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      • Development of Criteria Evaluation System of Leakage Rate Test for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems

        Siwan Noh,Sang Soon Cho 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.2

        It is very important that the confinement of a spent fuel storage systems is maintained because if the confinement is damaged, the gaseous radioactive material inside the storage cask can leak out and have a radiological impact on the surrounding public. For this reason, leakage rate tests using helium are required for certificate of compliance (CoC) and fabrication inspections of spent fuel storage cask. For transport cask, the allowable leakage rate can be calculated according to the standardized scenario presented by the IAEA. However, for storage cask, the allowable leakage rate is determined by the canister, facility, and site specific information, so it is difficult to establish a standardized leakage rate criterion. Therefore, this study aims to establish a system that can derive system-specific leakage test criteria that can be used for leakage test of actual storage systems. First, the variables that can affect the allowable leakage rate for normal and accident conditions were derived. Unlike transportation systems, for storage systems, the dose from the shielding analysis and the dose from the confinement analysis are summed up to determine whether the dose standard is satisfied, and even the dose from the existing nuclear facilities is summed up during normal operation condition. For this reason, the target dose is used as an input variable when calculating the allowable leakage rate for the storage system. In addition, the main variables are the distance from the boundary of the exclusive area, the number of cask, the inventory of nuclide material in the cask, the free volume, and the internal and external pressure. Utilizing domestic and US NRC guidelines, we derived basic recommended values for the selected variables. The GASPARII computer code that can evaluate the dose to the public under normal operating conditions was utilized. Using the above variables, the allowable leakage rate is calculated and converted to the allowable criteria for helium leakage rate test. The developed system was used to calculate the allowable leakage rate for normal and accident conditions for a hypothetical storage system. The leakage rate criteria calculation system developed in this study can be useful for CoC and fabrication inspections of storage systems in the future, and a GUI-based program will be built for user convenience.

      • Development of Dynamic Leak Rate Evaluation Methodology for Loss of Confinement of Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems

        Siwan Noh,Sang Soon Cho 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.1

        Since the time to consider when evaluating leakage of spent fuel dry storage systems is very long, assumptions that continue to leak at the initial leakage rate are too conservative. Therefore, this study developed a dynamic methodology to calculate the change in leakage rate using time-varying variables and apply it to calculate the amount of radioactive leakage during the evaluation period. The developed dynamic methodology was then applied to calculate the leakage radiation source term for a hypothetical dry storage system and used to perform a public dose assessment. When applying the developed dynamic leakage rate evaluation methodology for more accurate confinement evaluation in case of containment damage of dry storage system, it was found that the change of leak rate with time is very insignificant if the hole diameter is small enough, and the leak rate decreases rapidly with time when a hole with a certain diameter or larger occurs. In the case of the accident condition, except when the hole is very large, it corresponds to the chocked flow condition, and the leak rate decreases rapidly as soon as the internal pressure is sufficiently lowered to enter the molecular and continuum flow region. In the case of a small hole diameter, the leakage volume is very small, so even if the dynamic methodology is applied, the evaluation results are not different from the case where the initial leakage rate continues, and when the hole diameter exceeds a certain value, the internal pressure drops according to the leakage volume, and the leakage rate decreases significantly. As a result of evaluating the dose to residents by applying the calculated radiation source term, it was confirmed that the dose criteria was exceeded when a hole with a diameter of about 4 μm occurred under off-normal conditions, and the dose standard was exceeded under accident conditions when a chocked flow occurred between the diameter of the hole and 2-3 μm, resulting in a rapid increase in the dose. The results of this study are expected to contribute to a more accurate evaluation of the confinement performance of storage systems, which will contribute to the design of optimal dry storage systems.

