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      • In-vitro Valuation of Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Panax Ginseng by Inhibition of Albumin Denaturation Experiment

        Kyuhee Jo 국제과학영재학회 2017 APEC Youth Scientist Journal Vol.9 No.1

        Inflammation is self-defense mechanism of our body as a response to harmful chemical or physical agent that is involved in pain. Chronic inflammation may result in serious diseases, most notably cancer. This research aims to evaluate the anti-inflammatory capacity of Panax ginseng, which is a medical plant frequently used in Korean traditional medicine. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity was assessed using albumin denaturation assay at different concentrations. The absorbance of 50 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml, 200 μg/ml was measured at 280nm by UV spectroscopy, yielding results of 0.240.026, 0.150.032, 0.10.008. Correspondingly, the percent inhibition of each sample were measured as 97.04%, 98.04%, and 98.7% respectively. This result amply demonstrates Panax ginseng’s ability to inhibit inflammation as well as possible mechanism by which Panax ginseng promote anti-inflammatory effects. Further studies may include the evaluation of Panax ginseng as anti-inflammatory agent in in vivo experiment or other in vitro experiments.

      • KCI등재

        The Different Use of Motivational Strategies by Two Teachers with Different Teaching Professionalism

        Kyuhee Jo 한국초등영어교육학회 2020 초등영어교육 Vol.26 No.4

        This study aimed to explore elementary English teachers’ teaching professionalisms in terms of using motivational strategies as well as the influence of the teachers’motivational practices on learners’ motivated behavior and vocabulary achievement. Two English teachers with different degrees of teaching professionalism participated in this study. The teachers, teaching the same 6th grade and using the same textbook, recorded 11 lesson videos, which were subsequently analyzed to measure their teaching professionalism, their use of motivational strategies, and learners’ motivated behaviors. The results indicated that the teachers differed in both their teaching professionalism, measured by the TEE evaluation tool developed by Imm et al. (2011), and the use of motivational strategies, measured by the Motivation Orientation of Language Teaching (MOLT) developed by Guilloteaux and Dörnyei (2008). In addition, differences emerged in learners’motivational behaviors and vocabulary achievement, suggesting that the teacher with a greater degree of teaching professionalism who used more motivational strategies increased learners’ motivated behaviors and learning outcomes. These results support the possibility that teachers’ teaching professionalism can be revealed through their use of motivational strategies; furthermore, teachers’motivational practice can have a positive effect on learners’ learning motivation and achievement.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어 원격수업 학습결과 관리 실태 분석 및 개선방안 연구

        조규희(Jo, Kyuhee),강정진(Kang, Jung-jin) 한국교원교육학회 2021 한국교원교육연구 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구는 원격수업의 주요 실행 요인인 학생 학습결과 관리 중요성에 대한 인식을 토대로 초등영어교육 현장에서 교사들의 학생 학습결과 관리 실태 탐색 및 분석을 통해 원격수업 학생 학습결과 관리 개선 방안을 제안하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 먼저 선행연구 분석을 바탕으로 학습결과 관리 관련 설문 문항을 도출하였다. 초등영어교육 전문가의 의견과 파일럿 설문조사 결과를 반영하여 최종적으로 23개 문항의 설문 도구를 구안하였으며, 설문은 학생 활동 결과 수집 및 활용, 학생 활동 피드백 제공, 학생 평가 및 기록과 같이 세 영역으로 구성되었다. 이후 2020학년도 초등영어 원격수업을 운영한 208명의 교사를 대상으로 온라인 설문을 실시하였고, 설문 결과에 관한 응답 빈도 및 교차분석을 통해 원격수업 학생 학습결과 관리관련 초등영어교사의 다양한 실행 양상을 확인하였다. 나아가, 해당 설문 결과와 선행연구를 종합하여 초등영어 원격수업 학생 결과 관리 개선을 위해 기능이 보완된 LMS 구축, 유연화된 원격수업 지침 제시가 교육부 및 교육지원청을 중심으로 지원되어야 하며, 교사학습 공동체를 통한 원격수업 결과 관리 전문성 강화, 원격수업 교사 피드백 제공 활성화가 학교와 교사의 노력으로 이루어져야 함을 제시하였다. 또한, 원격수업 주체로서 학생과 학부모 역할의 중요성에 따라 원격수업 참여 및 학습결과 제출의 책무성 신장, 가정에서의 평가 운영 지원이 필요함을 제안하였다. 끝으로, 코로나19를 넘어 향후 미래교육의 상황에서 원격수업은 다양한 형태로 지속될 것으로 보고, 원격수업 학생 학습결과 관리 중요성에 관한 인식 제고와 이를 개선하기 위한 교육주체 공동의 노력이 필요함을 논의하였다. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to future education, distant learning has recently and intensively been spotlighted. In this context, this study aims to analyze the current state of managing learners’ distant learning outcomes and gain implications for its improvement in primary English education. To this end, we developed a questionnaire that examined three detailed aspects of learners’ learning outcomes management: collecting and using learners’ learning outcomes, providing feedback, and evaluating learners. The questionnaire formed into an online version was administered to 208 primary English teachers, and the results revealed the various aspects of their management of the learners’ distant learning outcomes. Based on that, we propose the practices for improving the management from the perspective of the Ministry of Education and the local education office, schools and teachers, as well as learners and their parents. For example, the Ministry of Education and the local education office should provide the LMS with better functions and more flexible guidance for evaluation in distant learning. Also, schools and teachers should give efforts to their professional development of managing learners’ learning outcomes through teachers’ learning community and their improvement on providing feedback to learners. Moreover, learners and their parents should increase their responsibility for participating in distant lessons and support the evaluation processes to be fair. Finally, as distant learning is expected to continue in various forms in the future, we suggest the need for joint efforts by educational subjects and raising awareness of the importance of managing learners’ distant learning outcomes.

