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      • 신부전이 동반된 당뇨병 환자에서 발생된 침습성 모균증 : 수술과 Liposomal amphotericin B 및 GM-CSF 병합 요법에 의한 성공적인 치험 1예

        이원영,오기원,임국희,장재혁,이동건,최정현,강무일,신완식,차봉연,이광우,손호영,강성구 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        저자들은 신부전이 동반된 당뇨병 환자에서 발생된 부비동형 모균증에 대하여 수술과 함께 liposomal amphotericin B 및 GM-CSF의 복합치료를 하여 성공적으로 치료한 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Mucormycosis (zygomycosis) primarily affects diabetic or immunocompromised patients and typically progresses rapidly, necessitating surgical excision and antifungal therapy with amphotericin B. Large doses of amphotericin B are needed for cure, but it has the risk of causing significant renal toxicity. The recent development of liposomal amphotericin B allows antifungal therapy to be administered with potentially improved efficacy and reduced nephrotoxicity. We have experienced a case of paranasal mucormycosis successfully treated with surgery, liposomal amphotericin B and GM-CSF. A 59-year-old male suffering from diabetes mellitus for 6 years was admitted with pain at left maxillary area. He was diagnosed as mucormycosis after cytologic exam on the necrotic nasal mucosa, which showed typical hyphae. He have had diabetic nephropathy with macroproteinuria and had rapidly rising serum creatinine levels with the amphotericin B treatment: creatinine levels reverted to basal level with the use of liposomal amphotericin B. Despite surgical excision and continued antifungal therapy, his infection was not effectively controlled. Therefore, GM-CSF was administered additionally to improve phagocytic activity of leukocytes. He was finally cured after receiving a combination of aggressive surgery, liposomal amphotericin B and GM-CSF. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed clinical description of the treatment of mucormycosis with liposomal amphotericin B in Korea.

      • CO₂의 메탄화 반응에서의 Ni촉매의 활성도와 선택도

        이태진,이원근,김장희 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1988 연구보고 Vol.16 No.1

        The reactivity and selectivity of CO₂methanation over Ni/SiO₂ catalyst was investigatd with process variables(temperature, time factor, and H₂/CO₂ ratio). Apparet activation energies for CH₄ formation were 21.3㎉/mol and 25.8Kcal/mol in CO₂ and CO methanation, respectively. Besides CH₄, small amounts of CO were also formed with activation energy 19.4㎉/mol for CO formation. The rate of CH₄formation and outlet CO concentration were nearly independent of space time at any given temperature and H₂/CO₂ratio. The Selectivity to CH₄and outlet CH₄concentration, however, increased with increasing space time. These results suggest that the methanation of CO₂is series reaction involving CO formation. Results show that CH₄ production increases at the expense of CO production with increasing temperature, space time, and H₂/CO₂ratio.

      • 백서에서 척수강내 투여된 Fentanyl의 ED_(50) 측정

        이원형,오정근 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1993 충남의대잡지 Vol.20 No.2

        The ED_50 of intrathecal fentanyl was determined using the tail clamp technique in SpragueDawley rats(N=20). The results are summerized as follow. 1) The mean ED_50 value of intrathecal fentanyl was 7.4ug/kg in post-injection 5 minutes, l0ug/kg in post-injection 10 minutes, respectively. 2) The respiratory depression and muscular rigidity were developed when the dose of intrathecal fentanyl was over 10ug/kg, recovered completely by intrathecal 0.04mg naloxone.

