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      • 교육과정 지역화를 위한 충청북도 교육청, 지역 교육청, 각 단위 유치원의 유기적 연계 분석

        지옥정,오관순 忠州大學校 2009 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.44 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze connection of guidelines of organizationadministration for kindergarten of Chungchongbuk-do Office of Education, guidelines of kindergarten administration of 11 cities and districts in Chungchongbuk-do, and curriculum of each kindergarten. For this research, at first, I analyzed the characteristics of guidelines of organizationadministration for kindergarten of Chungchongbuk-do Office of Education through the related books and formal documents. And then, analysed the connection of guidelines of organizationadministration for kindergarten of Chungchongbuk-do Office of Education, guidelines of kindergarten administration of 11 cities and districts in Chungchongbuk-do, and curriculum of each kindergarten through the analysis of documents and interviews to related people. The study results are like these. First, to the guidelines of organizationadministration for kindergarten of Chungchongbuk-do Office of Education, basic directions, provincial characteristics and empathic contents of curriculum were figured out. Second, related connection of guidelines of organizationadministration for kindergarten of Chungchongbuk-do Office of Education and the guidelines of kinder 373 garten administration of 11 cities and districts in Chungchongbuk-do and curriculum of each kindergarten was found in respect of the performing tasks and empathic strategies in formal documents.

      • 유아기 자연친화교육의 의의 및 미래지향방향 탐색

        지옥정 忠州大學校 2007 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        Since 2000, the interests about ec-friendly education arose strongly in early childhood education field in Korea. In the context, the purpose of this writing is to study future direction and significant meaning of eco-friendly education in early childhood. The study methods are analysis of interviews, on-the-spot study of advanced country, and theoretical study of environmental education, ecology education and eco-friendly education. the result of this study, the significant meanings of eco-friendly education were summarized in 4 aspects. Those are educational aspect, process of child's development aspect, curative aspects, and being sound member of community aspect. Also, The suggestion were made for future development of eco-friendly education, which should be done by education institution, by parents, by local community, and by government.

      • KCI등재

        프로젝트 접근법의 한국 유아교육현장 적용방안 모색

        지옥정 열린유아교육학회 1998 열린유아교육연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to propose application methods of the Project Approach(PA) in Korean early childhood education. These are the specific questions; 1. What is the meaning and the procedure of the PA as proposed by Katz & Chard? 2. What is an effective method in applying of the PA in Korean early childhood education? 2-1. What is the suitable procedure for the real situation? 2-2. What is the method of application according to the extent of projects in early childhood program? 2-3. What is the supportive system for the effective application of the PA? The study was done by reviewing of related literature, visiting kindergartens & children's houses which apply the PA, and interviewing teachers who are experienced in the PA. The results of this study are; First, the practical procedure of PA is presented as it is applied in the real situation of korean early childhood education. Second, the applying method is presented according to the extent of projects in the early childhood program. The entire program can consists of projects, or projects can be used for only one part of the program. In the latter case, projects can be applied part time or partial topic of the theme can be used as it relates to the conditions of these kindergartens & children's houses. Third, the supportive elements which help to apply the PA are five: 1. the active participation of parents 2. the environment of kindergarten which can encourage project activities 3. the help from the community 4. cooperation with neighboring kindergartens & children's houses. 5. teacher in-service education for applying the PA in the real situation.

      • 닭의 乾燥 筋胃粘膜 粉末 投與가 Mouse의 發育效果에 미치는 實驗的 硏究 : 第Ⅱ報 (血液像에 미치는 影響에 關하여) Ⅱ Influences of the Blood Picture

