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        새터민의 기초직업능력 진단

        이찬,이용환,이윤조,신재호,홍윤선,최홍주 한국농업교육학회 2007 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.39 No.3

        이 연구는 새터민의 고용현황 및 문제점을 고찰하고 새터민의 기초직업능력을 진단하여 직업능력개발 방향에 있어 시사점을 제공하는데 그 목적이 있었다. 새터민의 기초직업능력 진단을 위한 도구는 관련 문헌 고찰과 pilot test 및 새터민 교육ㆍ지원 담당자의 안면타당도 검증 등을 통하여 개발되었다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 현재 하나원에서 사회 적응교육 및 직업교육을 받고 있는 새터민의 기초직업능력을 진단함으로써 우리나라에 거주하는 새터민의 기초직업능력을 파악하였다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째,새터민들의 기초직업능력 중에서 직업윤리능력은 상당히 갖추어져 있는 것으로 인식하고 있으며,정보능력,즉 컴퓨터 사용능력은 상대적으로 낮은 수준으로 평가하고 있다. 둘째,성별에 따라서는 기초직업능력에 있어서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 연령에 따라서는 정보능력과 수리 능력,조직이해능력 영역에 있어서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 셋째,학력에 따라서는 문제해결능력과 의사소통능력,수리능력,대인관계 영역에 있어서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 넷째,새터민의 취업을 위한 기초직업능력 개발에 있어 정보능력,수리능력,의사소통능력의 비중 확대,수준별ㆍ맞춤형 교육프로그램개발,새터민을 위한 취업 및 사업정보 제공 등을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to explore the current employment status and HRD issues of North Korean refugees and to assess their level of the basic vocational competencies. The assessment tool for the basic vocational competencies was developed based on literature reviews and pilot tests from the North Korean refugees. The face validity was verified by educators and counselors for the North Korean refugees. The major findings in this study were as follows: First, among the basic vocational competencies of the North Korean refugees, the level of vocational ethics was the highest and the level of information teachnology competency was the lowest. Second, the North Korean refugees' basic vocational competencies showed no statistical differences by gender. Territories of information competency, mathematical competency, and communication competency showed statistical differences by age. Third, territories of problem-solving competency, communication competency, mathematical competency, mathematical competency, and communication competency showed statistical differences by education level. Fourth, to develop the basic vocational competencies for North Korean refugees, the following suggestions were presented.; 1) extend the importance of information technology, mathematical, and communication competencies,; 2) develop the customized training programs by competency level,; and 3) offer the employment information for North Korean refugees.

      • 「코칭관리」개념분석

        이신언,윤호상,육조영 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        The ward 'coaching' means actions of coaches. But the word 'coaching' is weasel, and the meaning of this word is differentiated. This view about the differentiation of the meaning is based on following reasons : 1. Many scholars in America referred to the coaching as teaching in their studies on physical education or coaching. This means that 'coaching' is identified with 'teaching' , or 'coaching' includes 'teaching' , That is to say, the meaning of 'coaching' is differentiated to athletic leadings and educational leadings; 2. The coach as the actor of coaching is demanded to play multiple roles. This word 'role' means expectant actions that ought to be done as the coaching position. However, by the word 'coaching' that means the actions of coaches, it can not mean every expectant action of coaches. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the concept of coaching For that purpose, this study tried to grasp the concept of coaching as a chain of actions that does not mean a passing phase in the action of coaches but a time series of the action toward some goals. So, this study brought in the concept of administration as a conceptual tool, and examined on the concept of coaching (administration). As the result of this study, the concept of coaching (administration) could be characterized as follows : 1. The concept of coaching (administration) means a certain process toward some goals, This process of coaching (administration) subsumes the administrative phase as policy making and the managerial phase as policy implementation The phase of policy making includes the stage of examination on goals themselves. 2. The concept of coaching (administration) means the manipulation of men by men about goals, and coaching (administration) must resolve the tension between the human concerns of individual team members and the overriding the winning as organizational purposes, so the process of coaching (administration) includes the stage of philosophy that quests human values.

