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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        산업장 여성 근로자의 빈혈에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 -환자-대조군 연구-

        박명호,김용준,Park, Myeong-Ho,Kim, Yong-Joon 대한예방의학회 1989 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.22 No.2

        In this study an attempt was made to determine the factors affecting anemia in female industrial workers. The population was identified through the records of screening examinations given by Kosin Medical Center to the industrial workers in Sasang Industrial Complex during the period from March 1987 to October 1988. One hundred twenty eight cases were selected from the records screening examination of 155 anemic patients. A case-control study was carried out using matched 128 anemic cases and 128 non-anemic workers who were selected by simple random sampling. Age was matched, and their occupational history, general characteristics, physical characteristics and health status were analyzed. The results were; 1. In the anemic group, educational level was lower, and the frequencies of irregular menstruation and poor appetite were higher than in the control group but these differences were statistically not significant. 2. The percentage of workers working with organic solvents, working hours and years of service (total years exposed to organic solvents) were significantly higher in the anemic group than those in the control group. 3. A career exposed to organic solvents was more influential factor affecting anemia in the female industrial workers rather than menstruation amount of other factors, and it was statistically significant.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개에서 Tiletamine-Zolazepam의 연속투여가 생체에 미치는 영향

        박명호,서강문,장광호,Park, Myeong-ho,Seo, Kang-moon,Jang, Kwang-ho 대한수의학회 1997 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.37 No.2

        The effects of continuous administration of tiletamine-zolazepam(T-Z) on the blood, liver and kidney of dogs were evaluated. The drug was repeatedly administered into ten mongrel dogs intramuscularly at dose of 10mg/kg for every seven days. Hematology(PCV, WBC, RBC, TP, Fibrinogen) and serum chemistry(ALT, AST, BUN, Creatinine) were monitored for 14 days postinjection. No significant changes in PCV values, total RBC counts and plasma total protein values was found. Total WBC counts and fibrinogen values were significantly increased from 2 days to 7 days postinjection. There was no significant change in ALT, AST, BUN and creatinine levels. All animals were euthanized and necropsied at 14 days postinjection. No gross lesion and pathologic lesion was found on liver and kidney in necropsy finding.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개에서 Tiletamine-Zolazepam 마취에 대한 Doxapram과 Yohimbine의 길항효과

        박명호,김명철,Park Myeong-ho,Kim Myung-cheol 한국임상수의학회 1995 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        This study was performed to examine the general anesthetic efficacy of tiletamine-zolazepam, a mixture of phencyclidine-derived tiletamine and benzodiazepine-related zolazepam. The antagonistic activities of doxapram and yohimbine to the anesthetic effects of tiletamine-zolazepam were also studied. Thirty healthy mongrel dogs were divided into three groups (each of 10) twenty minutes after being anesthetized with tiletamine-zolazepam : T-Z-S group(tiletamine-zolazepam-saline), T-Z-D group (tiletamine -zolazepam-doxapram), T-Z-Y group (tiletamine-zolaz.pam-yohim bine). Various parameters wert evaluated in terms of the onset and recovery time of analgesia, respiration rates, hear rates, body temperature, electrocardiogram, blood chemistry, and lymphocyte blastogenesis. The results obtained through these experiment could be summarized as follows: 1. he anesthetic efficacy of tiletamine-zolazepam was considered desirable, with the onset time of anesthesia being as short as 0.23-0.24 minutes. 2. Both of the antagonistic effects of yohimbine and doxapram on the anesthesia induced by liletamine-zolazepan were evaluated statistically significant(p<0.05) as the recovery time was shortened from 39.3$\pm$4.9 min(T-Z-S group) to 25.3$\pm$2.9 nin(T-Z-Y group) and 29.9$\pm$8.8min(T-Z-D group), respectively. 3. Respiration rates were not changed by the treatments of both doxapram and yohimbine, with the only transient increase in the T-Z-D group. The changes in the respiration rate were not observed during the whole time course of the experiment. 4. Yohimbine(T-Z-Y group) increased the heart rate significantly from 30 minutes after the adminstration compared to the T-Z-S group and T-Z-D group (p<0.05). 5. The decreases in th, body temporature were observed from 30 minutes in the T-Z-S group(p<0.05) and 40 minutes in th, T-Z-D group(p<0.05), after the adminstration. On the other hand, there was no hypothermia in the T-Z-Y group. 6. In the all experimental groups of the T-Z-S, T-Z-D and T-Z-Y, there were no specific findings on the electrocardiograph incept slight shift to the tachycardia in all cases. 1. We could not find any differences in the blood chemistry between all experimental groups (T-Z-S, T-Z-D and T-Z-Y). 8. the inhibition of the lymphocyte blastogenesis shown in the T-Z-S with 3 hours decreasing and thereafter restoring to the normal values up to the point 5 hours were not occurred in the T-Z-D and T-Z-Y groups. With the above results, we could conclude that both doxapram and yohimbine can be clinically used as recovery agents towards anesthesia by tiletamine- zolazepam fi:on the efficacy point of view, but yohimbine is more recommendable in this case if considering the recovery time and lymphocyte blastogenesis.

