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      • KCI등재

        ‘뒤틀린 기독교’굳히기

        박정신(Chung-shin Park),박규환(Qu-hwan Park) 한국인문사회과학회 2012 현상과 인식 Vol.36 No.1

        이 글은 박 정희 시대 한국 개신교의 자취를 돌아보고 그 됨됨이를 밝히고 있다. 박 정희 군사 독재 시기 한국 개신교는 정통성과 정당성을 결여한 정치권력에 맞설 수 있는 자원을 지니고 있었지만 또 다시 정교유착의 길을 선택, ‘뒤틀린 기독교’를 굳혀놓았다. 교회 조직의 이익을 위하여 스스로 권력의 우산 아래로 들어가 기존 질서를 신성시하는 담론과 행동을 생산하였던 것이다. 이를 증명하기 우I하여 이 글은. 군사정권과 개신교의 엉김의 역사. 이를테면 쿠데타와 베트남 파병, 삼선개헌과 10월 유신에 대한 개신교의 대응을 살펴보았고 개신교가 정교유착의 매개로 채택한 ‘국가주의’ 담론의 내용과 유통 경로를 확인하였다. 박 정희 시대 개신교는 또한 박 정희의 ‘돌진적’이고 ‘반동적’인 근대화에 엉김으로써 ‘교회교’로 전락하였다. 이를 논증하기 위하여 이 글에서는 박 정희 식 근대화에 호응하여 내놓은 개신교의 교회 성장 전략과 성장 신학을 검토하고, 교회가 유물론과 성장 신학의 포로가 되고 ‘봉건적’ 종교로 굴절되는 과정을 살펴보았다. 군사 정권과 유착하여 국가주의와 성장 이데올로기, 시장주의와 봉건 윤리를 재생산하는 노릇을 충직하게 수행한 한국 개신교는 조직과 영향력에서 한국 최대의 종교 집단. 힘 있는 주류 종교의 지위를 획득하였다. 그러나 삶의 현실에 대하여 끊임없이 회의하고 삶의 바탕 그 자체를 뛰어넘는 기독교 본연의 종교성, 바로 그 초월성을 고스란히 잃어버렸다. 그런 점에서 박 정희 시대는 ‘뒤틀린 기독교’로서 한국 개신교의 생김새와 됨됨이를 굳힌 시기였다. The aim of this research is to define the characters of the Korean Protestant church during the Park Chung-Hee era, arguing that the Korean Protestant church not only conformed to the Park"s military regime under the torch of nationalism, but also supported Park"s “modernization of the fatherland” by actively accepting the “growth-first” ideology. Firstly, as its responses to the Park"s military coup, the dispatch of troops to Vietnam, the amendment of the constitution in 1969, and the October Revitalization Reform (Yusin) well showed, the Korean protestant church did not stand against the existing political power that lacked legitimacy and justification. Here it showed the contents and the process of the discourse, “nationalism” which Protestant church chose to get close and positive relationship with the dictatorial government to achieve the church"s interests. Secondly, Korean Protestant church degraded to a ‘Churchianity’ by sticking to the Park"s reactionary and rush-to modernization. To prove this, it examined the strategies and theology for their church growth that churches presented to respond to the Park"s modernization. And also it observed that churches became a slave of materialism and theology of church growth then came to be a feudalistic religion. With the adoption of “nationalism,” which was in fact a statism, and the “growth-first” ideology, the Korean Protestant church could become the biggest and the most influential religious organization in Korea. However, in the process of quantitative growth, it lost its original transcendent ideal that makes it possible to criticize and relativize the worldly life. In this point, it is possible to say that the distorted nature of the Korean Protestant church was confirmed again during the Park"s regime.

