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      • KCI등재

        정신분열증과 양극성장애 환자의 기억수행

        류미경,오상우,박민철 大韓神經精神醫學會 1994 신경정신의학 Vol.33 No.2

        This study was to investigate the memory performance and affective memory of the patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The subjects consisted of 3 groups-16 schizophrenics. 16 bipolar disorder patients and 16 normal controls. Memory performance test was conducted to each group after they were matched according to age, sex, scaled score of information of Korean Wechsler Intelligence scale, duration of total admission, frequency of hospitalization, duration of illness and daily dose of antipsychotics. And then, analyses were done by scores of recall task and recognition task, scores of memory clustering of recall task and memory strategies. The results were as follows : 1) For the total and pleasnt word recall, the schizophrenics and bipolar disorder patients showed significantly low scores than normal controls(p<.01). But there was no significant difference between schizophrenic group and bipolar disorder group. 2) For the memory clustering of the recall task, the schizophrenics and bipolar disorder patients showed significantly low scores on memory clustering than normal controls(p<.01). But there was no significant difference between schizophrenic group and bipolar disorder group. 3) For the total and pleasant word recognition, the schizophrencs showed significantly low scores than normal controls(p<.05), but there was no significant difference between bipolar disorder group and normal controls. And also, there was no significant difference between schizophrenic group and bipolar disorder group. 4) Memory deficits in schizophrenics were due to the problem in memory strategies.

      • KCI등재

        기분장애 환자의 스트레스와 정서반응 : 우울, 불안, 분노 반응

        박민철,오상우,류미경,피상순,고정인 대한생물치료정신의학회 1999 생물치료정신의학 Vol.5 No.2

        Objectives : This study was investigated to demonstrate the relationship between stress and emotional responses of depression, anxiety, and anger in patients with mood disorder.Methods : Fifty patients with major depressive disorder diagnosed by DSM-IV were compared to those with bipolar manic disorder. All subjects were evaluated for perceived stress, Beck depression inventory, dysfunctional attitude, state-trait anxiety, state-trait anger and anger expression. The data were analyzed by t-test, correlation, and multiple regression analysis.Results : The results were as follows.1. Depressive group had significantly higher score of perceived stressful life events, depression, state anxiety and trait anxiety than manic group.2. Perceived stress in depressive group was positively correlated with depression, anxiety, state and trait anger, anger expression and sex, however that in manic group was positively correlated with state anger and anger expression.3. In depressive group, trait anxiety, trait anger, age, and dysfunctional attitude predicted 70.6% of variance on depression, perceived stress predicted only 1.2%. Trait anxiety predicted 67.6% for state anxiety, and trait anger and trait anxiety predicted 41.5% for state anger, trait anger and sex predicted 34.0% for anger expression.4. In manic group, education and trait anger predicted 28.7% of variance of depression, and trait anger predicted 38.3% for state anxiety. Trait anger and education predicted 29.4% for state anger, and state anger and sex, state anxiety predicted 36.3% for anger expression.Conclusion : The results suggest that emotional responses to perceived stress in depressive group are related to depression, anxiety, and anger but those in manic group are related to anger.

