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        Differential interactions of phytochrome A (Pr <i>vs.</i> Pfr) with monoclonal antibodies probed by a surface plasmon resonance technique

        Natori, Chihoko,Kim, Jeong-Il,Bhoo, Seong Hee,Han, Yun-Jeong,Hanzawa, Hiroko,Furuya, Masaki,Song, Pill-Soon Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 PHOTOCHEMICAL AND PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Vol.6 No.1

        <P>Phytochromes are red- and far-red light-reversible photoreceptors for photomorphogenesis in plants. Phytochrome A is a dimeric chromopeptide that mediates very low fluence and high irradiance responses. To analyze the surface properties of phytochrome A (phyA), the epitopes of 21 anti-phyA monoclonal antibodies were determined by variously engineered recombinant phyA proteins and the dissociation constants of seven anti-phyA monoclonal antibodies with phyA were measured using a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based resonant mirror biosensor (IAsys). Purified oat phyA was immobilized on the sensor surface using a carboxymethyl dextran cuvette in advance, and the interactions of each chosen monoclonal antibody against phyA in either red light absorbing form (Pr) or far-red light absorbing form (Pfr) at different concentrations were monitored. The binding profiles were analyzed using the FAST Fit program of IAsys. The resultant values of dissociation constants clearly demonstrated the differential affinities between the phyA epitopes and the monoclonal antibodies dependent upon Pr <I>vs.</I> Pfr conformations. Monoclonal antibody mAP20 preferentially recognized the epitope at amino acids 653–731 in the Pr form, whereas mAA02, mAP21 and mAR07/mAR08 displayed preferential affinities for the Pfr's surfaces at epitopes 494–601 (the hinge region between the N- and C-terminal domains), 601–653 (hinge in PASI domain), and 772–1128 (C-terminal domain), respectively. The N-terminal extension (1–74) was not recognized by mAP09 and mAP15, suggesting that the N-terminal extreme is not exposed in the native conformation of phyA. On the other hand, the C-terminal domain becomes apparently exposed on Pr-to-Pfr phototransformation, suggesting an inter-domain cross-talk. The use of surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy offers a new approach to study the surface properties of phytochromes associated with the photoreversible structural changes, as well as for the study of protein–protein interactions of phytochromes with their interacting proteins involved in light signaling events in plants.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>This article describes a method, based on a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique, for studying surface properties of phytochrome and its protein–protein interactions involved in light signaling events in plants. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=b611077k'> </P>

      • 자민당의 쇠퇴는 계속되는가? -2010년 일본 참의원 선거 검토

        ( Ryota Natori ) 한국선거학회 2011 선거연구 Vol.1 No.2

        2010년 일본의 상원(참의원) 선거에서 자민당은 성공적으로 회복하며, 51개의 의석을 차지하였다. 2001년 이래로 자민당이 민주당보다 더 많은 의석을 차지한 것은 이번이 처음이었으며, 역시 2001년 이래 50석 이상 차지한 것도 처음이었다. 그러나 의석 수에 있어서의 자민당의 회복이 유권자 사이에서의 지지 증가에 의해 초래된 것은 아니었다. 이 논문에서는 이러한 자민당에 대한 지지 증가 결여의 이유를 도시 수준에서의 선거자료 분석을 통해 살펴본다. 특히 고이즈미 내각에 의해 실행된 지방재정 관련 "삼위일체 개혁" (Trinity Reforms)과 지방 정부 경계를 수정한 도시 합병에 초점을 맞춘다. 이 논문은 이 두 가지 정책이 그 동안 자민당의 선거 활동을 지탱해 주었던 후견주의(clientelism)를 무너뜨렸으며, 그에 따라 자민당 지지의 지속적인 하락을 가져왔다는 몇 개의 가설을 검증해 보고자 한다. 분석 결과에 따르면, 지역구 수준에서 자민당의 득표율 감소는 재정구조 개혁과 도시 합병에 상당히 영향을 받은 것으로 나타났다. 비록 그 영향력이 작았지만, 자민당의 비례대표 득표율 또한 도시 합병으로 인해 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 자민당이 2010년 상원 선거에서 득표율을 증가시킬 수 없었던 이유는 이전의 후견주의적 지지 구조를 대체하지 못했으며, 다양한 개혁의 지속적인 영향력 때문이라고 본 연구는 주장한다. In Japan`s 2010 Upper House Elections (hereinafter referred to as, "2010UH"), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) enjoyed an excellent recovery, winning 51 seats. It was the first time they had won more seats than the DPJ since 2001, which was also the last time they won more than 50 seats. However, we can see that the LDP`s recovery in terms of seats won was not caused by an increase in support among the electorate. In this paper, we investigate the reasons behind the lack of increased support by analyzing electoral data on the municipal level. In particular, we focus on the public finance-related ``Trinity Reforms`` implemented by the Koizumi cabinet and the ``merging of municipalities`` that revised local government boundaries. We attempt to verify some hypotheses based on the idea that these two policies destroyed the clientelism that had supported the LDP`s electoral activities for years, and encouraged a continued decline in support for the party. The results of the analysis show clearly that, in the district vote, the decline in the LDP`s vote share was significantly influenced by fiscal structural reforms and the merging of municipalities. Though the influence was small, the analysis showed the LDP`s proportional vote share also fell due to merged municipalities. Then we argued that the reasons the LDP were unable to increase their vote share in 2010UH is their inability to replace their previous clientelistic support structure, and the continuing effects of various reforms.

