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      • Unit Root and Cointegration Tests of Puraching Power Parity in the Pacific Rim

        Kim, Jin_ock 제주대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.34 No.1

        구매력평가설(Thory of Purchasing Power Parity)에 관한 문헌을 개관하여 보면 구매력평가설이 성립하기 위한 가정의 적합성에 관하여 상당한 논란의 여지가 있음을 알 수 있다. 지금까지 행해진 경험적 분석들은 미국·유럽 및 일본경제에 있어서 구매력 평가설의 성립여부를 검정한 것 들이었다. 이러한 검정결과들은 구매력평가설이 성립하는 것을 옹호하는 편이지만, 그 암묵적 가정은 구매력평가설이 유사한 산업구조를 갖고 있는 국가들 사이에 성립한다는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 가정은 적절하지 못하다. 이러한 관점에서, 한국경제를 주축으로 한 환태평양지역에서 구매력평가설의 성과를 규명코자 시계열분석의 일환인 공적분 검정(Cointegration Test)과 단위근 검정(Unit Root Test)을 하였다. 공적분 검정결과에 의하면 태국을 제외한 국가들(미국, 독일, 일본, 필리핀, 인도)에 있어서 구매력평가설은 성립하지 않았다. 즉 한국경제에 있어서 구매력평가설은 성립하지 않음을 알 수 있다. 전형적인 이론에 의하면, 단기에 있어서 통화공급충격은 구매력평가의 편차를 야기하지만, 장기에 있어서 이러한 편차는 소멸된다. 반면에 실질충격(Oil Shock, 정부지출)은 단기 또는 장기에서 구매력평가의 편차를 야기한다. 따라서 본 논문의 항후 연구과제는 환태평양지역에서 구매력평가설이 성립하지 않음을 이론적으로 재규명하고 동시에 경험적 분석을 하는 데 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Scrambling of Adjunct and Last Resort

        Cho, Jai Hyoung,Kim, Ock Hwan 대한언어학회 1999 언어학 Vol.7 No.2

        Cho, Jai-Hyoung and Kim, Ock-Hwan. 1999. Scrambling of Adjunct and Last Resort. Linguistics 7-$ 39-59. This paper deals with long-distance scrambling of adjuncts in Korean and Japanese with respect to the Last Resort principle. It is claimed that long-distance scrambled arguments are base-generated in the surface non-θ IP-adjoined position and that they must be obligatorily lowered into their θ-position at LF to check their θ-role feature, which is regarded as a movement-driving formal feature. Long-distance scrambled adjuncts are also argued to be base-generated in the IP-adjoined position. Unlike their argument counterparts, they are licensed there since adjuncts do not have any Case or θ-requirement. Thus, they must not be lowered into the embedded clause which they modify, otherwise the Last Resort principle would be violated. (Ajou University)

      • 老人의 活動量이 體型 및 열량 필요량에 미치는 영향(II) : 老年期 女性의 體型을 중심으로 Focusing on the Body Types of Elderly Women

        함옥상 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 1990 科學論集 Vol.16 No.-

        Of all the problems on the clothing for the elderly,that of clothing construction according to the changes in their appearance and physique is the most outstanding. For the purpose of studying the changes in the body types of elderly women, this paper examined from five view points:age, toughness of the work of past, and present, the amount of calorie intake and residential area. And also it analyzed the body measurements and the silhouettes of the photographs of the elderly. The result of the examination is as follows. 1. Age The analysis of the body measurements showed that for most of the items the sizes tended to be smaller with ages and that for the items of girth and depth, the sizes of those who were from 65 to 69 years old were the largest. The photographs revealed that as they grew older, the elderly women had more bent waists and knees and less protrusive upper trunks and abdomens. 2. Toughness of the work of past After all measurements it was seen that for all the items the sizes of those who underwent tough work in the past were samller than those of the women who did easy work. In particular their sizes in the items of girth and weight turned out to be smaller. The photographs showed those women with tough work of past had more bent waists and kness and less protrusive upper trunks and abdomens. 3. Toughness of the work of present The body measurements showed us that the elderly women who did tough work of present had larger sized in the items of height. And in the items of girth, the sizes of their busts, waists, abdomens and hips were smaller but the sixes of thighs and upper arms were larger. The photographs revealed that the elderly women who did tough work of present had less bent backs and knees, and less protrusive abdomen and upper trunks. 4. Amount of calorie Intake The body measurements revealed that those who had much intake of calorie had larger sixes in the items of girth. weight and stature. The photographs made it known that those who had much intake of calorie had more protrusive upper trunks and abdomens. 5. Residential Area The body measurements showed residential areas made little difference in the sixes of items but those living in cities had a little larger sizes in the items of girth, stature and weigth. The photographs revealed that those in cities had protrusive hip and a little bent waist.

