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        복어중독에 의한 가사 상태에서 소생한 1예

        송승찬,신진호,강석우,박경남,최호순,박근태,문희식,기춘석,이성희,윤병철,노우균,조균석,이민호 大韓應急醫學會 1998 대한응급의학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Tetrodotoxin is a neurotoxin produced by about 90 species of puffer fish and causes paralysis of central nervous system and peripheral nerves by blocking the movement of all monovalent cation. Ingestion of tetrodotoxin produces clinical manifestations such as paresthesias(within 10-45 min), vomiting, lightheadedness, salivation, muscle twitching, dysphagia, difficulty in speaking, convulsion and death that expressed by cardiopulmonary arrest with loss of brain stem reflex sometimes. Tetrodotoxin prevents or delays ischemia induced neuronal death by way of following 3 mechanisms. Firstly, it reduces the energy demand of the brain tissues. Secondly, it delays or even prevents anoxic depolarization. Finally, it deminishes ischemia induced cell swelling and cerebral edema. We report a case of puffer fish poisoning which presented with cardiopulmonary arrest and loss of brain stem reflex, but completely recovered by aggressive cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

      • KCI등재후보

        월리스 스티븐스의 시에 나타난 개별성의 양상에 대한 추적

        양균원 한국현대영어영문학회 2003 현대영어영문학 Vol.47 No.1

        To lead a poetical life, for Wallace Stevens, was to dwell on the earth without the help of anything Absolute but human mind. However, the mind or imagination, which Stevens considered as a necessary constituent of life as well as poetry, did not necessarily mean its omnipotent control or creation of the world. He used the imagination the way we rarely expected the Romantic imagination to work. Despite his apparent dependence on human mind, Stevens did not allow it to create the world as imagined. The world as reality, for Stevens, was constructed through a variety of relations among many parts including the poet himself. First, reality of a certain thing is constructed in its relations to the poet. Second, it is also composed in its relations to other things surrounding itself. Third, it is gradually formed as the constituents of the first and second relations resemble and influence one another over long years. In this formation, human mind is not a creator but merely a participant, however true it is that the participant sometimes takes a leading role. Over his whole poetic career Stevens never ceased to trace an ever-changing agreement between himself and the thing. He yielded himself to the hardness of the thing itself as often as he did to his mind. In terms of general and historical relations involved in the formation of reality it was created or revealed not by the poet but out of life. Stevens no doubt regarded man as part of a certain whole although he was easily treated as a model of humanism by people who gave hasty trust to the imagination. In Stevens's characteristic comprehension of the thing, reality was so individual and particular that it could not be generalized into rational knowledge. Besides, it turned to be somewhat abstract and communal because it mingled with something spiritual of the place which was formed through historical relations and resemblances between the poet and his surrounding things for a long while. This abstractness was not such conception as to reach through the process of generalization. It was the invisible which was naturally absorbed in the visible. This communal traits of reality was not made out of social ethics and norms. It did not have a tint of high culture and tradition as in T. S. Eliot's concept of "the mind of Europe". It was local traits formed through a long history of affinity between the place and the poet living there for life. Stevens traced aspects of reality in his poetry of the earth and expressed his faith in a possible beauty of the world without God.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공동해손의 법률관계와 해상보험

        이균성 한국해운물류학회 2004 해운물류연구 Vol.43 No.-

        이 논문은 공동해손의 제도 내지 희생·비용의 부담 또는 분담에 관한 법률관계와 해상보험관계 및 상호 관권성을 연구·검토하였다. 먼저, 공동해손의 의의와 기본이념 및 요크·앤트워프 규칙에 관한 개괄적인 논술에 이어, 공동해손의 법률관계에 관하여는 이해관계인 간의 분담대상이 되는 공동해손 희생·비용을 중심으로 법률요건으로서의 공동해손의 성립과 효과를 논급하였다. 다음에, 해상보험관계에 관하여는 해상손해 곧 해손으로서의 공동해손 희생·비용에 대한 해상보험자인 선박보험자와 적하보험자 및 P&I 클럽의 보험계약상의 보상책임의 내용과 범위를 정리하였다. 그리고 해상운송계약상의 과실공동해손조항 또는 제이슨조항과 관련하여, 선원의 항해 과실에 기인한 공동해손의 경우 하주측의 분담책임 내지 선주에 대한 그 구상청구의 문제에 관하여, 종래의 헤이그규칙의 처지와 항해과실면책주의를 폐지하고 있는 함부르크규칙 아래서의 문제점을 분석하였다. General average is the system forming a part of maritime law and is quite apart from marine insurance. However, it is practically brought into marine insurance because of the liability for general average sacrifice or contribution being accepted by marine underwriters. Therefore, this article is aimed to describe and analyze the legal principles of general average in connection with the marine insurance coverage including the indemnification by P&I club. And also, it deals with the General Average Clause of the Hague Rules and the Hamburg Rules in respect of the contract of carriage by sea.

      • 문자 C로서의 희극인 : 현실주의자의 상상력 The Imagination for a Realist

        양균원 대진대학교 1995 大眞論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        At the end of 'The Comedian as the Letter C,' Crispin the protagonist accepts his fate as realist after a voyage of romantic perceptions which had been dissolved by the sea and frightened by the thunderstorms of Yucatan. This acceptance might be unavoidable since he was not allowed to rely on the romantic and mythological imagination of the past. But Crispin's surrender to reality does not necessarily mean failure of his imagination. Although Crispin comes to terms with a life "without the slightest adventures," he never quite vanquishes his imagination. The point is that the imagination should be of different king and help "the stiffest realist" to lay hold of the potential in the real. This cannot be said to be an ultimate union of reality and the imagination, but it is no doubt sure that Crispin's quest for reality was not intended to disapprove the imagination itself. Crispin's problem was to find a new imagination for a realist. This poem is about how an everyday man lives an imaginative life, accepting his fate as yeoman and grub.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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