      • KCI등재

        Original Article : Review of Environmental Education in the US National Parks Service according to Social Transition: A Case Study on Two Pacific Northwest National Parks

        ( Gene Myers ),( Chung In Park ) 한국환경과학회 2013 한국환경과학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        National park, as a natural park, has a dual purpose, to promote both protection and enjoyment. The educational activities of the national park can be partly understood as one of the appropriate means to balance its double purposes. This study provides a review of environmental education in the US National Parks according to social transition. Taking historical perspective and case studies, environmental education has played roles in helping the balance between preservation and enjoyment. Since the environmental movement, environmental education goals, particularly understanding the natural processes observable at national parks, has become more a part of the interpretation and education missions of the parks. Also non-governmental and non-profit partners have played important educational-based roles in support of both the National Parks Service and environmental education goals. The two different models also differ in the public`s perception of them. Federal employees are resented in some rural areas in the U.S., but the general population automatically attributes authority, friendliness, and national-interestedness to NPS Rangers. This may in turn limit how strongly such staff could serve as strong advocates for the environment. On the other hand, the non-profit may be seen by some as strongly liberally biased and associated with urban wealth. It is also not as universally recognized as the NPS. It can, however, go far to develop new partnerships and undertake public relations. Non-profits vary greatly in quality, also affecting public perception.

      • Development of a Mobile Application, "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", for Identification of Plants in Bukhansan National Park

        Kim, Sang-Tae,Lee, Seung-Yeon,Kim, Seung-Chul,Byun, Hye-Won,Lee, Sang-Tae,Kim, Mu-Yeal,Hong, Seok-Pyo,Chung, Young-Jae,Park, Ki-Ryong,Lee, Chung-Hee,Lee, Joong-Ku,Heo, Kyeong-In,Lee, Ji-Ye,Lee, Eun-Je National Science Museum of Korea 2011 Journal of Korean nature Vol.4 No.3

        We developed the educational purpose mobile application, named "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", aiming for easy identification of wild flowers for students and visitors in the park. When visitors find a flower or part of plant in the park, visitors can search for its name utilizing the pictures and characters provided in their own smartphone mobile devices or tablet PCs. The application provides pictures of wild flowers in the park and character-based searching system based on 12 diagnostic features (e.g., growth form, leaf arrangement, flower symmetry, petal color, petal number, sepal number, etc). We adopted the complete floristic survey of Chung and Lee (1962) and added species that we confirmed their distribution in the park during the development of this application. In summary, number of vascular plants in this park was estimated to be 428 taxa including 100 families, 280 genera, 327 species, 1 subspecies, 50 varieties, and 5 formas. We provided a total of 588 pictures representing 358 taxa and each taxon includes multiple pictures in many cases. Included identification quizzes can be an efficient educational tool as well as fun activity for students and visitors who are learning plant species in Korea. Our next step will include GPS function in the application for indicating visitor's location and for providing previously reported sites of the species that we interested in the map of the park. The future application which includes GPS function will be a valuable tool for the monitoring of rare plants, plant researches related to the climate changes, etc. We currently provide Korean iPhone version only, and English version and both of android versions will be serviced soon.

      • KCI등재

        고가 선형공원의 녹지계획 사례연구

        박청인 ( Chung-in Park ),이주영 ( Juyoung Lee ) 한국환경과학회 2019 한국환경과학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Elevated linear parks have the potential to support the ecological stability, city amenity, cultural opportunity, and health benefits of urban dwellers; these are increasingly becoming an integral part of the urban infrastructure. Due to structural limitations in space, linear parks need to be planned to increase the value of green space. This study was aimed at advancing urban planning techniques for increasing the value of elevated linear parks, by comparing the Seoullo7017 with the Promenade plantee and the Highline. Planning characteristics of these green spaces were analyzed from the perspectives of physical planning factors, amenity values for users, and management systems. Field surveys and virtual tools were used to investigate the current characteristics of these parks, in addition to the literature survey. From the analysis of planning factors, amenity values, and management in the three linear parks, following important recommendations were made in order to promote the values of these parks: (a) diversify planting design for increasing the diversity of green space in a narrow area; (b) bring in various forms of amenities to promote the quality of users' experience; and (c) establish community-based management systems for enhancing regional competitiveness and profit sharing in urban regeneration projects.