      • 알코올 의존 환자의 MMPI 특성 : 임상 척도와 내용 척도를 중심으로

        이윤경,오상우,류미경,박민철 圓光大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 1999 圓光精神醫學 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 군집 분석을 이용하여 알코올 의존 환자의 MMPI 임상척도와 내용 척도의 특성을 알아보았다. 연구 결과, 60명의 남자 알코올 의존 환자들은 2개의 하위 유형으로 분류되었다. 첫 번째 집단은 모든 척도가 T 점수 45 ~ 55 범위에 있는 정상 유형이었고(n=40, 66.6%), 두번째 집단은 MMPI 타당도 척도의 L, F, K 가 역전된 V형이며 임상 척도는 6-8 유형을 보였다(n=20, 33.4%). 내용 척도에서도 두 집단간에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있었는데, 첫 번째 집단은 프로파일이 정상범위에 속했으며, 두 번째 집단은 ANX, FRS, OBS, HEA, BIZ, ANG, HYP, LSE, SOD, TRT 척도의 T 점수가 첫 번째 하위 유형에 비해 의미있게 상승하였다. 본 연구는 MMPI 임상 척도와 내용 척도가 알코올 의존 환자의 임상적인 진단과 연구에 도움이 된다는 것을 시사한다. This study was to investigate the characteristics of MMPI clinical and content scales on patients with alcohol dependence by using cluster analysis. As a result, the 60 male patients with alcohol dependence were classified into two subtypes. The MMPI profile of first subtype was within normal range, 45~55 of T score(n=40, 66.6%), second subtype had the inverted V shape validity scales and 6-8 clinical scale profile(n=20, 33.4%). The content scale was statistically significant difference between two groups. First subtype was within normal range, second subtype had more elevated T score of ANX, FRS, OBS, HEA, BIZ, ANG, HYP, LSE, SOD, and TRT scale. This study suggest that the MMPI clinical and content scale can be helpful and applicable to clinical diagnosis and research in patients with alcohol dependence.

      • 圓光醫大 附屬 第2病院 神經精神科 患者에 對한 統計的 考察(Ⅱ)

        박민철,장광철,김상원,김한주,유미경,김훈,유용진,김현정,박남진,오상우,이귀행,노승호,백영석 圓光大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 1992 圓光精神醫學 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 1986년 7월 11일부터 1991년 7월 10일까지 원광의대 부속 제2병원 신경정신과에서 의래 및 입원치료를 받았던 6,072명의 환자를 대상으로 병원 역학조사를 실시하고 그 결과를 1차조사 (박민철 등1986)와 비교했다. 1.전체 환자 중 남자가 54.4%로 여자보다 많았고, 이리와 이리 인접지역이 84.0%로 대부분의 지역을 나타났다. 의료보장상태는 보험환자가 57.1%, 의료보호환자21.8%, 일반환자 21.1%였으며 연령별로는 20대 24.6%, 30대 22.8%로 20대 30대가 절반정도를 차지했다. 2.외래환자에서는 신경중성장애가 46.0%로 가장 많고 정동장애, 경련성장애 순이며, 입원환자에서는 정신분열증이 30.5%로 가장 많고 기질성정신장애, 정동장애의 순이었다. 3.남자는 신경증성쟝애(23.4%), 정신분열증, 기질성정신장애 순이고 여자는 신경증성장애(39.9%), 정동장애, 정신분열증의 순이었다. 남자가 여자보다 많은 진단은 알코올정신장애(94.6%), 기질성정신장애, 소아정신장애 순이고, 여자가 남자보다 많은 진단은 정동장애(64.5%), 신경증성장애였다. 4.진단별 연령분포에서 신경증성장에는 30대(25.3%), 20대, 40대 순이고, 정신분열증은 20대(40.5%), 30대, 40대 순이며, 정동장애는 20대, 30대, 50대 순이나 비교적 비슷한 융이었다. 5.진단별 발병연령에서 신경증성장에는 20대, 30대가 절반이고,정신분열증은 20대(51.3%), 10대, 30대 순이며 정동장애는 20대(30.7%), 30대, 50대 순이었다. 진단별 평균 발병연령은 신경증성장애 32.7세, 정동장애 36.1세, 정신분열증 23.6세였다. 6.진단별 이병기간은 2년이상이 신경증성장에 28.3%, 정신분열증 68.5% 정동장애 43.9%인데 전체적으로 41.0%였다. 