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      • KCI등재

        서어에서의 COMP 범주 분석

        마상영 한국서어서문학회 1998 스페인어문학 Vol.13 No.1

        En esta tesis hemos propuesto nuestras opiniones sobre las estructuras de las oraciones compueatas que todavi′a tienen sin solucio′n muchas caracteri′sticas sinta′ctico-sema′nticas. Las grama′ticas tradicional y funcional distinguen entre las oraciones nominales, las relatives y las interrogativas segu′n las funciones que desempen~an en la oracio′n materna. En la grama′tica generativa se ha detallado el ana′lisis de la categori′a COMP con los cambios de contenido, pero todavi′a no ha aparecido una solucio′n complete. En esta situacio′n, hemos optado la idea de la categrori′a COMP de Chomsky(1986) que consideramos relativamente ma′s refinada. La conjuncio′n que introduce la oracio′n nominal ocupa la posicio′n nuclear de COMP, mientras los relativos y los interrogativos se trasladan a la posicio′n Espec de COMP dejando sue huellas respectivas en su posicio′n originaria. Pero, la oracio′n relative de funcio′n adjetiva se caracteriza par [-C, -θ] y no requiere la inversion Verbo-Sujeto durante la relativizacio′n, mientras que la oracio′n interrogativa de funcio′n nominal tiene los rasgos [+C, +θ] y exige la inversio′n Verbo-Sujeto durante el proceso de interrogacio′n. Asi′ tales diferencias son relevantes coma se ve: a. Oracio′n nominal : SCOMP ⇒ [+C,+θ] Quiero [sc[c$quot;[c que] [SF te vayas]]]. b. Oracio′n relativa : SCOMP ⇒ [-C,-θ] Esa es la chica [sc a que] [c[cθ] [SF queri′a visitar]]]. c. Oracio′n interrogativa : SCOMP ⇒ [+C, +θ] No se′ [sc cua′l pluma [c$quot;[c Φ] [SF pro prefieres]]]. Para solucionar estos problemas, Emonds(1976) nos ha propuesto que $quot;que$quot;(that en ingle′s) es un tipo de preosicio′n oracional. Pero como hemos viato en esta tesis, su solucio′n no es perfecta y tambie′n provoca problemas teo′ricos. De acuerdo con J. M. Brucart (en prensa), hemos comprobado la validez del ana′lisis de la categori′a COMP de Chomsky(1986) criticando los problemas pendientes de las propuestas de varios lingu¨i′stas : Mari′a Luisa Rivero(1980), Susan Plann(1982), M. Sun~er(1986, 1991). Tambie′n hemos analizado las relaciones entre la misma categori′a y los rasgos sema′nticos del verbo principal, y sus caraceri′sticas sinta′ctico-sema′nticas en el discurso indirecto. Lo que se ha argumentado en esta tesis nos muestra que le conviene ma′s al espan~ol el ana′lisis de COMP de Chomsky(1986) que los otros parame′trioos. El contraejemplo aparente de la secuencia $lt;que+S-qu$gt; no deteriora las suposiaones universales sino que las apoya, lo que hemos comprobado mediante el ana′lisis discursivo en que se seleocionan a la vez dos categori′as COMP. Sin embargo, todavi′a no vemos soluaonadas las diferencias sinta′ctico-sema′nticas de los componentes de la categori′a COMP. En unas propuestas anteriores la parti′cula QUE se divide en dos categori′as(relativo y conjuncio′n) en Rivero(1981) y en otras se considera so′1o como la u′nica categori′a : complementante (o mejor dicho, conjuncio′n). Pero siguiendo a esta u′ltima opinio′n, nos quedan la cuestio′n de que la preposicio′n, en el caso de las construcciones relativas EN QUE, DE QUE, aparece sin complemento, lo que viola la generalidad de la preposicio′n : La preposicio′n requiere la presencia obligatoria de su complemento, y la de que en el caso de EN EL QUE, DEL QUE, ..., no aparece el nu′cleo nominal del SN asi′ que ocurre la violacip′n del principio X'. A pesar de estas diferencias claras, haste ahora se ha tratado de analizar la categori′a COMP con el mismo criterio sinta′ctico, lo que consideramos problema′tico y deberi′amos esforzarnos a crear otras propuestas nuevas ma′s detalladas y de gran credibilidad.

