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      • KCI등재

        자유주제 : 김현승 시의 변모 양상 -기독교 예정론을 중심으로-

        이상옥 ( Sang Ok Lee ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2013 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.41

        김현승은 50대 이후에 ‘고독’ 테마의 시편으로 시적 개성을 드러내면서 기독교적인 형이상학적 시인으로 한국시사에 매우 특이한 개성으로 자리한다. 우리 시단에서는 드물게 기독교를 본격적으로 자기화하여 기독교가 그에게는 곧 생리이자 사고방식이 되었던 것이다. 본고에서는 기독교에 대해 회의한 50대 전과 후, 그리고 고혈압으로 쓰러진 이후 3기로 나누어 그의 종교적 굴곡에 초점을 맞추어 기독교 예정론을 중심으로 김현승 시의 변모 양상을 살펴보았다. 시인 김현승은 50대에 평생 믿고 따르던 신을 부정하고서 표현론의 관점으로 시를 고스란히 남긴바, 목사의 아들로 태어나 평생 신과 갈등(절대주권과 자유의지)의 파노라마를 보여주었는데, 이런 갈등국면 속에는 기독교 예정론, 즉 기독교 2천 년 역사 속에서 현재 진행형인 신의 절대주권과 자유의지론의 논쟁이 고스란히 드러나면서 그의 시의 변모 양상은 다음과 같다. 제1기는 신의 절대주권과 자신의 자유의지 사이에 충돌을 경험하며 신의 세계를 인정은 하면서도 시인으로서의 자의식이 강하게 드러나 신의 절대주권을 전적으로 수긍하기 힘든 국면을 노래하였다. 신의 절대주권과 자유의지의 충돌로 대표적인 작품으로는 「자화상自畵像」,「푸라타나스」,「사랑을 말함」,「나무와 먼길」,「그냥 살아야지」 등이 있다. 제2기는 신의 절대주권을 벗어나 자신의 의지로 나아가 스스로가 주체가 되고 주인이 되어 실존적 고독을 드러낸다. 대표 작품으로는 「제목題目」,「병病」,「시詩의 맛」,「견고堅固한 고독」, 「절대絶對 고독」,「고독의 끝」등이 있다. 제3기는 신과 결별하고 자유의지를 한껏 추구하며 승승장구하는 듯했으나 고혈압으로 쓰러지고 난 이후 신의 절대주권을 수용하며 절대 신앙의 고백을 드러낸다. 대표작으로 「마지막 지상地上에서」,「촌村 예배당禮拜堂」,「무기武器의 노래」,「나무」,「부활절에」등이 있다. 김현승 시는 절대주권과 자신의 자유의지와의 대결에서 갈등 양상을 보이다가 신의 절대주권에서 자유의지의 세계로 독립하였으나, 결국 신의 절대주권의 세계로 회귀함으로써 신의 절대주권 앞에 복종하는 인간상을 구현해 보이고 있다. 김현승은 기독교 2천년의 가장 큰 이슈인 예정론의 논쟁을 자신의 온 몸으로 수렴하여 시로 표현해 냄으로써, 신앙의 육화(肉化)를 구체적으로 보여주는 시 세계를 구현해 내고 있는 것이다. 이런 점에서 한국시단에서 그의 자리는 드러나는 바가 뚜렷하다. 아울러 예정론과 자유의지론의 논쟁은 기독교 2천 년 역사 속에서 여전히 현재 진행형으로 존재하고 있는바, 그 대결 양상을 생래화하여 문학으로 재현해 보이는 그의 시는 교리적 측면에서도 살펴볼 만한 가치가 분명하다 하겠다. Kim Hyun Sung`s poems in his fifties show the thematic characteristic of solitude. As a poet of Christian metaphysics, he locates himself in a very unique place in the history of Korean poems. He individualizes Christianity and that is an ecology and a way of thinking in his poems. This study deals with his skepticism on Christianity before and after his fifties. The varying patterns of his poems are studied based on the Christian supralapsarianism in the category of three periods after the high blood pressure struck him,Kim Hyun Sung denies God in his fifties whom he believed in his entire life until then. His poems express that well. Born to a church minister, he shows panorama of conflicts with God. The conflict between absolutism and indeterminism is still going on in the two thousand history of Christianity. The varying patterns of his poems are as follows. The first period shows that he accepts God`s absolutism in the conflict with his free will as a poet. He finds it hard to acknowledge God`s absolutism in his strong self-consciousness as a poet. Poems showing such characteristics are “Portrait,” “Platanus,” “Talking about Love,” “Tree and a Long Way,” and “I Will Just Live.”The second period shows that he gets away from God`s absolutism and finds his own way of free will. He becomes a master of himself in the existential solitude. Poems of such characteristics are “Title,” “Disease,” “The Taste of Poems,” “The Solid Solitude,” “The Absolute Solitude,” and “The End of Solitude.”The third period shows that he seems to be victorious in his pursuit of free will after his separation with God. However, the high blood pressure attacked him and made him confess his faith in God in the acceptance of God`s absolutism. Poems of such characteristics are “The Last Day on the Earth,” “In a Country Church,” “The Songs of Weapon,” “The Tree,” and “On the Easter Day.”Likewise, he shows denial and acceptance of God in his poems. His direct experience of supralapsarianism helped him incarnate his belief in God well in his poems. His place in the history of Korean poems is distinct in this respect. It is worthwhile to look into his poems in the light of theology. He made it an ecology in his poems to deal with ongoing conflict between absolutism and indeterminism.