      • 한국의 과학기술 어디까지 왔나 - PDP기술

        박명호,Park, Myeong-Ho 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1999 과학과 기술 Vol.32 No.2

        대형화면으로 현장감 넘치는 영상을 즐길 수 있는 디스플레이어에 대한 요구가 증대되고 있다. 대형화, 디지털화, 고정세화, 고화질화 등이 용이한 플라즈마 디스플레이 패널(PDP)이 21세기 멀티미디어시대의 총아로 떠오르고 있다. 우리나라는 90년대 중반부터 본격적인 연구개발에 착수하여 97년 LG전자가 국내 최초로 40인치 PDP개발에 성공하였으며 일본보다 앞서서 세계 최초로 초대형 60인치를 선보이게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        리카도의 "기계(機械)"에 대한 재해석(再解釋)

        박명호,Park, Myeong-Ho 한국개발연구원 1995 KDI Journal of Economic Policy (KDI JEP) Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구에서는 리카도가 자신의 "정치경제학(政治經濟學)과 조세(租稅)의 원리(原理)"(이하에서는"원리(原理)"라고 하겠음) 3판에 새로이 도입한 "기계(機械)"의 내용을 중심으로 기술진보(技術進步)가 고용(雇傭)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 리카도는 당시 대부분의 주류 경제학자들과 마찬가지로 과학의 발전과 기술진보로 인한 새로운 기계(機械)의 도입은 근로자, 자본가 및 지주를 포함하는 모든 계급(階級)에게 유리한 결과를 가져오리라 생각하였다. 그러다가 그는 "원리(原理)" 3판을 작성하면서 이러한 자신의 견해가 잘못된 것임을 시인하고, 새로운 기계(機械)의 도입이 근로자(勤勞者)에게는 불리한 결과를 가져올 수 있음을 분석적인 방법으로 보여주었다. 그러나 이러한 리카도의 시도는 당시 및 후대의 경제학자들에 의해서도 지적되었듯이 부분적으로 논리적인 오류(誤謬)를 범하였다. 리카도의 논리적 오류를 수정하면서도 그의 문제의지(問題意識)을 부각시키기 위해 본 연구에서는 힉스에 의해 도입된 신(新)오스트리안(Neo-Austrian) 자본개념(資本槪念)과 이에 입각한 기술진보(技術進步)의 형태분류를 리카도의 분석틀에 적용시켰다. 그 결과 일정한 형태의 기술진보하에서는 수익성이 높은 기계(機械)가 도입될지라도 과도기적으로 고용(雇傭) 및 총생산물(總生産物)에 불리한 효과를 나타낼 수 있음을 보여주게 되었다. 그리고 과도기적으로 기계(機械)의 도입에 따른 기술적(技術的) 실업(失業)이 발생할 경우 그 기간에 영향(影響)을 주는 요인(要因)에 대해서도 살펴보고자 했다.

