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        고속도로 톨게이트 부스의 공기 중 분진 및 침착 분진 특성

        남미란 ( Mi Ran Nam ),정종현 ( Jong-hyoen Jung ),피영규 ( Young Gyu Phee1* ) 한국산업보건학회 (구 한국산업위생학회) 2020 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the total dust, size-selective dust, and heavy metal concentrations generated inside and outside toll booths on an expressway and to identify the source through analysis of the components of the deposited dust. Methods: A total of 32 samples were collected from eight expressway toll booths. Each total dust sample was collected using a 37 mm PVC filter attached to a personal air sampler. Heavy metal samples were collected according to NIOSH method 7300. The size-selective dust concentrations were identified using a DustMate, and deposited dust was analyzed by WD-XRF and UHR-FE-SEM. Results: The geometric mean concentrations of the total dust inside and outside the toll booths were 337.5 ㎍/㎥ and 342.7 ㎍/㎥, respectively. The overall concentrations of TSP, PM<sub>10</sub>, PM<sub>2.5</sub>, and PM<sub>1</sub> were higher on the outside of the toll booths, as the particle size of dust was larger, and higher in the underground passage as the dust size was smaller. The real-time analysis of the dust concentrations of TSP, PM<sub>10</sub>, PM<sub>2.5</sub>, and PM<sub>1</sub> revealed to be higher at morning and evening times than other times because of heavy traffic. The element components of deposited dust in the toll booth were related to natural sources rather than artificial sources. Among the chemical components in the deposited dust analyzed by WD-XRF, SiO<sub>2</sub> was the highest. For the elements analyzed by UHR-FE-SEM, C was the highest, followed by O, and Si. Conclusions: In order to reduce the dust concentrations around toll booths on an expressway, it is necessary to periodically clean surrounding areas such as underground passages, and it is also necessary to remove deposited dust inside the toll booth from time to time.


        Identification of phytochrome-interacting protein candidates in Arabidopsis thaliana by co-immunoprecipitation coupled with MALDI-TOF MS

        Phee, Bong-Kwan,Shin, Dong Ho,Cho, Jin-Hwan,Kim, Seong-Hee,Kim, Jeong-Il,Lee, Youn-Hyung,Jeon, Jong-Seong,Bhoo, Seong Hee,Hahn, Tae-Ryong WILEY-VCH 2006 Proteomics Vol. No.

        <P>Phytochrome-interacting proteins have been extensively studied to elucidate light-signaling pathway in plants. However, most of these proteins have been identified by yeast two-hybrid screening using the C-terminal domain of phytochromes. We used co-immunoprecipitation followed by proteomic analysis in plant cell extracts in an attempt to screen for proteins interacting either directly or indirectly with native holophytochromes including the N-terminal domain as well as C-terminal domain. A total of 16 protein candidates were identified, and were selected from 2-DE experiments. Using MALDI-TOF MS analysis, 7 of these candidates were predicted to be putative phytochrome A-interacting proteins and the remaining ones to be phytochrome B-interacting proteins. Among these putative interacting proteins, protein phosphatase type 2C (PP2C) and a 66-kDa protein were strong candidates as novel phytochrome-interacting proteins, as knockout mutants for the genes encoding these two proteins had impaired light-signaling functions. A transgenic knockout Arabidopsis study showed that a 66-kDa protein candidate regulates hypocotyl elongation in a light-specific manner, and altered cotyledon development under white light during early developmental stages. The PP2C knockout plants also displayed light-specific changes in hypocotyl elongation. These results suggest that co-immunoprecipitation, followed by proteomic analysis, is a useful method for identifying novel interacting proteins and determining real protein-protein interactions in the cell.</P>

      • KCI등재SCISCIE
      • KCI등재

        소송승계에서 원고, 피고, 참가인간의 소송형태와 심판방식

        피정현(Phee, Junghyun) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2022 圓光法學 Vol.38 No.1