      • Poster Session : PS 0327 ; Hematology : Multiple Neoplasms Including Myelodysplastic Syndrome

        ( Kazuhiko Natori ),( Susumu Ishihara ),( Daisuke Nagase ),( Akiko Sakai ),( Motohiro Kato ),( Yasunobu Kuraishi ),( Kazuho Arai ),( Haruka Izumi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: The myelodysplastic syndrome is blood stem cell disease and in many cases, have cytogenetic abnormality. And myelodysplastic syndrome has characteristic that there is defi ection in elderly. But progress of therapy and supporting therapy improved a prognosis. The possibility that a survivor had the second malignancy rise. we reviewed multiple neoplasms including the myelodysplastic syndrome and we report. Methods: In the case that hematologic malignancy was diagnosed in our hospital from 1988 to 2012, we intended for double cancer 271 cases including hematological malignancy. We reviewed 43 multiple neoplasms including the myelodysplastic syndrome. The examination factors are type of the hematological malignancy, treatment, gender, interval with the second cancer. Results: All cases are 43 cases, including male 29 cases, female 14 cases, type of multiple neoplasms, double 40 cases, triple 3 cases, kind of multiple neoplasms, metachronous 31 cases, synchronous 12 cases. The malignancies to constitute multiple neoplasms with myelodysplastic syndrome are gastric cancer 11 cases, esophangeal carcinoma 5 cases, breasr cancer 3 case, multiple myeloma 6 cases, non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma 3 cases, colon cancer 5 cases, lung cancer 4 cases, renal carcinoma 2 cases, urinary bladder carcinoma 2 cases, prostate carcinoma 1 case, thyroid cancer 1 case, pharyngeal cancer 1 case, laryngeal cancer 1 case, angiosarcoma 1 case. On the other hand, acute myelogeneous leukemia, therapy-related leukemia are11 cases, de novo myelodysplastic syndrome 32 cases. Conclusions: The survivors by the fi rst cancer therapy are paid attention to therapy- related myelodysplastic syndrome.

      • Poster Session : PS 0331 ; Hematology : Experience of Chemotherapy of Malignant Lymphoma in More Than 90 Years

        ( Kazuhiko Natori ),( Daisuke Nagase ),( Susumu Ishihara ),( Yukitoshi Toyoda ),( Akiko Sakai ),( Motohiro Kato ),( Yasunobu Kuraishi ),( Kazuho Arai ),( Haruka Izumi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Though oral infection represented by caries and periodontal disease is the infectious disease that is thought with life-style related diseases generally. Including hematological malignancy, the infectious disease research before taking anticancer drug treatment is important. A potential infectious disease may bring about a fatal infectious disease for bone marrow suppression period. We report it this time about an oral surgery area as a search before treatment of the malignant lymphoma. Methods: In eight years from 2003 to 2012, we intended for a case in newly diagosed malignant lymphoma in our hospital. We reviewed having consultation or not of the oral surgery, treatment contents, having exodontia or not. Results: Among 383 patients, the oral surgery consultation was 271 cases, male female ration was 150/121. T, and the age median was 67years. It was 154 cases that it was judged that treatment was necessary. The case performed exodontia was 53 cases. Among 53 patients, 33 cases were progression stages. Conclusions: With the onset of febril neutropenia, the infectious disease that is not seen occurs with the normal immune status. An oral cavity lesion is a neighborhood of the central nerve system and is in very danger. Fortunately, there was not the case of death for the infection of the oral cavity lesion. However, malignant neoplasms patients has much dentistry treatment, and the exodontia number accounts for the majority, too.

