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일 도농복합지역 저소득층 노인의 건강문제 분석 : 보건소 방문간호사업 대상자 중심으로
고일선,,이태화,이경자,이정렬,임미혜,천의영,주윤미,이계철 노인간호학회 2005 노인간호학회지 Vol.7 No.2
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the health problems of low-income aged with chronic illness living in urban-rural composite area. Method: The sample consisted of 440 aged who were receiving home care services from a public health center. MDS-HC was applied to analyze the health problems of the aged. Data were collected through a face- to-face interview by six trained interviewers from June 28 to July 15, 2004. Result: Subjects had average number of 8 health problems in both urban and rural area. Lack of preventive health care measure, pain, and visual function were the most frequent health problem. The rural aged had more pain, bowel management problems, compared to the urban aged having more urinary incontinence and indwelling catheter. There were many health problems related to falls and pressure ulcers with middle-old aged in urban, and old-old aged in rural area. Conclusion: The results of this study showed strategies for care intervention of low-income elderly to put in practice. Therefore, tailored-service for each subject should be provided.
열공형과 비열공형 피질하 혈관성 치매에서 위험인자의 차이에 관한 비교 연구
배희준,정지향,유경호,나덕렬,김상윤,최경규,양동원,손의주,이상도,김재우,박경원,김응규,이재홍,박미영,한일우,함동석,최문성,하충건,최성혜,이애영,이병철,한설희 대한치매학회 2003 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.2 No.2
Backgrounds and Objectives: Vascular dementia is a group of dementing disoders arising from various stroke syndrome. Among these. subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (SIVD) is regarded as a relatively distinct clinical entity. However, MRI patterns of SIVD are not homogenous. In some patients, lacunes are dominant, and in others, subcortical white matter changes are. This study was designed to compare risk factor profiles between SIVD with and without multiple lacunes. Methods: We divided 47 subjects (22 males, mean age. 68 years) recruited from VADAPET (Multicenter Trial For Evaluation Of The Changes In the PET Images Of Subcortical Vascular Dementia Patient) study into two groups one with more than 5 lacunes in deep gray matter (lacune group) and the other with 5 or less(non-lacune group) Clinical characteristics and laboratory findings of two groups were compared. Results: Nineteen of 47 patients (40%) belonged to the lacune group. The lacune and non-lacune groups d d not differ in the following variables: age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia heart disease, history of stroke or TIA, history of trauma or major surgery, family history of hypertension stroke, or dementia, age at diagnosis of dementia, body mass index, white blood cell count, ESR, CRP, fibrinogen, hemoglobin A1C, total cholesterol. LDL cholesterol creatinine, proteinuria, glucosuria, and microhematuria. However, male sex, smoking alcohol. hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol were possibly associated more with lacune group SIVD than with non-lacune group (p<0 1) Multivariate analyses revealed that smoking, hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol were independent predictors of SIVD with multiple lacunes Conclusion: Our study suggests that SIVD with multiple lacunes may be significantly different in smoking habits hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol from SIVD without multiple lacunes.
