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        Jong-Kuk Shin,MinKyung Moon,Min-Sook Park,Corey Allen Ross,Yong Ju 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        Socialization agents are an important aspect of a consumer's tool set for determining how they interact with the market environment. These agents are traditionally thought to be members of one's family, peers, and mass media (Bush, Smith, and Martin 1999; John 1999). Research as shown how socialization agents play an important role in marketing research and how they affect attitude formation (Shin, Ross, and Moon, 2015) and brand/store switching behaviors (Shin, Park, and Ross, 2012). Culture defines social norms and forms what are acceptable or even desirable consumption goods within a society (Kaltcheva and Weitz, 2006). Through this definition, one can assume that culture likely has significant influences on a consumer’s shopping motives. Previous researches have attempted to divide culture into dimensions of vertical/horizontal and collectivism/individualism; where vertical individualism is made up of individuals who attempt to stand out from others in their uniqueness via competitive natures, a focus on success and achievements, and acquisition of power; horizontal individualism consists of individuals who tend to shun successful people as boasters and consider values of modesty respectable while retaining their individuality and personal goals apart from comparing to others around them; vertical collectivists are those who recognize a hierarchal form of society and seek to maintain the consistency of traditional authority structures within it; and horizontal collectivists hold views less related to hierarchal recognition and more related to values of equal cooperation with an honest and direct demeanor (Shavitt, Lalwani, Zhang, and Torelli, 2006; Kurman and Sriram, 2002; Triandris and Gelfland, 1998). However, the operational items utilized in research surveys, while successful in the west, such as in the U.S., have struggled to stand out and show significance in the Korean society. This research attempts to provide more useful survey items that embrace each aspect of culture type more clearly in order to reach levels of significance and distinction that are sorely needed in this field. In South Korea, which is thought to be a predominantly collectivist culture (Hofstede, 2001; Rhee, Uleman, and Lee, 1996), a study of discount shoppers found they are inclined to shop for the purpose of socialization either because they enjoy being in a crowd or to compare their current social status level with other shoppers in the same store (Jin and Kim, 2003). Collectivist consumers tend to shop with others among their social circles and spend more time shopping (Ackerman and Tellis, 2001). Consumers that spend more time shopping are more proactive in obtaining information while they are shopping (Bellenger and Korgaonkar, 1980). Risk averse shoppers attempt to increase their market knowledge (Mano and Elliott, 1997), and collectivists are thought to be more risk averse and attempt to avoid risk through various methods, such as price signaling (Shannon and Mandhachitara, 2008). In China, a largely collectivist society, consumers are quite price conscious and focused on thrifty spending habits (Kim, Forsythe, Gu, and Moon, 2002; Zhang, 2001; Weidenbaum, 1996), and they are more likely to engage in obtaining product information during shopping ventures than their individualist American counterparts (Ackerman and Tellis, 2001). Jin and Kim (2003) suggested that Korean shoppers are socially motivated to shop in order to compare their levels of accomplishments with other shoppers in the same venues. This falls in line with a competitive nature distinct in vertical culture types. Verticality in culture values is related to competition and moving up the social latter, while horizontal cultural values denote a more cooperative and passive stance on standing out (Triandis and Gelfand, 1998). It seems logical to assume that vertical culture values tend toward more hedonistic values rather than utilitarian. Utilitarian shoppers are more concerned about price competitiveness and convenience when shopping (Jin and Kim, 2003), implying that individuals of a horizontal cultural nature are more concerned with price comparison and the places that conveniently provide them with information needed to make purchase decisions in the store rather than through external information search, such as through social interactions. When shoppers lack socialization agents or collective cultures to help them make purchase decisions, they must turn to the stores themselves for assistance and information acquisition. Studies have shown that a lack of social interaction creates feelings of loneliness in elderly shoppers, whom will then turn to various mall shopping motivations, such as service consumption and diversion, in order to alleviate their loneliness (Kim, Kang, and Kim, 2005). This suggests that the shopping motivation to interact with service personnel in stores acts as a substitute for situations where socialization agents are lacking. Shopping malls have been shown to be help mitigate feelings of social isolation and emotional disconnect from society (Forman and Sriram, 1991; Mochis, 1996; Kang and Ridgway, 1996). As collectivists tend to highly desire social interactions for a variety of reasons, it is quite likely that such interactions will be a driving factor for their motivation to shop, especially when they lack the appropriate socialization agents that will provide the means to give such interactions outside of the market. Customer satisfaction leads customers to stronger emotional attachments to the stores they are satisfied with, implying that individuals form social bonds with the stores themselves; and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of these individuals becoming regular patrons (Shin and Park, 2014). There are a variety of shopping motives that have been used for studies in previous researches. In this research, we take a look at the motivations of social interaction (Tauber, 1972), information seeking (Bellenger and Korgaonkar, 1980), and price comparison (Groeppel-Klein, Thelen, and Antretter, 1999), and how they are affected by socialization agents, both personal and non-personal, as well as culture type and how they influence an individual's likelihood of emotional attachment to stores.