진단별 평균 이병기간은 정신분열증 73.2개월, 정동장애 45.5개월, 신경증성장애 29.5개월이었다. We examined epidemiologic study of 6,072 patients who visited Wonkwang Neuropsychiatric hospital since July 11 of 1986 until July 10 of 1991 and compared this results with previous study(Park et al 1986). The study revealed as follows:1. Of total patients males visited this hosptial more than females as 57.1%, Most of them(84.0%) resided Iri and neighbouring Iri. In the point of insurance, insured patients, medicaid patients and uninsured patients were 57.1%, 21.8% and 21.1% respectively. On the distribution of age, the twenties, the thirties were 24.6%, 22.8% respectively and twenties and thirties were about half of total patients. 2. Of outpatients neurotic disorder was the most as 46.0%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly convulsive disorder, but of inpatients schizophrenia was the most as 30.5%, secondly organic mental disorder and thirdly mood disorder. 3. Of males neurotic disorder was the most as 23.4%, secondly schizophrenia, and thirdly organic mental disorder, but of females neurotic disorder was the most as 39.9%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly schizophrenia. alcoholic mental disorder(94.6%), organic mental disorder, child mental disorder were mostly found in males,but mood disorder(64.5%) and neurotic disorder were mostly found in females. 4. On the distribution of age neurotic disorder was found the most in the thirties(25.3%), next in the twenties and in the forties, and schizophrenia was found the most in the twenties(40.5%), next in the thirties and in the forties, but mood disorder was found the most in the twenties, next in the thirties and in the forties but revealed similar rates relatively. 5. On the distribution of age of onset neurotic disorder developed nearly half during the twrnties and the thirties, schizophrenia developed mostly during the twenties (51.3%), secondly the teens and thirdly the thirties, but mood disorder developed firstly the twenties(30.7%), secondly the thirties and thirdly the fifties. on the average age of onset of illness neurotic disorder, mood disorder and schizophrenia were 32.7 years, 36.1 years and 23.6 years respectively. 6. On the duration of illness more than two years was 28.3% in neurotic disorder, 68.5% in schizophrenia and 3.9% in mood disorder and on the average duration of illness schizophrenia, mood disorder and neurotic disorder were 73.2 months, 45.5 months and 29.5 months respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Prenatal diagnosis of the isodicentric chromosome 22 associated with cat eye syndrome by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification

        Sang Hee Park,Sung Han Shim,Yong Wook Jung,So Hyun Shim,Mi Uk Chin,Ji Eun Park,Sung Mi Bae,Sang Woo Lyu,Dong Hyun Cha 대한의학유전학회 2017 대한의학유전학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Cat eye syndrome (CES) is a very rare chromosomal syndrome characterized by various malformations such as anal atresia, preauricular malformation, coloboma of the iris, and congenial heart and renal defects. This genetic disorder is caused by partial duplication of chromosome 22, mostly as a result of a supernumerary isodicentric marker chromosome idic(22)(q11.2). Various congenital abnormalities and extreme phenotypic variability in CES patients have been reported, which have made prenatal diagnosis of CES difficult. We report the first case diagnosed with CES prenatally by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification in a woman who was referred to our hospital, for a fetus presenting with heart anomaly.

      • Impact of high basal FSH/LH ratio in women with normal FSH levels on <i>in vitro</i> fertilization outcomes

        Lyu, Sang Woo,Kim, Ji Won,Choi, Chang Hwan,Seok, Hyun Ha,Yoon, Tae Ki,Kim, Ari Informa UK, Ltd. 2013 Gynecological endocrinology Vol.29 No.5

        <P>Basal luteinizing hormone (LH) levels have also been suggested to impact on ovarian responsiveness as well as basal follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) levels. The aim of this study was to compare the <I>in vitro</I> fertilization (IVF) outcomes according to cycle day 3 FSH/LH ratio and to assess the proper stimulation protocol between gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist and GnRH antagonist protocols. The retrospective cohort study recruited a total of 1211 women having the laboratory values of FSH (<10 IU/L) and LH within 3 months before IVF. Patients were treated with GnRH agonist long or GnRH antagonist protocols and stimulated with recombinant FSH (rFSH). The number of total retrieved oocytes and mature oocytes, implantation rate, clinical pregnancy rate and ongoing pregnancy rate were analyzed between groups: Group I: FSH/LH < 2 and Group II: FSH/LH ≥ 2. The Group II had the small number of retrieved oocytes and mature oocytes compared to the Group I (<I>p</I> = 0.000). Clinical and ongoing pregnancy rate were lower in Group II (<I>p</I> = 0.006, 0.006, respectively). In comparison of each protocol within groups, Group II showed significantly low pregnancy rate when GnRH antagonist was administered. In women with normal FSH level, high day 3 FSH/LH ratio can present subclinically low ovarian reserve and be predictive of lower pregnancy outcomes in fresh IVF cycles, and the choice of GnRH agonist can be related to favorable IVF outcomes.</P>

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        신선 비공여 체외수정 및 배아이식 후 자궁외임신의 발생과 연관된 위험요소에 관한 연구

        유상우 ( Sang Woo Lyu ),원형재 ( Hyung Jae Won ),윤태기 ( Tae Ki Yoon ),이우식 ( Woo Sik Lee ),곽인평 ( In Pyung Kawk ),조정현 ( Jung Hyun Cho ),한지은 ( Ji Eun Han ),김수희 ( Soo Hee Kim ),김유신 ( You Shin Kim ),석현하 ( Hyun Ha 대한산부인과학회 2008 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.51 No.6

        Objective: To find risk factors for ectopic pregnancy among women who conceived after fresh non-donor in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). Methods: A total of 2,326 cycles conceived after fresh non-donor IVF-ET between January 2002 and December 2005 were studied with regard to patient factors, and factors related to the ART procedures through review of their medical chart. Risk factors in ectopic pregnancy were assessed by using chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: Of 2,326 pregnancies of fresh non-donor IVF-ET cycles, 135 (5.8%) were ectopic pregnancies. Most of ectopic pregnancies were tubal type (79 cases, 58.5%) and combined type (40 cases, 29.6%). Most of ectopic pregnancies (87.4%) were treated by laparoscopic surgery. In comparison with clinical pregnancy group, estradiol level checked on human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) injection day for final follicular maturation and mean number of oocytes retrived were higher in ectopic group. respectively, (2,228.9 vs. 1,906.9 pg/ml, p=0.022; 13.8 vs. 11.6, p=0.001). In univariate analysis, the risk for ectopic pregnancy was increased among women with tubal factor infertility (odds ratio [OR] 1.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.20-2.35) and, decreased among women with male factor infertility (OR 0.7, 95% CI 0.47-0.94) and use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (OR 0.7, 95% CI 0.50-0.98). However, in multivariate logistic regression analysis, only tubal factor was an independent predictor for ectopic pregnancy. Conclusions: Tubal factor infertility is the main risk factor for ectopic pregnancy following fresh non-donor IVF-ET.

      • KCI등재

        Prenatal diagnosis of the isodicentric chromosome 22 associated with cat eye syndrome by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification

        Park, Sang Hee,Shim, Sung Han,Jung, Yong Wook,Shim, So Hyun,Chin, Mi Uk,Park, Ji Eun,Bae, Sung Mi,Lyu, Sang Woo,Cha, Dong Hyun Korean Society of Medical Genetics and Genomics 2017 대한의학유전학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Cat eye syndrome (CES) is a very rare chromosomal syndrome characterized by various malformations such as anal atresia, preauricular malformation, coloboma of the iris, and congenial heart and renal defects. This genetic disorder is caused by partial duplication of chromosome 22, mostly as a result of a supernumerary isodicentric marker chromosome idic(22)(q11.2). Various congenital abnormalities and extreme phenotypic variability in CES patients have been reported, which have made prenatal diagnosis of CES difficult. We report the first case diagnosed with CES prenatally by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification in a woman who was referred to our hospital, for a fetus presenting with heart anomaly.

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