      • 韓日間의 敎育實習의 比較 : 敎育實習에서의 Micro-Teaching의 位置 The Function of Micro-Teaching

        曺雲錫,李潤樹 경북대학교 교육대학원 1985 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        The curriculum of teachers training institute puts an emphasis on the performance competency of the teacher. But this does not mean that the teacher's knowledge competency counts little. The integration of the both competencies is strongly demanded. Micro-teaching is a method of improving instruction skill. How the teacher exhibits his view of subject matters, of students, and of teaching influences much his instruction skill. So in teaching the instruction design and the instruction skill must be closely related. In other words, the teachers college education must give students the academic knowledge and train their practical teaching ability at the same time. The teachers college education in Japan is giving the matter a full consideration and high School getting due effects. The discrepancy between our college education and high School education has brought forth many problems. To solve some of these problems in microteaching the writers suggest the following: 1) the amendment of teachers college curriculm 2) the balance among an academic, a practical, and a specialized education 3) a clarification on the corelation between the class climate of high school and the teaching behavior of student teacher 4) as for the micro-teaching itself, the premeasurement of the micro-class behavior. Finally the practice, observation, and analysis of micro-teaching must be carefully planned to improve their practice teaching.

      • 우수 사과酒酵母의 分離와 利用에 關한 硏究

        朴允仲,金燦祚,李錫健,吳萬鎭,孫天培 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1978 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.5 No.1

        Extensive selection works on wild yeasts of fruits were carried cut to obtain strains which are applicable to apple wine making. Among the total number of 1,358 yeast strains which were isolated from various fruit samples collected from the vicinity of Daejeon and other regions of Korea, the strains SH-49, SH-129 and SH-338 were found to be useful. Then experiments on their morphological and physiological characteristics, and on the aspects of practical use in apple wine making were proceeded. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The strains SH-49 and SH-129, particularly SH-49, were appeared to have good fermentation ability, tolerance to sulfur dioxide and to produce fine quality of apple wine. 2. Apple wines made by using the strain, SH-49 and SH-129 contained less amount of total acids than those by other strains. 3. Apple wines of SH-49 and SH-129 were clarified rapidly during the primary fermentation period, and their absorbancy at 430 nm after 45 days of storage were approximately half of others. 4. Apple wine of SH-338 contained higher amount of residual sugar and its quality was superior to others. It is considered that this strain could be used in the production of apple wine of a characteristic quality. 5. The strains SH-49 and SH-338 were identified as a Saccharomyces cerevisiae according to Taxanomic Study of Yeasts by Lodder, however, classification of SH-129 was suspended for further study.

      • KCI등재

        Increased Sclerostin Levels after Further Ablation of Remnant Estrogen by Aromatase Inhibitors

        김원진,Yoon Jung Chung,Se Hwa Kim,Sehee Park1,Jae Hyun Bae,Gyuri Kim1,Su Jin Lee1,Jo Eun Kim1,박병우,임승길,이유미 대한내분비학회 2015 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.30 No.1

        Background: Sclerostin is a secreted Wnt inhibitor produced almost exclusively by osteocytes, which inhibits bone formation. Aromatase inhibitors (AIs), which reduce the conversion of steroids to estrogen, are used to treat endocrine-responsive breast cancer. As AIs lower estrogen levels, they increase bone turnover and lower bone mass. We analyzed changes in serum sclerostin levels in Korean women with breast cancer who were treated with an AI. Methods: We included postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer (n=90; mean age, 57.7 years) treated with an AI, and compared them to healthy premenopausal women (n=36; mean age, 28.0 years). The subjects were randomly assigned to take either 5 mg alendronate with 0.5 μg calcitriol (n=46), or placebo (n=44) for 6 months. Results: Postmenopausal women with breast cancer had significantly higher sclerostin levels compared to those in premenopausal women (27.8±13.6 pmol/L vs. 23.1±4.8 pmol/L, P<0.05). Baseline sclerostin levels positively correlated with either lumbar spine or total hip bone mineral density only in postmenopausal women (r=0.218 and r=0.233; P<0.05, respectively). Serum sclerostin levels increased by 39.9%±10.2% 6 months after AI use in postmenopausal women; however, no difference was observed between the alendronate and placebo groups (39.9%±10.2% vs. 55.9%±9.13%, P>0.05). Conclusion: Serum sclerostin levels increased with absolute deficiency of residual estrogens in postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer who underwent AI therapy with concurrent bone loss.

