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      • KCI등재

        Retrofitting Collaboration Into the New Public Management

        Rosemary OLeary 이화여자대학교 이화사회과학원 2016 사회과학연구논총 Vol.32 No.1

        New Zealand, like most countries around the world, is experimenting with collaborative techniques and processes in order to address cross-boundary public policy challenges. Still prevalent in New Zealand, however, are the policies and philosophies of that country’s sweeping public management reforms of the 1980’s and 1990’s - commonly called “The New Public Management (NPM)”. This article highlights the tensions between the NPM and collaboration in New Zealand, analyzes what is needed to change the bureaucratic culture of New Zealand to make it more receptive to the idea of collaboration, and offers concrete steps that can be taken to create opportunities for collaborative advantage in any country.

      • KCI등재

        Combined Type II Odontoid Fracture with Jefferson’s Fracture Treated with Temporary Internal Fixation

        Abhijit Yuvaraj Pawar,Patrick F. OLeary2 대한척추외과학회 2015 Asian Spine Journal Vol.9 No.6

        An 18-year-old male presented after a motor vehicle rollover accident. Computed tomography (CT) scan confirmed the diagnosis of Type II odontoid fracture. Considering the patient’s young age and the limitations of C1–C2 fusion including significant loss of cervical rotation, temporary internal fixation with a lateral mass fixation of C1 and pedicle fixation of C2 without fusion was done. CT scan done at 6-month follow-up visit showed healed odontoid fracture and excellent C1–C2 alignment. At ninth postoperative month, internal fixation was removed. Patient had normal movements of cervical spine at 1-year follow-up. Temporary internal fixation can be an important tool in the armamentarium of the surgeon in treating type II odontoid fractures in young adults and children. This strategy avoids the complications halo fixation and immobilizes the unstable C1–C2 segment without fusion. Removal of the internal fixation after healing allows restoration of the rotational motion.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Review Article : New Antiviral Therapies for Hepatitis C

        ( Jacqueline O Leary ),( Raymond T. Chung ) 대한간학회 2003 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(대한간학회지) Vol.9 No.4

        Hepatitis C virus (HCV), originally known as non-A non-B hepatitis, was identified and sequenced in 1989.1 Since its molecular cloning, seroepidemiologic studies have revealed that 170 million people worldwide, and 1.8% of the US population, are chronically infected.2-4 End stage liver disease attributable to chronic HCV infection is the leading indication for liver transplantation worldwide, and is a major risk factor for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.5 ?Antiviral therapy for HCV has not changed dramatically since the introduction of interferon alfa (IFN) in 1986.6 IFN has protean antiviral effects, both direct and indirect, against a large number of DNA and RNA viruses: (1) It prevents viral entry and uncoating. (2) Through the action of the Jak-Stat kinase signal transduction pathway, it induces a large number of host genes that participate in direct inhibition of viral protein and RNA synthesis. For instance, the protein PKR, potently induced by IFN, inhibits both host and viral protein synthesis by phosphorylating and inactivating the eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF-2). (3) It upregulates viral antigen expression at the cell surface, increasing recognition of virally infected cells by cytolytic T lymphocytes. (4) It has immunomodulatory effects on T cell and natural killer cell function. The precise mechanism by which IFN acts against HCV is unknown, but recent evidence from RNA replicon and other cell culture systems demonstrate that IFN can act directly to suppress HCV replication.7,8 ?Unfortunately, clinical trials of IFN monotherapy were met with disappointing rates (5-10%) of sustained virologic response (SVR), defined as clearance of HCV RNA using a sensitive qualitative nucleic acid amplification assay 24 weeks after completion of therapy. Only with addition of ribavirin (RBV), a guanosine nucleoside analogue active against other RNA and DNA viruses, to IFN did SVR rates increase appreciably, to approximately 40%.9-12 Its mechanism of action against HCV remains unclear, but data suggest that RBV acts both as an immunomodulator13 and an RNA mutagen.14 ?Because of pharmacokinetic concerns regarding the loss of antiviral efficacy with conventional IFN dosing (thrice weekly), the most important recent advance in the management of chronic hepatitis C has been a manipulation of the IFN alfa molecule to extend its bioavailability. The covalent addition of a polyethylene glycol (PEG) to either the IFN-alfa 2a [PEG-IFN-alfa-2a (40 kD)] or IFN-alfa 2b [PEG-IFN-alfa-2b (12 kD)] in combination with ribavirin was associated with an increase in overall SVR rates to 54-56%.15,16 Unfortunately, to achieve these SVR rates, patients receiving these regimens must often endure significant side effects for up to 48 weeks. Furthermore, persons harboring genotype 1 HCV infection, the most common genotype in the U.S. (75%), experience less than optimal SVR rates of 42- 45%. In addition, the very populations of patients who are most in need of effective antiviral therapy, including persons with decompensated cirrhosis, recipients of liver transplants, and persons coinfected with HIV, experience yet lower SVR rates and are even less able to tolerate curative doses of these medications. ?In view of these limitations, new therapies with greater efficacy, improved side effect profiles, and broader applicability are desirable. This review will consider new agents for hepatitis C in two groups: (1) modifications of currently available therapies, and (2) agents designed to interrupt specific steps in the life cycle of the virus.

