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      • KCI등재

        동일한 시료에 대한 국내 기관간의 STR 분석결과 비교 : STR 유전자좌 분석법의 표준화 설정을 위하여

        박종태,신경진,양윤석,우광만,이숭덕,이승환,이정빈,정연보,조승희,한길로,한면수,홍승범 大韓法醫學會 2001 대한법의학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        This paper described a collaborative exercise intended to see what kinds of short tandem repeat (STR) loci are used in different DNA typing laboratories in Korea and to compare their results for the demonstration whether uniformity of DNA profiling results from different laboratory could be achieved in Korea Laboratories were asked to test five tissue DNAs using methods routinely used in each laboratory and to report the results to the coordinating laboratory. The exercise demonstrated that each laboratory was using different STR loci for the typing with different STR numbers,2 VNTRS,36 STRs and amelogenin in total, and the direct comparison of the results from all the laboratory for the 18 loci could not be done as only one laboratory submitted typing results. Among 21 loci for which several laboratories submitted typing results, results for 14 loci were the same and results for the other 7 loci were different depending on the participating laboratory. D1S80, F13A01, D16S539, D21S11, D18S51, D3S1744 were the loci with different typing results. Even in the cases where commercial kits were used, the results were not the same depending on the machines used, that is the capillary electrophoresis or the gel based electrophoresis. The reason for the different results, points about the standardization of the methods arid the profiling data were described.

      • KCI등재

        주파수의존형 전자근관장측정기의 개발과 정확도에 관한 연구 : 전압차 자동보정형 VOLTAGE DIFFERENCE COMPENSATING TYPE

        이승종,김덕원,남기창 大韓齒科保存學會 1997 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop an accurate frequency-dependent type apex locator. To compensate the impedence differences of different canal contents, voltage differences were pre-measured and stored for saline, HOsb1/2O_2 and NaOCI. The circuit was adjusted to recognize the different voltages of each solution, thereby the machine could automatically compensate the voltage differences. In the process of this study, the following informations were observed. 1. Most stable apical reading was obtained at 500Hz and 10kHz. 2. There were no differences in accuracy among three different frequency types, sign wave, triangular wave and rectangular wave (p>0.05). 3. Before the compensation of voltage differences, saline, H2O2 and NaOC1 showed different readings at the apex even with the frequency-type (p<0.05). 3. After compensating the voltage difference, the accuracy was enhanced from +0.42 to +0.32 in H2O2 (p<0.05), from -0.34 to -0.12 in NaOC1 (p<0.05).

