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      • KCI등재

        논문 : 이홍기 편 ?조선전설집?(1944)에 대하여

        이복규 ( Bok Kyu Lee ) 온지학회 2012 溫知論叢 Vol.0 No.30

        이 글은 이홍기 편 ?조선전설집?(1944)의 존재 양상을 자세히 알리고,이것이 한국 최초의 우리말 전설집이라는 사실을 주장한 논문이다. 그간에는 최상수의 ?한국민간전설집?(1958)을 최초 전설집이라고 인식해왔는데 그렇지 않다는 새로운 주장을 펼쳤다. 최상수의 것에 비해 그 완성도가 떨어지기는 하지만 우리나라 사람이 우리말로 엮은 최초의 전설집인 것이 분명하며, 도별로 엮은 점, 초기의 구비문학 연구자 고정옥에게 적극 활용된 것도 명백한 사실임을 밝혔다. 이홍기의 전설집은 모두 167편의 전설을 싣고 있으며, 지역별로 자료를 배열하고 있다. 경기도 10편, 충청도 7편, 전라도 6편, 경상도 10편, 황해도 8편, 평안도 9편, 강원도 5편, 함경도 11편이다. 수록 전설의 유형을 분류한 결과, 지명(地名19편), 암석(8편), 고승(4편), 원령(怨靈4편), 씨족시조(3편), 총묘(塚墓3편), 불사연기(佛寺緣起3편), 용(3편), 수업(修業3편), 지소(池沼2편), 열녀(2편), 불상(佛像2편), 힘내기(힘경쟁담 2편), 보은형(2편), 용천(湧泉1편), 미혈(米穴쌀나오는 구멍 1편), 정자(亭子1편), 임진왜란(1편), 풍수(風水1편), 의견(義犬1편), 효자(1편), 기타(1편)이었다. 가장 많은 것이 지명전설(19), 그 다음이 암석전설(8)임을 알 수 있었다. 각각 전체의 28퍼센트, 12퍼센트를 차지한다. 이 같은 양상은 최상수의 책에 실린 전설의 유형 분류 결과와 유사하여 흥미롭다. 다른 자료집(북한에서 간행한 설화집 및 최상수가 펴낸 전설집)과 비교한 결과, 최상수의 전설집에는 없는 전설들이 이 전설집에 실려 있었다. 서로 중복되어 실려있는 자료라 할지라도 차이가 있었다. This paper aims to look into what Joseonjeonseoljip (1944), the anthology of Korean folklore compiled and edited by Lee Hong-gi, consists of and to establish the fact that it is Korea`s first Legends anthology written in Korean. A new claim is proposed against the Anthology of Korean Legends (1958) by Choi Sang-su that it is not the first anthology. Although compromising the degree of perfection, the collection is assuredly the first Legends anthology written in Korean and edited by a Korean, characterized by being compiled provincially and being actively quoted by Ko Jeong-ok, the first-generation scholar of oral literature. This book contains 167 stories in total, arranging them under the provincial titles: 10 stories for Gyeonggido, 7 for Chungcheongdo, 6 for Jeollado, 10 for Gyeongsangdo, 8 for Hwanghaedo, 9 for Pyeongando, 5 for Gangwondo, and 11 for Hamgyeongdo. To classify the types of folklore covered, there are 19 stories about geographical names, 8 about rocks, 4 about old monks, 4 about spirits with enmity, 3 about clan`s ancestors, 3 about graves, 3 about building a buddhistic temple, 3 about dragons, 3 about apprenticeship, 2 about bodies of water, 2 about fidelity, 2 about buddhistic statue, 2 about wrestling, 2 about gratitude, 1 about fountain, 1 about a hole for rice, 1 about pavilion, 1 about Imjin War, 1 about feng shui, 1 about a faithful dog, 1 about a filial pious son, and the rest. Legends about geography rank first, followed by those about rocks, which account for 28 percent and 12 percent respectively. This is interesting in that the classification is similar to that of Choi Sang-su. When compared with other collections such as the folklore anthology published in North Korea and that of Choi Sang-su, this book introduces more stories. Even the overlapped stories differ in textual terms. First of all, they differ in size as Lee`s stories are much longer. Secondly, Lee`s stories use more paragraphs. All these suggest that Lee and Choi very likely used different sources when they compiled their materials. The North Korean version turned out to copy virtually everything of Lee`s except that such surrealistic, much too fantastic, or superstitious elements as might contradict the North Korean ideology have been eliminated. This is a pioneering study of Lee Hong-gi`s Joseonjeonseoljip. Provided what the researcher claims in this study is valid, certain statements about ``the first folklore anthology`` ought to be corrected. Additionally, those issues should also be addressed properly such as who on earth Lee Hong-gi the compiler was and what value the stories themselves might retain.