대장내시경 전처치제로서 Sodium Phosphate 와 Polyethylene Glycol 용액의 전향적 비교 분석
이헌경,김승용,홍원선,민영일,정훈용,김해련,정성애,김석균,심기남,양석균,박의련,조문경 대한소화기내시경학회 1999 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.19 No.3
Background/Aims: Although some authors have suggested that sodium phosphate (NaP) is more effective than polyethylene glycol (PEG) in bowel cleansing, there has been no crossover study proving the superiority of NaP over PEG in bowel cleansing and patients' compliance. The aim of this study was to compare the two solutions for colonoscopy, PEG and NaP, through crossover design with regard to patients' compliance, cleansing ability and side effects. Methods: Thirty patients underwent two separate colonoscopies for colonic polyp(s) with PEG and NaP, respectively. Before and after bowel preparation, blood pressure, body weight, and serum biochemical parameters were measured in all patients. In addition, a detailed questionnaire was used to assess side effects and the patients' preference. The presence of bubbles, types of residual stool, and overall quality of colon cleansing were assessed by one endoscopist blinded to the type of preparation used. In each colonoscopy, two biopsy specimens were taken at rectum. Results: In the NaP group, but not in the PEG group, there were significant changes in several biochemical parameters including sodium (+3.0±3.0 mEq/L), potassium (-0.3±0.3mEq/L), calcium (-0.5±0.5 mg/dL), phosphorus (+3.9±2.2 mg/dL) and osmolarity ( +10.1±9.3 mOsm/kg) after bowel preparation. In addition, the degree of body weight change was greater with NaP (-2.2±2.3 kg) than with PEG (-1.2±2.0 kg) (p=0.06) and the formation of bubbles that disturb luminal observation was more frequently found in the NaP group (p$lt;0.01). There was no difference, however, in the type of residual stool and the overall quality of bowel preparation between the two groups and no significant mucosal change was noted after bowel preparation in both groups. Moreover, PEG was found to be more difficult to take than NaP (p$lt;0.05) and among the 30 patients, 26 (87%) preferred NaP, while only two favored PEG (p$lt;0.01). Conclusions: We conclude that NaP can replace PEG at least in patients with good general condition. Further studies to decrease the incidence of bubbles and to establish subgroups suitable for NaP are needed.
不完全市場에서의 分散投資와 企業價値 : 代理費用을 中心으로
李義景,李相雨 대진대학교 1995 大眞論叢 Vol.3 No.-
The advantages of diversification are considered in two respects : operational and financial diversification effects. The first caused by ① reduction of production cost through producing technologically related products ② enhancing competitive sales position through producing various kinds of products ③ synergy effect in R&D. This opreational effect certainly increases firm value. But as for the financial diversification, under perfect market, it has no effect on firm value. The purpose of this paper is to explain the relation of financial synergy effect and firm value under imperfect market. In first half, traditional imperfect factors(asset indivisibility, bankruptcy cost and tax) are considered. Considering these factors, financial synergy effect proved to be positive on firm value. In latter half, financial synergy effect is analyzed under asymmetric information between firm and investors. The analysis focused on agency cost between the principal and agent, comes to the conclusion that diversification increases firm value.
李義景 대진대학교 1995 大眞論叢 Vol.3 No.-
Information economics consists of two major fields : agency theory and signalling theory. Agency theory deals with goal incongruency as well as information asymmetry between the principal and agent. Agency cost, measured by welfare loss in agency problem, is defined in various agency relationship aspects. For instance, perquisite consumption, risk incentive, underinvestment incentive, bankruptcy cost and so forth. The main theme of this paper is risk incentive. And the primary purpose is to explain the effect of the option provisions in debt on the risk incentive. For this purpose, Black-Scholes OPM is used in analysing option provisions of various derivative debts. Because option provisions in debt are basically contingent claims and OPM is a general pricing model of the contingent claims. Using OPM, this paper describes the effects of option provisions in debt on the risk incentive by mathematical method. Analytical results show that conversion provision, call provision and stock warrant provision in debt reduce or eliminate the risk incentive, but stock right provision increases it.
