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      • Generation of a chickenized catalytic anti-nucleic acid antibody by complementarity-determining region grafting

        Roh, J.,Byun, S.J.,Seo, Y.,Kim, M.,Lee, J.H.,Kim, S.,Lee, Y.,Lee, K.W.,Kim, J.K.,Kwon, M.H. Pergamon Press 2015 Molecular immunology Vol.63 No.2

        In contrast to a number of studies on the humanization of non-human antibodies, the reshaping of a non-human antibody into a chicken antibody has never been attempted. Therefore, nothing is known about the animal species-dependent compatibility of the framework regions (FRs) that sustain the appropriate conformation of the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs). In this study, we attempted the reshaping of the variable domains of the mouse catalytic anti-nucleic acid antibody 3D8 (m3D8) into the FRs of a chicken antibody (''chickenization'') by CDR grafting, which is a common method for the humanization of antibodies. CDRs of the acceptor chicken antibody that showed a high homology to the FRs of m3D8 were replaced with those of m3D8, resulting in the chickenized antibody (ck3D8). ck3D8 retained the biochemical properties (DNA binding, DNA hydrolysis, and cellular internalizing activities) and three-dimensional structure of m3D8 and showed reduced immunogenicity in chickens. Our study demonstrates that CDR grafting can be applied to the chickenization of a mouse antibody, probably due to the interspecies compatibility of the FRs.

      • Interactive effect of indole-3-acetic acid and diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate on the growth and fatty acid content of some microalgae for biodiesel production

        Salama, El-Sayed,Jeon, Byong-Hun,Chang, Soon Woong,Lee, Sang-hun,Roh, Hyun-Seog,Yang, Il-Seung,Kurade, Mayur B.,El-Dalatony, Marwa M.,Kim, Do-Hyeon,Kim, Ki-Hyun,Kim, Sunjoon Elsevier 2017 Journal of cleaner production Vol.168 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Enhancement of microalgal growth and fatty acid production is essential for development of a microalgae-based biodiesel production platform. Three different microalgal species (<I>Scenedesmus obliquus</I> GU732418, <I>Ourococcus multisporus</I> GU732424 and <I>Chlorella vulgaris</I> FR751187) were individually cultivated in media containing both indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DAH) at concentrations of 10<SUP>−8</SUP>−10<SUP>−4</SUP> M. Combined phytohormones (10<SUP>−8</SUP> to 10<SUP>−5</SUP> M) increased the growth of all three species compared to growth in media without phytohormones. IAA and DAH supported the maximum growth of <I>S</I>. <I>obliquusi</I> (38.12 × 10<SUP>6</SUP> cells mL<SUP>−1</SUP>) at 10<SUP>−8</SUP> M, <I>O</I>. <I>multisporus</I> (85.89 × 10<SUP>6</SUP> cells mL<SUP>−1</SUP>) at 10<SUP>−6</SUP> M, and <I>C. vulgaris</I> (4.09 × 10<SUP>6</SUP> cells mL<SUP>−1</SUP>) at 10<SUP>−5</SUP> M. Addition of 10<SUP>−7</SUP> M IAA and DAH also assisted the removal of Zn<SUP>2+</SUP> (97%), K<SUP>+</SUP> (88%) and Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> (99%) from the media by <I>S</I>. <I>obliquus</I>. The highest removal of Zn<SUP>2+</SUP>, K<SUP>+</SUP>, and Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> by <I>C</I>. <I>vulgaris</I> was achieved at 10<SUP>−5</SUP> M IAA and DAH. Under all experimental conditions (10<SUP>−8</SUP>−10<SUP>−4</SUP> M IAA and DAH) the amounts of poly-unsaturated fatty acids were significantly increased. Palmitic acid, linoleic acid and γ-linolenic acid were the major fatty acids, accounting for 11.75–21.55%, 2.55–6.73%, and 52.93–75.89% of the total fatty acid content, respectively. The fatty acids that accumulated in <I>O</I>. <I>multisporus</I> and <I>C</I>. <I>vulgaris</I> were found to be suitable for production of high quality biodiesel with characteristics equivalent to crop seed oil-derived biodiesel.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> IAA and DAH in the range of 10<SUP>−8</SUP>−10<SUP>−5</SUP> M enhanced the growth of algae. </LI> <LI> PUFAs was increased by growth in medium containing both IAA and DAH. </LI> <LI> Accumulated fatty acids in algae are suitable for production of high quality biodiesel. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Planning for Safely Control on Hazardous Material Distribution Depot.