      • KCI등재

        ‘초등영어교육’ 학술지 연구 동향 토픽모델링

        조규희(Kyuhee Jo),심창용(Chang Yong Sim) 한국초등영어교육학회 2022 초등영어교육 Vol.28 No.2

        This study aims to analyze the research trend in Primary English Education from Volumes 1 to 27, focusing on its relation with the English education policies to examine the relationship between academic research and education policy. To this end, English abstracts of the entire research in the journal corresponding to the investigation period were collected as digital texts, preprocessed, and analyzed by LDA topic modeling using the R program. The results revealed that research topics such as teacher education and teaching methods were constantly investigated. It also confirmed that the English education policies at a particular time had a direct impact on the research trend (e.g., immersion program and TEE policy) or the concepts derived from the specific policies had an indirect impact on the research (e.g., teacher and learner variables). In addition, this study found that researchers were steadily interested in literacy education, learner assessment, and textbook analysis regardless of the policies, as the topics are significantly related to teaching and learning. Finally, the implications for the necessity of simultaneous interaction with research and policy were discussed based on the findings.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 아동의 L2 한국어 및 L3 영어 학습 동기 비교 연구

        조규희(Kyuhee Jo) 한국초등영어교육학회 2023 초등영어교육 Vol.29 No.2

        This comparative study investigates the motivation underlying second language (L2) Korean and third language (L3) English learning among immigrant children from multicultural families in South Korea. Utilizing a questionnaire developed by Jeon and Kim (2015), 56 participants provided their status of motivational constructs, including ideal L2/L3 self, ought-to L2/L3 self, instrumental motivation, motivated behavior, attitudes towards target languages, and integrative orientation. The results revealed divergent motivational patterns for L2 and L3 learning, influenced by factors such as gender, grade, and linguistic proximity. Further, integrative orientation surfaced as a crucial predictor for children’s intended learning efforts in both L2 and L3. Interviews with teachers who taught the participants L2 Korean and L3 English also supported the quantitative results. In accordance with previous studies, these findings underscored the dynamic nature of foreign language learners’ motivation. Taken together, this study suggests recognizing the distinct attributes of each motivational system and devising pertinent motivational strategies for L2 and L3 teaching.

      • KCI등재

        교사 교육과정 문해력 기반 초등영어교육에서의 세계시민교육 구현 방안

        조규희(Jo, Kyuhee) 한국초등영어교육학회 2020 초등영어교육 Vol.26 No.2

        With growing focus on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) under the context of globalization for common good, this study explores a different aspect of the implementation of GCED in primary English education through the teachers’ curriculum literacy. Taking on the critical perspective towards the recent approaches to GCED in primary English education, the author investigated the 2015 revised national curriculum and the current approaches of GCED as well as the concept of teachers’ curriculum literacy in terms of the philosophy of GCED. Based on the analysis, it is argued that in order to foster students’ global citizenship, which is a long-term and essential goal of GCED, GCED program in primary English education must be dealt with a consistent and sustainable approach which stands on the teachers’ curriculum literacy. In this regard, teachers’ curriculum literacy which stands for ability to read and write a curriculum was emphasized, and based on that, an example of GCED program for the fifth grade built on the teachers’ curriculum literacy was suggested. Furthermore, implications to implement GCED in primary English education and the direction of future research were made.

      • HSDI 디젤 엔진에서 EGR 및 VGT의 상호 제어에 의한 NOx 및 이산화탄소의 배출 특성

        조규희(Kyuhee Jo),구준모(Junemo Koo),박경석(Kyoungsuk Park),심범주(Beomjoo Shim),김인태(Intae Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2013 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2013 No.5

        Compared with gasoline engine, diesel engine has big merit on thermal efficiency because it operates under higher compression ratio and air excess ratio. Further, it doesnt need throttle valve which causes pumping loss. Also combustion control limitation for knocking is very small. Based on these, diesel engine is now being recognized to be one of solution to reduce tail pipe carbon dioxide (CO₂). But nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission is very high compared with gasoline engine because of lean burn combustion condition and NOx can not be treated by conventional aftertreatment such as oxidation catalyst because of high oxygen concentration in exhaust gas. This study was carried out to characterize NOx formation under interaction of exhaust gas recirculation(EGR) and variable geometry turbine(VGT). NOx concentration was observed under various exhaust back pressure, intake manifold pressure, EGR rate, recirculated exhaust gas mass by VGT vane and EGR vlave position control.

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