        소송승계로 인하여 원고, 피고, 참가인간의 3자간의 소송관계가 성립된다. 이때의 소송관계를 어떻게 규율할 것인지가 문제된다. 먼저, 승계사실에 다툼이 있는 경우에는 참가인(참가승계) 혹은 기존당사자(인수승계)가 소송승계를 신청하였지만, 그 실질은 3자간의 다툼이 존재하는 것으로 독립당사자참가소송이 될 것이다. 따라서 이때에는 제79조 2항에 의해 제67조가 준용되고, 이것은 참가승계신청와 인수승계신청이 있는 모두에서 그러하다. 다음으로 승계사실에 다툼이 없는 경우에는 피승계인은 당사자적격의 상실로 소송에서 탈퇴(제82조 3항에 의해 제80조 준용, 명문규정이 없는 참가승계의 경우도 같다)하고, 참가인과 상대방당사자의 단일소송으로 환원하는 것이 일반적이지만, 그 요건인 상대방의 승낙(동의)을 얻지 못하거나 스스로 탈퇴하지 않고 소송에 잔류하게 되는 경우에는 3자간의 소송관계가 유지하게 되고, 이때의 소송관계는 어떻게 규율할 것인지가 문제된다. 종전의 학설과 판례는 통상의 공동소송으로 이해하여 제66조가 준용된다는 것이 일반적이었다. 그러나 2002년의 민사소송법 개정에 의해 예비적 선택적 공동소송과 편면적 독립당사자참가가 허용되면서, 일부 학설은 필수적 공동소송에 관한 특칙(제67조)을 준용하여 합일확정을 도모하여야 한다고 주장하였고, 2019년 전원합의체판결(2012다46170)도, 민사소송법의 명문규정(제81조), 개정법에 따른 다른 다수당사자소송제도(예비적 선택적 공동소송과 독립당사자참가소송)와의 정합성 및 합일확정의 필요성 등을 근거로, 권리승계형 참가승계에 한정하여 제67조를 준용하여야 한다고 하였다. 그러나 판례는 참가승계의 방식에 관한 제81조를 소송규율에까지 확대해석한 것이고, 기존 소송상태를 승계인에게 승계시켜 소송경제를 실현하려는 소송승계와 예비적 선택적 공동소송 및 독립당사자참가소송은 서로 상이한 제도로 서로의 정합성을 이유로 제67조를 준용하는 것은 무리이며, 소송승계에서의 합일확정의 필요성은 필수적 공동소송과 차이가 있어 제67조 준용의 근거가 될 수는 없다고 생각한다. 그리하여 본 논문에서는 소송승계 뒤의 3자간의 소송관계는 통상의 공동소송으로 제66조에 의해 규율되어야 한다고 보았다. 따라서 승계인은 승계시까지의 소송상태를 승계하지만, 그 후에는 공동소송인 독립의 원칙에 따라 자유롭게 소송수행을 할 수 있다. 이것이 처분권주의와 변론주의를 대원칙으로 하는 민사소송의 흐름에도 적합한 것이라 하겠다. This paper discusses a form of litigation & method of trial in succession in action. The first subject is that when there is dispute over succession between the parties and the third party(successor), how do their litigation-related rules? The theories are conflicting, but I draw a conclusion, which they rule Article 67 (Special Provisions for Indispensable Co-Litigation), because their litigation-related have some analogy to Intervention as Independent Party. The second subject is that when there is not dispute over succession between the parties and the third party(successor), how do their litigation-related rules? In here also the theories are conflicting, but the supreme court decision of 2019 (2012da46170) do different judgement to judicial precedent in this connection. Their litigation-related have to rules Article 67, not Article 66 (Status of Ordinary Co-Litigants). It based on ① Article 81(Successor s Intervention; the third party has intervened in a lawsuit under Article 79 and to the cases of Article 79 the provision of Articles 67 shall apply mutatis mutandis), ② coordinate of Article 70 (Special Provisions for Preliminary or Selective Co-Litigation) & Article 79 (Intervention as Independent Party) with succession in action, ③ the necessity of decision unificasion etc. But I think that the grounds of the supreme court decision of 2019 go wrong. Therefore I conclude that their litigation-related rules Article 66 in Article 81 (Successor s Intervention) & Article 82 (Successor s Takeover of Lawsuit). This conclusion is suitable to korean civil procedeure, which founded on the principal of disposition & the adversarial system.