        Roh,S,K,Jun,S,W,Kang,T,H,Seo,Y,M 한국화재소방학회 1997 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.-

        The safety of LPG vessel storage has been simply designed and controled with blast wave barrier structure concept regardless of its quantity or hazardous situation. The limit of regal controls on LPG vessel storage need to be identified in terms of safety buffer distance from LPG explosion. The level of overpressure effect and heat radiation In the safety structure and neighbouring human activity required to be estimated to find the gap between existing controls on such storage. To this content the paper discuss the issues on the approach In the blast wave barrier and safety separation distances.

      • Numerical simulation of the post-Newtonian equations of motion for the near Earth satellite with an application to the LARES satellite

        Roh, Kyoung-Min,Kopeikin, Sergei M.,Cho, Jung-Ho Elsevier 2016 ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH Vol.58 No.11

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We study the post-Newtonian perturbations in the orbit of a near-Earth satellite by integrating them with a high-fidelity orbit propagation software KASIOP. The perturbations of the orbital elements are evaluated for various cases from a low-Earth orbit to a geostationary one, and from an equatorial to a polar orbit. In particular, the numerical simulation is applied to the LARES-like satellite under a realistic orbital configuration. The relativistic perturbations include the Schwarzschild term, the effects of Lense-Thirring precession, and the post-Newtonian term due to the quadrupole moment of the Earth as well as the post-Newtonian gravitoelectric and gravitomagnetic forces, which are produced by the tidal potential of the solar system bodies, are also modeled. The latter three terms are usually ignored in most orbit-propagation software. The secular variations of the orbital elements are evaluated from the orbital positions propagated for a half year. For a medium altitude orbit like that of the LARES mission, the magnitude of the relativistic perturbations ranges from the order of 10<SUP>−7</SUP> m/s<SUP>2</SUP> by the Schwarzschild effect to 10<SUP>−15</SUP> m/s<SUP>2</SUP> by the relativistic tidal effects. The orbital integration shows that the secular variations in three orbital elements – the ascending node, the argument of perigee, and the mean anomaly at epoch – are larger than the systematic error as results of the relativistic perturbations. The magnitudes of the secular variation are investigated in terms of the orbital altitude, inclination, and the size of each perturbation force. The numerical simulation rendered in this study shows that the secular post-Newtonian perturbations with the magnitude lying beyond the Schwarzschild and the Lense-Thirring effects need to be taken into account in current and upcoming space geodesy missions.</P>


        Extraction of interface states at emitter-base heterojunctions in AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure bipolar transistors using sub-bandgap photonic excitation

        Kim, S.W.,Roh, K.S.,Seo, S.H.,Kim, K.Y.,Kang, G.C.,Lee, S.,Choi, C.M.,Park, S.R.,Park, J.H.,Chun, K.C.,Song, K.J.,Kim, D.H.,Kim, D.M. Pergamon Press 2008 Microelectronics and reliability Vol.48 No.3

        Distribution of interface states at the emitter-base heterojunctions in heterostructure bipolar transistors (HBTs) is characterized by using current-voltage characteristics using sub-bandgap photonic excitation. Sub-bandgap photonic source with a photon energy E<SUB>ph</SUB> which is less than the energy bandgap E<SUB>g</SUB> (E<SUB>g,GaAs</SUB>=1.42, E<SUB>g,AlGaAs</SUB>=1.76eV) of emitter, base, and collector of HBTs, is employed for exclusive excitation of carriers only from the interface states in the photo-responsive energy range at emitter-base heterointerface. The proposed method is applied to an Al<SUB>0.3</SUB>Ga<SUB>0.7</SUB>As/GaAs HBT (A<SUB>E</SUB>=W<SUB>E</SUB>xL<SUB>E</SUB>=250x100μm<SUP>2</SUP>) with E<SUB>ph</SUB>=0.943eV and P<SUB>opt</SUB>=3mW. Extracted interface trap density D<SUB>it</SUB> was observed to be D<SUB>it,max</SUB>∼4.2x10<SUP>12</SUP>eV<SUP>-1</SUP>cm<SUP>-2</SUP> at emitter-base heterointerface.