      • Environmental Factors Related to Non-compliant Health Behavior in the Urban-Dwelling Elderly

        Minkyung Park,Jisu Park,Sunhye Moon,Heejung Kim 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Aim(s): The purpose of this study is to explore non-compliant health behavior among the urban-dwelling elderly and identify related environmental factors. Method(s): This study analyzed the integrated data from the 2017 Korean National Survey on the Elderly and the 2017 Annual Report of Air Quality in Korea (N = 3,198). In this study, health behavior includes seven recommendations for promoting health. Social and physical environmental factors were selected based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystem theory, including air quality as an environmental factor. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data, while controlling for general characteristics of the elderly. Result(s): The average score for non-compliant health behavior was 3.05 ± 1.03 among seven health behaviors. Hierarchical multiple regression showed that the environmental factors related to non-compliant health behavior were social activity participation (β = .15, p ≤ .001); interactions with friends, neighbors, and acquaintances (β = .06, p = .002); access to institutions and facilities (β = .06, p = .001); and particulate matter concentration (β = -.10, p ≤ .001). Conclusion(s): Our study findings emphasized that social activity participation, interactions with significant others, access to institutions and facilities, and particulate matter concentration should be considered when developing ecological interventions to improve health behaviors among the urban-dwelling elderly.

      • KCI등재

        자발적 공동생활 참여가 환경지불용의에 미치는 영향 -국가별 문화성향을 반영한 위계선형분석-

        김민경 ( Minkyung Kim ),문상호 ( Sangho Moon ) 한국정책학회 2014 韓國政策學會報 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구는 환경재(public environmental goods)의 딜레마상황을 해결할 수 있는 방안으로 집합행동이론을 적용할 수 있는지 그 가능성을 확인하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위해 2005년 세계가치관조사(WVS) 자료에 수록된 35개국 40529명을 연구대상으로 선정하고 자발적 공동생활의 참여와 환경지불용의의 관계를 실증분석하였다. 그러나 개인의 행동은 소속된 국가에 내재된 문화특성과 상호작용을 받으므로, 개인의 행동의 설명 및 예측과 더불어 정책적용시 효과성을 높이기 위해서는 국가의 문화차이를 고려할 필요가 있다. 따라서 국가의 문화성향(집합주의/개인주의)과 개인의 사회인구학적 특성을 함께 고려할 수 있는 위계적 선형모형으로 분석을 시행하였다. 분석결과 개인의 사회인구학적 변수와 이타주의 가치 및 집합주의 성향을 통제한 상태에서 자발적 공동생활(취미 및 친목집단, 사회적 가치를 추구하는 집단)의 참여는 환경지불용의에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 국가의 집합주의 문화성향이 약해질수록 사회적 가치를 추구하는 집단에의 참여가 환경지불용의에 미치는 영향강도는 더욱 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 점차 개인주의 문화로 변모하고 있는 한국사회에서 사회적 가치를 추구하는 자발적 공동생활의 참여를 통해 국민들의 바람직한 행동양식을 고취시킬 수 있다는 가능성을 시사한다. The aim of the study is to assess whether participation in voluntary organizations affects individual willingness to pay for the environment(WTPE) and whether there are national differences in the respect. We applied the Hierarchical Linear Model to analyze the impact of individual-level and national-level variables on the WTPE simultaneously while using data from the 2005 wave of the World Values Survey in 35 nations. The results from multilevel analyses indicate that significant variances exist within and among nations on the WTPE. The following results were obtained: First, two factors of individual-level variables are positively related to the WTPE; income and education. Second, we found that publics of nations with collectivism culture appear to have greater willingness to pay for the environment than the publics of nations with individualism culture while controlling for individual variables. Third, people who report that they are active members of voluntary organizations are more supportive willingness to pay for the environment. However, there is a difference of the WTPE depending on type of voluntary organizations. people who participate actively in voluntary organizations which seek social value(environmental organizations & humanitarian or charitable organizations) have the greatest WTP for the environment. Finally, the cross-level interaction between the culture of nations and participation in voluntary organizations is statistically significant; this means that the culture of nations has an influence on the strength of the relationship between participation in voluntary organizations and willingness to pay for the environment. Overall, these results suggest the possibility that participation in voluntary organizations inspires pro-social behavior about the environment in Korean society where not only group membership and conformity is strong, but also individualism is gradually spreading.