      • 금강 수서생태계의 구조와 기능에 관한 연구 : 수질 및 미생물

        이규승,김윤석,오덕환,이영하,임항식 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1995 環境硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        소백산맥의 주봉인 덕유산에서 발원하여 군산지역에서 황해로 유입되는 금강의 본류는 총 유로연장이 401.4km에 이르는 우리나라 4대강 중의 하나이며, 대전광역시, 충청남북도 및 전라북도 일부지역의 생활용수 및 산업용수의 공급원으로서 대단히 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 1960년대 이후 계속적으로 추진된 경제개발과 공업화 정책에 의해 인구의 도시집중화, 생활수준의 향상등이 이루어지고, 이에 따라 양질의 생활용수 및 산업용수에 대한 수요는 계속적으로 크게 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 그러나 금강의 경우 도시의 생활하수, 공업단지로부터의 공업폐수, 유역의 축산폐수 등에 의해 수질을 비롯한 수환경의 악화가 점차 심화되고 있으며, 이에 따른 수서생태계의 변화도 매우 큰 것으로 보고되고 있다. 특히 최근에 조성된 바 있는 금강 하구둑이 94년 8월부터 가동되고 있고, 또 1995년 이후 금강종합개발이 중류와 하류지역을 중심으로 대대적으로 시행될 예정이어서 금강 본류의 수환경은 장차 많은 변화가 예상된다. 수환경의 변화는 생육하는 생물들의 종조성은 물론 군집의 구조와 기능에 큰 영향을 미치기 때문에 금강 본류의 수서생태계에도 많은 변화가 수반될 것으로 예측되고 있다. 이와 같이 금강본류를 대상으로 하는 사업이 시행된 후 야기되는 수환경의 변화는 장기간에 걸친 조사를 요구하며, 이로부터 얻은 결과를 사업 시행 이전의 조사 결과와 비교함으로써만이 효과적으로 그 경향을 파악할 수 있다. 또한 이러한 비교 분석은 수질관리를 위한 대책 수립과 효율적인 사후 환경관리를 모색하는데 대단히 중요하다. 이에 반하여 지금까지 금강을 대상으로 한 수환경 및 수서생태계의 조사 연구는 단편적인 분야에 대하여 극히 단기간 수행된 것이 대부분이고 정량분석이 아닌 정성분석에만 치중되었기 때문에 금강의 수질 및 생태게보존을 위한 자료로서의 기능을 발휘하지 못하고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 환경문제연구소에서는 장기(향후 5년 이상)적인 계획하에 금강본류를 대상으로 수서생태계의 구조와 기능을 조사ㆍ분석하고, 이를 통하여 금강의 수질 및 생태계보존과 수환경관리를 위한 기초자료를 수립하고자 한다. 이와 같이 본 환경문제연구소가 장기적으로 추진하려 하는 금강 수서생태계학술조사는 금강 수서생태계의 현황은 물론 금강을 대상으로 하는 여러가지 형태의 사업에 의한 변화 양상을 정확하게 파악하고, 이에 대한 적절한 대처 방안을 강구하게 할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하여 줄 것으로 기대된다. 지금까지 금강에 대한 종합적인 생태계 조사가 이루어지지 않고 있음을 고려할 때, 본 학술조사는 장차 금강 수서생태계에 대한 연구의 지침이 될 것으로 기대되며, 이는 본교가 금강 생태계의 보존과 관리를 통하여 지역사회에 기여하는 중추적 학술기관으로서의 위치를 확고히 마련하는 계기가 될 것이다. 본 보고서는 이러한 연구계획의 1차년도 연구결과로서 수질 및 미생물, 수생식물, 어류, 동식물 플랭크톤, 수서곤충을 중심으로 금강 중ㆍ하류 유역 수서생태계를 구성하고 있는 주요 생물군의 구조와 기능을 정량적으로 조사ㆍ분석하는데 그 목적을 두었다. Heterotrophic microbial populations and physicochemical parameters of water samples collected from six stations on the Keum River have been examined from November 1994 to July 1995. The ranges for BOD and COD were 1.5-11.3㎎/L and 2.1-13.7㎎/L, respectively. At the station closest to the estuary, the values of BOD and COD were higher than at other stations, but those of PO₄-P were lower. Metal ions including Cu, Mn, Pb, Cd, and Hg were not detected at all. The population densities of heterotrophic bacteria amounted to 13.7-22.0% of the total bacteria. The densities of coliforms, Salmonella-Shigella, and yeasts were in the range of 49-538 cfu/ml, 16-271 cfu/100ml, and 30-259 cfu/㎖, respectively.

      • 청각 자극용 전기자극기 개발

        허승덕,정동근,김리석,김광년,강명구,김재룡,김기련 한국음성과학회 2004 음성과학 Vol.11 No.3

        This paper introduces a development of an electrical stimulator for auditory stimulation. The electrical stimulator is useful in neurotological diagnosis, audiological evaluation, candidate selection for cochlear implantation, optimal device selection and decision making of MAP strategy for severe-to-profound hearing impaired persons. The development was based on sound parameters of auditory brainstem responses and auditory electrophysiological characteristic such as effective firing of auditory nerve and recording evoked potentials during refractory period of neuron. Besides pulse parameter could adjustable by programming for more varied electrical stimulation evoked response audiometry. Using the electrical stimulator, electrical square pulse was applied to promontory, and electrically evoked auditory brainstem response and electrically middle latency response were successfully recorded in cats.