      • 아담 스미스의 『도덕감정론』에 나타난 정의 개념

        김옥경 사회와 철학 연구회 2003 사회와 철학 Vol.0 No.5

        "정의란 무엇인가?"라는 물음은 서양철학의 근본 문제 중의 하나로 제시되어왔다. 그런데 여러 가지 방식으로 제시된 정의 개념을 자세히 살펴보면 정의 개념의 내용뿐만이 아니라 정의 개념이 어디에서부터 비롯되는지를 문제 삼는 그 근원의 탐구가 아울러 고찰된다. 이 글에서는 정의 개념의 근원을 자연주의적 입장에서 분석한 아담 스미스의 이론이 제시된다. 아담 스미스는 그의 정치경제학에서 개인의 자기 이익 추구가 가져오는 사회적 이익의 창출에 대해 분석한다. 이 분석에서 그는 "정의" 개념을 "모든 건물을 지탱해주는 중추적 기둥"이라고 지적하면서 개인의 자기 이익 추구는 정의가 필연적으로 전제될 때만 공정한 경쟁이 될 수 있음을 강조한다. 그런데 아담 스미스는 "정의" 개념을 실정법을 다루는『법학강론』의 범위에 제한하지 않고 이 개념의 철학적 근원을 탐구한다. "정의" 개념의 철학적 근원은 그의 중요한 주저인『도덕감정론』에서 다루어진다. 『도덕감정론』에서 정의 개념은 인간에게 자연적으로 주어진 "덕성virtue"의 관점 하에서 다루어지는데, 아담 스미스는 정의의 덕을 개인의 보존과 관련된 "신중의 덕"과 연결시킴으로써 어떻게 개인의 자기 이익 추구가 정의를 통한 공정한 경쟁의 테두리 속에서 움직일 수 있는지를 de facto의 관점에서 분석한다. 또한 그는 정의 개념의 철학적 근원을 이성이 아닌 "도덕감정"에서 찾음으로써 플라톤 이후 정립되었던 이성 중심의 덕 개념을 탈피하고, 더 나아가 도덕감정을 강조했던 흄과 허치슨의 이론과도 자신의 이론을 차별화시키면서 독특한 의미의 정의 개념을 구축해나간다.『도덕감정론』에서 정의 개념의 철학적 근원이 해명되며, 이는 다시 아담 스미스에 있어서 실정법을 다루는『법학강론』으로 이어진다. 이를 통해 우리는 다음과 같은 사실을 알게 된다. 한 사회가 주창하는 시대적으로 또 공간적으로 제약된 실정법은 인간 본성에 대한 분석을 전제로 하여야 하며, 우리는 아담 스미스의 이론을 통해 이 관계가 어떻게 철학적으로 이해될 수 있는지를 해명할 수 있다.

      • 全 生涯를 通한 人間發達의 安定性과 變化性에 關한 一考察 : 成人期 以後를 中心으로

        李玉珩 誠信女子大學校 1984 硏究論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        This article deals with human development on life-span perspectie. It gives mainly the point to the study of adulthood which is still the poorest one on the life span. This article considers beginning and end of human development, division of development stage, problem of age and time, growing potentiality and criteria for development change. Physical characteristics, congitive characteristics, affective characteristic are studid for stability and change of human development. With the results of above studies, following disscussions are considered. 1. Human development, till now a day, has been stressed on child development, and therefore which has studied till adolescent. But, human development must be dealt through life span. 2. Because study of development has been focussed on before adolescent, theory and pzactice concerning psychological characteristics after adulthood has been very poor. Therefore, study for characterics after adulthood should be performe. 3. Among present studies in our country, it is very hard to find out the study on perspective of a life span. Now it is assumed that practical studies widely to be focussed on life span of Korean are required. 4. For the study on perspective of life span the new methodology different from early stage or a certain critical stage, should be researched.