      • Short-channel effect and single-electron transport in individual indium oxide nanowires

        Jung, Minkyung,Lee, Hyoyoung,Moon, Sunkyung,Song, Woon,Kim, Nam,Kim, Jinhee,Jo, Gunho,Lee, Takhee IOP Pub 2007 Nanotechnology Vol.18 No.43

        <P>We have investigated the electric transport properties of individual In<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> nanowire devices. We have found that the gate modulation characteristics depend strongly on the channel length. If the channel length is greater than 450 nm, the gate modulation curve exhibited field-effect transistor behavior with dominant n-channel current at room temperature. With the decrease of the channel length, the leakage current is increased due to the short-channel effect. For such short-channel devices, the gate modulation curve exhibited quasi-periodic current oscillations at low temperature, which are attributed to the Coulomb blockade of single-electron tunneling. Some devices showed two-fold periodicity in the Coulomb diamonds which may arise from the spin degeneracy of the single-particle energy levels.</P>

      • KCI등재

        도시거주 노인의 건강행위 비이행도와 관련된 환경적 요인

        박민경(Park, Minkyung),박지수(Park, Jisu),문선혜(Moon, Sunhye),김희정(Kim, Heejung) 한국노인간호학회 2021 노인간호학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore non-compliant health behaviors among urban-dwelling elderly and identify related environmental factors. Methods: This study analyzed integrated data from the 2017 Korean National Survey on the elderly and 2017 Annual Report of Air Quality in Korea (N = 3,198). In this study, health behaviors included seven recommendations for promoting health. Social and physical environmental factors were selected based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystem theory, including air quality as an environmental factor. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data while controlling for general characteristics of the elderly. Results: The average score for non-compliant health behaviors was 3.05±1.03 among seven health behaviors. Hierarchical multiple regression showed the environmental factors related to non-compliant health behaviors were social activity participation (β=.15, p≤.001); interactions with friends, neighbors, and acquaintances (β=.06, p=.002); access to institutions and facilities (β=.06, p=.001); and particulate matter (PM10) concentration (β=−.10, p≤.001). Conclusion: Our study findings emphasized that social activity participation, interactions with significant others, access to institutions and facilities, and particulate matter (PM10) concentration should be considered when developing ecological interventions to improve health behaviors among the urban-dwelling elderly.

      • KCI등재

        Outcomes of human umbilical cord bloodderived mesenchymal stem cells in enhancing tendon-graft healing in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: an exploratory study

        ( Sang Won Moon ),( Sinhyung Park ),( Minkyung Oh ),( Joon Ho Wang ) 대한슬관절학회 2021 대한슬관절학회지 Vol.33 No.-

        Background: The study investigated whether allogeneic human umbilical cord blood-derived MSCs (hUCB-MSCs) could be safely used without treatment-related adverse events, reducing tunnel enlargement, and improve clinical results in human anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Methods: Thirty patients were enrolled consecutively. They were divided into three groups by randomization. In the negative control group, ACL reconstruction surgery without additional treatment was performed. In the experimental group, a hUCB-MSC and hyaluronic acid mixture was applied to the tendon-bone interface of the femoral tunnels during ACL reconstruction surgery. In the positive control group, only hyaluronic acid was applied. Finally, 27 patients were analyzed after the exclusion of three patients. The incidence of treatment-related adverse events, clinical outcomes, including second-look arthroscopic findings, and the amount of tunnel enlargement, were evaluated. Results: There were no treatment-related adverse events in the treatment groups. Tunnel enlargement in the experimental group (579.74 ± 389.85mm3) was not significantly different from those in the negative (641.97 ± 455.84mm<sup>3</sup>) and positive control (421.96 ± 274.83 mm<sup>3</sup>) groups (p = 0.6468). There were no significant differences between the groups in clinical outcomes such as KT-2000 measurement (p = 0.793), pivot shift test (p = 0.9245), International Knee Documentation Committee subjective score (p = 0.9195), Tegner activity level (p = 0.9927), and second-look arthroscopic findings (synovial coverage of the graft, p = 0.7984; condition of the graft, p = 0.8402). Conclusions: Allogeneic hUCB-MSCs were used safely for ACL reconstruction without treatment-related adverse event in a 2-year follow-up. However, our study did not suggest any evidence to show clinical advantage such as the prevention of tunnel enlargement postoperatively and a decrease in knee laxity or improvement of clinical outcomes. Trial registration: CRIS, Registration Number: KCT0000917. Registered on 12 November 2013; https://cris.nih.go.kr/ cris/index.jsp

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