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        한말·일제하의 사회학 교육(1906~1945) ― 전문학교를 중심으로

        김필동 ( Kim Pil-dong ) 한국사회사학회 2021 사회와 역사 Vol.- No.130

        이 글은 한말·일제하 한국의 사회학 교육의 전체상을 전문학교의 교과과정과 사회학 담당 교수(강사)에 초점을 두고 연구한 것이다. 한국에서 사회학 교육은 1907년 보성전문학교에서 처음 실시할 계획을 세웠으나, 실제 교육은 이루어지지 않았다. 최초의 사회학 강의는 1914년 평양의 숭실대학에서 편하설(C. F. Bernheisel)에 의해 ‘기독교사회학’이란 이름으로 개설되었고, 일반 사회학 강의는 1918년 연희전문학교에서 원한경(元漢慶)이 처음으로 개설했다. 1920년대 이후 사회학 강의는 숭실대학(후에 숭실전문학교)과 연희전문학교에서 꾸준히 개설되었으며, 1930년대에는 이화여자전문학교도 이 흐름을 따랐다. 한편 보성전문학교는 1925년부터 사회학 강의를 개설했고, 중앙불교전문학교는 1929년부터 사회학 및 관련 강의를 꾸준히 개설했으며, 마지막으로 명륜전문학교도 1942년 이 흐름에 합류했다. 이처럼 한국인이 주로 다니던 전문학교에서 사회학 교육은 거의 일반화되었다. 이는 관공립전문학교와 일본계 사립전문학교에서 사회학 강의가 전혀 개설되지 않았던 것과 뚜렷이 대비되는 점이다. 이렇게 된 데는 미션계 전문학교가 미국의 교양대학을 모델로 했던 데다가 당시 미국에서 사회학이 크게 확산되고 있었던 영향도 받은 것이라고 할 수 있다. 이 밖에 한국인 운영자나 교수들은 사회학이 학생들로 하여금 변화하는 세계를 이해하고 사회의식과 민족의식을 고취하는 데 도움이 된다는 생각을 가졌던 것으로 보인다. 이 연구를 통하여 식민지기에 적어도 20명의 사회학 담당 교원이 활동했음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이들 중에는 학부 또는 대학원에서 사회학을 전공한 경우도 있었지만, 대학에서 사회학 강의를 수강했거나 개인적인 관심으로 공부한 경우도 포함되어 있었기 때문에 강의의 내용과 수준에는 상당한 편차가 있었을 것이다. 이들 중 5년 또는 5회 이상 사회학 강의를 했던 인물은 백남운, 한치진, 하경덕, 채필근, 고황경, 김현준이다. This paper studies the sociology education in the late Old Korean and Colonial Periods (1906-1945) with a focus on college curriculums and sociology professors. The educators of Boseong College (普成專門學校) initially planned to give sociology lectures in 1907, but this lecture was not implemented. However, C. F. Bernheisel (片夏薛) gave the first lecture, in the name of “Christian Sociology,” at Union Christian College (崇實大學) in Pyongyang in 1914, while the first lecture in general sociology, taught by H. H. Underwood (元漢慶), took place at Chosen Christian College (延禧專門學校) in 1918. Since the 1920s, sociology lectures have been steadily given at Union Christian College and Chosen Christian College, and various other schools have followed suit: the Boseong College in 1925, the Central Buddhist College (中央佛敎專門學校) in 1929, Ewha Woman’s College in 1930, and Myeongryun College (明倫專門學校) in 1942. As such, sociology became a common subject in colleges where Koreans usually attended. This is in stark contrast to the fact that no sociology lectures were given at the government, public, and private colleges where Japanese usually attended. This can be said to have been influenced by the fact that mission schools were modeled after liberal arts colleges in the U.S. and that sociology was spreading significantly in the U.S. at the time. In addition, Korean operators and professors seem to have thought that sociology helps students understand the changing world and promote social and national consciousness. This study found that at least 20 professors and lecturers in charge of sociology engaged in student teaching during the colonial period. While some had formal undergraduate or graduate training in sociology, others had self-educated themselves in the subject. As a result, there must have been significant variation in the content and level of the lectures. Among them, Paik Nam-woon (白南雲), Hahn Chi-chin (韓稚振), Har Kyung-durk (河敬德), Chae Pil-geun (蔡弼近), Koh Whang-kyung (高凰京), and Kim Heun-chun (金賢準) have taught sociology over five years or times.

