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        「 가다 , 오다 , 있다(行く , 來る , いる)」 의 존경어 형태의 고찰 : 소화후기(40 ~ 60) 년대을 중심으로

        Mariko, Takahashi 한국일어일문학회 2001 日語日文學硏究 Vol.38 No.1

        小論에서는, 주로 昭和40∼60년대의 大衆文藝作品에『行く·來る·いる』의 尊敬表現의 用例가 어떻게 나타나있는가, 그 實態에 대해서 考察해 보았다. 그 結果 다음과 같은 점이 確認되었다. ①本動詞·補助動詞 모두『行く·來る·いる』의 尊敬表現 가운데,「いらっしゃる」의用例가 가장 많았고, 本動詞는 67%, 補助動詞는 79%를 차지하고 있다. 이것은 高橋(2000)『開化期의 實態』및 高橋(1999)「明治20∼30年代의 實態』에서, 本動詞는 각각 33%, 補助動詞는 17%, 29%였던 것에 대조해 보아도, 대략120年間에「いらっしゃる」가 確固한 勢力 擴大를 이룬 것으로 推測된다. ②江戶時代後期에 多用되었던「おいでなさる·おいでだ」는 開化期의 27%·17%에서, 明治20∼30年代에는 각각 19%로 急速한 衰退를 보였고, 小論의 考察에서는 本動詞로서의 用例는 없었다. 단, 補助動詞 用法에서는 用例가 2例 抽出 되었지만, 2例 모두 話者는 老齡의 女性으로, 以後의 衰退가 推測된다. ③「おいでなさる·おいでだ」의 交替로서는,「おいでです·おいでになる·∼れる(られる)」가 서서히 勢力 範圍를 擴張하고 있지만, 그중에서도「∼れる(られる)」의 ,擡頭가 顯著하고, 開化期 및 明治20∼30年代에 本動詞 用法에서는 抽出되지 않았던 用例가 小論에서는 數的으로 적지만 抽出되었고, 本動詞·補助動詞 用法 모두「いらっしゃる」에 다음가는 位置를 차지하고 있다. 특히 純粹하게 歷史的인 觀点에서는 옹호할 여지가 없다는「おられる」는, 주로男性 話者에게 쓰이고 있고, 年齡層은 20代에서 年長者까지 그 폭이 넓다. 더욱이 補助動詞 用法의「∼ている」의 尊敬表現에서는 明治 30年代까지 약2%에 지나지 않았지만, 本稿에서는 14%까지 勢力 範圍를 넓히고 있다. ④『行く·來る·いる』의 尊敬語 表現의 主流라고 하는「いらっしゃる」의 連用形 形態는,「いらっしゃって,いらっしゃった」보다도 拗音·促音가 전부 탈락된「いらして, いらした」가 우세였고, 小論에서 본 本動詞 用法에서는 90%以上, 補助動詞에서는「『∼ている』의 尊敬表現에서만 抽出되었지만 85%를 상회하고 있다. 江戶語에서는「いらっしゃっ(て·た)」」「いらっしっ(て·た)」「いらしっ(て·た)」의 세가지 형태가 있다고 하나,「いらっしゃっ(て·た)」이외의 용법은 추출되지 않았다. 以上, 昭和40∼60年代의『行く·來る·いる』의 尊敬表現의 樣相을 考察해 보았지만, 어디까지나, 考察對象作品 範圍內의 結果이고, 여기서 얻은 尊敬表現 形式이 그대로 當時 一般의 實態나 實相을 反映하고 있는다고는 할수 없지만, 作家 自身이 그 時代를 살아간 言語使用者였다는 점에 힘입어, 앞으로 보다 正確하게 『行く·來る·いる』가 尊敬表現에서 차지하는 위치에 대해 진행하고 싶다.