      • Poster Session : PS 0338 ; Hematology : The Multiple Neoplasms Consist of Colon Cancer and Hematological Malignancy

        ( Kazuhiko Natori ),( Susumu Ishihara ),( Daisuke Nagase ),( Yukitoshi Toyoda ),( Akiko Shibuya ),( Motohiro Kato ),( Yasunobu Kuraishi ),( Kazuho Arai ),( Haruka Izumi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Colon cancer accounts for number of cases, a superior of the cause of death like gastric cancer, lung cancer. Wereport aggregates the multiple neoplasms including hematological malignancy and colon cancer. Methods: In the case that hematologic malignancy was diagnosed in our hospital by 1988 from 2013, The multiple cancer including colon cancer and the hematologic malignancy was 45 cases. So we reviewed and reported. Results: All cases are 45 cases, including female 14 cases, male 31cases, synchronous type 15 cases, metechronous type 30 cases. Multiple neoplasms consist of double cancer 33 cases, triple cancer 11 cases, quadrop cancer 1case. The median interval period in double cancer is 58 months. Hematological malignancy consist of non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma 24 cases, Hodgkin`s lymphoma 1 case, myelodysplastic syndrome 6 cases, chronic myelogeneou leukemia 3 cases, multiple myeloma 5 cases, macroglobrinemia 2 cases, acute lymphoblastic leukemia 3 cases, acute myelogeneous leukemia 2 case. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia 1 case. The sites of colon cancer studied 41 cases and results were that ascending colon 7cases, transverous colon 3cases, descending colon 2cases, sigmoid colon 9cases, rectum 8 cases. In a double cancer, 12 cases were preceding colon cancer and 9 cases were preceding hematological malignancy, an interval of the colon cancer precedence cases, the median time was 83M, hematological malignancy precedence cases was 42M. Median survival time is 15M, about cause of death, 21 cases still alive and 24 cases are dead. In 24 cases, hematological malignancy 17 cases, colon cancer 7 cases. Conclusions: In the case of hematological malignancy precedence case, 4 of 9 colon cancer occurred within three years. We should take attention about incidence of other malignancies, particularly those that occur from gastrointestinal tract and serious observation about distant metastasis site, such as liver and lung.

      • Poster Session : PS 0332 ; Hematology : Malignant Lymphoma That Diagnosed from Gastric Biopsy

        ( Kazuhiko Natori ),( Daisuke Nagase ),( Susumu Ishihara ),( Yukitoshi Toyoda ),( Sakai ),( Motohiro Kato ),( Yasunobu Kuraishi ),( Kazuho Arai ),( Haruka Izumi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Primary malignant gastrointestinal lymphoma accounts for 1-4% of malignant gastrointestinal tumors. Herein, we report the results of our study on 32 patients diagnosed from biopsy of stomach. Methods: From 2003 to 2012, we intended for 466 patients whom malignant lymphoma. 32 patients were selected. All patients were followed up until death or untile December 2013. Survival was measured from the diagnosis of multiple cancer to time of death or last contact. Results: All cases are 32 cases, gender male 16 cases, female 16 cases. Median age is 68 years, performance status is grade 0 20 cases, grade 1 7 cases, 2 grade 1 case, 3 grade 1 case, grade4 3 cases. Pathological fi ndings, 31 cases are non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma, 1 case is adult T cell lymphoma. Immnochemical stain fi ndings, diffuse laerge B cell type 21 cases, MALT lymphoma 8 cases, T cell lymphoma 1 cases, unknown 1 case. Clinical stage by Ann aobor classifi cation, stage IV is 13 cases, and Lugno classifi cation, L-I 17 cases, L-II-1 1 case, L-II-2 1 case. About therapy, CHOP or CHO therapy 3 cases(because of HBV active infection), rituximab +CHOP therapy 15 cases, Radiation therapy 4 cases, CHOP therapy after radiation therapy 2 cases, CHOP therapy after total gastrectomy 2 cases Eradication alone 1 case, chemotherapy ( CHOP therapy ) after eradication 1 case. Median survival time is not reached, 5 years survival rate is 66. 7%. At last December 2013, surviver is 23 cases, dead is 9 cases. Conclusions: The benefits of surgical treatment include decreased tumor amount by resection of local and regional lymph nodes, and more accurate diagnosis of the disease stage. However, we consider that the disadvantages of the majority of the recent therapies can be avoided by performing endoscopic examination and improving diagnostic imaging.