      • 환자복의 색상이 환자에게 미치는 심리적인 영향

        함옥상,이혜주 啓明大學校 生活基術硏究所 1997 科學論集 Vol.23 No.-

        <Abstract>This study was aimed to evaluate the psychological effect of patient's clothing on patients. The results were gathered through and assessed questionnaires for patients who were admitteed in university hospitals about the relationship between the degree of concern about patient's clothes and emotional factors of the color, and the emotional status of the patient at the time of study.The results were as follows;1. In the relationship between the color of patient's clothes and their satisfaction with design, the color and design were interested in older people in age and married patients, and the most satisfactory clothes was those with the orange color and the abstract pattern.2. Favorite patterns of design were favorite check, flowered, and abstract. White was preferreed by males and green by females.3. In the affinity of the patient's clothes, those who show an affinity for clothing also show an increased interest in their clothing when they are a patient. The color of their clothing affected their recovery.4. The degree of concern about patient's clothes was highger with abstract patterns and in the fiftieth decade rather than in the tenth.5. The patient's emotional status was affected by the color image of their clothing. Patients who were emotionally unstable had negative images, but those with increased satisfaction with color and design had a more positive image.6. The color of patient's clothing had a greater effect on recovery of the disease in the emotionally unstable patient.

      • 流動的 知能과 結晶的 知能에 관한 硏究:發達 및 發達에 미치는 영향을 미치는 關聯變因

        李玉珩 誠信女子大學校 1986 硏究論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        This study is performed to prove the theory of fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence by R.B. Cattell is susceptible to Korean. This study is designed to investigate the characteristics of Gf and Gc development, the correlation between Gf/Gc and home environment, the correlation between Gf/Gc and education achievement. This study is proceeded with the following problems: Problem 1: What is the development characteristics of Gf/Gc? Problem 1-1: What is the development trends of Gf/Gc by age? Problem 1-2: What is the development characteristics of Gf/Gc by age? Problem II: What is the correlation between Gf/Gc and home environment? Problem II-1: What is the correlation between Gf/Gc and status variable of home (socialeconomic status: SES)? Problem II-2: What is the correlation between Gf/Gc and process variable of home? Problem II-3: What is the influence of status variable(social economic status) and process variable of home on Gc? Problem III: What is the influence of Gf/Gc on educational achievement? In order to lead correct answer to above mentioned problems, following methods and procedures are realized: Total 256 subjects are devided into 5 groups which are 51 persons of 9∼10 years age group. 45 of 11∼12, 60 of 13∼14, 50 of 15∼17 and 50 of 18∼22. Three kinds scales are used for this study: 1) Gf/Gc test: Gf test by numerical reasoning(Chung Bum-Mo.Kim Ho-Kwon, 1967), and figural reasoning(Chung Bum-Mo.Kim Ho-Kwon, 1967). Gc test by verbal concepts(Yoo Ki-Sub, 1972) and word usage(Chung Bum-Mo.Kim Ho-Kown, 1967). These tests have been proven as marker test upon the factor analysis of subtest among various Korean-standardized intelligence test. 2) The home environment test:This test designed by O.H. Lee-investigator, is consistedwith two parts-the test of status variable and the test of process variable. 3) The educational achievement score: The total results of the first-half semester of 1985 for each person is used for the education acievement. Results of this study that show development of Gf continues up to 13∼14 age group, peaks on 15∼17 age group and declines from the group of 18∼22 age. But Gc develops along with age and continues developing even from the age of 18∼22 while Gf is on the decline. The result of one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) conducted to prove the defference between ages shows that ANOVA of Gf(F=8.519.p<.01) and Gc(F=26.339, p<.01) classified by age turned out to be meaningful. On the results of correlation analysis between Gf and Gc score and t-test on mean score of Gc and Gf to investigate differentiation of Gf and Gc. there was no significant correlation between Gf and Gc score and t-test results proved meaningful differentiation of Gf and Gc. It means differentiation of Gf and Gc shows effect on all age groups and also is possible to happen before the age of 9∼10. Home environment(status variable abd process variable) is more closely related to Gc than to Gf, and it also proves to have an effect on Gc. On the correlation of SES and Gf/Gc, the SES-Gc is meaningful for all the groups by p<.05, SES-Gf has no significance on all age group except the group of 18-22 years old, even this group shows a higher coefficient of correlation with the SES-Gc than with the SES-Gf. As for correlation of process variable and Gf/Gc, the process variable and Gc show significance with all age groups by p<.05, while the correlation of process vairable and Gf shows no significance in all age group. According to multiple regression analysis under the stepwised form to investigate the correlation of SES process variable and Gc, followings have effect on Gc; SES(β=.366, p<.01) of 9~10 age group, process variable (β=.361,p<.05) of11~12 age group, process variable(β=.471,p<.01) and SES(β=.246,p<.05) of 13~14 age group, process variable(β=.p<.01) and SES(β+.274,p<.01) of 15~17 age group, SES(β=.297,p<.05) and process variable(β=.246,p<.05) of 18~22 age group. As a result, it appears that in the case of the groups of 11~12 age,13~14 age and 15~17 age the process variable has more effect on the gc than SES while the process varlable of groups of 9~10 age and 18~22 age has less effect on the Gc than SES. on the multiple regression analysis to prove corrleation of Gf/Gc and education achievement, Gc proves to have effect on educational achienement of groups belong to 11~12 age(β=.438,p<.01) and 13~14 age(β=.524,ㅔ<.01) but Gf has no effect on the same age group and also Gf and Gc have no effect on all the remained age groups.