      • KCI등재

        인수승계에서 승계원인과 승계효과

        피정현 ( Phee Junghyun ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2020 法學硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        This paper discusses a cause & effect of the successor's takeover of lawsuit. The first subject is that when a third party can do the successor's takeover of lawsuit. In the case of immunity acquisition, admit the cause widely. I go with the theory of succession of disputesposition & a new object of a lawsuit. And a cause the successor's takeover of lawsuit recognize smaller than that of successor's intervention. Furthermore I think that it is permissible the successor's takeover of lawsuit in additional acquisition. The second theme how far a successor tie the as-found outcomes of a litigation down. I follow the theory of complete succession. Because in a negative theory is difficult the guarantee of other party' vested rights, the preparation of unificative criteria in a compromise theory. And the latter theories can use the outcome of the case. However it said that the purpose of successor's takeover of lawsuit make the best use of suit's outcome, go against. Also a effect of the successor's takeover of lawsuit is not different that of successor's intervention.

      • KCI등재

        『곤자쿠모노가타리슈(今昔物語集)』에 나타난 부정적 무사담(武士談) 고찰 - 골계담, 악행담, 실패담을 중심으로 -

        피석희 ( Phee¸ Seok-hee ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2020 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.86

        『今昔』に武士が登場する武士談は第23巻と第25巻に集中して配置されており、その多くは武士に対する賞賛や肯定的な説話が多い。しかし武士も一つの人間群像として人間的な面や否定的な面を持っていたはずであり、それを第23巻と第25巻を除いた巻で確認することができた。否定的な武士談を第28巻の滑稽談、第29巻の悪行談、その他の巻の失敗談に分類して見たが、まず滑稽談から現れた武士の姿は滑稽で人間味が感じられる。浮気の多い武士が恥をかき、車に乗ったことのない武士たちがひどい目に遭う姿などを通じて、殺人と戦争を業とする恐怖の存在ではなく、当時を生きていた一つの人間群像として彼らを理解することができた。しかし、武士の悪行談は第28巻の武士の姿と完璧に対比される。特に自分の病気を治すために胎児の肝臓を取る武士の姿はその暗い面をはっきりと見せている。また、武士の失敗談は多彩な姿の武士を見せているが、自分の実力を過信したり失言したりする武士を通じて武士が備えるべき徳目を見せてくれるものと思われる。その他にも武士の馬術や異郷説話を通じて当時の逸話も確認することができた。 以上、『今昔』に現れた否定的な武士談の考察を通じて、当時の武士という存在は暴力を業とする存在であるが、一つの人間群像として時代を生き、時には過ちを犯したり悪事を働いたり、様々な失敗をしたりする立体的な存在として『今昔』に現れていることが分かった。 『Konzakumonogatarisyu』 was published in the late Heian Period(794~1185) and it contains Chinese, Indian, and Japanese 1,000 tales. Especially in the 23rd and 25th volumes of it, the tales of Bushi are concentrated and arranged and most of them have many praises and positive stories about the Bushi. However, Bushi also had a negative aspect and humanity as a member of the human crowd. These aspects could be identified in the other volumes excepts the 23rd and 25th volumes. In this research, I categorized negative aspects of Bushi into three groups as follows: Kot-Kei-Dan, Humourous Tales, the 28th vol. Aku-Kyo-Dan, Evil Deed Tales, the 29th vol. and Sit-Pai-Dan, failure tales of Bushi, all other vol. of the books. Firstly, in Kot-Kei-Dan, there was a story like unfaith Bushi was disgraced himself in public and the trouble of Bushi who had never been on a wagon and these appearances of Bushi in this part was ridiculous and humane. Nevertheless, it was possible to understand them as a group of human beings who lived in those days, not as horror on the job of murder and war. However, the story of the Bushi’s evil deeds in Aku-Kyo-Dan contrasts perfectly with the figures of the Kot-Kei-Dan. In particular, the appearance of Bushi taking the fetus’s liver to heal his illness clearly showed his dark side. In Sit-Pai-Dan, the Bushi’s failure tales like making a tongue slip or overconfidence in his ability show various appearances of them and I think it shows the Bushi’s virtues must possess. In addition to the three categories above, I was able to confirm the anecdotes of those times through the Bushi’s dressage and the myth of utopia. Through the consideration of the negative tales of Bushi in 『Konzakumonogatarisyu』, I earned the following conclusion: The existence of Bushi at that time was an entity that made violence a job, However, he’d lived the times as a member of human crowds, made mistakes sometimes, committed evil deeds, and also failed various things, so it means that Bushi appears as a multi dimensional entity in the books.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서당 훈장의 구술사적 연구 -일제 강점기 이후를 중심으로-