      • Poster Session:PS 0224 ; Gastroenterology : HBV Infection Screening for Malignant Lymphoma

        ( Kazuhiko Natori ),( Susumu Ishihara ),( Daisuke Nagase ),( Akiko Sakai ),( Motohiro Kato ),( Yasunobu Kuraishi ),( Kazuho Arai ),( Haruka Izumi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Malignant lymphoma(ML) is the ninth place cause of death in Japan and chemotherapy(CTx) is fi rst choice. Side effect of CTx, rituximab, reactivation of the Hepatitis B type virous(HBV) is serious problem. We reviewed the situation of the HBV infection check of patients that was performed CTx. Methods: We intended for patient which ML was diagnosed in our hospital from January 2003 to December, 2012. The pretreatment HBV check factor is hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg), hepatitis B surface antibody(anti-HBs), antihepatitis B core antibody(anti-HBc). When either anti-HBs or anti-HBc is positive, we measure viral amount by HBV-DNA Taqman. In the case of HBV check is imcomplete, additional HBV check followed as much as possible. We reviewed positive rate of HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc. Also we investigated HBV reactivation rate of R+CTx. Results: All cases were 446 cases, about type of malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin`s lymphoma(HL) 39 cases, non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma(NHL) 401 cases, Adult T cell Lymphoma( ATL) 6 cases. Among 446 patients, 411 cases received CTx or CTx+radiation therapy(RTx). HBsAg was examined in all cases, anti-HBs, anti-HBc was 351 cases, 261 cases respectively. The case searched three factors before CTx was 150 cases. 30 cases were searched HBV-DNA Taqman that indicated anti-HBs and/or anti-HBc were positive. In theses cases, treatment needed situation were 5 cases. These 5 cases treated by entecavir and after 2 weeks, CTx performed. The case that already given an antiviral drug with HBsAg positive for treatment was 4 cases. 107 cases were searched anti-HBs, anti-HBc or either after CTx. 2 cases was revealed to have needed the administration of antiviral drug. HBV reactivation rate was 0%. Conclusions: Only 2 cases needed therapy for HBV infection that were revealed after CTx. We do check in all cases and try for safe chemotherapy especially rituximab including regimen.

      • Poster Session : PS 0333 ; Hematology : Multiple Neoplasms Including Malignant Lymphoma

        ( Kazuhiko Natori ),( Daisuke Nagase ),( Susumu Ishihara ),( Akiko Sakai ),( Yukitoshiq Toyoda ),( Motohiro Kato ),( Yasunobu Kuraishi ),( Kazuho Arai ),( Haruka Izumi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: The clinical outcome of the malignant lymphoma improved and longterm survivor increased. In addition, the improvement of the examination technology and available PET/CT, screening ability rose, multiple neoplasms increased drastically last decade. We reviewed multiple neoplasms including the ML which accounted for a major ratio in hematological malignancies. Methods: We were approved privacy policy by the Ethical Review Board. Between January 1988 and December 2013, we reviewed multiple neoplasms including hematological malignancies. The diagnosis of the multiple neoplasms depends on a criteria of Warren & Gates. The defi nition of metachronous type and synchronous type is 6 months interval. Results: During the studied period, 285 cases became the subject of the examination. The multiple neoplasms including the ML was 161 cases in that. Median age was 70 years, male/female ratio was 101/60, double neoplasms were 135 cases, triple neoplasms 24 cases, quadple neoplasms 2 cases. The type of multiple neoplasms, metachrounaous type, synchronous type, were 120 cases, 41 cases respectively. In metachronous double type, all cases were102, and median time of interval was 59 months. The Consist of malignant neoplasms, gastric cancer 39 cases, colon cancer 26 cases, lung cancer 24 cases, hepatocellular carcinoma 13 cases, breast cancer 13 cases, prostate carcinoma 10 cases, and 18 kind of diagnosis 64 cases. On the other hand, kind of malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin`s lymphoma 7 cases, non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma 153 cases, adult T cell lymphoma 1 case. Median overall survival time was 33 months. About double neoplasms, median overall survival time between metachronous and synchronous type, there is signifi cance difference. Conclusions: In metachronous double type, all cases were102, 41 cases out of 102 cases were diagnosed within 5 years. We can discover metachronous multiple neoplasms by serial observations of fi ve years from an initial diagnosis.