      • KCI등재

        Management of Chronic Expanding Haematoma Using Triamcinolone after Latissimus Dorsi Flap Harvesting

        Mariko Hamada,Yusuke Shimizu,Noriko Aramaki-Hattori,Tatsuya Kato,Keiko Takada,Marie Aoki,Kazuo Kishi,Tomohisa Nagasao 대한성형외과학회 2015 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.42 No.2

        Chronic expanding haematoma (CEH) is a rare type of haematoma that enlarges slowly andcontinuously without coagulation. It can occur following surgery because of shear stressinducedbleeding in the scar tissue between the subcutaneous fat and fascia. We present threecases of large chronic CEH that were successfully treated with triamcinolone injections. Threefemale patients developed large chronic CEH at 9 months, 5 years, and 6 years, respectively,after latissimus dorsi flap harvesting for breast reconstruction. Although the condition did notimprove after multiple sessions of haematoma aspiration in the first two patients, it resolvedfollowing a single 40-mg triamcinolone injection along with appropriate compression dressingfor several weeks. In the third patient, triamcinolone was injected immediately after the initialaspiration of the haematoma, and the condition improved considerably. There were no sideeffects in any of the patients. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of successfultreatment of large CEH using triamcinolone. Therefore, we suggest that triamcinolone injectionsbe considered for the treatment of CEH.

      • KCI등재

        Forestry Education Support by a Forest Research Institute : High Schools

        Mariko Inoue,Yasuhiko Oishi,Tomoyuki Fujii,Hiroyuki Kobayashi 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2008 Journal of Forest Science Vol.24 No.3

        Forestry education in vocational high schools is one of the fundamental keys for achieving sustainable forest management. However, support systems for forestry education have not been well developed in Japan. Forest research institutes, which have accumulated relevant information, should have sufficient ability to develop new educational programs in this field. This study examined the possibility of support systems for forestry technical education by a research institute. Educational programs for vocational high schools were developed, and the programs were examined for their practical applications through a workshop for these teachers. We set the following five requirements for the programs: They should 1) incorporate new contents related to sustainable forest management, 2) be based on forestry education textbooks, 3) meet recent demands of the schools and society, 4) allow participants to learn through actual practice and experience, and 5) utilize readily available teaching materials. With these criteria, we developed the following two educational programs: (a) Forest management program to teach advanced techniques, (b) A timber-program to teach about biomass resources. The workshop was held on July 28th, 2007 with ten teachers attending. The programs were very interesting, who gave them high average evaluation of 4.6 on a scale of 1 to 5. Only a few issues need to be resolved before classroom instruction can begin, such as making wood structure easier to understanding for some teachers, and obtaining base maps of school forests. In conclusion, forest research institutes can effectively support forestry education by providing and implementing programs based on scientific information.

      • KCI등재후보

        Yokukansan, a Kampo medicine, prevents the development of morphine tolerance through the inhibition of spinal glial cell activation in rats

        Mariko Takemoto,Masataka Sunagawa,Mayumi Okada,Hideshi Ikemoto,Hiroki Suga,Ayami Katayama,Hiroshi Otake,Tadashi Hisamitsu 한국한의학연구원 2016 Integrative Medicine Research Vol.5 No.1

        Background Animal models have shown that glial cells (microglia and astrocytes) in the spinal cord undergo activation following peripheral injury associated with chronic pain, suggesting the involvement of these cells in pain diseases. We have previously reported that Yokukansan (YKS), a Japanese traditional herbal (Kampo) medicine, is effective against chronic pain through the suppression of spinal glial cell activation. Morphine is a widely-used opioid analgesic for relieving severe pain, but its repeated administration leads to the development of antinociceptive tolerance. The development of morphine tolerance is also reported to be caused by spinal glial cells activation. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of YKS on the development of morphine tolerance and the activation of the spinal microglia and astrocytes using a rat model. Methods Male Wistar rats received a subcutaneous injection of morphine hydrochloride (10 mg/kg/d) for 7 days, and the withdrawal latency to thermal stimulation was measured daily using a hot plate test. Thereafter, the appearance of activated microglia and astrocyte in the spinal cord (L5) was examined by immunofluorescence staining. Ionized calcium binding adapter molecule-1 (Iba-1) staining was used to label microglia and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) staining was performed to label astrocytes. YKS was administered mixed with powdered rodent chow at a concentration of 3%. Results The preadministration of YKS (started 3 d before the morphine injection) prevented the development of morphine tolerance. The repeated administration of morphine increased Iba-1 and GFAP immune reactivities in the spinal cord; however, these activations were inhibited by the preadministration of YKS. Conclusion These results suggest that the preadministration of YKS attenuates the development of antinociceptive morphine tolerance, and the suppression of spinal glial cell activation may be one mechanism underlying this phenomenon.


