축과 그에 직교하는 그 다음 큰 축 등을 구하여 신호의 중복된 신호를 제거함으로써 원래 신호보다 적은 수의 데이터로 원래 신호를 표현하고자 할 때 많이 쓰인다. 본 연구에서는 주성분 분석을 통하여 주성분이 잘 드러나도록 신호를 변환한 후 변환된 신호의 공분산 값을 비교하고 이 값의 비교를 통해 음성신호와 자동차 소음 신호를 구분할 수 있는 근거를 제안하고자 한다. Principle Component Analysis(PCA) is used to remove redundancy in signals mostly by finding the axis which is the largest in covariance and the second, and so on. In this study signals are transformed using PCA to find out principal components. The covariances of PCA transformed speech signals and car sound signals are compared and it is given that whether PCA can be used or not to classify the signals.

      • KCI등재

        ICA로 분리한 신호의 분류

        김선일(Seonil Kim) 대한전자공학회 2010 電子工學會論文誌 IE (Industry electronics) Vol.47 No.4

        ICA(Independent Component Analysis)를 이용하여 신호를 분리했을 때 그 중 어느 것이 원하는 신호인지 알아낼 수 있는 일반적인 방법이 없다. 본 논문에서는 자동차 배기음에 오염된 음성 신호를 가정하고 이를 ICA를 이용해 분리했을 때 분리된 신호에서 어느 것이 배기음이고 음성 신호인지 구별할 수 있는 방법을 제시하였다. 음성 신호는 음성 신호와의 상관계수가 가장 크게 나타날 것으로 예상되므로 오염된 음성 신호와 같은 동일인의 단모음 ‘아’, ‘오’, ‘우’ 신호와 타인의 단모음 신호를 이용하여 분리된 각 신호와의 상관계수를 구하되 일괄 방식, 최대값 방식, 평균값 방식 등 세가지 방식으로 구하고 각 방식마다 ‘아’, ‘오’, ‘우’와의 상관 계수로 구분하고 이외에 투표 방법, 합산 방법을 추가한 다섯 가지 방법을 시도하여 가정 좋은 분류율을 나타내는 방식 및 방법을 제시하였다. There is no general method to find out from signals of the channel outputs of ICA(Independent Component Analysis) which is what you want. Assuming speech signals contaminated with the sound from the muffler of a car, this paper presents the method which shows what you want, It is anticipated that speech signals will show larger correlation coefficients for speech signals than others. Batch, maximum and average method were proposed using 'ah', 'oh', 'woo' vowels whose signals were spoken by the same person who spoke the speech signals and using the same vowels whose signals are by another person. With the correlation coefficients which were calculated for each vowel, voting and summation methods were added. This paper shows what the best is among several methods tried.

      • Weavable and Highly Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Fibers for Wearable Electronics: A Scalable, Low-Temperature Process

        Kwon, Seonil,Kim, Hyuncheol,Choi, Seungyeop,Jeong, Eun Gyo,Kim, Dohong,Lee, Somin,Lee, Ho Seung,Seo, Young Cheol,Choi, Kyung Cheol American Chemical Society 2018 Nano letters Vol.18 No.1

        <P>Fiber-based wearable displays, one of the most desirable requisites of electronic textiles (e-textiles), have emerged as a technology for their capability to revolutionize textile and fashion industries in collaboration with the state-of-the-art electronics. Nonetheless, challenges remain for the fibertronic approaches, because fiber-based light-emitting devices suffer from much lower performance than those fabricated on planar substrates. Here, we report weavable and highly efficient fiber-based organic light-emitting diodes (fiber OLEDs) based on a simple, cost-effective and low-temperature solution process. The values obtained for the fiber OLEDs, including efficiency and lifetime, are similar to that of conventional glass-based counterparts, which means that these state-of-the-art, highly efficient solution processed planar OLEDs can be applied to cylindrical shaped fibers without a reduction in performance. The fiber OLEDs withstand tensile strain up to 4.3% at a radius of 3.5 mm and are verified to be weavable into textiles and knitted clothes by hand-weaving demonstrations. Furthermore, to ensure the scalability of the proposed scheme fiber OLEDs with several diameters of 300, 220, 120, and 90 μm, thinner than a human hair, are demonstrated successfully. We believe that this approach, suitable for cost-effective reel-to-reel production, can realize low-cost commercially feasible fiber-based wearable displays in the future.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>