      • KCI등재

        문학과 융합의 상상력 멀티포엠과 디카시(詩)의 전략

        이상옥 ( Sang Ok Lee ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2011 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.35

        This thesis aims at analyzing two contemporary aspects of Korean poems, known as multipoem and dicapoem. These two novel trends represent the ways Korean poems take to surviving in the era of socal network by adopting strategies of utilizing multi-media languages. Chang Kyong-ki, a leader in the multipoem society, proclaimed the first declaration of multipoems in August, 1996, and continued helping the new attempt settle and stabilize itself by holding several multipoem movements and events, such as, Digital Manhe Festival, Multipoem Academy, Multipoem Contests, Multipoem Exhibitions, and the Multipoem Performance Festival. However, although the multipoem movement is significant in that it has utilized computers and calls for change, it is still hard to define multipoem as a unique new genre because it focuses more on the outward expansion by bringing in the image poems on the internet, flash multimedia poems, large size poems, framed poems, and porcelain ware poems. On the other hand, Lee Sang-ok published the first dica (digital camera) poem book titled The Way to Kosung in 2004. He has ever since helped his development further grow and settle down by opening a net cafe, holding dica poem contests and festivals, publishing a dicapoem periodical, and hosting meetings for dica poems researches. In the early 90s, dica poems remained a simple subject in the minor culture, but gradually found its way in the medium of digital environment. Dicapoem had a challenge to answer the general question of compatibility between the picture images and the text, despite the undeniable characteristics lying in utilizing the digital cameras in creating poems. Despite the several problems the multipoem and dicapoem have posed, it is true that they both attract the public interest in that the two similarly command multi-media languages, transcending the mere letters. The multipoem actively utilize the multi-media while the dicapoem accommodate the digital camera images, a kind of basic multi-media language, in conjunction with letters. In this respect, they may well be both considered a new poetic genre in the multimedia era. There is a strong potential for both multipoem and dicapoem to naturalize as an indispensible genre in the digital era, particularly if more progressive theorists participate and develop sophisticated poetics.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        지역보건의료계획 수립에 있어 지역의료보험자료의 활용가능성