      • KCI등재

        잔존 봉합사에 의해 발생한 점액종

        이제호,최병재,서원건,최형준 大韓小兒齒科學會 1999 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        점액종이란 소타액선 분비관의 폐쇄 또는 파열로 인한 타액의 저류로 나타나는 종창에 대한 임상적인 용어이다. 점액종은 조직학적으로 삼출형과 잔류낭종형으로 분류되어, 삼출형은 외상등으로 소타액선 분비관이 파열된 후 점액이 조직내로 유출되어 조직간격에 고여있는 상태이기 때문에 상피 피복을 볼 수 없고 낭종벽은 육아조직으로 둘러싸여있다. 그리고 잔류낭종형은 소타액선 분비관이 작은 타석에의해 폐쇄되거나 분비관 주위 반흔조직의 협착으로 발생하며 낭종강은 원주상피 또는 위중층 편평상피로 피개되어있다. 본 증례는 3년전 하순의 열창 치료를 위해 봉합된 후 발사되지 않은 silk 봉합사에 의해 발생한 점액종의 치험례로, 발사되지 않은 봉합사가 하순 소타액선의 분비관을 관통하여 파열시켜서 점액이 결체조직으로 유출되어 점액종이 발생하였다. Mucocele is clinical term used to describe swelling caused by the pooling of saliva at the site of a severed or obstructed minor salivary gland duct. Mucoceles are categorized into two subgroups, extravasation type and retention cyst type. The etiology of extravasation type mucocele is related to mechanical trauma to the minor salivary gland excretory duct, resulting in extravasation of mucus into the fibrous connective tissue so that a cystlike cavity is produced, but the epithelial lining is absent. Retention cyst type mucocele results from obstruction of minor salivary gland excretory duct, and cystic cavity is lined by epithelial cells. This case report presents a mucocele occurred on the lower lip, and caused by suture silk unremoved for 3 years. Suture silk penetrated and tore the minor salivary gland duct on the lower lip with subsequent extravasation of mucus into the fibrous connective tissue.

      • 식량위기 재발가능성에 대한 소고

        이원근 대구대학교 경제경영연구소 2011 경제경영연구 Vol.7 No.1

        2008년에는 국제곡물시장은 격동이라고 할 수 있을 정도의 격한 움직임을 보였으며 곡물시세가 급등하면서 많은 곡물생산국이 수출규제를 강화하였고 식량의 상당부분을 해외에 의존하는 우리나라는 여러 가지 측면에서 어려움을 겪었다. 최근 곡물가격은 안정세를 유지하고 있음에도 불구하고 국제적인 기상악화나 원유가격의 상승에 따른 대체에너지개발에 일부의 농산물이 이용되면서 식량위기 재발의 가능성을 우려하는 목소리가 높아지고 있다. 식량위기 재발 가능성에 대한 긍정적인 측면으로 제시되고 있는 주된 논거로는 첫째 수자원 부족현상의 심화 둘째, 세계인구 증가의 가속화 셋째 국제원유가격의 상승과 세계 에탄올 수급의 증대 등을 들 수 있고, 부정적인 측면으로는 첫째 원유가격의 안정과 바이오연료 증산정책, 둘째 단수(單收)의 둔화에 대한 농업투자 및 증산형 기술개발의 확대 셋째 신흥공업국의 식량소비패턴 등이 제기되고 있다. 이외에도 논의되어야 할 주요한 논점으로 첫째 곡물을 포함한 모든 자원의 패러다임이 변화, 둘째 식량 수출규제의 움직임 셋째 BRIC's를 포함한 신흥국의 경제성장이 세계식료수급의 변화 등이 주요한 변수로 작용할 것으로 예측되고 있다 This paper aims to study recurrence possibility of global food crisis in the future. Cheap food has been taken for granted for almost 30 years. From their peak in the 1970s crisis, real food prices steadily declined in the 1980s and 1990s and eventually reached an all-time low in the early 2000s. Rich and poor governments alike therefore saw little need to invest in agricultural production, and reliance on food imports appeared to be a relatively safe and efficient means of achieving national food security. However, as the international prices of major food cereals surged upward from 2006 to 2008 these perceptions quickly collapsed. Furthermore, although food prices are now lower than their 2008 peak, real prices have remained significantly higher in 2009 and 2010 than they were prior to the crisis, and various simulation models predict that real food prices will remain high until at least the end of the next decade.