      • 한국형 표준원전의 방사선감시계통 및 공정제어계통 전원공급 국산화 개발

        노재희(J. H. Roh),권영기(Y. G. Kwon),장동식(D. S. Jang),오치윤(C. Y. Oh),이찬호(C. H. Lee),김영국(Y. K. Kim),주동식(D. S. Ju),조형민(H. M. Cho),박욱기(W. .G Park) 대한전기학회 2008 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.10

        현재 가동 중인 원자력발전소 계측제어설비의 전원공급기를 살펴보면 인버터 또는 별도의 교류를 입력전원으로 사용한다. 직류 전원공급기들은 설비의 중요도에 따라 이중화로 구성된 설비도 있고 그렇지 않은 기기나 설비도 있다. 이중화로 구성된 전원공급기라 해도 교류 입력전원이 동일하다면 교류 입력이 상실될 때 이중화로 구성된 직류전원도 상실되어 관련계통의 가동이 정지된다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 각기 다른 교류입력전원으로 동작되는 이중화전원공급기로 구성되는 것이 가장 바람직하다. 본 연구개발의 목적은 두종류의 설비에 소요되는 3종의 직류전원 공급기를 원자력 안정성등급으로 국산화하는 연구이다. 기존 제품들은 3종 모두 리니어 방식의 제품이지만, 방사선감시계통 현장제어기의 5V로직 전원공급기와 공정제어계통 전원공급기는 전력변환효율이 높고 소형, 경량화가 가능한 SMPS(Switched Mαel Power Supply) 방식으로 개발하였다. 방사선감시계통 현장제어기의 PCA(Printed Circuit Assembly) 저전압공급기는 다양한 종류의 출력전압과 저 전류형이므로 안정성 면에서 동일한 형식의 리니어 방식으로 개발하였으며 3종류 모두 출력용량을 20% 이상 향상시켰다. 또한, 논문을 통해 SMPS 방식의 전원공급기의 핵심 부품인 Control Module을 Hybrid IC형으로 자체 설계하여 성능이 우수한 제품을 지속적으로 생산할 수 있는 기틀을 마련하고자 한다.

      • Aluminium合金의 凝固形態에 關한 硏究

        盧戊根,金大壽 三陟大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        It is the purpose of this study to investigate the solidification behavior and mode of Ai-16% Cu alloy. Therefore, they were cast in different cooling rate of mold and thermal analysis were done to investigate the Centerline Feeding Resistance(CFR) and Mushy Degree of Eutectic Solidification(MDE). The relationship between mold size and centerline feeding resistance shows the larger CFR in wide diameter of mold, and CFR in castable mold shows the larger value than the metallic mold at the degree of undercooling. The influence of cooling rate of mold on the variation of CFR is that the cooling ability increase of mold promotes the skin forming solidification. As the degree of undercooling increases, the mushy degree of eutectic solidification increases and in metallic mold, the mushy degree of eutectic solidification shows the less value in the little size of mold diameter. As the degree of undercooling increases, the mushy degree if eutectic solidification increases by increasing the dendrite length. The solidification mode of the alloy in this experiment shows the mushy type by investigating the MDE value.

      • 壓廷鑄鐵의 吸振性 및 磨滅特性에 關한 硏究

        盧戊根,金大壽 三陟大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        Spheroidal graphite cast iron, CV graphite cast iron and Flake graphite cast irn were made as cast, SGCI was rolled and the resonant frequency, damping coefficient, hardness and wear resistance were investigated, as the reduction rate of as rolled SGCI increase form 20% to 80 %, the diameter to thicknees ratio of graphite increases 3 times and the graphite shape changes from spheroidal to flaky and disc type. As the reduction rate of as rolled SGCI increases, the resonant frequency decreases and the damping coefficient increases. As the graphite nodularity increases in as cast iron, the resonant frequency increases and the damping coefficient decreases. Above 50% reduction rate, as rolled SGCI shows the better damping capacity than that of as cast CVGCI and above 65% reduction rate, as rolled SGCI shows the better damping capacity than that of as cast FGCI. The hardness and wear resistance of cast iron increase with increasing graphite nodularity and reduction rate. The change in wear mechanism with increasing abrasion speed for cast iron shows abrasive wear, oxidative wear and adhesive wear. Wear resistance of 80% as rolled SGCI shows the highest value of all, and as cast CV graphite cast iron shows greater value than that of as cast flake graphite cast iron.

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