        이상이,김철웅,문옥륜,Lee, Sang-Yi,Kim, Chul-Woung,Moon, Ok-Ryun 대한예방의학회 1997 예방의학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        The health center has to play an important role in promoting community health and satisfying a variety of community health needs and demands in the decentralized Korea. The nearly enacted Community Health Act compels every health center to make its own health plans which intend to deal with local health problems and plan its future health care. This obligation is obviously a big burden to most health centers. They do not have experiences in and abilities of making local health care plans. In order to establish a systematic community health plan, health centers have to concentrate their efforts on enhancing the ability of making health care plan through gathering and analysing the local health informations. However, it is very difficult in reality. This is simply because it will take long time to accomplish these activities. It seems natural that various professionals and researchers participate in carrying out the process of making community health plan in the initial stage. No standardized methodology and analysing framework exist even in the health professional society. Nonetheless, it is common to introduce survey research methodologies in analysing consumer's health care utilization and cost, and in identifying factors influencing health behaviors. Many researchers and professionals have applied social survey methodologies in obtaining information on providers and health policy makers as well. The authors have found that few studies have ever utilized local health data stored at the self-employed medical insurance society as the data source of planning activities. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the usefulness of the data stored at the Sung-Dong Gu Self-employed Medical Insurance Society in establishing the community health plan. The major contents of this study are as follows ; 1. frequency of utilization by age, area, sex, type of medical care institutions, and some major diseases 2. Medical treatment by type of medical care institutions, by classification of 21 diseases, by frequency of three-character categories 3. Medical treatment of major neoplasm and some chronic diseases by age, sex, and area. The conclusion of this study is that it is of great potentiality to find out the local health problems and to use them in blueprinting the community health plan through comparing the frequency of medical utilization analyzed by a variety of variables with NHI health data or the health data from survey research.

      • KCI등재

        Application of CCPM to Construction Project

        김영,이영대,김옥수,김성환,박혁,Kim Young,Lee Young-Dae,Kim Ok-Su,Kim Sung-Hwan,Park Hyeok Korean Institute of Construction Engineering and M 2003 건설관리 : 한국건설관리학회 학회지 Vol.4 No.3

        The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is an approach and a philosophy that is used to develop specific management techniques. It was first popularized by the novel, The Coal, that applied the principles to operations management. Since 1997 it has found application in two areas within project management The first application is scheduling of a sing1e project to reduce project duration and simplify project control. there is a further application to allocate resources that are shared by concurrent project. It is the objective of this paper to explore the fundamentals of critical chain and to pursue an application of critical chain method to construction project by a case study. 제약이론은 특정한 관리기술을 개발하는데 사용되는 접근방법이며, 철학이다. 운영관리상에 적용되었던 소설 "The Goal"에 의해서 처음으로 널리 보급되었다. 1997이후로 프로젝트관리의 두 가지 영역에서 적용되어 왔으며, 그 첫 번째 적용은 단일프로젝트에 대한 공기단축과 프로젝트 통제관리의 간소화를 위한 공정관리분야이며, 두 번째 적용은 동시에 수행되는 여러 프로젝트에 의해서 공유되는 자원의 효과적 관리이다. 이 논문은 프로젝트 관리에 적용된 제약이론인 애로사슬(Critical chain)의 원리에 대해서 연구하고, 국내의 건설프로젝트에 적용하는 것을 목적으로 한다.

      • KCI등재

        이상 시의 시간의식 연구

        김대웅(Kim, Dae-woong),이상옥(Lee, Sang-ok) 한국어문학회 2016 語文學 Vol.0 No.133

        This essay purposes to explain the consciousness on time in Lee Sang’s poems, focusing specifically on his poem, Strange Reversible Reaction. The argument will start from the obvious fact that the poet"s literature was based on the discovery of the material condition, called, the colony Gyeongsung. Through this discussion, what caused rejection and distrust for the time, which appear repeatedly in his literary texts, will be explained. Once, the modernist Lee Sang was dreaming of the perfect world of modernity. But the modern world he experienced was nothing but a cruel civilization with no vitality. As a result, he gave the death sentence to the world and tried to build up a new civilization. His literary texts will answer to the question, “Did the straight line kill the circle?”