      • 학습장애학생을 위한 그래픽 조직자(graphic organizer)의 이론적 근거와 적용

        강옥려 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2004 특수교육 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 그래픽 조직자의 역사적 배경과 이론적 근거, 학습장애 학생의 읽기 이해의 특성을 살펴보고, 교육현장에서 그래픽 조직자를 적용할 수 있는 영역들을 제시하였다 학생들의 학습을 증진시키기 위한 교수 젼략으로써 그래픽 조직자는 산문 형태로 쓰여진 사전 조직자, 중요한 개념들을 시각·언어적 형태로 나타낸 구조화 도니 개요을 거쳐 발전된 것이다. 그래픽 조직자의 사용에 대한 이론적 근거들은 부호와 원리 도식이로느 교과구조와 고나련이 있으며 이것의 기본 가정은 논리적이나 수행된 연구는 그리 많지 않고, 연구 결과들고 일관성이 없어왔다. 그러나 학습장애의 경우, 그래픽 조직자의 중재 효과를 조사한 메타 분석 결과는 긍정적인 효과가 있었음을 밝히고 있다. 즉, 그래픽 조직자가 내용교과 영역에서 학습장애학생들의 읽기 이해와 학습을 향상시키는데 효과적임을 지적해주었다. 그래픽 조직자는 교육현장에서, 내용교과 영역의 학습, 쓰기 보고서 작성, 평가를 하는데 있어서 적절하게 적용될 수있다. 그러나 그래픽 조직자를 잘 적용하기 위해서는 그래픽 조직자의 구성, 자료, 학생 변인과 관련된 여러가지 문제들이 해결되어야한다. The purpose of this study was to examin the theoretical of graphic organizer and the characteristics for reading comprehension of students with learning disabilities present some areas for applications of gaphic organizer(GO) in educational practices GO has been commonly recommended as a mediational strategy to improve students` learning over the past 20 years. The use of GO in textbooks and in computer software has increased dramatically. The theoretical underpinnings for the use of GO are related to encoding principle, schema theory, and text structures and their assumptions seem logical. Nonetheless, research in this area has been limited and research findings have been tentative. However, a meta-analysis for GO intervention studies conducted for enhancing students` learning offered evidence demonstrating positive effects for students with learning disabilities. In other words, results of this study imply that GO can be effective to facilitate and scaffold learning of students with learning disabilities in content areas. In educational practices. GOs can be properly applied to assessment, learning in content areas, writing, and reporting. However, in order for students with learning disabilities to well use GOs, GO research has several issues to solve; the degree of students` involvement in construction; type of GO; text structure or type of information; the level of difficulty of a text; student`s prior knowledge for text structure; length of intervention and extensive practice