      • KCI등재

        統一新羅期 金石文 專門 博士·學士의 擡頭와 書法·金石學의 風靡

        노용필(Noh, Yong-pil) 한국고대사탐구학회 2018 한국고대사탐구 Vol.28 No.-

        중국에서 夏나라 禹王의 공적을 金石에 새기기 시작한 이래로 쇠와 돌이 일찍이 고대인들의 공적을 새겨 넣었던 소재가 되었으며, 한국에서도 특히 통일신라기에 이와 같이 쇠와 돌에 글을 새겨 사람의 공적을 남기는 문화가 풍미하였다, 당시에 쇠로 만들어진 鍾과 돌로 만들어진 碑가 지금도 꽤 많이 전해지고 있음에서 이러한 면모가 잘 입증되고 있다. 그러므로 통일신라기는 금석문이 종의 鑄造로 조성된 것이든 비에 刻書된 것이든, 그 書法은 물론이려니와 금석학 역시 風靡한 시기였음이 분명하다. 『三國史記』의 기록에 나타난 統一期신라의 博士·學士는 孝昭王부터 景德王까지의 시기에 분화되어 가는 추세를 띠었던 것으로 파악된다. 이러한 추세 속에서 무엇보다도 외교 문서의 작성을 관장한 通文博士와 거기에서 파생된 翰林學士가 당시 書法과 金石學의 풍미에 크게 영향을 끼쳤다고 여겨진다. 게다가 이채롭게도 이 시기의 금석문 자료 중에서 발견되는 鑄鍾大博士·次博士는 물론이고 鐫字助博士·成博士역시 鑄鍾 때 그 작업은 물론이고 書法의 선정과 그에 따른 鐫字 및 金石文의 완성 공정에서 그 각자의 職任에 걸맞은 소임을 다함으로써, 당시 書法 및 金石學의 풍미에 일익을 담당하고 있었던 것이다. 「聖德大王神鍾銘」에서 그 敎書와 詔書내용의 撰述을 담당했던 翰林郞 金弼奧, 書寫를 담당했던 翰林臺 書生 金符 및 待詔姚湍등이 모두 그 鍾이 조성된 惠恭王당시의 서법 및 금석학 풍미의 증거자들이라 하겠다. 또한 「皇龍寺九層木塔刹柱本記」에서 그 敎書의 撰述을 도맡은 姚克一과 그리고 鐫字助博士連全등 이 역시 景文王당시의 그런 인물들이었다. 더욱이 姚克一의 경우는 이외에도 현재 일부라도 전해지는 것만 하더라도 3편이나 되는 碑文을 찬술하였음이 확인될 정도인데다가 『삼국사기』 기록에 국왕의 측근으로서 국왕 문서의 작성을 담당하는 侍書學士를 역임했을 뿐만이 아니라 “그 글씨에 드러난 힘이 굳세었으며, 歐陽詢의 率更法을 터득하였다.”라고 명시되어 있으므로, 신라통일기 서법 및 금석학 풍미의 가장 대표적인 인물로 꼽아 손색이 없을 것이다. Since China began to inscribe achievements of Yu the Great in the Xia Dynasty on metals and stones, irons and stones became one of materials to inscribe the achievements of the ancient people, and also Korea saw the prevalence of the culture remembering the merits and achievements of persons by inscribing letters on irons and stones during the Unified Silla period in particular. This aspect is well demonstrated by the fact that a considerable number of bells made of iron and monuments made of rocks at the tine have been passed down to us. Therefore, the Unified Silla period surely must be an era when the related calligraphy as well as epigraphy prevailed, irrespective of whether epigraph was made by being casting on bells or inscribed on monuments. According to the record of “Samguk Sagi” (Chronicles of the Three States) masters and academics during the Unified Silla period seemed to be differentiated during the period from King Hyoso to King Gyeongdeok. Above all amid this tendency, Tongmun Master (Tongmun-baksa) in charge of diplomatic documents and Hallim Academic (Hallim-haksa) derived therefrom might have had a great influence on the prevalence of calligraphy and epigraphy then. Quite interestingly, not only Jujongdae Master (bell manufacturer), Cha Master (assistant bell manufacturer) as found from materials of epigraph then but Jongjudae Master, Seong Master (inscriber) played their own part in the work of bell manufacturing as well as in the process of selecting the calligraphy and completing inscription letters and epigraph, partly contributing to the prevalence of calligraphy and epigraphy then. Hallim-rang Kim Pil-oh in charge of compilation of the address and content of “King Seongdeok Divine Bell Inscription”, Kim Bu-wan student of Hallim-dae in charge of its transcription, official Yodan all were the persons who were the originator and witness of the prevalence of calligraphy and epigraphy during King Hyegong era when the bell was created. Also such contributing persons during King Gyeongmun could include Yo Geuk-il who was fully in charge of the compilation of the address of “Hwangryongsa 9-storied Wooden Tower Inscription” and Assistant Master Yeonjeon. Especially in case of Yo Geuk-il, he was additionally confirmed as having compiled three epitaphs - so far handed down to us even partly. And further according to Samguk Sagi, he worked not only as Siseo-haksa in charge of preparing king’s documents as the king’s inner circle but also “his letters showed strength and mastered the calligraphy of Ouyang Xun”. So, we could fairly name him as a person most typically representing the prevalence of calligraphy and epigraphy during the Unified Silla period.