      • KCI등재

        『이춘기일기』(1961~1990)에 나타난 근대적 일상생활

        이복규(Lee, Bok-kyu) 안동대학교 민속학연구소 2019 民俗硏究 Vol.0 No.38

        이 연구는 『이춘기일기』(1961~1990)에 나타난 일상생활의 근대적 양상을 살펴본 것이다. 주로 1960년대 초반을 중심으로 일생의례, 교통·통신으로 나누어 고찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째. 일생의례의 경우, 혼인례, 상장례 등 일생의례의 양상을 살펴보았다. 혼인례에서, 신부의 집이 아닌 제3의 장소인 교회나 예식장에서 예식을 치르고 있으며, 목사를 주례로 모시고 있는 점은 근대적인 변화다. 하지만 피로연은 신부나 신랑의 집에서 가지고 있어 전통이 지속되고 있다. 상장례에서, 전반적인 절차는 유교식 전통이 유지되고 있지만, 구체적인 내용에서는 기독교적인 변용이 일어나 근대화 양상을 보이고 있다. 교회가 상장례를 주관하는 주체로 참여하고 있는 점, 여성도 명정에서 그 직함과 이름을 밝히고 있는 점, 흉례든 길례든 기본정신만 유지하되 형편에 따라 융통성 있게 대응하는 점 등이 그렇다. 특히 여성의 명정에서 보이는 평등주의는 기존의 가부장적이거나 남녀차별적인 문화를 탈피한 것으로서 주목할 만하다. 둘째, 교통·통신의 경우, 전보, 완행열차, 공동 전화로 나누어 살펴보았다. 고속열차, 휴대폰이 등장한 지금에 비하면 느린 수단들이지만, 도보나 말을 타고 다니거나 인편으로 소식을 전하던 전근대와 비교하면, 발전한 양상이다. 이상의 내용을 총괄해 보면, 『이춘기일기』에 나타난 1960년대 초반, 익산 농촌 지역의 일상생활은 전통의 지속과 변화가 혼재하면서도, 근대적 변모 쪽으로 확실하게 달라져 가고 있었다고 보인다. 일생의례의 경우, 이춘기의 가정은 특히 기독교의 영향 아래 이런 변화가 더욱 촉진되었던 것으로 여겨진다. This study is to review the modern features of daily life appeared in ‘Lee Chunki’s diary’. The reviewed results are on the lifetime rites, transportation, communication, and so on mainly in early 1960s as follows. First in case of lifetime rites, the aspects of marriage, funeral rites, and so on were reviewed. With respect to marriage, the ceremonies were held not in the bride’s houses but in the third places such as churches or wedding halls and inviting ministers as the officiants were the modern changes. However, wedding receptions were held in bride or bridegroom’s house demonstrating the continuation of the tradition. In the funerals, the Confucian tradition was maintained in overall processes, yet, the Christian changes in the detailed contents were occurred demonstrating the modern aspects. They showed that the church participated in funerals as the main body, women revealed their names and titles in the funeral banner, and flexibility was allowed according to the situation though the fundamental mind was maintained regardless of the rites whether they were good of bad. Especially, equalitarianism shown in the women’s funeral banner is worthwhile to pay attention as breaking the discriminating culture between men and women. Second in case of transportation and communication, telegram, local train, and common phone were reviewed. Compared to the present bullet train or cellphone, the are slow tools, however, they were the advanced features compared to the pre-modern period when the news had been distributed by walking, horse-riding, or the person. To sum up the above, it appears that early 1960s on Lee Chunki’s diary, the daily life of Iksan rural areas were clearly changing toward a modern change, while continuing and changing traditions. Lee’s family is believed to have promoted this change, especially under the influence of Christianity.