상속세법상 비상장주식평가규정의 개정이 조세공평성에 미친 효과
이의경 한국산학경영학회 2004 산학경영연구 Vol.17 No.2
본 논문은 상속세법상 비상장주식의 평가규정이 개정되면서 조제공평성이 제고되었는가에 대해 검토한 것이다. 조세공평성의 제고효과를 확인하기 위해서 구체적으로는 상속세법상 비상장주식평가 규정을 이용한 평가액이 실제주가에 어느 정도 근접하는가를 체크하였다. 세법상 평가액이 실제주가에 근접할수록 조세공평성이 높아지는 것으로 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 2003년 현재를 기준으로 보면 상속세법상 비상장주식평가규정은 크게 1999년과 2000년 두 차례에 걸쳐 개정되었다. 1999년 이전에는 모든 비상장주식을 순자산가치와 순손익가치의 평균값으로 평가 하였지만 1999년 이후에는 순손익가치가 순자산가치의 50%이상인 기업과 50%미만인 기업으로 구분하여 전자의 경우에는 종전규정을 적용하지만 후자의 경우에 해당하는 기업의 주식은 순자산가치로만 평가하도록 하였다. 그리고 2000년부터는 순자산가치와 순손익가치 중 큰 금액으로 주식을 평가 하도록 다시 변경된 것이다. 본 연구에서는 상장기업을 대상으로 하여 거래소에서 형성된 실제주가를 기준으로 해서 상속세법상 평가액을 개정단계별로 산출해서 실제주가와 비교하여 그 차이에 대한 통계적 유의성을 분석하였다. 그 결과 세법개정은 세법상 평가액이 현실적인 주가를 좀더 정확하게 반영하는 방향으로 이루어졌음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 상속세법상 비상장주식평가규정이 과세당국의 의도대로 조세불공평을 완화하는 방향으로 이루어졌음을 증명하는 근거가 될 수 있다. This paper examines the effect of the amendment of the valuation method for unlisted stocks in the inheritance tax law. There were many criticisms on the valuation method of the inheritance tax law because the method is not effective in the respect of the fairness in taxation. The method in the inheritance tax law was amended four times since the year 1991. This research focused on whether these amendments increased the impartiality in taxation or not. The finding of the empirical test indicates that as the valuation method were amended, the stock prices calculated by the valuation method were closer to the real stock price. On this ground, I could conclude that the amendments were effective in decreasing the partiality in taxation. In spite of the result, considering the cycle of stock market, I found that the problem of unlisted stock valuation in the inheritance tax law. The law lacks flexibility and elasticity.
이의경 대진대학교 1999 大眞論叢 Vol.7 No.-
The main theme of this paper is the introduction and use of interest rate futures contracts in Korea. This paper consists of three subthemes. The first is a study on the introduction of interest rate futures contracts in Korea, CD and Gov't T-Bond futures. The second is a study on pricing and presentation of prices of these two interest rate futures contracts. The third is a study on the use of these two interest rate futures contracts. Especially this study focused on hedging. BPV and Duration method for deriving hedge ratio are introduced in this paper, which are introduced in this paper, which are based on price sensitivity model.
이의경,박정영 한국의료QA학회 2002 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.9 No.2
Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of medication compliance of outpatients and to analyze the factors contributing to mediation non-compliance. Methods: Telephone survey was conducted to the 1,000 outpatients who visited medical institution during the period from January 2002 to April 2002. Subjects were randomly selected from the telephone directories of the nation, and the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents such as age, gender and region were matched based of those of outpatients in 2001. Results : The results of survey reveals that those who complied with doctors' regimen in the right way accounted for 82.4%. The compliance increased with the strong belief in the medication, less unwanted side effects and inconvenience, more severity of disease, and lower perceived health status. Compliance rate was also higher in the patients group who experienced the drug education by the pharmacists than those who did not. Conclusion: In order to improve drug compliance, drug information on efficacy, adverse reaction, drug interactions, and basic disease information are to be provided to the patients. Drug education needs to be focused not only on providing knowledge of drugs and diseases but also changing attitude on drug use of the patients.
주식수익률 변동의 이상현상 : 요일효과를 중심으로 on the Day of the Week Effect
이의경 한국항공대학교 경영연구소 1998 경영연구 Vol.5 No.1
Many researches on stock returns have been developed under the assumption that the distribution of stock returns is identical for all days of the week. But recent empirical results show the evidence contradictory to that assumption The distribution of returns varies according to the day of the week, especially the lower Monday's return is witnessed by French(l980). He proved that Monday's return is negative. There have been many evidences of day of the week effect in the following studies. Researches on the irregularity of the stock return, which is called market anomaly, on the day of the week effect can be classified by three categories. The first is the existence of the day of the week effect. The second is the reason of the day of the week effect and the third, timing of the day of the week effect. The existence is confirmed in many empirical researches. But there are various hypothesis on the questions why the day of the week effect happens ? and when it happens? Contingency theory or behavioral approch of investors may be helpful to the explanation of the day of the week effect. And such approch can extend the current finance theory.