      • KCI등재

        한국전자제조기업에서의 경쟁전략, 경쟁우선순위의 전략적 적합성에 관한 실증연구

        김승범,이상천,장덕신,배성문 한국생산성학회 2004 生産性論集 Vol.18 No.3

        This study tries to examine the strategic fit of competitive strategies and competitive priorities in domestic electronic firms' manufacturing strategy. The strategic fit is accepted as a major factor in explaining the difference of firms' productivity performances. To set up strategic fit model, the previous research on manufacturing strategy model has been examined thoroughly. Based on proposed model composed of competition environments, core competences(competitive advantage and value chain), competitive strategies and competitive priorities, stepwise multiple regression was used as exploratory method to find significant types of internal strategic fit. The test results show that core competences(especially competitive advantage) have more impacts on competitive strategy than competition environments. In addition, there exist the significant types of strategic fit between competitive strategies and priorities. That is, differentiation strategy takes delivery priority and focusing takes flexibility.

      • 朱震亨의 中風論에 관한 考察

        고경덕,이동원,정승현,신길조,이원철 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1997 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        朱震亨은 金元四大家중 가장 후대의 인물로서 朱子學의 철학적 배경에 근거하여 劉河間, 張子和, 李??의 장점을 흡수하여 醫論을 펼쳤으므로, 金元四大家의 中風 內因論을 인식하는데 있어 그 의미가 크다. 朱震亨 中風論의 특징은 그가 거처한 純域的 特性에 근거하여 肥瘦人과 半身不遂의 左右에 따라 각각 治法을 달리하였으나, 中風 病因病理를 濕痰生熱로 보고 內因의 주요소로 痰을 중시하여 中風入方藥物은 治痰한다는 원칙에 기준하여 藥物을 사용하였다. 이러한 독특한 中風論은 후대 中風 內因論의 발전에 지대한 영향을 주었으므로, 이에 관한 연구는 中風 內因論 측면에서 韓醫學發展에 寄與할 것으로 恩慮된다. We inquired into the origins, pathologies, theraphies and prescriptions of Jungpung(中風) especially on the ground of Keokchiyeron(格致餘論)ㆍDangeosimbub(丹溪心法) written by JuJinHyoung(朱震亨) as modical blocks, from this study we could get that conclusions. 1. According to special feature of the theroies of JuJinHyoung's(朱震亨) Jungpung(中風) he thought pathologies of Jungpung(中風) as 「sub seong dam dam seong yeol yeol seong puns 濕疾痰痰生熱 熱生_風」through studying stress on regional characteristics and thought much of dam(疲) as one of major elements of internal causes. 2. He suggested chi-dam(治痰) in the first place in the treatment of Jungpung(中風) and emphasises the treatment using Succus Pyllostachyos(竹瀝), waterly extracted Rhizoma Zingiberis(鐘汁) in that they had the virtues of sodam-ganghwa(消痰降火), geo-gyeongrak(開經絡), haeng-heolgi(行血氣). 3. He treated differently whether a man in fat and thin, and have right or left hemiplegia, but he prescribed herb-medications on the principle that medications should have the virtues of chi-dam(治痰).

      • 와우 갑각 전기자극 뇌간유발반응용 원추형 전극의 개발

        허승덕,정동근,강명구,김리석,고도흥 한국음성과학회 2003 음성과학 Vol.10 No.4

        This paper introduces a new zinc coated copper wire electrode with coiled cone shape which has low surface resistance and tolerance to the motion artifact for promontory stimulation electrically auditory brainstem responses (PSEABR). Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) can be used to predict hearing threshold level with a great deal of accuracy particularly for a young child who cannot cooperate mechanically and some hearing impaired who are exaggerating a hearing loss for economic compensation. While severe profound sensorineural hearing losses may not be implemented by auditory potentials, PSEABR is proven as a useful tool even for some sensorineural related hearing impaired. It was shown that PSEABR gives the electrical stimuli to promontory of the cochlear instead of giving acoustic stimuli. For this reason, PSEABR can be used as an alternative for cochlear implantation, and can also be used as an optimal device selection and neural information for MAP. It was found that the role of electrode is very important in PSEABR. Even though this cone-shaped electrode was applied in animal experiments, waveforms are well produced by PSEABR. Thus, it was concluded that cone-shaped electrode turned out to be a useful preoperative audiological evaluation tool in deciding time for cochlear implantation surgery.