      • 모 연취급장 근로자들의 연폭로지표들과 혈압과의 관련성

        임상복,김용배,이용진,리갑수,김화성,황규윤,장봉기,이성수,안규동,이병국 순천향대학교 산업의학연구소 1998 순천향산업의학 Vol.4 No.1

        In order to investigate the relationship between blood lead with other lead exposure indices and blood pressure in occupationally lead exposed male workers, 629 workers(515 lead exposed workers and 114 non lead exposed workers) in a storage battery factory were studied. Blood lead(PbB), zinc protoporphyrin(ZPP) and urinary δ-aminolevulinic acid(ALAU) were selected as an index of lead exposure. Height and weight were also meaured with calibrated automatic height-weight machine to produce fatness index directly. Personal information on smoking and drinking history were also collected. Blood pressure was mearured by trained nurses with automatic sphingomanometer. All workers took at least 30 minute rest before their measurement of blood pressure. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The prevalence rate of hypertension of lead exposed and non-exposed workers were 3.5% in both group without any difference. 2. There were no differences of systolic and diastolic pressure between groups divided by lead exposure, smoking habit, drinking habit. but the increase of age group made the difference of diastolic pressure, and only differenct of systolic pressure observed in age group of less than 20 and that of more than 40. 3. In pearson's correlation analysis, PbB was correlated with systolic pressure significantly, but not with diastolic pressure. PbB was also correlated with pressure difference(systolic pressure-diastolic pressure). 4. There were no significant increase of systolic, diastolic pressure and pressure difference by the increase of PbB and ZPP grouping. 5. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using systolic pressure as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness (weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that PbB, age, drinking habit and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 6. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using diastolic pressure as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness (weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that ALAU, age and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 7. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using pressure difference as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness(weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that PbB, age and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 8. Logistic analysis of hypertensive conditions with categorized blood lead and other selected categorized independent variables indicated that only age(40> and 40≤) and fatness(1.0> and 1.0≤) were significantly contributed to dependent variable with 95% significant odd ratio confidence interval. With above results, lead exposure in terms of blood lead seemed to be minimally contributed to the raise of blood pressure, and the effect of blood lead was found to be more prominent on the pressure difference than the systolic and diastolic pressure themselves.

      • 大型 淡水産새우, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man)의 生殖生理에 관한 硏究 : 수새우 생식기관과 정포의 형태 Structure of Male Reproductive Organ and Spermatophore

        이복규,김병기,권진수 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 2000 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        In the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, the paired tests were united by the testes bridge in a H-shape. During mating male discharged two hemispermtophores from right and left genital pore and they were joined and formed a compound spermatophore in peach shape. Hemispermatophore was considered to be produced at proximal and middle vas deferens region. The compound spermatophore consisted of an eosinophilic inner matrix, a basophilic outer matrix and paired sperm mass burried in the basophilic matrix. The size of compound spermatophore was 6.4∼9.3 mm in length and 2.4∼5.1 mm in width regardless of carapace length. After the spermatophore was deposited on female's ventral sternum behind of 5th pereiopod, it was moved to the ventral surface of 3rd and 4th pereiopods by means of the beating of male's 1st and 2nd pleopods.

