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      • 폐농양 및 복부농양을 일으킨 Eikenella corrodens 감염 2예 : Two Case Reports and Review

        정용희,류미숙,김영식,이우인,이희주,서환조 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Eikenella corrodens is a slowly growing, facultative anaerobic gram-negative bacillus. It is a normal inhabitant of the human upper respiratory tract, and it is recognized as an infrequent cause of invasive disease. To date, a few cases of E. corrodens infection were noted from all other organ. We report herein two cases of E. corrodens infection. In one case E. corrodens was isolated in the lung abscess and in the other case it was in the appendiceal abscess. The patients were treated empirically with penicillin G. The results of the bacterial culture and sensitivity test were available with it. The patients were discharged 15 days later with marked improvement after treatment. Our report clearly demonstrates that E. corrodens can be the pathogen of lung abscess and intraabdominal abscess. We reviewed descriptions from the literature of infections caused by E. corrodens.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Gestational weight gain is an important risk factor for excessive fetal growth

        ( Joung Min Lee ),( Min Jung Kim ),( Moon Young Kim ),( Jung Yeol Han ),( Hyun Kyeong Ahn ),( June Seek Choi ),( Jin Hoon Chung ),( Si Won Lee ),( You Jung Han ),( Dong Wook Kwak ),( Hyun Mee Ryu ),( 대한산부인과학회 2014 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.57 No.6

        ObjectiveTo estimate the odds ratio of prepregnant body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG), and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) for excessive fetal growth, which we define as large for gestational age (LGA). MethodsWe included 16,297 women who delivered a live-born singleton baby at term. We fit logistic regressions to estimate the odds ratios of variables, including maternal age, parity, prepregnant BMI ≥23, GWG ≥15 kg, and GDM, for LGA. We classified GWG into four categories (<10, 10-14.9, 15-19.9, and ≥20 kg) and BMI into four categories (underweight, normal, overweight, and obese). After adjusting for age and parity, we analyzed the odds ratios of prepregnant BMI according to GWG between non-GDM and GDM women for LGA. ResultsThe odds ratios of GWG ≥15 kg and prepregnancy BMI ≥23 for LGA were 2.40 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.16-2.67) and 2.24 (95% CI, 1.99-2.51), respectively. The odd ratio of GDM was 1.37 (95% CI, 1.09-1.71). The risk of GDM women with normal/-overweight BMI and GWG <15 kg for LGA was not significantly greater than those of the reference group. The odd ratios of GDM women with overweight/obese BMI and GWG 15 to 19.9 kg were 3.95 (95% CI, 1.26-12.38) and 9.70 (95% CI, 3.79-24.87), respectively. ConclusionGWG ≥15 kg might be a more important risk factor for LGA than either prepregnancy BMI ≥23 or GDM. Risk for LGA was highest in obese GDM women with GWG ≥15 kg.

      • KCI등재

        Uma inserção logística brasileira : a partir da infraestrutura portuária

        Mee-Joung Lee 한국 포르투갈-브라질 학회 2012 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper has analyzed the reform of the port that has begun over the recent decade in Brazil. Logistics change with the increase of foreign trade has also changed the configuration of the physical structure and the operating system of the port infrastructure. After market-opening in the 1990s, the Brazilian politics focused on reforming the infrastructure as a whole for sustainable growth. Between the various areas of infrastructure, port infrastructure is a special case because their relationship has much to do with foreign trade. While the main role of the port has not changed, the contents of the operating system have changed greatly with the change of technical and technological standard. And the adaptation to new logistics involved new products, equipment, components, technologies, systems, etc. in the transaction scope, especially the scope of the infrastructure. The new standard of infrastructure can lead Brazil to enter the world market with growing participation in international trade. In this context, Brazil in the process of modernization of port infrastructure means that the country becomes the competitor and recipient of new world market of logistics at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells Protect the Ocular Surface by Suppressing Inflammation in an Experimental Dry Eye

        Lee, Min Joung,Ko, Ah Young,Ko, Jung Hwa,Lee, Hyun Ju,Kim, Mee Kum,Wee, Won Ryang,Khwarg, Sang In,Oh, Joo Youn Elsevier 2015 MOLECULAR THERAPY Vol.23 No.1

        <P>Dry eye syndrome (DES) is one of the most common ocular diseases affecting nearly 10% of the US population. Most of the currently available treatments are palliative, and few therapeutic agents target biological pathway of DES. Although DES is a multifactorial disease, it is well-known that inflammation in the ocular surface plays an important role in the pathogenesis of DES. Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) have been shown to repair tissues by modulating excessive immune responses in various diseases. Therefore, we here investigated the therapeutic potential of MSCs in a murine model of an inflammation-mediated dry eye that was induced by an intraorbital injection of concanavalin A. We found that a periorbital administration of MSCs reduced the infiltration of CD4(+) T cells and the levels of inflammatory cytokines in the intraorbital gland and ocular surface. Also, MSCs significantly increased aqueous tear production and the number of conjunctival goblet cells. Subsequently, corneal epithelial integrity was well-preserved by MSCs. Together, the results demonstrate that MSCs protect the ocular surface by suppressing inflammation in DES, and suggest that MSCs may offer a therapy for a number of ocular surface diseases where inflammation plays a key role.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        The Changes of Posterior Corneal Surface and High-Order Aberrations after Refractive Surgery in Moderate Myopia