      • KCI등재후보

        장애인생활시설 개별화 프로그램 분석 연구

        이상복,구원옥,이원령,신윤희,박영균 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2005 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.44 No.1

        본 연구는 장애인생활시설에서 생활하는 장애인의 사회 복귀를 위한 재활서비스 중 교육서비스를 보다 전문적으로 제공하기 위해 장애인생활시설에서 실시된 개별화프로그램을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구 목적을 바탕으로 사회복지법인 성요셉 복지재단 S재활원, S요양원을 선정하였고, S재활원에서 2년 간 실시된 개별화프로그램의 장기목표, 단기목표, 계획평가 자료를 빈도 분석하여 퍼센트(%) 처리(Valid Percent)를 하였다. 장애인생활시설에서 실시된 개별화프로그램 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자립생활과 사회 복귀를 위해 필요한 기초생활기능의 습득에 중점으로 두고 있었으며, 연구대상시설이 생활시설이기 때문에 가정에서 이루어지는 일상생활기능 습득이 우선으로 이루어지고 있었다. 둘째, 지체부자유 장애를 지닌 생활인은 운동기능의 습득과 보행에 관련된 교육계획 비율이 높으며, 정신지체 장애를 지닌 생활인은 소근육 운동, 협응, 건강관리와 관련된 교육이 이루어졌다. 셋째, 기본적인 사회 생활에 필요한 글자 읽기, 수세기, 셈하기 등의 기초적인 학습기능을 습득할 수 있는 교육계획이 실시되었다. 넷째, 교육계획에 대한 생활인의 성취 정도는 평균적으로 60% 정도로 다소 낮게 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to analysis of individualized education program for the people with disabilities in the residential facilities. As the subject of research, 2 residential facilities in the Sungyoseb Welfare Foundation participated in the study. Long-term goals, short-term objectives and evaluation result in the individualized education programs carried out in 2 residential facilities for the past 2 years were analyzed a frequency and showed percent(%). The results showed as follows : Analysis results of Individualized Education Program for the people with disabilities in the residential facilities are shown like following; First, the facilities manly provided the persons with disabilities with the educational programs for improving basic functional skills in their daily living lives. Second, the persons with physical disabilities was provided with the educational programs for improving in their motor skill and self-walking. And the person with mental disabilities was provided with the educational programs for improving in their promotion of health. Third, the persons in facilities was provided the educational programs for improving basic learning skills like a counting, reading, calculating in their social living. Fourth, the recording data sowed the average 8 out of 10 short-term plans were reached to about 60% of the unsatisfactory levels.

      • KCI등재

        벌꿀 및 당액의 혼합비에 따른 수분활성도 예측

        심원근,이은현,강현아,장규섭 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1995 농업과학연구 Vol.22 No.2

        In order to distinguish the honey in the market whether it is real or not simply and conviniently, the changes of water activity was investigated due to the addition of starch syrup and sucrose solution to the honeys such as Korean, Acacia, Chestnut and Mixed. The regression equations were obtained to predict the water activity of the honeys. In general, the honey was below 21% in moisture, below 0.6% in ash, 420 to 710cP in the viscosity, 0.57 to 0.62 in the water activity and 77 to 80brix in sugar content. The water activity of the samples were higher as the quantity of starch syrup and sucrose solution added increased. Starch syrup was more influence than sucrose solution. The regression equations between water activity and starch syrup concentration of honeys were obtained and R^2 value were higher than 0.90.