      • Poster Session : PS 0334 ; Hematology : Retrospective Study of the Follicular Lymphoma

        ( Kazuhiko Natori ),( Daisuke Nagase ),( Susumu Ishihara ),( Akiko Sakai ),( Motohiro Kato ),( Yasunobu Kuraishi ),( Kazuho Arai ),( Haruka Izumi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: The malignant lymphoma is the ninth place cause of death in Japan. A ratio of non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma(NHL) is overwhelmingly big in malignant lymphoma in Japan. Follicular lymphoma was rather small ratio, not only Asian area but also European area. So we reviewed and report our experience of follicular lymphoma patients. Methods: In periods from 2003 to 2012, 446 patients whom malignant lymphoma was diagnosed in our hospital, we extracted follicular lymphoma. We reviewed gender, clinical stage, chemotherapy, clinical outcome, and prognosis. Results: During studied periods, eligible data for investigation was 58 cases, including female 36, male 22, median age was 62 years. About clinical stage, I 2 cases, II 8 cases, III 14 cases, IV 34 cases, advanced stage was dominant. In treatment strategy, aim to cure standard therapy that rituximab + CHOP or rituximab + CHOP like regimen performed 51 cases, RCHOP regimen 39 cases, RCHO regimen 9 cases, RCHOP like regimen 1case, RCVP regimen3 cases, radiation therapy alone 3 cases. About median survival time dose not reach, 5 years overall survival rate is 85. 8%. Compared between up to stageIII versus IV, each group dose not reach median survival time, and there is not signifi cant difference about survival. 5 years survival rate are 83. 2%, 88. 8% respectively. Cause of death, 7 cases were death, consist of cause of death, 5 cases were due to original disease, 1 case due to heart attack, 1 case due to gastric cancer. Conclusions: The clinical outcome of follicular lymphoma improved by rituximab. But some cases do not effect chemotherapy and not reach complete remission, especially in elderly, organs disfunction are trouble about anti-cancer agent dosage, so insuffi - cient therapy performed. We must manage such cases using new strategy.

      • Poster Session : PS 0335 ; Hematology : Study of Non-Hodgkin`s Lymphoma Diffuse Large B Cell Cases That are Treated without Rituximab

        ( Kazuhiko Natori ),( Daisuke Nagase ),( Susumu Ishihara ),( Akiko Sakai ),( Motohiro Kato ),( Yasunobu Kuraishi ),( Kazuho Arai ),( Haruka Izumi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: The strategy of non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma changed dramatiscally, especially in B cell type by rituximab. The pathological fi ndings which showed immunochemical stain CD20 positive cases, rituximab is effective agent about. Some cases did not treat without rituximab several reasons. Methods: From 2003 to 2012, 9 years, we intended for 446 patients whom malignant lymphoma was diagnosed in detail by histopathology. Clinical stage is determinded by Ann Aobor classifi cation. We investigate the cases who do not treat without rituximab about the reason, age, clinical stage, therapy and prognosis. Results: All cases are 69 cases, about gender, male 42 cases, female 27 cases, median age is 71 years ranged 22-89 years. Perfomance Status at diagnosis, 0 grade 20 cases, 1grade 17 cases, 2grade 4 cases, 3grade 10 cases, 4grade 18 cases. About clinical stage by Ann Aobor classifi cation, I is 14 cases that included L-I(Lugano classifi cation), II is 5 cases, III is 9 cases, IV is 41 cases. Strategy of therapy, best supporting care 17 cases, aim to cure 42 case, palliative 11 cases. The reason without rituximab, bestsupporting care 18 cases, another standard therapy 13 cases, CD20 negative 3 cases, Hepatitis B virus active infection 6 cases, Hepatitis C virus active infection 2 cases, palliative therapy 12 cases, infusion reaction 9 cases, much tumor burden 2 cases, avoiding gastrointestinal perforation 2 cases, leukemic state 1 case. Median survival time is 12 months ranged 1-111 months. Conclusions: Rituximab is remarkably improved prognosis about non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma.

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