      • 다문화 가정의 사례분석을 통한 사회통합 방안

        박명호(Park, Myeong-Ho),김정헌(Kim, Jeong-Heon) 한국복지행정학회 2010 복지행정논총 Vol.20 No.1

        다문화가정은 한국인들과 다른 민족적․문화적 배경은 다르지만, 일상을 공유하며 살아가고 있다. 그러나 결혼이주여성들의 복지욕구가 많이 도출되고 있는 실정인데, 본 연구에서는 이러한 복지욕구를 개선하여 사회통합을 위한 방안으로서 사회환경 조성 및 실천프로그램으로 나누어 제시하였다. 사회환경 조성에서는 경제활동 욕구 충족, 한국어를 자유자재로 구사할 수 있는 환경, 가족봉사단 등 활용 및 자아정체성 확립이 필요하다는 것을 알 수 있다. 특히 단일민족국가로 배워 온 우리 국민들도 다문화가정에 대한 배타성에서 벗어나 국제 사회에 당당하게 우뚝 서야할 시점이다. 실천 프로그램을 살펴보면, 경제적인 측면에서는 새마을회 등 시민단체의 회원으로 가입시켜 취업 및 한글교육을 가르치는 일석이조의 효과를 올리는 것이며, 또한 휴경지를 경작할 수 있는 기회를 주어 가정에 조금이라도 보탬이 될 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 교육적 측면에서는 새마을문고 및 지역도서관에서의 공부방을 부모와 자녀가 함께 하는 공부방운영이 되었으면 하는 바람이다. 그리고 배우자의 교육과 함께 다문화교육이 이루어졌으면 한다. 사회문화적 측면에서는 현재 새마을회 등 시민단체에서 시행하고 있는 사업들을 제도화해서 한층 강화 시킬 필요가 있으며, 자원봉사 프로그램도 개인뿐만 아니라 가족봉사 중심으로 강화할 필요가 있다. 또한 바우처(voucher)사업도 활용할 필요가 있다. 심리적 측면에서는 사랑방 운영 및 자조집단을 활성화하여 서로간의 정보교환 및 소외감과 자아정체성을 극복할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. Multi-culture Family is Korean other Ethnic․Cultural background is different, but I share a daily, and is living on. However, welfare needs a marriage migration of was very derived, and I improved this welfare needs in this study to be misgovernment, and I devided it in social environment creation and practice programs as plans for social integration, and I presented it. social environment creation can know necessary thing with economic activities needs satisfaction, environment, utilization such as a family service hem that you can make freely full use of Korean language in a social operating environment. Specially, the we people which learned to a single national state get out in exclusiveness regarding Multi-culture Family, and you shall stand stately to an international society, and it is a point of time. It is to increase an effect of the killing two birds with one stone which you let you join to members of citizens group such as Saemaeul Association in the economic sides if you look into a practice program, and teach employment and Korean education, and you shall do so that addition can become a little the opportunity that can plow to Rest Land too to subject home. It is a wind doing if you became operating a study room parents and children doing together a study room in Saemaeul-Mungo and local libraries in the educational sides.And you make if education of a spouse and Multi-culture education were performed. Currently you institutionalize businesses enforcing in citizen groups such as Saemaeul Association, and you have to get still more enhancement, and resources service program has to strengthen in addition to individuals to the family service centers in the social cultural sides. Also, you have to utilize the voucher business. You shall do so as you activate operating a love room self-help group, and to be able to overcome information exchange between each other and sense of alienation and self identity in the psychological sides.

      • 노인장기요양보험제도에 관한 정책적 제안

        박명호(Park, Myeong-Ho),윤선오(Yoon, Seon-O),김명희(Kim, Myung-Hee) 한국복지행정학회 2007 복지행정논총 Vol.17 No.1

        This paper compare and compares and analyzes a German long-term care system, Japanese long-term care system of our country straight be enforced, and to propose policy to be suitable in points of time the have a purpose. Can settle by elimination of the disabled during absence of the first, facilities and special manpower, shortage of manpower special ② racial of ① facilities, the second, a problem of source of revenue supply, a burden personal a ① insurance premium burden ② user, the third, an application object selection problem, the restriction ② application objects of a ① application object old man in a problem of an old man beard and hair insurance system. Presented source of revenue security ② childbirth encouragement policies and loan business, the third, selection step-by-step of the application object, persuasion of disabled group regarding enlarged ② disabled elimination step-by-step of the ① application object through insurance premiums suitable expansion of the first, facilities and special manpower, expansion of manpower special medical treatment facilities expansion ② special ①, the second, suitable insurance premium appropriation and source of revenue security, ① as improvement plan regarding this. 곧 시행 될 우리나라의 노인장기요양보험제도에 대해서 독일의 수발보험제도, 일본의 개호보험제도를 비교분석하여, 적합한 정책을 제안하는데 그 목적이 있으며, 그 문제점 및 정책제안은 다음과 같다. 노인장기요양보험제도의 문제점으로는 첫째, 시설 및 전문 인력의 부재, ① 시설의 부족 ② 전문 인력의 부족, 둘째, 재원조달의 문제, ① 보험료 부담 ② 사 용자 본인 부담, 셋째, 적용대상자 선정 문제, ① 적용대상 노인의 제한 ② 적용대상 중 장애인의 배제를 들 수 있다. 이에 대한 개선방안으로서는 첫째, 시설 및 전문 인력의 확충, ① 전문요양시설 확충 ② 전문 인력의 확충, 둘째, 적절한 보험료 책정 및 재원확보, ① 적절한 보험료를 통한 재원확보 ② 출산장려정책 및 대출사업, 셋째, 적용대상자의 단계적 선정, ① 적용대상자의 단계적 확대 ② 장애인 배제에 대한 장애인 단체의 설득을 제시하였다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        지역의료보험조합의 재정 상태에 영향을 미치는 요인분석