        ( Min Joung Lee ),( Sang Mok Lee ),( Hyun Ju Lee ),( Won Ryang Wee ),( Jin Hak Lee ),( Mee Kum Kim ) 대한안과학회 2007 Korean Journal of Ophthalmology Vol.21 No.3

        Purpose: To compare forward shift of posterior corneal surface and higher-order aberration (HOA) changes after LASIK, LASEK, and wavefront-guided LASEK surgery in moderate myopia. Methods: One hundred eighty four eyes undergoing LASIK, LASEK and wavefront-guided LASEK with VISX STAR S4 were included in this study. The posterior corneal elevation was measured with Orbscan before, 2 and 4 months after surgery. Changes of the elevation were assessed using the difference map generated from preoperative and postoperative elevation maps. The values of higher-order aberrations were evaluated preoperatively and 2 months postoperatively with Wavefront aberrometer. Results: The posterior corneal surface displayed forward shift of 27.2±11.45 μm, 24.3±9.76 μm in LASIK group, 23.4±10.5 μm, 23.6±10.55 μm in LASEK group, 24.0±14.95 μm, 28.4±14.72 μm in wavefront-guided LASEK group at 2 months and 4 months, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences among those three groups, and between 2 and 4 months. The root mean score (RMS) of HOA was increased after LASIK and LASEK (p=0.000, p=0.000, respectively). The mean change of HOA-RMS was significantly smaller in wavefront-guided LASEK than LASIK or LASEK (p=0.000, p=0.000, respectively, Bonferroni-corrected). Conclusions: The changes of posterior corneal surface forward shift showed no difference among LASIK, LASEK and wavefront-guided LASEK in moderate myopia. HOAs were significantly increased after LASIK and LASEK. The changes of HOAs were significant smaller in wavefront-guided LASEK than LASIK or LASEK. Korean Journal of Ophthalmology 21(3):131-136, 2007

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        브라질 IT산업의 틈새시장: 은행 자동화 시스템

        이미정 ( Lee Mee-joung ) 한국포르투갈-브라질학회 2005 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.2 No.1

        브라질의 컴퓨터산업 발전은 다른 신흥공업국 (Newly Industrializing Economies)에 비해 훨씬 이전에 시작되었음에도 불구하고 지금은 반대로 그 경쟁력을 상실하고 있다. 시장 다변화 현상이 역동적으로 진행되고 있는 IT산업은 브라질 기업들로 하여금 국산장비에 대한 선호도를 저하시키고 국내 정보기술산업의 생존 가능성을 근절시키고 있다. 시장 보호 정책에 힘입어 70년대 중반부터 국책사업으로 발 돋음 한 브라질의 컴퓨터산업은 비록 한국처럼 수출시장을 통한 외부 지향적 수익을 겨냥하진 않았지만 거대한 자국 시장을 발판으로 몇몇 대형 은행기업 집단들에 의해 틈새시장을 확보했던 특이한 경험이 있다. 60년대를 기점으로 금융사업 집중화에 성공한 이타우은행(Itaú)과 브라데스코은행(Bradesco)은 자체 내에서 사용하던 컴퓨터를 국내 유치산업 보호정책과 생산자-소비자 연계시스템을 통하여 투자된 자본 손실을 극소화시키는 등 80년대 국내 정보산업 발전에 크게 이바지 하였다. 그런데, 90년대 시장개방 이후, 브라질 IT 제조업체들은 외국 선진 기술 및 자본 협약을 통해 생산활동 보다는 내수에 필요한 외국 완제품 판매를 활성화 시키는 역할로 전락하고 말았다. 세계 실물경제체제가 IT산업을 중심으로 급속히 변해가고 있는 이 시기에 IT 패러다임에 동참하지 않고서는 국가경제의 미래를 보장 받기 힘들어졌다. 더욱이, 시장개방으로 인해 내수 역시 외부 초 국가적 기업시스템에 이끌려가고 있는 실정이다. 이미 성공 경험이 있는 틈새 시장의 발전 여력을 충분히 발휘하여 꾸준한 돌파구 모색이 브라질 IT산업 발전 가능성을 이어주는 한 방편이라고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        산업 활동과 환경변이의 역학관계: 브라질 농업발달의 통시적 궤도에서

        이미정(Lee, Mee-Joung) 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2021 중남미연구 Vol.40 No.1