      • 微生物에 의한 n-alkanes의 資化와 乳化

        마상조,김동필,조덕봉,최옥범 광주보건대학 1996 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        A long-chain n-alkane-using microorganism was isolated from a soil sample, and was identified to belong to genus Acinetobactor. This strain Ma-1 grew on n-alkanes ranging in carbon length from C_(13) to C_(44) as a sole carbon source. This strain could grow on the solid hydrocarbons without addition of any detergents. The growth and the hydrocarbon use were enhanced by the addition of a surface active agent, Plysurf A210G. A strain Ma-I culture isolated in our laboratory has been shown to produce an extracellular biopolymer with emulsifying properties when grown on a mixture of linear hydrocarbons. The substrates supporting good growth gave good polymer production. The polymers recovered from the substrates were found to be complex molecules or mixtures with a protein, a lipid, and a carbohydrate moiety.

      • KCI등재

        -mente형 부사의 통사적 특징

        마상영 ( Ma Sang Yeong ) 한국스페인어문학회 2003 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.28

        Es bien conocido que el adverbio es una categori´a muy complicada que modifica a varios sintagmas diferentes. Esta categori´a puede ocupar casi godas las posiciones adjuntas y hasta puede aparecer en las posiciones de otras categori´as. Adema´s, puede ejercer casi todas las funciones. Mediante este trabajo, hemos tratado de aclarar algunas caracteri´sticassinta´cticas de algunos adverbios de -mente en espan~ol. El adverbio nos muestra unas complejidades tan profundas que los lingu¨istas todavi´a no han podido aclarar sus caracteri´sticas sinta´ctico-sema´nticas. La mayori´a de trabajos acerca del adverbio se basan en la clasificacio´n de la misma categori´a segu´n los rasgos sema´nticos y muy pocos lingu¨istas la han analizado sinta´cticamente. Bajo esta circunstancia, hemos tratado de aclarar, a trave´s de esta tesis, que los adverbios de -mente nos muestran casi las mismas caracteri´sticas sinta´cticas que los adverbios normales. Pero, a diferencia de e´stos, los adverbios de -mente no aparecen en las posiciones de nu´cleo nominal salvo en la complementaria de la perposicio´n de. Parece que tampoco pueden ocupar la posicio´n sujetiva de la oracio´n copulativa u oracio´n reducida y la posicio´n complementaria de la oracio´n reducida. Sabemos bien que hay tantos adverbios de -mente que no hemos tratado aqui´, pero hemos logrado verificar las posiciones y funciones ma´s relevantes de los adverbios de -mente. Y hemos aclarado que los adverbios de -mente pueden ocupar la posicio´n Espec de otrascategori´as. Deseo que esta tesis sirva para otros estudios ma´s profundos acerca de los adverbios de -mente en espan~ol.

      • 혼화재료로서 석분토의 재활용 가능성 평가

        이상욱,김성원,오상균,김정길,마상준 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.2(구조계)

        Stone-Dust are inevitable by-products of almost rocky mountains which produce artificial sands in korea. The annual amounts of Stone-Dust is over 80,000㎥ approximately. Almost pre-existing Stone-Dust piled up out in the open space on disposed of industrial waste, it can result in critical environmental problem. The aim of this study is to promote the recycling of industrial waste as a kind of material of admixture. This study conducted some experiments such as pozzolan reaction test and flow test, compressive strength of mortar using Stone-Dust in heat-treatment. As a result of, compressive strength of mortar using stone-dust in heat-treatment is superior in the case of 700℃ 90min.

      • 여러 형태의 군집을 추론하기 위한 효율적 방법

        마성준;양태영;김정진 명지대학교 자연과학연구소 2004 자연과학논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        A binary segmentation procedure is proposed to detect clusters and provide inferences for the study space when the shape of the clusters and the number of clusters are unknown. The procedure involves a sequence of nested hypothesis tests of a single cluster versus a pair of distinct clusters. The size and shape of the clusters evolve as the procedure proceeds. The procedure allows for various growth clusters and for arbitrary baseline densities which govern the from of the hypothesis tests. A non-aggregated forest tree data is used to highlight the procedure. 이분법은 군집의 모양과 수를 모를 때 군집을 탐지하고 해당 공간의 추론을 제공하기 위해서 제안되었다. 하나의 공간과 둘로 분할된 공간을 반복적으로 비교하여 다양한 형태의 군집을 추론한다. 군집의 크기와 모양은 이분법이 진행됨에 따라 다양하게 변화한다. 미국 노스캐롤라이나 주의 한 지역에 서식하고 있는 특정 생물의 군집 형태를 새로운 기법을 이용하여 분석한다.