      • 스포츠 선수의 경기실적 평가에 대한(질적 평가를 위한) 경기요인 및 경기상황요인의 가중치 설정

        한필수 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of the study was to overcome the existing limitations in the player's game quality which was assessed only with the quantitative amount of play through granting each weight to the devleoped game factors not the existing game factors, and to minimize the existing resultant contradiction by building the base to attempt the qualitative player assessment. For this study, the preceding study (Han, Pil-Su, 2003) suggested that variables formed by 129 game factors and 1277 game situation factors were developed. After making up the necessary items of questionnaire too all of game situation factors developed through supports meeting, literature review and a questioning method of preceding study based on it, 50 copies of questionnaire were distributed to directors, coaches, team-concerning parties, and referees. The sampling method was used. The voluntary weight to each factor is given to consider a lack of objectivity in advance. As the result of questionnaire for 50 persons, Median of scores given to the game factors and game situation factors were set as the weight of each item. The reason why the median was determined as the main value instead of the average, is that there was the similar aspect in most factors of scores given by the object of study, but they showed a contrary opinion in many factors. The weight of game situation factor was calculated in the following formula. Weight of each game factor = (Median of each game factor * Median of each game situation factor) / 400

      • 濟州流配歌辭에 나타난 生活相

        梁淳珌 제주대학교 1984 논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        In the previous chapters we've studied the way of life underlying the exile literature of Jeju-Do with special emphasis upon food problems, dwelling problems, adverse circumstances of exilian places and the difficult daily lives of the island. Thus we come to the following conclusions. First, Chuja-Do, an isolated island, was the representative one of the exilian places where the criminals with a havy penalty were sent into exile. Second, as Chuja-Do was a lonely island in the far-off sea, it was short of food to support itself. Its islanders were very poor and their dwellings were also bad, and so exiles'life was the bitterest one. Third, the dwellings of the island were very foul. There were full of many creepy and poisonous animals such as serpent, scorpion, centipede, fly, gadfly in the exilian place. So the islanders suffered from fatigue duties during the exilian life under the bad circumstances. Fourthly, some islands, Chuja and Heuksan including Jeju were very destitute. And, the people of the islands lived also a miserable life to the uttermost. Fifthly, the exilian life in Jeju-Do and Chuja-Do was the painfulest one; the straggle against starvation. There could be found unimaginable hardships of life unlike that of Mr. Kim Jin-Hyung, who had on nice clothing and good food, sporting with a Kisaeng (a dancing or singing girl) in 'Bookchunga'. It may be said that the exilian life contains much wretchedness of life. Sixthly, the fact that Mr. Lee fin-You was sent into exile to Chuja-Don as one of political exiles and that Mr. Ahn Pil-Hwan was considered to be a political offender, though Mr. Ahn was a really shameless offender, suggests that the society should have a severe punishment system at that time.

      • KCI등재