      • 주제공원 이용자의 기대된 이미지와 지각된 성과가 만족도에 미치는 영향의 탐색적 연구

        박청인(Chung-In Park) 한국농어촌관광학회 2010 농어촌관광연구 Vol.17 No.2

        In general, use’s satisfaction is evaluated by various factors such as expected image, preference, perceived performance, etc. This study explores how expected image and perceived performance of agricultural theme park effect on use’s satisfaction. The purposes of this study are to classify expected image and perceived performance of agricultural theme park as factors affecting use’s satisfaction, and to test how these factors fit in satisfaction model. For this study, 409 respondents were collected by on-site self- administrated questionnaire survey from the Yongin agricultural theme park. The results of the study are follows. The expected image of agricultural theme park consists four factors; education, relaxation, landscape, experience. However, the educational image is the highest score among other foctors. The perceived performance of agricultural theme park consists also four factors; education, relaxation, landscape, experience. The educational performance is the most perceived among other factors. In the test of satisfaction equation model by perceived performance, three factors (education, relaxation, experience) are significant factors affecting satisfaction equation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한강의 Microflora 에 관한 연구 (제2보 ) - 춘천 및 청평저수지를 중심으로 한 한강의 식물성 plankton 과 그 계절적 소장

        정영호(Yung Ho Chung),계응서(Eung Suh Kay),박덕환(Duck Whan Park) 한국식물학회 1968 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.11 No.2

        The Han River was investigated monthly from April through Septemher, 1967 at Chunchon reservoir, Shin-yean, So-yang, Chung-pyong reservoir, Yang-soo-ri and Gi-doo-won to clarify the phytoplankton and to study its seasonal variation. At the same time, vertical distribution of phytoplankton was also studied from June through September at Chun-chon and Chung-pyong reservoir. The results obtained are as follows: As the environmental conditions, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and transparency were determined. The plankton samples collected from six stations were identified and classified by Engler`s classification system. It resulted in 4 phyla, 4 classes, 3 subclasses, 13 orders, 27 families, 5 tribes, 71 genera, 222 species, 1 subspecies, 51 varieties and 2 forms. The total number of Phytoplankton identified was 276. Of them, 84 species, 1 subspecies 26 varieties, 2 forms were recorded in this paper for the first time. Considering with the habitat of the total number of phytoplanktons, the highest percentage of Limnoplankton existed in the Chung-pyong reservoir. It suggests that the Chung-pyong reservoir is becoming to have the character of lake. The planktons appeared comnonly during six months at six stations belong to Chrysophyta including 22 species in 11 genera. Among these 22 species. Navicula, consists of 6 species, was the most abundant. The number of species identified uniquely at each station were 5 species in the Chun-chon reservoir, 6 in Chung-pyong and Yang-soo-ri, 8 at Shin-yean, 11 at So-yang, and 18 at Gi-doo-won. The number of species occurred at all stations were 29 in spring, 42 in Autumn and during investigation period. The maximum production of total phytoplankton was generally shown in the late spring and the early fall with differences in quantity at six collecting stations. In the Chun-chon reservoir, the high concentration of approximately 1,190,000 cells per litter in the months of August and September was due to the increase of Chrysophyte genus, Melosira and the highest concentration of approximately 2,000,000 in July at Gi-doo-won was caused Chlorophyte genus, Secenedesmus. The Chun-chon reservoir of three years old was different from the Chung-pyong reservoir of 25 years old with respect to increase in Melosira genus in August and September. After the completion of the Ui-am reservoir, though there was an increase in total density, the number of species of phytoplankton was not changed. It suggests that Ui-am reservoir is similar to the Chun-chon reservoir under the influence of the latter. The density of total phytoplankton was generally high at the depth of 2m to 5m for the two reservoirs.