        Global Accountability of Transnational Corporations: The UN Global Compact as a Global Norm

        Mariko Shoji 이준국제법연구원 2015 Journal of East Asia and International Law Vol.8 No.1

        The nature of the UN Global Compact has been studied from the perspective of three frameworks. The first is the theory of norm. The UNGC involves the creation of a network beyond transnational advocacy, as a transnational norm. The network of the UNGC is a public space for dialogue among participants. The second is the theory of subject. In the process of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives, ownership of various stakeholders and actors including companies are discussed. Furthermore, it attempts to draw the sense of ownership and commitment from those who cannot recognize their ownership. The third is the theory of responsibility. In the age of globalization, in association with increasing multilateral actors, the concept of ‘responsibility’ should be multilayered. The concept of ‘responsibility’ should be interpreted stereoscopically and it will be necessary to understand and conceptualize many related concepts concerning ‘accountability’ such as ‘responsibility,’ ‘charge’ and ‘commitment,’ with gradations.


        History of Women’s Participation in STEM Fields in Japan

        Mariko Ogawa 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2017 Asian Women Vol.33 No.3

        This paper surveys female holders of bachelor’s and doctoral degrees of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and sometimes including medicine) from the modern period of the Meiji era to present day Japan. It discusses early women’s education in Japan, female doctorate holders in STEM, and statistical analysis about Japanese higher education. Female university students appeared for the first time in 1913. Tohoku Imperial University matriculated three women, all of whom majored in science. The first woman who gained a doctoral degree in science appeared in 1927. A few years later, women earned various doctoral degrees, such as medicine, agriculture, and pharmacology. However, it was not until 1959 that the first female doctorate in engineering appeared. Female scientists started to appear around 1930, but a certain number of female engineers did not appear until around 1960. This year may be regarded as the beginning of the history of female researchers in all STEM to have been systematically educated in Japan. I also discuss the statistical analysis from the 1960s up until today. Almost over a half century has passed since then; however, the proportion of female students in STEM has been small. The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) has been making efforts since 2006 to improve their numbers. However, these efforts have not been adequate. Lastly, considering what prevents women STEM researchers from becoming more active despite MEXT’s efforts, I identify the inadequacies in the collection and historical analysis of Japanese sex-disaggregated statistical data.

      • P 38 : A fatal case of treatment-related MDS/MPN with bloodstream infection caused by pigmented fungal Exophiala dermatitidis

        ( Mariko Mochizuki ),( Yukari Osada ),( Nami Shimaoka ),( Mayumi Ito ),( Naomi Sannda ),( Junko Fujita ),( Hiroyuki Matumoto ),( Tadashi Matushita ) 대한임상병리사협회 2015 임상미생물검사학회 발표자료집 Vol.2015 No.-

        Case The patient was a 45-year-old man. He was diagnosed as having malignant melanoma ten years ago, and received chemotherapy including alkylating agents. After nine years, he developed treatment-related myelodysplastic syndrome / myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS / MPN), and he received hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. He had recurrence as MDS and re-transplanted. The blood culture after re-transplantation were repeatedly positive for Enterococci and yeast-like fungi of black-colored colony. Micafungin (MCFG) and Fluconazole were added to the treatment with liposomal-amphoterisin B. Hematopoetic stem cell transplantation was performed again due to bone marrow graft failure, however, his condition got worsened and died. Microbiological findings A yeast-like form with budding was found under microscopy, and black-colored colonies were grown on a CHROMagarTM Candida plate (Becton Dickinson). Species identification was not possible using VITEK and ApiC AUX (bioMerieux). Further culture revealed brown filamentous form on the melted chocolate-like colonies, which was strongly suggestive of dimorphic fungi. This fungus was identified as Exophiala dermatitidis by sequence analysis of ITS region of rRNA gene. Susceptibility test using the ASTY (KYOKUTO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIAL Co., Ltd) showed that, after 72hr growth, a high MIC values of > =16㎍/ml in MCFG and relatively good susceptibility to other antifungal drugs. Discussion Exophiala dermatitidis is a type of pathogenic dematiaceous fungi which was widely found in residential environment. It mainly causes infections of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue in immunocompromised patients, but sometimes fatal infections such as bloodstream infection. In clinical settings, it is important to speculate this species from morphological features, which will lead to the early diagnosis and treatment especially in immunocompromised cases. Acknowledge Takashi Yaguchi, Aki Hirabayashi, Daizo Kato, Mitsutaka Iguchi, Satoshi Morioka, Tetsuya Yagi

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