      • 저령 및 복령 煎湯液이 白鼠의 腎臟機能, Renin 活性度, 血漿 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide 및 Aldosterone 濃度에 미치는 影響

        兪閏朝,李昊燮 圓光大學校 韓醫學硏究所 1996 원광한의학 Vol.6 No.1

        The aim of this experiments was to investigate the effect of Polyporus Umbellatus and Hoelen water extracts on the renal function, plasma renin activity and plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide and aldosterone in rats. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Water balance decreased significantly after the administration of Polyporus Umbellatus 0.4㎖/㎏, and 0.8㎖/㎏. 2. Urine volume increased significantly after the administration of Polyporus Umbellatus water 0.4㎖/㎏, 0.8㎖/㎏ water extracts, but it decreased significantly after the administration of Hoelen 0.4㎖/㎏. 3. Urinary excretion of sodium increased significantly after the administration of Polyporus Umbellatus 0.4㎖/㎏ and Hoelen 0.8㎖/㎏. 4. Urinary excretion of potasium increased significantly after the administration of Polyporus Umbellatus 0.4, 0.8㎖/㎏ but it decreased significantly after the administration of Hoelen 0.4, 0.8㎖/㎏. 5. Urinary excretion of chloride increased significantly after the administration of Polyporus Umbellatus and Hoelen water extracts. 6. Free water clearance increased significantly after the administration of Polyporus Umbeilatus 0.8㎖/㎏ and Hoelen 0.4㎖/㎏. 7. Urinary excretion of creatinine increased significantly after the administration of Polyporus Umbellatus 0.4, 0.8㎖/㎏ and Hoelen 0.8㎖/㎏. 8. Plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) increased significantly after the adminstration of Polyporus Umbellatus 0.4㎖, 0.8㎖/㎏, but it decreased significantly after the administration of Hoelen 0.4, 0.8㎖/㎏. 9. Plasma levels of aldosterone decreased significantly after the administration of Polyporus Umbellatus water extracts are related to the changes of glomerular fitration rate, urinary excretion of electrolytes and plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide and aldosterone.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 교육과정과 교과서에 농업·농촌의 기능 및 가치 반영 방안

        서우석,강대구,정남용,김재호,이윤조 한국농업교육학회 2006 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.38 No.4