      • 複合 韓藥劑 淸籬滋坎湯의 抗癌效果 및 作用機轉 糾明

        Cho, Kyung-Sam,Kim, Si-Young,Park, Jai-Kyung,Choi, Seung-Hoon,Chung, Se-Young,Yoon, Hwi-Joong 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Kyung Sam Cho¹Si Young Kim¹, Jai Kyung Park²,Seung Hoon Choi³,Se Young Chung⁴, Hwi Joong Yoon¹¹College of Medicine, ²East-West Medical Research Institute, ³College of Oriental Medicine, ⁴College of Pharmacology, Kyung Hee University,Seoul, Korea. The Anti-cancer Effect of Oriental Medicine Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang in the Mouse with Metastatic Lung Cancer. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 231-243, 1999.-The oriental medicine Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang is an herbal medicine which has been used for pulmonary diseases and known as having immune stimulatory effects. It has been known effective in lung cancer. So we studied the effects and the mechanisms of this herbal medicine it the mouse with metastatic lung cancer. The metastatic lung cancer of the mouse was produced with melnoma cell line(B16BL/6).5×10□/mouse tumor cells were injected intravenously to the CDF1 mouse via tail vein. The mice were divided 4 groups. The first group was treated with 50mg/kg extract of Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang per oral for 10 days after cancer cell injection, second group treated with saline after cancer cell injection, the third group with medicine without cancer cell, and the last group with saline only. After 10 days treatments some of the mice were scarificed and the lung and spleen was removed. The survival duration, weight change, the number of metastatic cancer nodule of the lung, the NK cell activity, the capacity of cytokines(INF-γ,INF-α,IL-2) production and the proliferation activities of mouse lymphocytes were measured. The surival times of the group 1 mice were longer and the weight loss was less than the group 2 significantly. The number of the metastatic nodule of the lung were decresed in the group 1 than the group 2. The production of INF-γ,was increase in group 2 than group 3 and 4, IL-2 production was increased in group 1 than group 2,3,4 significantly. There was no difference in TNF- α production and proliferation activity of lymphocyte in each group. The NK cell activity was significantly increased in group 1 than group 2,3,4. We conclude that the Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang has the effect of increasing the NK cell activity of the CDF1 mouse with metastatic lung cancer(B16BL/6). And it is suggested that the increased production of the IL-2 is the mechanisms of enhanced NK cell activity.

      • KCI등재

        양대박(梁大樸)의 「청계동도(靑溪洞圖)」 고찰(考察)과 함의(含意)