      • 農家의 借入金 償還實態分析 : 特히 全南地域을 中心으로 With an Emphasis on Chonnam Province

        吳元均,李基雄,李建烈 순천대학교 사회과학연구소 1990 社會科學硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        These days the existence of farm-debt has been seriously recognized as insolvency of indivudual farm household or crisis of farm house economy in Korea. Accordingly they say that farm-debt reduction measures must be broadly executed, it must be wirtten off in full, the scale of agricultural credit has to be enlarged, or interest rate should be lowered according to their counter-measures as well as theoretical background to fundamental solutions of farm-debt problem have their limit. Therefore farm-credit should be perceived not as burden that leads individual farmhous hold to destruction but genertive power that can repay principal and interest and give farms profit. And if capital is indispensable condition in all industries to pursue normal growth and development as a industry under capitalistic economic strusture, fund support to individual farm house and the whole field of agriculture must be broadly and continuously maintain. Consequently farm -debt problem in Korea lies in not its amount but lack or difference of its understanding. Accordingly we intented to measure repayment capacity of individual farm house by using various indicators. Secondly we analyzed what degree their repayment performance capacity is. Thirdly we did what financial resources it repays. The major results of this study could be summarized as follows; 1. Repayment performance capacity by long-term indicator that is leverage ratio was turned out 10.7% stretching over all farmhouses. This means that repayment capacity of Korean farm-house is satisfactory compared with the standard level of general enterprises 100% and American by intermediate indicator was 1492.8%. This ratio is much higher than standard level 200%. This result is exernally very stable and satisfactory. There are two reasons here. the one is the case that intermediate debt is less than intermediate asset while the other that intermediate asset is much more than intermediate debt, but Korean case comes within the purview of the former. By short-term indicator such as current ratio and quick ratio, current ratio was 101.4%(standard level 200%), quick ratio was 44.%(standard level 100%). Ratios of these two indicators were very un-satisfactory and low level. 2. Amount of repayment requirement to amount of average outstanding debt per farm during the survey year was 2,498 thousand Won and proportion was 73.8%, rate of repayment performance to repayment requirement was 58.6%. The component ratio of financial resources for repayment was 58.3% by sale of farm products, 18.3% by borrowing for old debt, 54% non-farm income, 3.7% by rimittance and sale of asset.

      • 산채류 추출물이 세균의 성장에 미치는 영향(Ⅰ)

        지원대,이종만,정영건 효성여자대학교 부설 한국환경위생연구소 1994 환경위생연구 Vol.4 No.1

        본 실험은 일반 가정의 식탁에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 산채류 20종에 대해 3주의 gram 양성균(Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus casei, Staphylococcus aureus)및 2주의 gram음성균(Klebsie-lla pneumoniae, Shigella sp.)의 성장에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 본 실험에 사용한 대부분의 산채류 추출액은 공시균의 성장을 다소 증가시켰다. 특히 표고버섯과 고사리는 그람양성균인 B.subtilis, L.casei, S.aureus균의 취, 더덕과 토란은 B.subtilis, S. aureus균의 성장을 대조군에 비해 2~6배로 크게 증가시켰다. 그러나 그람음성균인 K.pneumoniae와 Shigella sp.에 대해서는 성장을 크게 증가시키는 시료는 없었다. 한편, 죽순은 B.subtilis의, 부지깽이와 민들레는 L.casei의, 팽이버섯과 돌나물 및 두릅은 S. aureus의, 산초, 다래순, 두릅 및 마는 K. pneumoniae의, 죽순, 두릅 및 마는 Shigella sp.의 생육을 다소 저해하는 것으로 나타났으나 항균력은 인정할 수 없었다. This study was carried out to investigate how to influence mountainvegetables, which are commonly available in high mountains in Korea, on bacte-rial growth. Total 20 kinds of mountain vegetables and mushrooms were sampledand after boiling them in water, put water extracts of them into the media prepa-red for the smear of test strains, which were included three of Gram positivestrains (Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus casei and Staphylococcus aureus) andtwo of Gram negative strains(Klebsiella pneumoniae and Shigella sp.). The gro-wth of all strains were more or less increased in the media injected with waterextracted samples than that of the control. Especially the growth of B. subtilis,L. casei and S. aureus were increased by the water extracts of Pyogo mushroomand Bracke and the samples from Aster, Deodeok(Codonopsis lanceolata) andTaro were appeared with the increase in growth of B, subtilis and S. aureusby two to six times increase rate than that of control. However, the more growthincrease of K. pneumoniae and Shigella sp. were not found than that of control.There were also observed some of water extracted samples have slight inhibi-tions to the bacterial growth. The growth of strains inhibited by the sampleswere as follows .B. subtilis by water extracts of Bamboo shoot, L. casei bythem of Busiggaengi(Erysimum aurantiacum) and Dandelion, S. aureus by themof Pengi mushroom, Sedum and Fatsia, K. pneumoniae by of them of Chinesepepper, Darae(Actinidia arguta) , Fatsia and Yam and Shigella sp. by of themof Bamboo shoot. Fatsia and Yam. However. these antibiotic effects were soweak that scarecely proved their effects.

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