        이 연구는 농업ㆍ농촌의 기능과 가치를 재정립하고 이를 초등학교 교육과정 및 교과서에 반영시킬 수 있는 방안을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있었다. 이를 위하여 먼저 선행연구 고찰을 통하여 농업ㆍ농촌의 기능과 가치를 재개념화하고, 이를 토대로 내용 분석 틀을 개발하여 초등학교 교육과정 및 교과서를 분석 하고, 그 결과를 토대로 교육과정 및 교과서에 반영시키기 위한 방안을 제시하였다. 그 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 농업ㆍ농촌의 기능과 가치는 크게 자연환경적 기능(수자원 함양 기능, 환경정화 기능, 생태계 보전기능, 자연재해 방지 기능), 사회문화적 기능(전통문화 보전 기능, 정서의 순화 기능, 자연학습의장 제공 기능), 사회경제적 기능(농산물 공급 기능, 직업 기회 제공 기능, 국토의 균형발전 기능, 타 산업에의 기여 기능)으로 분류하였다. 둘째, 농업ㆍ농촌의 기능과 가치를 바탕으로 초등학교 교육과정 및 교과서를 분석한 결과, 전 학년에 걸쳐서 자연학습의 장 제공 기능과 전통문화 보전 기능이 높게 나타났고, 그 다음으로는 농산물 공급기능과 정서순화기능이 높게 나타났다. 반면에 수자원함양기능과 환경정화기능은 상대적으로 낮게 나타났다. 셋째, 내용분석을 토대로 교과의 성격을 고려하여 각 교과별로 농업ㆍ농촌의 기능과 가치를 반영시킬 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. 마지막으로, 각 교과별로 농업ㆍ농촌의 기능과 가치 반영 방안을 체계적으로 이행하기 위한 행ㆍ재정적 지원 방안을 교육과정 개발 측면, 교과서 개발 측면, 교육과정 운영측면, 정책적 지원 측면으로 구분 하여 제시하였다. The purpose of the study is to suggest the strategies for incorporating the roles and values of agriculture & rural areas as a part of the national curriculum and elementary school textbooks. For this purpose, this study was conducted as follows; First, we reclassified the roles and values of agriculture & rural areas after critically reviewing literature: environmental conservation functions, socio-cultural functions and socio-economic functions. Second, based on the new classification, we develop a framework for analyzing the national curriculum and elementary school textbooks. The functions of rural areas as places for learning about nature and purifying emotion and the importance of agriculture in providing agricultural product were frequently presented but the functions of sustaining water resources and environmental purification were relatively less presented in the national curriculum and elementary school textbooks. Third, we suggested strategies for incorporating the roles and values of agriculture & rural areas in the national curriculum and elementary school textbook based on the analysis. Finally, we suggested necessary administrative and financial assistance to systematically and effectively implement the suggested strategies for developing a new curriculum and textbooks as well as implementing the curriculum.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Docetaxel Monotherapy as Second-Line Treatment for Pretreated Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients

        ( Yoon Ho Ko ),( Myung Ah Lee ),( Yeong Seon Hong ),( Kyung Shik Lee ),( Hyun Jin Park ),( Ie Ryung Yoo ),( Yeon Sil Kim ),( Young Kyoon Kim ),( Keon Hyun Jo ),( Young Pil Wang ),( Kyo Young Lee ),( J 대한내과학회 2007 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.22 No.3

        Background: Second-line chemotherapy offers advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients a small, but significant increase in survival. Docetaxel is usually administered as a 3-week schedule, yet there is significant toxicity with this therapy. Therefore, a weekly schedule has been explored in several previous trials. In this retrospective study, we compared the efficacy and safety of a weekly schedule and a 3-week schedule of docetaxel monotherapy in a second-line setting. Methods: Docetaxel was administered as 75 mg/m2 on day 1 every 3 weeks or as 37.5 mg/m2 on day 1 and 8 every 3 weeks until disease progression or severe toxicity developed. Results: From October 2003 to March 2006, a total of 37 patients received docetaxel monotherapy and 36 patients could be evaluated. A total of 135 cycles were administered and then evaluated. The median overall survival was 13.3 months (95% confidence interval: 6.3~20.3) for the weekly schedule and 10.7 months (95% confidence interval: 8.3~13.0) for the 3-week schedule (p=0.41). The median time to progression was 3.0 months (95% confidence interval: 1. 9~4.0) and 2.8 months (95% confidence interval: 1.0~4.6), respectively (p=0.41). The response rate was 16.7% for the weekly schedule and 21.1% for the 3-week schedule. The major form of hematologic toxicity was grade 3-4 neutropenia (3-week: 38.9%, weekly: 9.5%). The non-hematologic toxicities were similar between the two schedules. There were no treatment-related deaths. Conclusions: A docetaxel weekly schedule was very tolerable and it had comparable activity to that of the 3-week docetaxel schedule. Considering the efficacy and tolerability, a docetaxel weekly schedule can be an alternative schedule for the standard treatment of NSCLC in a second-line setting.

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