        문종국,박명호,김용준,Moon, Jong-Kook,Park, Myeong-Ho,Kim, Yong-Joon 대한예방의학회 1991 예방의학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Finances of health insurance can be explained by factors determining benefit expense and premium collection. This study was conducted to analyze factors contributing to the financial status of rural health Insurance. Nationwide 134 health insurance associations except the six pilot project counties were analyzed and obtained the followings. 1. In univariate analysis, statistically significant variables that explain 1) outpatient benefit expenditures include public health center utilization, proportion of pregnant women. premium and collection rate of premium 2) inpatient benefit expenditures include public health center utilization, Proportion of old age, proportion of pregnant women, premium and collection rate of premium 3) profits include public health center utilization, proportion of old age, proportion of pregnant women and collection rate of premium. 2. In multiple regression analysis, statistically significant determinants in 1) outpatient benefit include premium and public health utilization 2) inpatient benefit include premium 3) profit include public health center utilization, premium and collection rate of premium.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개에서 사료섭취 및 조영제 투여에 따른 위, 유문부 및 십이지장의 초음파상

        김명철,변홍섭,박명호,Kim, Myung-cheol,Byun, Hong-sub,Park, Myeong-ho 대한수의학회 1997 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.37 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to determine the changes of ultrasonographic appearance of stomach, pylorus and duodenum in relation to food intake and administration of contrast medium in dogs. Ultrasonograms were obtained with 5.0MHz sector transducer. After placing the dogs in dorsal recumbency, scanning was performed at the 8th intercostal space. The mean inner diameter of stomach immediately after food intake, 2, 4 and 6 hours was 47.9, 51.5, 46.8 and 40.6mm, respectively. The diameter of pylorus immediately after food intake, 2, 4 and 6 hours was 7.4, 9.7, 8.9 and 6.0mm, respectively(p<0.01). The diameter of duodenum immediately after food intake 2, 4 and 6 hours was 12.5, 7.9, 11.9 and 11.8mm, respectively(p<0.01). Before administration of contrast medium, the mean inner diameter of stomach, pylorus and duodenum was 38.6, 7.2 and 9.5mm, respectively. After administration of contrast medium, the diameters of stomach, pylorus and duodenum was 42.8, 7.7 and 9.9mm, respectively. It may be concluded that the ultrasonographic values determined in this study can be used as references for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease in dogs.

      • 부모-자녀간 의사소통 및 사회적 지지가 청소년의 문제행동에 미치는 영향

        윤선오(Yoon, Seon-O),박명호(Park, Myeong-Ho),권장수(Kwon, Jang-Soo) 한국복지행정학회 2010 복지행정논총 Vol.20 No.1

        This study is aimed at examining the effects of environmental factors such as communication between a parent-child and a social support, exerted on problematic behaviors of adolescents. For this, materials acquired from high school attendees including 201 male students and 264 female students were analyzed. The result is as follows. Firstly, the causative factor affecting violence and delinquency was shown to be negatively influenced by a peer countenance. This is considered as a peer countenance is an important subject affecting problematic behaviors of an adolescent s period. Secondly, it was shown that a problem-type mother or an excessively open-minded mother was a primary influence on a possessive delinquency. A problem-type father and an open-minded father also contributed to the problem. Thirdly, a sexual delinquency was primarily affected by a problem-type mother. In addition, a problem-type mother and an excessively open-minded mother was a critical factor affecting the overall problematic behaviors of an adolescent. Thereby it can be said that communication with a mother as that of between a parent-child significantly impacts problematic behaviors of an adolescent. Furthermore, it is considered the adolescents regard communication with a mother more important than that with a father in daily lives. 본 연구는 부모-자녀간 의사소통 및 사회적 지지를 중심으로 청소년의 문제행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 고등학생을 대상으로 남학생 201명, 여학생 264명의 자료를 분석하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 폭력비행에 영향을 미치는 요인은 친구지지가 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 친구지지가 청소년기의 문제행동에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인으로 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 재산비행에 영향을 미치는 요인은 문제형 어머니, 개방형 어머니가 각각 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 문제형 아버지, 개방형 아버지가 각각 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 성비행에 영향을 미치는 요인은 문제형 어머니가 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 청소년의 전체 문제행동에 영향을 미치는 요인은 문제형 어머니, 개방형 어머니가 각각 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이처럼 부모-자녀간 의사소통에서는 어머니와의 의사소통이 청소년의 문제행동에 많은 영향을 미치는 요인으로 나타났다. 이는 청소년들이 일상생활에서 아버지보다는 어머니와의 의사소통이 청소년의 문제행동에 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 볼 수 있다.

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