      • KCI등재
      • 구강내 결손부에 적용된 연조직 재건술식들에 대한 임상적 고찰

        김욱규,이승환,황대석,김용덕,신상훈,김종렬,정인교 부산대학교 병원 암연구소 2007 부산대병원학술지 Vol.- No.21

        To evaluate criteria, indications, and prognosis of the various reconstructive methods on the patients with intraoral soft tissue defect who had been treated at Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pusan National University Hospital from 2003 to 2005, we have reviewed the clinical data of the patients and analysed. The results were as follows: 1. Tongue flaps have been mainly applied on anterior portion of palate and maxilla. The survival rate was high percent, but the cooperation of patient was inevitable for the success. 2. Palatal mucosa rotational flaps were available on relative large defect on palate, oroantral fistula site. The side effect was a scaring band from secondary healing on denuded donor palate site. Sometimes the band came to be a hinderance to swallowing, phonation. 3. The application of free skin graft on entire maxilla site , palate was possible. The skin from thigh, abdomen could be applicable on fixed or movable tissues. The advantages of abdominal skin were easy harvest and direct donor site closure. 4. Forearm free flap was a workhorse flap for everywhere in intraoral defects. We had used the flap on cheek, floor of mouth, tongue without any significant complications. But the application of the flap was required for long operation time, which was disadvantageous to the old, weak patients. 5. Cervical platysmal flap could be easily applicable for buccal cheek, floor of mouth after excision of the cancer lesion. the design of the flap could be made simultaneously on neck dissection, but the danger of cancer remnants on the flap always might be remained. 6. Buccal fat pad pedicled flap must have been a primary flap for repair of oroantral fistula especially on posterior maxilla. The flap survival will be expected if the considerations for above reconstructivε methods on site, size, condition of defects primarily could be made.

      • Helicobacter pylori와 대장균의 Shuttle Vector 개발

        조명제,이우곤,이상룡,김경희,안영숙,김성희,김현주,류복덕,최여정,윤영혜,백승철,전영석,이광호 경상대학교 유전공학연구소 1997 遺傳工學硏究所報 Vol.16 No.-

        In this study, a vehicle vector using cryptic plasmids was constructed for gene transfer in Helicobacter pylori. pHP51(3.9 kb) and pHP489(1.2 kb) were selected for constructing vectors from cryptic plasmid of H. pylori isolates in Korea. The HindⅢ-digestedDNA fragment(1.2kb) of pHP489 and 1.6kb DNA fragment of pHP51 were ligated with a kanamycin resistance gene(aph3'-Ⅲ) from C. jejuni to produce the recombinant plasmids pHP489K and pHP51K, respectively. Transformation frequency of pHP51K by electroporation was low. But pHP489K could be effectively transformed into various H. pylori strains. In order to design an intermdiate vehicle vector for gene transfer into H. pylori, pBlueHP489K was prepared by recloning pHP489K DNA into pBluescript and pTZ19R vector. This vector permitted the DNA fragment containing pHP489 sequence, aph3'-Ⅲ, and cloned DNA to be cut and self-ligated in the SacⅠ site after cloning. ureA and ureB gene were inserted into pBlueHP489K, resulting in pBlueHP489K/AB. The DNA fragment containing pHP489, kanamycin resistance gene(aph3'-Ⅲ), and urease structural gene was cut away from pBlueHP489K/AB and self-ligated to generate pBlueHP489K/AB. pBlueHP489K/AB made urease-negative H. pylori strains restore their urease activity. By this experiment, pBlueHP489K was confirmed to be the vehicle system for transferring H. pylori genes.

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