      • 성 정체감 발달에 관한 일 고찰

        이옥형 誠信女子大學校 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        Gender identity represents 'the degree to which an individual regards oneself as masculine or feminine.' An individual may be not born with gender identity, and distinction of gender identity is quite a different from stage. This paper will review some of the major in this development. One's basic gender identity is formed during the first 2 or 3 years of life. The two widly cited positions concerning childhood gender identity acqusition are social learning theories and cognitive developmental theories. the preschool period appears to be marked by rapid learning of culturally designated gender-appropriate categories in many areas. In contrast to the first 3 years of life, where the large nonverbal child is the recipient of gender-role information and differential socialization practices, the preschooler is a most participant in the whole process. The preschool period has been considered by investigators of vary theoretical persuasions as being a most signficant one for sex-role socialization and gender identity. When children enter their formal education period, their behavior related with is more distinctive than preschooler. This period is their zenith of boy and girl(child gender) identity. They are influenced by peer group with same sex. The onset of physiological sex maturity may dramatically alter the stability of child gender identity. Child gender identity trans for adult gender identity. Phsical maturity occurs about 2years earlier in girls than boys and has many psychological implication. Body images are often based on early adolescent perception. The physcial maturity may be more stressful for girl. The major sex-role tasks of later adolescence include development of heterosexual interactions and development of vocational interests. Marriage remains a more significant option for many adolescent girls than does occupational sucess. But boys perceive sinificantly their future career. The direct influence of parents in this area may decline, but influence of opposite sex peers, and massmedia may increase. Gender identity of young adult are finding a marriage partner, becoming a parents, and establishing one's vocational competence. The role of wife and mother are centural for femal identity, the role of breadwinner is centural of male identity. However, the problem is that existing sex-role socialization practices have not kept pace with a social environment that is becoming considerably more complex. In middle and later adulthood, both men and women peronality may become switch. Men become more female personality, whereas women become more male personality. The occurrence of menopause can be a crucial biological event for women and retirement has been a critical event for men.

      • 중년 여성의 하반신 체형 분석에 관한 연구

        함옥상,심정희,박장숙 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 2002 科學論集 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analysis somatotype of middle-aged women's lower body, the actual numerical figures of subjects' body were analyzed Second, using some important factors of shaping the lower body, all the data were categorized into several distinctive types. The results of the study are as follows. 1. Seven factors were derived from analyzing the data gathered by actually measuring the subjects' body. Factor 1 is the length of lower half of the body, factor 2 is the thickness of waist and abdomen, factor 3 is the thickness of the calf and ankle, factor 4 is the thickness of hip and thigh, factor 5 is the thickness of knees, factor 6 is the length of hip and back depth, factor 7 is the width of hip and thigh. 2. On a basis of analyzing the above factors, all the subjects were classified into four distinctive types. Type 1 can be characterized as the shortest and the stoutest type, which has a heavy waist, prominent abdomen, large hip and thigh, while the calves and the ankles are thin. Type 2 is generally long and thin type whose length of hip and back depth is quite short while the thickness of things is the slimmest of all types. Type 3 is tall but the length of hip and back depth is the longest of all and the thickness of hop and thigh is also high. Type 4 is comparatively medium-length and medium-build, however, the length of hip and back depth is the shortest of all types, while the thickness of calf and ankle is the thickest of all. 4. Age distribution for each type is shown as follows: Type 1 is most liable in the age group of 50∼54, and then in 45∼49, 40∼44. Type 2 is most likely in the age group of 45∼49, and then in 50∼54, 40∼44. Type 3 is mostly found in the age group of 40∼44, and then 50∼54, 45∼49. Finally, type 4 is close to the age group 40∼44, and then 45∼49, but is far from the age group 50∼54. 4. These are the ranges of Ro¨hrer's Index according to the types. Type 1 is mostly shown in heavy-builders, and then medium-builders, which is hardly found in thin people. Type 2 is usually found in medium-builders, and then in this people. Type 3 is the same as type 2 Type 4 is also mostly found in medium-builders, and then in heavy-builders.

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