      • 人物品藻 風潮가 詩·書·畵論 形成에 미친 影響

        이규복 원광대학교 2005 論文集 Vol.35 No.-

        In China, the Wei-Jin and the South-North Dynasty was the time when art and literature had been begun to follow its own way breaking off with the incipient aspect that form and substance were not free from the stereotyped subjects and conventionalization functioning as the subsidiaries of politics or education. Yuan Ji and Ji Kang' s music, Tao Yuanming and Xie Lingjun' s poetry, Cao Pi and Liu Suo' s literary theory, Wang Yizhi and Zhong Yao 's calligraphy and Xie Si' s portrayal vaulted into artistic reality. Likewise, it is no exaggeration to say that the foundation and spirit of Chinese artistic ideology was established concurrently with the advance of artistic theory. The reason why art and literature were advanced so much in the Wei-Jin and the South-North Dynasty may be the influence of current ideology and social trend. Namely, Xuanxue (a Chinese philosophy based on Laozi' s ideology; hereinafter referred to as "metaphysics") and personal criticism, which were being prevalent in those days, potently influenced on art and literature. In particular, the prevalence of metaphysics made artists freely express their art instinct it conspicuously differed from those of two Han Dynasties. In addition, the prevalence of personal criticism inspired persons, including not only artist but also general public, with aesthetics. Thanks to such ideate and social currents, it has been recognized that Chinese art and literature could be maximally prospered in the Wei-Jin and South-North Dynasty in spite of turbulent national situation. The present paper was focused on ascertaining the influence of personal criticism on poetry and calligraphy in the Wei-Jin and South-North Dynasty. Firstly, the personal criticism was analyzed in two facets such as the prevalence of metaphysics and the transition of official appointment system. Lastly, the method of personal criticism was observed centering on Renwuzhi (a book written to criticize major persons, by Liu Shao in Wei Dynasty) and Shishuoxinyu (a book written to gather the anecdotes of celebrities, by Liu Yiqing in Song Dynasty) in order to consider correlation with poetry, calligraphy and portrayal. As a result, it was known that poetry, calligraphy and portrayal all quoted the method of personal criticism as those are, as well as such experiences and methods were absorbed into literary criticism. Particularly, the criticism based on Jin (muscle), Gu (bone), Rou (flesh), Ji (skin), Xie (blood), Xing (physique) and Shen (spirit) remarkably influenced on not merely Chinese critical literature but the concept of aesthetics.

      • 대게 Chionoecetes opilio (O. Fabricius)의 난발생 및 부화 유생의 형태

        이복규,임영수,이종관,허성범 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 1999 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper documented mophological changes of embryonic development and first zoea larvae of snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio. Female crabs were sampled by the Danish seine fishery at the depth about 200m in Sep. 1997 in the eastern coast of Korea. Female with newly berried eggs was reared at the water temperature of 5℃ till the time of hatching. The results obtained are as follows. Embryonic development : According to morphogenesis of fertilized eggs, the developmental process of the embryo was classified into the following seven stages : First stage (cleavage and blastula stage, 24 days) Second stage (gastrula stage, 72 days) Third stage (nauplius stage, 22 days) Fourth stage (metanauplius stage, 57 days) Fifth stage (stage of a pigmentary deposit in the compound eye, 30 days) Sixth stage (chromatophore appearance stage in maxillipede, 56 days) Seventh stage (hatching stage, 36 days) Larvae hatched as prezoeas and they molted to first zoea in about an hour. The first zoea is 4.6 to 5.1 ㎜ in length, 3.2∼3.6 ㎜ in width. The abdomen consists of five segments and a bifurcate telson.

      • KCI우수등재

        식사 대용식을 사용한 단기간의 체중 조절 : 한국인 비만 성인 여성에서 식사 대용식에 대한 연구 Meal replacements trial in Korean Obese women