      • A Parametric Study of Confinement Evaluation of Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems for Accident Condition

        Siwan Noh,Ki-Seog Seo,Sang Soon Cho 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.1

        In order to construct and operate the dry storage systems, it is essential to confirm the safety of the systems through safety analysis. If the dry storage cask is damaged due to an accident, a large amount of radioactive material may be leaked to the outside and cause radiation exposure to surrounding workers and nearby public, so the effect thereof should be evaluated. Many input parameter are required in the confinement evaluation for accident condition, and in this study, the change in the confinement evaluation result according to the change of major input parameter is to be studied. In this study, we selected fractions of radioactive materials available for release from spent fuel, cooling time, and distance to exclusive area boundary as the major input parameter. In general, the release fraction suggested by NUREG-1536 has been used, but NUREG-2224 provides the fraction for high burn-up spent fuel in fire and impact accident conditions, unlike NUREG-1536 which provide a single value. In the case of the distance to exclusive area boundary, 100 to 800 m was considered, and in the case of the cooling time, 10 to 50 years was considered in this study. In order to compare the dose change by the parameter, we set up the hypothetical storage system. A storage cask of the system contain 21 PWR spent fuel assemblies with an initial enrichment of 4.5wt%, burnup of 45,000 MWD/MTU. During the accident condition, it is assumed that the cask is leaked at 1.0×10?7cm3·sec?1. Since the main dose criterion for accident conditions is 50 mSv of effective dose, effective doses are calculated in this study. In an accident condition, transuranic particulate contribute most of the doses, so the doses are determined according to the fraction for the particulate. Therefore, it was confirmed that the dose was almost the same as the fraction for the accident conditions in NUREG-1536 and the fraction for the impact accident conditions in NUREG-2224 is 3×10?5, but the dose was also 100 times higher as the fraction for the fire accident conditions in NUREG-2224 is 3×10?3. In the case of the cooling time, it was confirmed that the dose change according to the cooling time was not significant because the dose contribution of transuranic elements having very long half-life was very large. In the case of the distance, it was confirmed that the dose decreased exponentially as the atmospheric dispersion factor decreased exponentially with the distance.

      • KCI등재

        Development of probabilistic internal dosimetry computer code

        Noh, Siwan,Kwon, Tae-Eun,Lee, Jai-Ki 한국물리학회 2017 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol. No.

        <P>Internal radiation dose assessment involves biokinetic models, the corresponding parameters, measured data, and many assumptions. Every component considered in the internal dose assessment has its own uncertainty, which is propagated in the intake activity and internal dose estimates. For research or scientific purposes, and for retrospective dose reconstruction for accident scenarios occurring in workplaces having a large quantity of unsealed radionuclides, such as nuclear power plants, nuclear fuel cycle facilities, and facilities in which nuclear medicine is practiced, a quantitative uncertainty assessment of the internal dose is often required. However, no calculation tools or computer codes that incorporate all the relevant processes and their corresponding uncertainties, i. e., from the measured data to the committed dose, are available. Thus, the objective of the present study is to develop an integrated probabilistic internal-dose-assessment computer code. First, the uncertainty components in internal dosimetry are identified, and quantitative uncertainty data are collected. Then, an uncertainty database is established for each component. In order to propagate these uncertainties in an internal dose assessment, a probabilistic internal-dose-assessment system that employs the Bayesian and Monte Carlo methods. Based on the developed system, we developed a probabilistic internal-dose-assessment code by using MATLAB so as to estimate the dose distributions from the measured data with uncertainty. Using the developed code, we calculated the internal dose distribution and statistical values (e. g. the 2.5 th, 5 th, median, 95 th, and 97.5 th percentiles) for three sample scenarios. On the basis of the distributions, we performed a sensitivity analysis to determine the influence of each component on the resulting dose in order to identify the major component of the uncertainty in a bioassay. The results of this study can be applied to various situations. In cases of severe internal exposure, the causation probability of a deterministic health effect can be derived from the dose distribution, and a high statistical value (e. g., the 95 th percentile of the distribution) can be used to determine the appropriate intervention. The distribution-based sensitivity analysis can also be used to quantify the contribution of each factor to the dose uncertainty, which is essential information for reducing and optimizing the uncertainty in the internal dose assessment. Therefore, the present study can contribute to retrospective dose assessment for accidental internal exposure scenarios, as well as to internal dose monitoring optimization and uncertainty reduction.</P>

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