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        고등학교 야영활동 참여가 인성발달에 미치는 영향

        노형철(Hyung Chul Roh),정명수(Myeong Soo Jung),정순승(Soon Seung Jung),이광호(Kwang Ho Lee) 한국사회체육학회 2000 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.13 No.-

        Camping activities were thought as one of educational methods. This study analyzed effects of participation in camping activities on high school students` humanity development variables, which affect humanity development were used for this study and data were collected at high schools in Kwang-ju city. At this site 600 surveys were distributed to a random sample of 300 participant and 30 non participant in camping activities. The results were as follows. 1. Participation in camping activities more positively affected humanity developments of male students` than that of female students`. 2. There was significant relationship between camping activities and sociality, leadership, activity and responsibility development. 3. There is no relationship between frequency of participation in camping activities and humanity development. Since the data were collected only at high schools in Kwang-ju city, further studies on high schools in countrysides would be required.

      • 공유-메모리 시스템상에서 데이터 지역성을 유지하기 위한 스케쥴링 기법

        이광형 東西大學校 1997 동서논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        In most application programs, loops usually comprise most of the computation in a program and are the most important source of parallelism. When scheduling the loop on the processors of shared-memory multiprocessor system with the goal of minimizing the total execution time, the strategy for scheduling should be designed to distribute equitably the computational load among the processor and it must minimize the average memory delay by considering the locality of data. If the required data is non-local to the processors, it causes data movement to transfer between the processors. The time spent bring data into the local memory is a significant source of overhead, ranging between 30%∼60% of the total execution time, and it affects tremendously to the capacity of parallel processing systems. When the pre-existing scheduling strategies are applying to a loop with the dependence of variable distance, it causes unnecessary data movement between processors because of non-locality scheduling. I propose a new scheduling scheme, LSDC which is considering the data locality and have analyzed the algorithm through simulation. The LSDC constructs dependence-pair of data at compile time so that it can remove the scheduling overhead during execution time. It also can minimize data transfer between processors by assigning dependence-pair unit to the same processor. For resolving the problem of load unbalanced happening during execution time, it re-assigns dynamically. In that case, it also assigns per dependence-pair unit.

      • 원발성 유방암에서 p53 단백발현과 예후와의 상관성에 관한 연구

        이학승,이광만,채권묵,문형배 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1995 圓光醫科學 Vol.11 No.1

        p53 is a nuclear phosphoprotein which is normally expressed at very low level in all mammalian cells and plays a role in the regulation of cell proliferation. It has also been suggested that normal p53(wild type) serves as a tumor suppressor gene, and inhibits the oncogene-mediated cellular transformation and the rate of cellular proliferation. But, wild type p53 is hardly stained by immunohistochemistry because of its low intracellular concentration and very short half-life. Mutant form of p53 protein is detectable in various human malignancies e.g. colon, stomach, lung and breast cancer by immunohistochemical stain because of its prolonged half-life. In breast cancer, p53 protein expression has been regarded as an unfavorable prognostic factor, but the results of studies about the relationship between the p53 protein expression and prognosis are equivocal. So, author performed this study to evaluate the prognostic significance of p53 expression in 54 patients with primary breast cancer who underwent surgical treatment at Wonkwang University Hospital from October 1985 to September 1991. Follow-up period was 24-91 months (mean: 54.7months). p53 protein was stained by immunohistochemical methods in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues using monoclonal antibody(DAKO-p53, DO-7). The prognostic significance of p53 protein was evaluated by positivity and 5-year survival rate, and comparing with well-known prognostic factors of breast cancer. p53 protein was expressed 48.1%(26/54) of primary breast cancers. 5-year survival rate of patients with p53 protein expression was 42.0%, and that of patients without p53 protein expression was 76.4%(p = 0.0277) There was no relationship between p53 protein expression and tumor size, lymph node metastasis, histologic grade or vascular invasion. These results suggest that p53 protein expression is another independent prognostic factor in primary breast cancer.

      • 요코하마시 "시가지환경설계제도"의 구성 및 운용실태 고찰

        이광석,이정형 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1

        The Purpose of this research is to define an 'Environmental Design System for Urban District' of urban structure, features and management systems in Yokohama, Japan. And, will find out improvement and adaptation method of 'Public Open Space' here in Korea. Yokohama, Japan has develop eight different kind of urban design methods by their own ways and adopt efficient control and guideline for cityscape design. Those are unique way of support and controls for Public Open Space in cityscape. And also easy to control Public Open Space by Mitigation/Preferential to F.A.R(Floor Area Ratio) and building height limits within Urban area.

      • 댐퍼붙이 거위목바이트를 使用하는 切削系의 動的 安定性에 關한 硏究

        李炯植,鄭準基,盧光春 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1982 논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        The effect of the damped goose-neck tool upon the dynamic stability of machine tool was investigated. The dynamic stability of machine tool is directly related to the chatter in the metal cutting process. By the test of the dynamic characteristics for the damped goose-neck tool, theoretical approach of dynamic stability of machine tool is identified. It's results are compared with the results of actual cutting test. And the dynamic stability of machine tool is improved by the higher elasticity and the increase of damping coefficient for the damped goose-neck tool.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Peripheral, soft tissue odontoma에 관한 증례보고

        이종갑,최병재,최형준,이광출 大韓小兒齒科學會 1999 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.26 No.1

        1. Peripheral odontoma는 매우 드문 질환으로 확진을 위해서는 생검이 필수적이다. 2. Peripheral odontoma는 치은의 종창을 동반하며 서서히 성장하는 임상적 특징을 가진다. 3. 골내 치아종과 마찬가지로 Peripheral odontoma의 치료로는 완전한 외과적 절제가 추천되고 예후 또한 양호하다. Odontomas, hamartomas of odontogenic origin, are composed of all the structures that make up teeth. The WHO distinguishes odontoma into two types. The complex odontoma is defined as "a malformation in which all the dental tissues are represented, individual tissues being mainly well-formed but occurring in a more or less disorderly pattern." The compound odontoma is defined as "a malformation in which all the dental tissues are represented in a more orderly pattern than in the complex odontoma, so, that the lesion consists of many toothlike structures. Most of these structures do not resemble morphologically the teeth of normal dentition, but in each one enamel, dentine, cementum, and pulp are arranged as in the normal tooth." Almost all odontomas are located intraosseously, but they have occasionally been reported in extrabony location. Peripheral or soft tissue odontomas, those arising outside of the alveolar bone, are very rare. Peripheral or soft tissue odontoma are defined as tumors that demonstrate the histologic characteristics of their intraosseous counterparts but occur solely in the soft tissue covering the toothbearing portion of the mandible and maxilla, When they mature, they appear as a radiopaque mass without the peripheral halo. The final diagnosis should be confirmed by biopsy. The origin of peripheral odontoma is probably related to remnants of the dental lamina in the gingiva. The treatment of choice is complete surgical excision, similarly to intraosseous odontoma and it does not tend to recur. This report presents a case of 5-year-old boy with swelling on labial gingiva of primary central incisor. And it was diagnosed as peripheral odontoma by excisional biopsy.

      • 자속횡방향형 클로폴 리니어 스테핑 모터의 개발

        이봉섭,진광윤,오홍석,김영흥 三陟大學校 2002 論文集 Vol.35 No.-

        In this paper, the new transverse flux machine type claw pole linear stepping motor(TFM_CPLSM) is proposed. And the magnetic equivalent circuit of TFM_ CPLSM is derived by the structure of the TFM_CPLSM. The design parameter, the magnetic flux density and the static thrust force of TFM_CPLSM are Performed with three-dimensional finite element method.

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