        박정하 ( Park Chung-ha ) 남도민속학회 2021 남도민속연구 Vol.43 No.-

        청계동은 곡성군 곡성읍과 입면의 경계를 이루고 있는 동악산의 북쪽 끝단에 자리 잡은 골짜기의 명칭이다. 청계동이란 지명은 양대박의 문집인 _청계유고_에 처음 나타난다. 청계동은 1580년대에 남원양씨 가문의 양대박이 이 지역에 설촌한 마을의 명칭이기도 하다. 「청계동도」는 단면에 그려진 청계동 마을의 설촌 당시 마을의 설계도 또는 구성도이다. 청계동은 후손들이 길이 살아갈 터전으로 계획된 마을이자 양대박의 은거를 위한 별서이며 그의 이상을 펼치기 위해 설계한 정원이다. 혈족, 사승, 문생으로 얽힌 사대부 선비들과 호남사림의 교류를 위한 공간이다. 청계동은 순자강유역의 시단을 이끌었던 중추적 역할을 했던 지역이며 계곡이 아닌 순자강을 중심으로 거대한 원림을 형성했다. 이 원림에서 빼어난 주변의 경치를 즐기면서 남쪽과 북쪽지역 명현들 간의 인적교류를 통해 성리학의 실천을 도모하자는 도학적 실용성에 기반하고 있다. 이는 양대박의 스승인 우계 성혼의 학풍을 청계동에 실천하고 있다는 점이다. ‘우계(성혼)학파’의 도학사상에 따른 실학적 ‘무실학풍’을 충실히 계승하여 자신의 정체성으로 삼고 있은 것으로 나타난다. ‘우계학파’의 도학적 전통에 기반하여 계승한 실천적인 강조에 따라 ‘은거하면서 자신을 지키며 성인을 모표로 한다’는 측면, 특히 사회적 차원에서 청계동이라는 ‘원림’을 구성한 것으로 파악된다. 이 같은 실천적이고 실무적인 강조에 따라 ‘둔전법’을 활용해 운영, 청계동에서 의병 창의를 실천적으로 이룸으로서 도학의 완성을 이루고 있다. 본고를 통해 「청계동도」의 설계에 따른 보허정을 중심으로 정자를 복원할 것을 권고한다. 특히 보허정이 자리했던 지역인 사수골 입구의 화장실과 매표소를 철거하고 이 주변을 보정하여 청계원림을 복원할 것을 주문한다. 그러기 위해서는 기형적이고 편협적인 시각을 버려야 한다. 호남사단의 중핵지가 곡성지역까지 확대되어야 마땅할 뿐만 아니라 재정립되어야 한다. Cheonggye~dong is the name of a valley located at the northern end of Dongaksan Mountain, which borders Gokseong~eup and Gokseong~gun. The name Cheonggye~dong first appeared in “CheonggyeYugo”, a collection of the two major Parks. Cheonggye~dong is also the name of a village where the two families of Namwonyang lived in this area in the 1580s. “Cheonggye~ dongdo” refers to a blueprint or composition of the village during the Seolchon period of the Cheonggye~dong village drawn on a cross~section. Cheonggye~dong is a village planned for descendants to live on, a annex to the seclusion of two great gourds, and a garden designed to spread his ideals. It is a space for the exchange of Honam forests with the nobility of the nobility, which is intertwined with blood, monks and literati. Cheonggye~dong played a pivotal role in leading the foundation of the Sunja River basin, and formed a huge forest around the Sunja River, not a valley. It is based on the Taoist practicality of promoting the practice of Neo~ Confucianism through human exchanges between prominent figures in the southern and northern regions while enjoying the scenic beauty of the area. This means that the school spirit of the two Parks' teacher, Ugye Seonghon, is practiced in Cheonggye~dong. It appears that he has faithfully inherited the practical “unrealistic style” according to the Taoist ideology of the “Western (Sexual) School” and used it as his own identity. Based on the practical emphasis inherited based on the academic tradition of the “Ugye School,” it is believed to have formed the “Wonnim” called Cheonggye~dong in terms of “protecting oneself while living alone and modeling adults,” especially at the social level. In accordance with such practical and practical emphasis, the government has used the “Dunjeon Law” to complete the study by practicing the creation of righteous army in Cheonggye~dong. It is recommended that the pavilion be restored based on the Bohejeong Pavilion according to the design of Cheonggye~dongdo. In particular, the government ordered the removal of toilets and ticket booths at the entrance of Sasugol, where Bohejeong Pavilion was located, and the restoration of Cheonggye Garden Forest by correcting the surrounding area. In order to do so, we must abandon our deformed and narrow~minded views. The Honam Division's central core should not only be expanded to the Gokseong area, but also be re~established.