        朴玉潤,文勝式 진주산업대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        本 試驗은 鷄內金의 給與가 mouse(d d strain)의 血液像에 미치는 影響을 調査하기 爲하여 晋州農林專門大學에서 鷄內金을 1日 飼料攝取量의 3%(T_0), 6%(T_1), 9%(T_2) 및 對照區(C)에서 雌鼠 20頭 雄鼠 20頭를 供試하여 6週間 飼育한 後 試驗을 實施한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 雌性區의 各 處理區別 赤血球數는 C區(8.0×10exp(6)/㎣), T區(8.71×10exp(6)/㎣), T_1區(9.86×10exp(6)/㎣) 및 T_2區(10.70×10exp(6)/㎣)順으로 이들 區間에는 高度의 有意性(P<0.01)이 認定되었다. 2. 雄性區의 各 處理區別 赤血球數는 C區(7.98×10exp(6)/㎣) T區(8.66×10exp(6)/㎣) T_1區(9.53×10exp(6)/㎣) 및 T_2區(9.48×10exp(6)/㎣)順으로 이들 區間에는 高度의 有意性이 認定되었다.(P<0.01) 3. 各 處理區別 雌雄 共히 Hb含量은 對照區에 比해서 鷄內金의 添加量이 많아질수록 增加되었으며 各 處理區間에는 高度의 有意性이 認定되었다.(P<0.01) 4. 白血球數의 平均値는 雌性區가 7.10×10exp(3)/㎣이었고 雄性區에서는 6.31×10exp(3)/㎣이었다. 5. Neutrophile leukocyte의 平均値는 雌性區 및 雄性區에서 15.13% 및 17.50%였다. 6. lymphocyte의 平均値는 雌性區 및 雄性區에서 72.25% 및 67.75였다. 7. monocyte의 平均値는 雌性區 및 雄性區에서 2.5% 및 2.25%였다. 8. eosinophile leukocyte의 平均値는 9.5% 및 6.0%였다. 9. basophile leukocyte의 平均値는 雌性에서 1.5%였고 雄性에서 1.75%였다. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of fowl gizzard mucouse membrane dry powder survied blood picture of mice(d d strain). 20 heads each female and male mice were alloted for 4 treatments according to the levels of fowl gizzard mucouse memberans dry powder in their ration throw in 3%(T_0), 6%(T_1) and 9%(T_2) in daily respectivly after the period of 6weeks experiment had been carried out in Jinju Agricultural and Forestry Junior Technical College at brooder house. The results obtained were summerized as follows; 1. The number of erythrocytes at each female plot was C(8.0×10exp(6)/㎣), T_0(8.71×10exp(6)/㎣), T_1(9.86×10exp(6)/㎣)and T_2 plot(10.70×10exp(6)/㎣) ordered, each plot was high significance(P<0.01). 2. The number of erythrocytes at each male plot was C(7.98×10exp(6)/㎣), T_0(8.66×10exp(6)/㎣), T_2(9.48×10exp(6)/㎣)and T_1 plot(9.53×10exp(6)/㎣)ordered, each plot high significance(P<0.01). 3. Amount of hemoglobin at female and male in both plot was increased addition of fowl gizzard mucouse membrane powder compare with control plot(P<0.01). 4. Average value in number of leukocyte was 9.10×10exp(3)/㎣ at female plots and 6.31×10exp(3)/㎣ at male plots. 5. Average value of neutrophile leukocytes was 15.13% and 17.50% at female and male plots. 6. Average value of lymphocytes was 72.25% and 67.75% at female and male plots. 7. Average value of monocyte was 2.5% and 2.25% at female and male plots. 8. Average value of eosinophile leukocytes was 9.5% and 6.0% at female and male plots. 9. Average value of basophile leukocytes was 1.5% and 1.75% at female and male plots.

      • 비선형 과도열전달문제의 유한요소해석에 관한 연구

        민옥기 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1984 논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        The heat energy generated by the combustion reaction sharply increases the temperature of the material around the combustion zone while some part of the generated energy are dissipated through heat flow. The numerical approximation for the step-like temperature profile across the reaction zone always shows oscillations. The propagation of the combustion front is a function of thermal properties of the material and the generation rate of internal energy. In this study the coal combustion energy is taken as the generation rate of internal energy and the temperature dependent material properties of coal is considered in the numerical formulation. The temperature profiles across the combustion front shows severe undulations with large time increment and large rate of combustion energy. The multiple locations of combustion front is detected under this temperature undulations, since the combustion front is assumed as isotherms of a reaction temperature. It is shown that the propagation velocity of the combustion front can be estimated by numerical simulations.

      • 올바른 인터넷 사용

        한옥영 덕성여자대학교 학생생활연구소 1998 學生生活硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        정보화 사회에서 인터넷 사용자가 급격히 증가되어 가고 있으며, 인터넷 사용자들은 네티즌이라는 새로운 용어를 창출하여 그들만의 문화권을 생성하였다. 네티즌의 일원이 되려면 인터넷 문화를 이해하여야 하며, 네티즌간에 서로 지켜야할 예의를 존중하여야 할 것이다. 네티즌들이 지켜야할 예의는 네티켓이라 하며, 네티켓의 내용은 사이버 공간에서 지켜야할 규칙들이라 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 네티켓의 기본 규칙에 대하여 언급하며, 사이버 공간에서의 대화를 나누는 적절한 예절, 전자 우편 사용 시 지켜야할 사항, 게시판 사용 시 유의하여야 할 사항 호스트 사용 시 지켜야할 예절과 자신의 홈페이지를 운영할 경우 고려해야할 사항등에 대하여 논하며 또한, 인터넷 사용이 지나칠 경우 발생 가능한 인터넷 중독증에 관한 연구와 그에 따른 해결책에 대한 연구를 수행한다. The population of people using the internet has been rapidly grown up. The people using the internet are named as netizen. To become a member of netizen, an internet user must understand the internet culture. In internet culture, netizen expects other netizen to behave properly online since there are network etiquette. Network etiquette is called netiquette, and netiquette is simply a set of rules for behaving properly on cyberspace. This study has been focused to provide the guidelines for netiquette. The first part of the study introduces basic rules of netiquette and proper ways of behaviors in special uses of the computer. This matter an be categorized as man vs. man relationship in the use of computers. Therefore, the guidelines are described to act proper ways to other computer users. The second part of the study is concentrated on webaholism which is a result of improper using of computers. This matter is categorized as man vs. computer relationship because it it led by depending on a computer too much. Hence the method of eliminating webaholism is studied as a peart of netiquette. This study offers only a minimum set of netiquette. However, the proposed guidelines must be reviewed by computer users; therefore, they may not be blamed for improper use of internet.