      • KCI등재

        (Not) Measuring the Performance of Environmental Conflict Resolution: Lessons from U.S. State Programs

        ROSEMARY O'LEARY,CARLA PIZZARELLA 한국행정학회 2008 International Review of Public Administration Vol.13 No.1

        This research examines the use of performance measurement in environmental conflict resolution (ECR) programs in United States state-level programs. Data are drawn from a survey of state administrators of ECR programs. Findings indicate that the use of performance measurement by state programs is scarce as only six states reported measuring the performance of their ECR program. Study results show many reasons for this finding: lack of staff, lack of time, lack of funding, lack of knowledge concerning how to do performance measurement, lack of knowledge as to how to measure the success of ECR, lack of cost information about alternatives to ECR, too many outside factors intervening in ECR efforts, and not all states have ECR programs. Research findings indicate lessons learned from the states that have attempted measuring the performance of their ECR programs: good management of process, personalize the program, marshall all resources, keep sight of the big picture, and be prepared for the political side of performance measurement..

      • Development of Leachate Management Processes : Rust Environment and Infrastructure

        Kevin, o'Leary 제주대학교 환경연구소 1996 환경연구논문집 : 제주대 Vol.4 No.-

        Through the active, closure, and post-closure periods of landfill operation, the disposal of leachate can have substantial cost implications for the owner/operator of a site. The selection of a leachate management process should depend on consideration of the problem in several areas. Before selecting a leachate management process areas should be considered, including: regulatory requirements; the nature of the leachate; operational considerations of the landfill site; and available disposal options.

      • KCI등재

        Bisexual Dynamics in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Chapter One

        ( Joseph S. O`leary ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2015 제임스조이스저널 Vol.21 No.2

        Stephen Dedalus struggles at Clongowes with linguistic enigmas and sexual enigmas, which are intimately connected in potent key-words such as “suck” and “smugging.” Through a close study of the unfolding of this sexual plot in the two structurally matching Clongowes sections, this essay shows that Joyce was a clear-sighted phenomenologist of sexuality, who shed light on the psychology of the “latency period.” The interplay of linguistic and sexual enigmas would remain fundamental to his art. While the material of A Portrait, chapter one, is ordinary schoolboy experience, its self-conscious literary handling, centred on a few charged signifiers, encases this experience in highly reflexive aesthetic recreation, in which luminous form goes hand in hand with psychological penetration.


        Phycobilisome composition in Chondrus crispus (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from a wild type strain and its vegetatively derived green mutant

        Cornish, M. Lynn,O' Leary, Stephen J.B.,Garbary, David J. The Korean Society of Phycology 2013 ALGAE Vol.28 No.1

        Intact phycobilisomes from a wild-type red Chondrus crispus and its vegetatively derived green mutant were isolated by centrifugation through a discontinuous sucrose density gradient. Pigment composition was subsequently characterized by spectrophotometry. Vegetative thalli of the two strains grown together for six months in the laboratory resulted in different pigment profiles. Two pigmented phycobilisome bands appeared in the sucrose gradient of the wild-type alga, a purple coloured one, and a pink one, whereas only a single blue band appeared in the gradient of the green mutant. Spectrophotometric and fluorescence analyses identified the phycobiliprotein composition of the purple band as the typical phycoerythrin-phycocyanin-allophycocyanin complement in the wild-type, but there was no detectable phycoerythrin present in the blue band of the green mutant. Sodium dodecyl sulphate, preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis confirmed the presence of allophycocyanin subunits in all extracts, but firm evidence of an R-phycoerythrin linker polypeptide in the blue band was missing. These results highlight the ability of C. crispus to adapt to a phycoerythrin deficiency by adjusting light harvesting pigment ratios.


        Enhancing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Efficacy by Mitigating Oxygen Shock

        Mantel, Charlie R.,O'Leary, Heather A.,Chitteti, Brahmananda R.,Huang, X.,Cooper, S.,Hangoc, G.,Brustovetsky, N.,Srour, Edward F.,Lee, M.,Messina-Graham, S.,Haas, David M.,Falah, N.,Kapur, R.,Pelus, L Cell Press ; MIT Press 2015 Cell Vol.161 No.7

        Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside in hypoxic niches within bone marrow and cord blood. Yet, essentially all HSC studies have been performed with cells isolated and processed in non-physiologic ambient air. By collecting and manipulating bone marrow and cord blood in native conditions of hypoxia, we demonstrate that brief exposure to ambient oxygen decreases recovery of long-term repopulating HSCs and increases progenitor cells, a phenomenon we term extraphysiologic oxygen shock/stress (EPHOSS). Thus, true numbers of HSCs in the bone marrow and cord blood are routinely underestimated. We linked ROS production and induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) via cyclophilin D and p53 as mechanisms of EPHOSS. The MPTP inhibitor cyclosporin A protects mouse bone marrow and human cord blood HSCs from EPHOSS during collection in air, resulting in increased recovery of transplantable HSCs. Mitigating EPHOSS during cell collection and processing by pharmacological means may be clinically advantageous for transplantation.

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