        피정만 ( Chung Man Phee ) 한국교육사학회 2008 한국교육사학 Vol.30 No.1

        이 연구는 서당 훈장의 교육활동의 실제를 구술사적 방법으로 연구한 것이다. 훈장에 관하여 지금까지 기록이 미흡하였던 훈장의 자격, 연령, 임기, 학문적 능력, 품위, 그리고 일상적인 활동과 향촌사회에서의 역할 등을 살펴보았다. 훈장은 향촌의 지식인으로서 유학의 도를 실현하는 모범적인 행동을 하고, 향촌의 각종 예식에 관여하고 주관하는 ``마을의 법``과 같은 존재로 활동했다. 훈장은 스스로 서당을 열어 자영서당을 운영하기도 했지만, 향촌의 유지들이 조합으로 설립한 서당에 임용되기도 했다. 훈장의 임기는 연말에 파접 행사 때 유임 여부를 결정하였다. 한국의 향촌사회는 집성촌 지역이 많아서 훈장은 학생과 혈족관계인 경우가 많았다. 학생들이 훈장에게 내는 학채는 대부분이 연 벼 1가마 정도였는데 학생 수와 훈장의 명망에 의한 가감이 있었다. 훈장의 학채는 풍족한 편이 아니었다. 그래서 훈장은 서당을 운영하는 일 외에, 생계를 위해 농업이나 한약방(한의사) 등을 겸하는 경우가 있었다. This is an oral history on teaching and life of Hunjang of Seodang. Hunjang taught common folks children in all over the country. He was a good model of traditional school teacher. Generally ages of Hunjang were fifties or sixties. Parents of students had a tendency to evaluate the academic abilities of Hunjang to refer his reputation, knowledge of the Four Books and the Three Classics(四書三經) and the Book of Changes(周易), and continues self-training. Hunjang gave a fine example of a classical Confucian scholar to be in full dress, be careful in speech and behavior, have strong character. Hunjang as an intelligent leaded various events of a village. He wrote a prayer of a memorial service and a funeral service, named a newborn baby, and chose an auspicious day for marriage in a village. He also designated a graveyard as a geomancer. So he was in friendly relations with people of village. They called him ``a law of village``. Besides to teach children, some f Hunjang engaged in farming or in Oriental medicine clinic. Many of them became Hunjang for livelihood, others for leisure. Sometimes there were related by birth between Hunjang and students, for example a father and son, a grandfather and grandson, an uncle and nephew, and a cousinship. In most cases Hunjang were employed by people of village received grain and dress for tuition fees. In general tuition fees of a year were a bag of rice, and three suits of clothes for spring & fall, summer, and winter. Hunjang inspired a spirit of independence to students for a colonial period of Japan. Hunjang inflicted corporal punishment on students who showed poor results of learning at seodang.

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