      • KCI등재

        농업인 교육·훈련 담당자의 전문성과 교육요구

        마상진 한국농업교육학회 2007 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.39 No.1

        이 연구는 농업인 교육·훈련 담당자의 전문성 영역을 도출하고, 관련 교육요구를 구명하는 목적이 있었다. 연구 목적 달성을 위해 농업인 교육·훈련 담당자 전문성 영역 등과 관련한 국내외 농업과 비농업분야 관련 연구를 고찰하였고, 전문성 관련 교육요구 분석을 위해 농업인 교육·훈련 담당자를 대상으로 설문 조사 및 면접 조사를 실시하였으며, 조사도구와 연구결과의 타당성 검토를 위해 전문가 협의를 거쳤다. 이 연구에서 도출한 농업인 교육·훈련 담당자의 전문성 영역은 역할과 역량으로 세분되는데, 먼저 농업인 교육·훈련 담당자에게 요구되는 역할은 연구자, 마케팅 담당자, 조직 변화자, 요구 분석자, 프로그램 설계자, 교재 개발자, 학습 촉진자, 자기개발 자문자, 행정 지원자, 평가자, 교육·훈련 관리자 등 11개였다. 역할 수행 결과 기대되는 최종 성과물 달성을 위해 필요한 역량으로는 기술 역량, 사업 역량, 대인관계 역량, 지적 역량 등 4개 역량군의 32개 세부 역량이 있었다. 농업인 교육·훈련 담당자를 대상으로 설문과 면접 조사를 통해 전문성 관련 교육요구를 분석한 결과 역할별로는 프로그램 설계자, 행정 지원가, 평가자, 교재 개발자, 연구자 역할, 역량별로는 기술 역량, 대인관계 역량군에 우선적인 교육요구를 보였지만, 조직 변화자, 교육·훈련 관리자, 마케팅 담당자 역할과 지적 역량에 대해서는 낮은 교육요구를 보였다. 한편 교육요구는 교육·훈련 담당 경력에 따라 차이가 분명하였는데, 경력이 적을수록 행정 지원자, 교재 개발자, 평가자, 요구 분석자, 프로그램설계자 등의 역할에 대한 요구가 상대적 높은 반면, 경력이 많을수록 연구자, 자기개발자문가, 학습 촉진자, 조직변화자 등의 역할에 대한 요구가 상대적으로 높았다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the professionality and education needs of farmer education and training practitioners. For the purpose, this study carried out literature reviews, surveys and experts reviews. Based on literature reviews on the roles and competencies of human resource development practitioners, and some modification of them with help of related experts, the specifics of the professionality were identified as follows: 11 roles including administrator, evaluator, education and training manager, material developer, individual career-development advisor, facilitator, marketer, need analyst, organizational change agent, program designer, and researcher; and 32 competencies including technical competencies, business competencies, interpersonal competencies, and intellectual competencies. Based on survey on farmer education and training practitioners, the educational needs for professionality development were identified as follows: farmer education and training practitioners had educational needs for such roles as program developer, administrator, evaluator, material developer, and researcher rather than education and training manager, marketer, and organizational change agent; they had educational needs for technical competencies rather than intellectual competencies.

      • Double-Deck Inverse Opal Photoanodes: Efficient Light Absorption and Charge Separation in Heterojunction

        Ma, Ming,Kim, Jung Kyu,Zhang, Kan,Shi, Xinjian,Kim, Sung June,Moon, Jun Hyuk,Park, Jong Hyeok American Chemical Society 2014 Chemistry of materials Vol.26 No.19

        <P>For the first time, double-deck WO<SUB>3</SUB>/BiVO<SUB>4</SUB> inverse opal photoanodes (DDIO-WO<SUB>3</SUB>/BiVO<SUB>4</SUB>) were prepared by swelling–shrinking mediated polystyrene template synthetic routes, and the use of the photoanodes in photoelectrochemical cells under simulated solar light was investigated. The double-deck photoanodes represented the compact interface between WO<SUB>3</SUB> and BiVO<SUB>4</SUB>, inheriting the periodically ordered macroporous nanostructure. More significantly, the DDIO-WO<SUB>3</SUB>/BiVO<SUB>4</SUB> inverse opal photoanodes prepared from the optimized fabrication condition demonstrated a photocurrent that was ∼40 times higher than that of the pure inverse opal WO<SUB>3</SUB> photoanodes at a bias of 1.23 V vs RHE. Even without an added catalyst, they produce an outstanding photocurrent density of ∼3.3 mA/cm<SUP>2</SUP> at a bias of 1.23 V vs RHE, which profits from improving the poor charge carrier mobility of BiVO<SUB>4</SUB> by combining it with a WO<SUB>3</SUB> skeleton and a shrouded bilayer inverse opal structure with a large surface area and good contact with the electrolyte.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/cmatex/2014/cmatex.2014.26.issue-19/cm502073d/production/images/medium/cm-2014-02073d_0008.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/cm502073d'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • KCI등재