      • KCI등재

        양주 노고산(老姑山) 독재동(篤才洞)의 장소성과 역사문화경관 해석

        노재현 ( Jae Hyun Rho ),김화옥 ( Hwa Ok Kim ),이정한 ( Jung Han Lee ),박주성 ( Joo Sung Park ) 한국전통조경학회 2015 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구는 경기도 양주시 장흥면 삼하리 독재동 바위글씨와 노고산의 장소성에 주목하여, 이곳의 경관 및 장소특질을 고찰하고 바위글씨에 담긴 경관의미를 추론함으로써 노고산과 독재동 계곡의 역사문화경관적 함의를 밝히고자 한 것으로 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 삼각산은 조선왕조 6백년 도읍지의 주산(主山)이며 오악(五嶽)을 이루는 중앙의 성산(聖山)으로, 노고산은 삼봉산(三峰山)즉 삼각산의 우람한 세봉우리를 향배하는 의미공간으로서 그 장소성이 획득된다. 더불어 노고산은 조선의 정기를 상징하는 삼각산을 가장 완벽하게 조망할 수 있는 ‘망삼각산(望三角山)’의 절대 시점장이다. 독재동 계곡에 산포(散布)된 다수의 바위글씨는 미수 허목의『고양산수기』의 내용을 현현(顯現)하기 위한 행위이자 경물로 재생산된 산물이다. 그리고 추사 필적의 몽재(夢齋)는 중의적(衆意的) 표현이 읽혀지는 바위글씨로, 먼저 글자 그대로의 뜻인 ‘꿈꾸는 집’ 이지만 내면적 의미는 “한낮 몽상(夢想)도 바탕을 깊이 헤아려 보면 정당성이 확보된다.”는 의미로 ‘몽재거사’로 알려진 성재(性齋) 허전(許傳)의 『몽재집(夢齋集)』서(序)의 내용으로 보아 성재의 독재동 거주와 관련된 징표로 추정된다. 또한 몽재라 쓴 바위 하단의 갑자(甲子)·경오(庚午)·무술(戊戌)·갑인(甲寅) 등의 간지(干支)는 추사와의 교유관계가 있는 1804년 5월생 유생(儒生)의 사주팔자로 판단된다. 노고산과 독재동 계곡은 삼각산을 조망하는 장소일 뿐 아니라 송월재·성재 등 미수의 학통을 계승한 기호지역의 남인학자의 공통된 장구지소로써의 응집력을 보여준다. 또한 이곳에 각자(刻字)된 추사체와 미수체(전서체) 바위글씨는 우리나라 서예사의 큰 흐름을 함축적으로 보여준다는 측면에서도 매우 의미 깊은 역사문화경관이다. This study was focused on the placeness of Nogosan Dokjae-dong and rock inscription located in Jangheung-myeon, Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do. The purpose was to reveal the implication of Nogosan and Dokjae-dong Valley in terms of Historic cultural landscape by considering the characteristics of the place and its landscape, and inferring the significance of the letters engraved on the rock. The result is as follows.10)Samgaksan is one of the five famous mountains in Korea. It is the sacred mountain that stands behind the capital city of the Joseon Dynasty that lasted for 600 years. On the other hand, the placeness of Nogosan is significant since it was the place where people used to bow low to the three great summits of Samgaksan. Furthermore, Nogosan was the perfect place to view Samgaksan that represented the Joseon spirit.Many letters were engraved on the rocks around Dokjae-dong Valley by Misu(眉수) Heo Mok(許穆) as part of his memories to describe his experience in the mountain and became a scenery. Chusa(秋史) Kim Jung-Hee(金正喜) also engraved letters of ``Mongjae`` on the rock that contains a double meaning. Literally, it means ‘a dreaming house’ However, it also implies that even just a daydream is significant in a way. These letters are presumed to be the signs that are related to Sung-Jae(性齋) Heo Jeon(許傳)’s experience in Dokjae-dong since the letters were part of his famous book title. Below these two letters, Chusa also engraved letters that describe the sexagenary cycle including the year of the rat, horse, dog, and tiger. They are regarded as the letters that describe the fate of Chusa’s friend, a scholar born in May 1804. Nogosan and Dongjae-dong Valley are very significant in terms of historic cultural landscape as a viewpoint to see Samgaksan; and a place that cherishes the traces of Misu and shows common values and cohesiveness of well-known scholars of the Joseon Dynasty including Song Wol-Jae(松月齋) and Sung-Jae as a of Gihonamin(畿湖南人). The engraved letters of Chusa and Misu also implicitly demonstrates the major trends of Korea’s calligraphy history.