        브라질은 근본적으로 농업국가다. 브라질의 농산물 수출은 국가 경제에 미치는 영향이 매우 크고 이러한 이유로 농업은 국가 성장 유인산업으로 체화되었다. 그러나 대규모의 농업방식이 새로운 농지 개척을 통한 생산성 제고를 추구하는 이유로 자연훼손을 가속하는 폐단을 낳고 있다. 무분별한 농지 확장은 생물의 다양성을 감소시키고, 재생할 수 없는 농업환경을 만들어 미래세대의 생존을 위협한다. 농지 규모의 끝없는 확장은 산림과 토양의 황폐화는 물론 자연 순환의 고리를 끊어 생태계 파괴로 이어진다. 생태계 유지와 환경 보존의 필요성이 절실히 요구되는 현시점에서 브라질 농업 활동과 환경 사이의 역학관계 논리는 코로나19 확산으로 고통받는 현대인들이 필요로 하는 교훈과도 상통한다. 포르투갈이 해양 제국으로 브라질을 식민화하면서 브라질 땅의 경제는 외부 시스템에 편입된 외생성(exogeneity )이 내재되기 시작했으며 이러한 관계는 현재에도 이어져 외부의 영향력이 자연의 섭리를 거스르는 경우가 빈번히 발생하고 있다. 아마조니아와 같은 천혜의 자연환경을 갖추고 있는 브라질은 대륙적 규모의 국토보존이 세계적 환경 보존 방향과 직결되어있어 국가적 자연 보전정책 추진이 어렵다. 자연이 자원으로서 기능하는 한 브라질의 농업은 경제 논리로 좌우될 것이고, 지속 가능한 발전은 구조적으로나 상황적으로 점점 더 어렵고 불확실하다. 이러한 맥락에서 미래의 브라질 농업은 소모적인 대량생산을 피하고 회생 가능한 자연과 온전한 생태계 유지 궤도 안에서 국가적인 실천 방안을 찾아야 할 것이다. Brazil is an essentially agricultural country. Brazilian agricultural exports have a major impact on the national economy and therefore, agriculture is a sector that drives economic growth. However, agricultural productivity in Brazil has largely depended on the scale of production, taking advantage of the size of the territory of a continental country. The endless expansion of the agricultural frontier is leading to the devastation of forests and will break the cycle of nature, the environment as a whole. At a time when the need for ecosystem maintenance and environmental conservation is urgent, the logic of the dynamic relations between agricultural activities and the modifications of the natural environment in Brazil can serve its lessons to Covid 19 as well. Since Portugal colonized Brazil as part of the maritime empire, Brazil"s economic system was already inserted in the larger system, the world-scale system under which exogeneity is incorporated into the internal system and these relations continue today. Brazil is a privileged country because it has the Amazon rainforest(Amazônia) that helps to develop the country"s agriculture with the benefit of the environment such as nature, geography, climate etc. On the other hand, the Brazilian government has difficulty in promoting its own natural conservation policy with autonomy. As long as nature functions as a resource, agriculture in Brazil will be dominated by economic logic and sustainable development will be increasingly uncertain. In this context, Brazilian agriculture must avoid waste coming from the production of an exaggerated scale that has destroyed nature"s own system and alternatives must be found that can preserve the environment and maintain renewable ecosystems.

      • 최우수논문상 (모체태아의학)

        이정민 ( Joung Min Lee ),( Min Jung Kim ),( Moon Young Kim ),( Jung Yeol Han ),( Hyun Kyeong Ahn ),( June Seek Choi ),( Jin Hoon Chung ),( Si Won Lee ),( You Jung Han ),( Dong Wook Kwak ),( Hyun Mee Ryu 대한산부인과학회 2015 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.101 No.-

        Objective: To estimate the odds ratio of prepregnant body mass index (8MI), gestational weight gain (GWG), and gestational diabetes mellitus (GOM) for excessive fetal growth, which we define as large for gestational age (LGA). Methods: We included 16,297 women who delivered a live-born singleton baby at term. We fit logistic regressions to estimate the odds ratios of variables. including maternal age. parity. prepregnant BMI2``:23, GWG 2``:15 kg, and GOM, for LGA We classified GWG into four categories 10, 10-14.9. 15-19.9. and 2``:20 kg) and 8MI into four categories (underweight, normal, overweight, and obese). After adjusting for age and parity, we analyzed the odds ratios of prepregnant 8MI according to GWG between non~GOM and GOM women for LGA Results: The odds ratios of GWG ≥2``:15 kg and prepregnancy 8MI ≥23 for LGAwere 2.40 (95% confidence interval [CI1. 2.16-2.67) and 2.24 (95% CI, 1.99-2.51), respectively. The odd ratio of GOM was 1.37 (95% CI, 1.09-1.71). The risk of 80M women with normal/-overweight 8MI and GWG <15 kg for LGA was not significantly greater than those of the reference group. The odd ratios of GDM women with overweight/obese BMI and GWG 15 to 19.9 kg were 3.95 (95% CI, 1.26-12.38) and 9.70 (95% CI, 3.79-24.87), respectively. Conclusion: GWG 2``:15 kg might be a more important risk factor for LGA than either prepregnancy BMI 2:23 or GDM. Risk for LGA was highest in obese GOM women with GWG ≥2:15 kg.

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