        이복기,이규래,박미현 대한비만학회 2002 The Korean journal of obesity Vol.11 No.2

        연구배경 : 최근의 비만 인구의 증가와 체중 조절에 대한 관심이 증가하면서 식사 대용식의 사용이 많아지고 있다. 그러나 이러한 제품들이 실제적인 효과 면에서 문제가 되고 있음이 많이 보고되고 있고, 무분별한 사용으로 경제적인 측면에서 많은 손실이 초래되고 있음이 현실이다. 이에 본 논문은 비만 여성에 대한 식사 대용식에 대한 연구를 함으로써 국내에서 시판되는 식사 대용식의 효능과 안전성에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 대중 매체 및 인터넷 사이트를 통하여 자원한 여성들 중 체질량 지수 25kg/㎡ 이상의 25 ~ 35세의 여성 54명을 선별하여 6주간의 연구가 진행되었다. 참여한 54명을 2군으로 분류하여 식사 대용식 사용군 (A군)은 식사 대용식을 아침과 저녁 식사에 사용하였고 대조군 (B군)의 경우는 식사와 운동에 대한 교육만을 시행하였다. 모든 연구 대상자에 대해서 초기 방문과 3주 째, 그리고 6주 째에 신체 계측 치들과 체 성분, 그리고 대사적인 변수들을 측정하고 6주간의 식사일기를 분석하였다. 결과 : 54명의 연구 대상자 중 42명이 6주간의 연구 기간을 마쳤고, 그 중 식사 일기의 분석이 가능한 35명을 최종 대상자로 하였다. 6주의 연구 동안 A군은 1042.61±179.73kcal/day를 섭취하였고 B군은 1313.49±308.07 kcal/day를 섭취하여 두 군간의 통계적으로 의미있는 차이가 있었다. 신체 계측치와 체 성분에 미치는 영향은 A군에서 체중 (-3.84±1.97 kg), 체지방률 (-1.42±2.20%), 허리 둘레, 둔부 둘레에서 의미 있는 감소를 보였고, B군에서는 체중 (-3.39±2.25 kg), 허리 둘레, 둔부 둘레에서 의미 있는 감소를 보였다. A군에서는 수축기, 이완기 혈압, LDL 콜레스테롤에서 의미있는 감소를 보였고, B군에서는 수축기 혈압, 총 콜레스테롤 , LDL 콜레스테롤에서 의미 있는 감소를 보였다. 양군간의 체중과 체지방률의 변화량의 비교에서는 유의한 차이를 보이지 못했다. 결론 : 이 결과는 한국의 성인 여성에서 6주 동안 하루 2번의 식사 대용식을 사용할 때, 섭취량을 줄이고 체중과 체지방률을 줄이는 데 효과적인 방법임을 시사한다. 그렇지만 대조군과의 비교를 위해서는 좀 더 장기간의 연구가 필요하다. Background : Among the obese and those interested in weight reduction, the use of meal replacements recently has gained popularity. The efficacy and safety of meal replacements, however, has been questioned. In addition, the imprudent use of meal replacements lead to significant economic costs. Therefore, this study will investigate the efficacy and safety of meal replacements by examining obese women who take meal replacements. Methods: This experiment was conducted with subjects who volunteered through the internet and the mass media. The duration of the experiment was six weeks. The subjects consisted of 54 obese women (BMI>25) whose ages ranged from 25 to 35.54 subjects were divided into two groups : Group A, the experimental group, took meal replacements for breakfast and dinner. Group B, the control group, received instruction concerning exercises and diets. anthropometric measurement, body composition and metabolic variations were evaluated the first day, the third week and the sixth week; in addition, the subjects' diet diaries were analyzed. Results : 42 out of 54 finished the six weeks experiments. 35 out of the 42 completed diet diaries. The results are based on the 35 subjects' diet diaries. Group A took 1042.61±179.73 kcal/day, and group B took 1313.49±308.07 kcal/day for six weeks. This is a statistically significant difference between two groups. Group A showed a significant reduction in weight (-3.84±1.97 kg), the percentage of body fat (-1.42±2.20%), and in waist and hip circumference. Group B also showed a significant reduction in weight (-3.39±2.25 kg) and in waist and the hip circumference. In group A, there was a significant reduction in the LDL cholesterol and in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In group B, there was a significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and in systolic blood pressure. There was no significant difference in changes of weight and body fat between the two groups. Conclusion : From these results, Korean women who took meal replacements twice a day for six weeks reduced their oral intake, weight and body fat. However, long-term studies are needed to clarify the comparison between two groups.

      • 동남참게, Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan)의 種苗生産에 關한 生物學的 基礎硏究 : 3. Physiological Study of Osmolality of the Body Fluid and Oxygen Consumption of the Larvae 3. 幼生의 體液 渗透質 濃度 및 酸素 消費에 關한 生理學的 硏究

        李福奎,權晉洙 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 1994 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        Ion concentrations and osmolalities of the body fluid and oxygen consumption of the larvae of the freshwater crab, under the influence of various salinities and water temperatures were studied. The level of Na^+ and Cl^- ions in the body fluid of the crab placed in the low salinities (freshwater and 30% seawater) were higher at the low temperature(16℃) than high temperature (30℃). However, the crab in the high salinity (90% seawater), those ions in the body fluid were higher at the high temperature (30℃) than the low temperature (10℃). When the zoea larvae were young (first and second stages), the ion concentrations of the body fluid were more affected by salinities and temperatures of the media. The salinity levels of the media more influenced the levels of K^+ ions of the body fluid of the larvae than the temperature. The osmolalities of the body fluid of the larvae was almost isotonic when they were place at 70% seawater (24.5‰). Oxygen consumption of individual larva was lower in zoea 1 and 2 stages than the other stage larvae. The high oxygen consumption of the larvae was observed at 70% seawater compared to the other salinity levels.

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