      • Halogen effects on photoluminescence and catalytic properties: a series of spatially arranged trimetallic zinc(<small>II</small>) complexes

        Lee, Haeri,Noh, Tae Hwan,Jung, Ok-Sang The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Dalton Transactions Vol.43 No.10

        <P>Self-assembly of ZnX<SUB>2</SUB> (X = Cl, Br, and I) with <I>N</I>,<I>N</I>′,<I>N</I>′′-tris(2-pyridinylethyl)-1,3,5-benzenetricarboxamide (L) as a tridentate N-donor ligand yields discrete <I>C</I><SUB>3</SUB>-symmetric trimetallic zinc(<SMALL>II</SMALL>) complexes, [Zn<SUB>3</SUB>X<SUB>6</SUB>L(MeOH)<SUB>3</SUB>]. These form, <I>via</I>π⋯π interactions and NH⋯O&z.dbd;C hydrogen-bonds, an ensemble constituting a unique columnar stacking structure in an <I>abab</I>⋯ staggered fashion. For this series of complexes, the halogen effects on the photoluminescence, catalysis, and thermal properties were investigated. For [Zn<SUB>3</SUB>Cl<SUB>6</SUB>L(MeOH)<SUB>3</SUB>], a blue luminescence was observed at 462 nm (<I>λ</I><SUB>ex</SUB> = 369 nm). The transesterification catalysis showed significant halogen effects in the order [Zn<SUB>3</SUB>I<SUB>6</SUB>L(MeOH)<SUB>3</SUB>] > [Zn<SUB>3</SUB>Cl<SUB>6</SUB>L(MeOH)<SUB>3</SUB>] > [Zn<SUB>3</SUB>Br<SUB>6</SUB>L(MeOH)<SUB>3</SUB>] in methanol, whereas in a mixture of methanol and acetonitrile, the order was [Zn<SUB>3</SUB>I<SUB>6</SUB>L(MeOH)<SUB>3</SUB>] > [Zn<SUB>3</SUB>Br<SUB>6</SUB>L(MeOH)<SUB>3</SUB>] > [Zn<SUB>3</SUB>Cl<SUB>6</SUB>L(MeOH)<SUB>3</SUB>]. Such notable different effects among the three complexes might be explained by the halogens’ electronic effects and dissociation properties.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>Halogen effects of a unique columnar ensemble of discrete trimetallic zinc(<SMALL>II</SMALL>) complexes formed <I>via</I>π⋯π interactions and hydrogen-bonds were investigated. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c3dt53137f'> </P>


        Clump-passaging-based efficient 3D culture of human pluripotent stem cells under chemically defined conditions

        Lee, Mi-Ok,Jeon, Hyejin,Son, Mi-Young,Lee, Sang Chul,Cho, Yee Sook Academic Press 2017 Biochemical and biophysical research communication Vol. No.

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Large-scale production of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) in an efficient and safe manner is crucial to the successful application of hPSCs in biomedical research and regenerative medicine. Three-dimensional culture methods for hPSCs have been extensively studied using single-cell passaging approaches; however, these techniques have been challenged by the induction of massive cell death and accumulation of genomic abnormalities. In this work, we developed and optimized a novel, simple clump-passaging method for <I>in vitro</I> hPSCs 3-dimensional (3D) culture that can be exploited for large-scale production. Fully grown hPSC spheroids were dissociated into smaller-sized spheroid clumps by simple treatment with enzyme-free dissociation buffer, and clumped hPSCs were inoculated and maintained for 3D suspension culture. Our clump-passaging method effectively increased the hPSCs survival rate after subculture and supported scalable hPSCs 3D expansion. We also tested and selected chemically defined media formulations that are suitable for 3D culture and commercially available. Overall, our clump-passaging and expansion method demonstrated high survival and expansion rates for hPSC spheroids compared with conventional methods and may also have the advantage of maintaining genomic stability.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We developed a novel clump-passaging method for 3D hPSCs culture. </LI> <LI> We also suggested the utility of commercially available, chemically defined media for clump-passaging-based 3D mass culture. </LI> <LI> This method provides efficient hPSCs expansion and genetically safe hPSCs production. </LI> </UL> </P>

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