        Fabrication of scalable and flexible bio-photoanodes by electrospraying thylakoid/graphene oxide composites

        Shin, HyeIn,Kim, Teayeop,Seo, IlHo,Kim, SeonIl,Kim, Yong Jae,Hong, Hyeonaug,Park, Yunjeong,Jeong, Hyung Mo,Kim, Kyunghoon,Ryu, WonHyoung Elsevier BV * North-Holland 2019 Applied Surface Science Vol.481 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>For extraction of photosynthetic electrons (PEs) from plant cells and algal cells, there have been many approaches using living algal cells or isolated photosynthetic apparatus such as photosystem II, photosystem I, and thylakoid membranes (TMs). Among these, bio-photoanodes coated with TMs demonstrated stable performance and the possibility for their practical applications. When a TM photoanode is prepared, TMs are deposited on the surface of a metal electrode. However, since the thickness of TM films determines the light absorption and electron transfer processes, the performance of a TM bio-photoanode is significantly affected by the TM film quality. Thus, in this study, electrospraying was employed to deposit TMs with enhanced control of the thickness and uniformity of TM coating on metal electrodes. In particular, we investigated how both the quality of TM films and the magnitude of PE currents were influenced by electrospraying time, substrate motion, solution feed rates, TM concentration, and addition of graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets. Finally, to assess the feasibility of TM electrospraying as a scalable fabrication method, TMs were electrosprayed on 5 × 5 cm<SUP>2</SUP> size films of indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) (ITO-PEN). The coating uniformity was assessed by measuring PE currents from different locations of the TM-deposited ITO-PEN films.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Electrospraying was employed to uniformly deposit thylakoid/graphene oxide(GO) composite on electrodes for enhanced photosynthetic currents </LI> <LI> GO addition to thylakoid solution enhanced charge transfer between thylakoid and GO nanosheets and resulted in higher photosynthetic currents </LI> <LI> Flexible large-area bio-photoanodes (5 × 5 cm<SUP>2</SUP>) with high uniformity were fabricated by electrospraying thylakoids on ITO-PEN films </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of ICA Methods for the Recognition of Corrupted Korean Speech

        김선일  (Seonil Kim) 대한전자공학회 2008 電子工學會論文誌 IE (Industry electronics) Vol.45 No.3

        두 가지 Independent Component Analysis(ICA) 알고리즘을 적용하여 자동차 엔진 소음과 섞인 음성 신호의 인식을 시도하였다. 이를 이용하여 추정한 신호를 HMM을 이용하여 인식하였고 이 신호의 인식률을 소음이 섞이기 전의 음성 신호의 인식률과 비교하였다. 음성 신호를 추정하는데 두 가지 서로 다른 ICA를 사용하였으며 그 중의 하나는 negentropy 를 최대화하는 FastICA 알고리즘이며 다른 하나는 출력 신호 사이의 독립성을 최대화하여서 입력과 출력 사이의 mutual information을 최대화하는 information-maximization approach 이다. 남성 앵커가 진행한 한국어 뉴스 문장에 대한 단어 인식률은 87.85%이며 다양한 신호 대 잡음비를 갖도록 소음을 섞어서 추정을 한 후 인식을 시도한 결과 FastICA를 이용해 추정한 음성 신호에 대한 인식률은 1.65%, information-maximization을 이용해 추정한 음성 신호에 대한 인식률은 2.02% 인식률 저하가 나타났다. 따라서 어느 방법을 적용하든지 의미 있는 차이가 없음을 확인하였다. Two independent component analysis(ICA) algorithms were applied for the recognition of speech signals corrupted by a car engine noise. Speech recognition was performed by hidden markov model(HMM) for the estimated signals and recognition rates were compared with those of original speech signals which are not corrupted. Two different ICA methods were applied for the estimation of speech signals, one of which is FastICA algorithm that maximizes negentropy, the other is information-maximization approach that maximizes the mutual information between inputs and outputs to give maximum independence among outputs. Word recognition rate for the Korean news sentences spoken by a male anchor is 87.85%, while there is 1.65% drop of performance on the average for the estimated speech signals by FastICA and 2.02% by information-maximization for the various signal to noise ratio(SNR). There is little difference between the methods.

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