      • KCI등재

        대중교통 환승주차장의 CPTED 체크리스트에 의한 환경디자인 연구

        김대용(Kim, Dae Yong),김태용(Kim, Tae Yong),정승호(Chung, Seung Ho),박현호(Park, Hyeon Ho) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2012 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 늘어나는 대중교통인접 환승주차장의 범죄위험성으로부터 이용자들의 안전을 위하여 ‘환경설계를 통한 범죄예방(Crime Prevention Through Environment Design: CPTED, 이하: CPTED)"개념을 적용하여, 환경디자인 개선사항을 도출하는 연구이다. 연구의 방법과 범위로는 CPTED이론, 문헌분석, 관련법 및 법규, 관련 전문가그룹을 통하여 1차 정량·정성체크리스트를 설계하여 현장답사 하였으며, 이를 보안하는 2차 정성체크리스트를 설계, 현장답사 하였으며, 현장답사는 대중교통환승 주차장의 유형과 환승형태, 주차장규모, 운영주체등을 고려하여 수도권의 5개 환승주차장을 선정하였다. 설계된 체크리스트를 바탕으로 현장답사 결과 범죄위험성으로부터 환경디자인 개선사항은 5곳 중 1곳을 제외하고 4곳 모두 개선이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. 분석은 주차지역, 유지관리, 전자보안, 안내표지, 조경, 조명으로 구분하였으며 조사대상지 대부분 범죄위험성으로부터 전자보안에만 의지하는 행태를 가졌으며, 그 또한 요금 징수 등을 주 목적으로 하고 있다. This study applies the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and suggests ways to make improvements in environmental design to provide secure facilities for those who use park-and-ride structures which are increasing on a regular basis. First, the authors made a checklist for field examination after consulting related literature and related laws and holding discussion sessions with the experts of the field. After the field investigation with the quantitative and qualitative checklist, another qualitative checklist was developed to supplement the first one. With the second checklist, the authors visited five different park-and-ride structures around the city of Seoul that were diverse in layout, scale, and management system. The result showed that four out of the five sites assessed needed improvements. The analysis was divided into the following areas: location of the structure, maintenance, electronic security, signs, landscaping, and lighting. A popular method of crime prevention at the parking structures was electronic security which was in fact operated mainly to encourage the drivers to pay their parking fees.


        C-reactive protein accelerates DRP1-mediated mitochondrial fission by modulating ERK1/2-YAP signaling in cardiomyocytes

        ( Suyeon Jin ),( Chan Joo Lee ),( Gibbeum Lim ),( Sungha Park ),( Sang-hak Lee ),( Ji Hyung Chung ),( Jaewon Oh ),( Seok-min Kang ) 생화학분자생물학회 2023 BMB Reports Vol.56 No.12

        C-reactive protein (CRP) is an inflammatory marker and risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. However, the mechanism through which CRP induces myocardial damage remains unclear. This study aimed to determine how CRP damages cardiomyocytes via the change of mitochondrial dynamics and whether survivin, an anti-apoptotic protein, exerts a cardioprotective effect in this process. We treated H9c2 cardiomyocytes with CRP and found increased intracellular ROS production and shortened mitochondrial length. CRP treatment phosphorylated ERK1/2 and promoted increased expression, phosphorylation, and translocation of DRP1, a mitochondrial fission-related protein, from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria. The expression of mitophagy proteins PINK1 and PARK2 was also increased by CRP. YAP, a transcriptional regulator of PINK1 and PARK2, was also increased by CRP. Knockdown of YAP prevented CRP-induced increases in DRP1, PINK1, and PARK2. Furthermore, CRP-induced changes in the expression of DRP1 and increases in YAP, PINK1, and PARK2 were inhibited by ERK1/2 inhibition, suggesting that ERK1/2 signaling is involved in CRP-induced mitochondrial fission. We treated H9c2 cardiomyocytes with a recombinant TAT-survivin protein before CRP treatment, which reduced CRP-induced ROS accumulation and reduced mitochondrial fission. CRP-induced activation of ERK1/2 and increases in the expression and activity of YAP and its downstream mitochondrial proteins were inhibited by TAT-survivin. This study shows that mitochondrial fission occurs during CRPinduced cardiomyocyte damage and that the ERK1/2-YAP axis is involved in this process, and identifies that survivin alters these mechanisms to prevent CRP-induced mitochondrial damage. [BMB Reports 2023; 56(12): 663-668]

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