        조동사 do의 기원에 대하여

        이필환 대한언어학회 1999 언어학 Vol.7 No.2

        Lee, Pil-Hwan. 1999. The Origins of the Dummy Auxiliary do. Linguistics 7-2, 315-334. This article-is to review the origins of do as an auxiliary verb and its regulation. Prevailing theories, like Ellegard(1963), Traugott(1972), Denison(1985, 19934), among others, link the periphrastic auxiliary do historically with Old and Middle English causative do. But there are several views on how the causative could be developed into an auxiliary with neutral or empty meaning. It is shown that the most persuasive theory is Denison's(ibid) assumption that causative do was changed to some aspectual marker signifying perfection- or completion in Middle English and then this aspectual marker was reanalyzed as a true auxiliary, on the analogy of the modals. It is also discussed that there were several factors such as dialect, register, phonology, foreign influence, besides syntax, as the circumstances of the regulation of do in early Modern English. (Howon University)

      • KCI등재후보

        부정과 고대영어의 문장구조

        이필환 대한언어학회 2003 언어학 Vol.11 No.1

        This is an analysis of Old English clausal structure with special reference to the sentential negation in Old English. In this paper I argue that the underlying structure of OE is not uniformly head-final, partly accepting the double base hypothesis proposed by Pintzuk(1991, 1992, 1993) and revising the view in Kemenade(1987, 1997a, 1997b) and Lee Pil-Hwan(1992, 1993, 1995, 1999). OE exhibits synchronic variation in phrase structure: at least IP may be either head-final or head-initial. It is shown that evidence for variation in the underlying position of INFL is well supported. However, the V2 is still analyzed as involving the movement of a finite verb to C(exactly, to AGRc) and the topicalization into SPEC of CP, differing from Pintzuk's hypothesis. This assumption is necessary to account for the asymmetry in V2 between root and non-root clauses. It is also argued that Old English pronominal clitics are attached to C(or AGRc), not being substituted into SPEC of FP as in Kemenade(1999, 2000).

      • 에어로빅댄스의 안전성과 유효성에 관한 연구

        이보선,윤필규,이필영 龍仁大學校 1998 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        In order to study a program for exercise prescription that can satisfy both safety and effectiveness on the basis of exercise strength according to heart rate during aerobic dance a study was made with thirty members of mothers' aerobic classroom as an object for twelve weeks(conducted five times a week) at S sports center and following conclusions have been obtained. Firstly, as a result of having aerobic exercises for twelve weeks and measuring heart rates the values of heart rate after twelve weeks by each stage of exercise fell significantly compared with the time when they started the exercise. Secondly, the matters for investigation prior to exercise such as physical strength test on the basis of heart rate before starting exercise or the past history of a case were not being kept properly. Thirdly, when performing the exercise they were all doing exercise with the same strength at the same time without entirely considering age or weather-or physique condition. Fourthly, as standards of heart rate for each stage of warming-up exercise, main exercise and adjustment exercise were not established there was no adequate program of exercise prescription.

      • KCI등재

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