      • KCI등재

        高麗時代 歸化人의 居住地域에 대하여

        박옥걸 中韓人文科學硏究會 2001 한중인문학연구 Vol.7 No.-

        這個璉目是硏究高麗時代歸化人的居性地域的. 潟了硏究這憶課畿,我們左 <高麗史> 的錄中査閱了歸化人歸化的過程和程序, 舛分析了歸化人的姓成輿居龍地域的淵系.高麗接受歸化人的過程中幷沒有嚴格的准則 , 是也有一些規律與方式. 表面上爲了不影響輿外國的交樵, 國家對辯化人的歸化也有一走的制約. 實際上來說, 國奈對歸化人鄂是來者不拒. 所以注麗不僅올各種各樣的民族, 也有各種各樣的歸化人 (包括宋朝人漢族. 渤街人. 美丹人. 黑氷靺鞨人. 女眞人 還業습人. 日本人. 色脚人) . 麗接受歸化人美壇他們崙成自已的老否姓, 訶的넛充資國家的人ㄷ1. 歸化人的歸化, 也送園爲國家各面的需要, 所以接受他迷看他來畵脚個國家. 脚個地煊, 對待他뗘就布丁一些差異. 個歸化人都娑給鬪家綿稅. 國家治液府禮賓. 禮部彧系司管理這些歸化人. 有時候, 鬪王會直接接見他, 經過讀試給他安排一定的工作.歸化人困出生的地域. 時期. 蘿等不剛而受到了不一樣晴待遇, 街以他們佐的地方也就有差別. 高麗居佐地送分燾黎的, 國談崙倂將歸化人的居佐地安排곯較爲凉便處.歸化人居性.地可以分咸 情類一送衛桃晴鷗京, 特別的能力的人 (包指業人) 都被安排此居佐. 第二將歸化人安排他原赴居柱, 淡者離他的原赴不遠之處. 표主業油于一紀對女眞人的澔庶疏策. 第그逃安排군特別約地層泳, 除了士.二者以列約歸化人對被安排此, 僅爲歸化人中的一小部分. 幽家希望把他 安排離他原來居佐地努速處, 以讓他삐從參農業.通過歸化人的姓叢, 我們犬槪可以看淄出歸化人約潛怯,地, 歸化人 最初約然戊. 籍貢以及生湍時湖, 我可判斷出他最初約居條地,難然고排定全准, 輩通過人鳴硏究, 基本可以判斷這些寶.歸化人消州約然, 裂選煦他約居佐地布帝據洶鬪系. 難然液們不樵ffJ這些例子來判定, 除了一特別約情況, 談街適他許多集居一超, 離他漂來約居街搾不遠.

      • 점소성 대변위 유한요소해석에서 시간증분계수의 영향

        민옥기,이선표 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1988 논문집 Vol.20 No.2

        In this paper, the accuracy, convergency and efficiency of the time integral schemes which determine the viscoplastic (creep) strain rate occuring in an incremental elasto-viscoplastic finite element analysis are compared and discussed. Forward, central and backward difference schemes are employed in the temporal domain and the isoparametric 2-D quadrilateral elements are used in the spatial domain. The viscoelastic Maxwell material is incorporated with the elasto -plastic idealization in order to model the visco-plastic constitutive relation. A homogeneous function is used in the fluidity parameter. Total Lagrangian formulation is adopted for the larger displacement. For the convergence of the combined non-linearity. Newton-Raphson method is incrementally employed. Internally pressurized thick cylinder and eccentrically loaded column are chosen to test the effect of time increment on the solution.

      • 合成 Hormone 製劑의 處理가 Broiler 雄雛의 增體量, 臟器重量에 미치는 影響

        朴玉潤,宋瑛敏 진주산업대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        The oral administration of antithyroid substance (methimazole), of synthetic estrogen (diethylstilbestrol), and a combination of methimazole and diethylstilbestrol, to the broiler was studied in short period relation to the effects when a administration was conducted, eighty Hubbard line cockerels examined for 4 Weeks at Jin Ju Agricultural and Forestry Technical Collage. The results thus obtained were as follows: 1. In the trial, increases of the rate of gain were EST 3.90%, MET 2.5% and EST + MET 0.65% Compared with controlled plot. 2. Feed intake on the trials was costed Cont. 4.252g, EST 4.225g, MET 4.093g, EST+ MET 4.017 and feed conversion was showed Cont. 2.28g, EST 2.18g, and MET, EST +MET 2.14g. 3. Comb was atrophied EST+MET 1.85g. EST 2.48g. and MET 3.15g Compared with Cont 5.38g. 4. Testis was atrophied EST 1.00g, MET 1.35g and EST+MET 1.45g Compared with Cont 3.00g. 5. Liver was generally in creased EST+MET 65%, EST 32% and MET 14% Compared with Cont. 6. Spleen was decreased to weight of EST 59%, EST+MET 82% and EST+MET 76%

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