        농업인의 학습조직 참여 실태 분석

        마상진 한국농업교육학회 2008 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.40 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 농업인의 학습 조직 참여 실태를 분석하는데 있었다. 연구를 통해 구체적으로 조사한 내용은 농업인은 어떤 유형의 학습 조직에 얼마나 참여하고 있고, 학습 조직을 통해 어떤 학습 활동을 얼마나 하고 있고, 농업인의 학습 조직 참여를 방해하는 요인은 무엇이며, 학습 조직은 어떤 농업인에게 효과적인가 등이었다. 이를 위해 한국농촌경제연구원 관측센터 표본 농가 중 70세 미만 쌀, 과수, 채소, 축산 농가 485명을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과 도출된 결론은 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 학습 조직은 교육·훈련 보다 농업인의 참여가 더 활발한 학습 방식이다. 둘째, 농업인 학습 조직 중 품목 연구회와 작목반이 가장 활성화되어 있다. 셋째, 농업인 학습 조직을 통해 이루어지는 주된 학습 활동은 자체 세미나이고, 주된 학습 내용은 생산 등과 관련한 기술 내용이다. 넷째, 농업인의 학습 조직 참여는 시간 부족, 자신감 부족, 관련 정보 부족 등에 의해 장애를 받고 있다. 다섯째, 학습 조직은 농업인에게 매우 효과적인 학습 방식이지만, 쌀이나 축산 농가 보다는 과수나 채소 농가에게, 학습 참여 빈도가 더 활발한 농가에게, 타인 권유가 아닌 자발적 의지에 의해 참여하는 농가에게, 소요 비용에 대한 자비 부담 의지가 있는 농가에게, 학습 조직을 통해 얻으려는 목표가 뚜렷한 농가에게 더 효과적인 학습 방식이다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the basic current status of farmers' participation in learning organization in Korea. Specific research questions are as follows: how many farmers participate in learning organization?, which type of learning organization is preferred by farmers?, what learning activities happen how happens?, what interferes farmers' participation in learning organization, and to which type of farmers is learning organization more effective? For the purpose, the study carried out a survey on 485 farmers under 70 years old. As results, this study concluded that ① farmers are participating in learning organization more frequently than education and training as a learning opportunity, ② commodity study group(pummok yunguhwoi) and commodity units (jakmokban) are more popular and active learning organization than any other type, ③ discussion between members is the main learning activities, ④ production related skills are the main learning contents, ⑤ the main barriers of learning organization participation are shortage of time, insufficient self-confidence and lack of related information, and ⑥ learning organization is more effective to farmers who produce fruit or vegetable rather than meat or rice; to farmers who are more frequently participating in learning organization activities; to farmers who are participating by free will rather than persuasion or induction; to farmers who are willing to pay for the activities; farmers who have goal orientation rather than activity orientation as participating motivation.

      • 韓國産 마늘의 乾燥特性에 關한 硏究

        馬相朝,趙德鳳 광주보건대학 1986 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        In the present study, an attempt was made to investigate the drying characteristics of the powdered and sliced garlic at higher drying temperature(30℃) than the temperatures previously reported. The study was further supplemented with the experimental works on the relationship between the sorption isotherms and storage stability of the powdered and sliced garlic and also on the estimatimation of the drying characteristics of garlic(Allium sativem L.) at a given set of conditions. The results of the sorption studies seem to indicate that the optimum moisture contents of the powdered and sliced garlic for safe long-term storage seemed to be 17.6% and 16.8% on dry basis respectively. The maximum moisture contents to be employed for drying or storage should not exceed more than 20% in either case. The flow-rate of the drying air was 0.5m/ sec. Moisture contents of garlic at the time of harvest are ca. 68%. It took ca. 840, 500 and 260 minutes for the thintly spread(l.5㎝ thickness) garlic to reach a moisture contents 60% (on wet basis) at the drying temperatures of 40˚ 50˚ and 60℃. The storage stability of the whole garlic does not seem to depend on the total moisture content, but rather on the equilibrium moisture content of the surface area of the whole garlic. The relative humity of the air to be used for the drying of garlic which is intended for a long time storage should be less than 70%.

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