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        The Effect of Shoulder on Safety of Highways in Horizontal Curves: With Focus on Roll Angle

        Ali Abdi Kordani,Sajad Javadi,Afshin Fallah 대한토목학회 2018 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.22 No.8

        Analysis of crash rates in the world reveals a number of factors including road geometry and human behavior which should bescrutinized. In fact, many studies have been conducted on how to decrease crash rates that are related to the relationship betweenhuman behavior and road geometry. In this research, 324 scenarios were evaluated to simulate vehicle dynamics with the use ofCarsim and Trucksim simulation software. To be more specific, the impacts of shoulder width, slope of shoulder and material ofshoulder surface on the enhancement of safety based on driver behavior and road geometry were studied, through the use of vehicledynamic simulation. In the study, based on the position of vehicles in horizontal curves in various types of shoulders, models wereachieved for the roll angle of vehicles. The research included: 1- 3D modeling by using simulation software, 2- Evaluating roll anglechanges in different types of vehicle locations on shoulders versus speed changes, and 3- Presenting multiple linear regressionmodels to connect the variables by statistical programs. Results indicate that shoulder type (width, material and cross slope)influences the safety considering the roll angle of the vehicle. This influence depends on dynamic and geometric characteristics andtype of the vehicle.

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